《Slayerbat's Monster Manual》Harpies, and Jub-Jubs
Name: Harpy and Jub-Jub
Race: Harpy: Beastman (A race between people and beast, that can function on instincts alone, or be civilized depending on them)
Jub-Jub: Monster
Sub-race: Bird People
Place on the Pyramid of Power (PPP): Harpy: Sentient to higher Supernatural
Jub-Jub: Supernatural to minor Force of Nature
World: Xentos and many others (Though we are focusing on the Xentos ones in particular)
Habitat: Mainly the Islands in the ocean. There are small tribes that move about the mainland and trade
Biology: Harpies: Most of what you are aware of what Harpies are. They are typically winged women, and depending on the setting they are fairly gross or nasty. I am pleased to inform you that these aren't your typical harpies. There are both male and female harpies, and they are the only race that is outright immune to almost all types of monster blood.
Starting off with their hair, well they simply don't have any. Instead what they do have is a plume of feathers that will trail from their heads, all the way to their tails. They also have a tiny set of wings that rest on the back of their heads. These wings can be used to cover their faces, acting as filters or shades for breathing or flying. Their eyes are incredibly sharp, with double irises giving them a sort of natural scope vision. While their faces appear human in structure one would easily notice that they do have beaks, where the nose and jaw form together.
To make their beaks stranger still, if their mouths are open you will notice a row of grinding teeth just in front of the tongue. The beaks are powerful, and specialized for their area or diets. While the teeth behind them function as a sort of crude gizzard for reducing what they eat into paste. Because of their unique mouths, they are very adept at changing the range of their voices, making them excellent singers.
All harpies are lithe creatures, given that even without magic they will be able to glide along strong winds. Though they physically cannot fly without magic, they are still able to glide with the best of them. Harpies are a race without actual arms and hands, and as such they rely on their powerful talons, and others in their community or tribe to help them with daily hygiene. It is actually rather common for humans or elves to be taken by harpies outright, or traded as slaves with them. If only because those hands they lack and the need for them to build structures for them.
To make up for their lack of hands, all harpies are very capable runners and gliders. Their thighs are covered in their softest feathers, and from the knee down they have scaled shins and unique bones. The muscles and scale of their legs actively reduces the damage from falling. A harpy can reach terminal velocity or even exceed such, do a flip and use their talons to transfer all of the force into their opponent. While the harpy itself would break their leg doing such, whatever they hit by turning themselves into a missile will typically be dead, or broken.
They tend to do this as a last resort, and if they intend on dying with their enemy they will use magic to accelerate. Harpies are not afraid of dying as they were created to be a proud warrior race. They were there when the lands were barren, dying repeatedly to spread the seeds of life, and dropping the first fish into the ocean. Their faith is absolute towards their creator.
As a general rule, you can tell if a harpy is male or female if they have plumage on their chest. Males will not, while females will, with such covering their chests. Harpies will also tend to sleep in a sitting our crouching position because of how their bodies are formed. On the ground they will look like hunched over humans with beaks for faces, stooping while they walk or run. This makes them take up as little space as possible when sleeping in a nest or home. The typical harpy will only live to forty years of age, maximum.
Jub-Jubs: Harpies are a matriarchal culture given that only their female members will become Jub-Jubs. The plumage on their chest will become more vibrant and merge with the feathers on their back making a sort of mane. It is very rare for people to actually see a jub-jub, given they are the leaders of their tribe. Beyond the mane of feathers, jub-jubs are typically taller than the other harpies, and will have three longer feathers running down their necks. These feathers are typically one on the top of their forehead with one on either temple. Though they can change position depending on the tribe.
Jub-Jubs are essentially harpies, but better, and with black blood that identifies them as monsters. Their skin is typically paler, and the whites of their eyes are black. They still have the double irises, but they also have specialized nerves embedded inside such. These special muscles typically make it appear as if the Jub-Jub has crosshairs centered around their pupil, but it just makes their eyesight much more powerful. A sort of natural sniper's scope in a sense that they can see perfectly for miles, and block out blinding flashes and glare due to the specialized nerves. They have the best physical eyesight of all the creatures on Xentos, and will see anyone, well before they themselves are seen.
Jub-Jub feathers are also typically longer than harpy feathers, with metal edges, effectively turning them into tiny knives. It is not uncommon for Jub-Jubs to use wind magic to launch loose feathers at their prey from up above, or with a flap of their wings. These feathers are also quick to regrow as the Jub-Jub holds a decent regeneration. While it cannot regenerate limbs, she won't bleed out. Jub-Jubs will use their wings and the metal tipped feathers to defend themselves from attacks. Which works well against blunt objects, but not so much against slicing and piercing strikes.
What really separates a Jub-Jub from a harpy however is how well they can fly. A Jub-Jub has incredible muscles, allowing it to fly naturally and swiftly even without magic. Not only that, but the Jub-Jub actually has dragon scale talons which can actually tear through a dragon's hide. It is not the dragons that rule the skies of Xentos, but the Jub-Jubs that force them to stay in the Southern Kingdom due to previous feuds. The Jub-Jub can exceed terminal velocity and strike the ground with much more force than a harpy, and walk away from it with slight bruising.
One last important thing, jub-jubs do have a set of arms, unlike harpies. These are completely human hands, with just a little less strength than a fiend. The physical might of the jub-jub isn't that they are strong, but that they can take a lot of damage and keep on going. Blunt damage does almost nothing to them. While their talons have strength on par with a full grown dragon. These are very resilient and dangerous monsters, with the cunning to match. Jub-Jubs can live up to one hundred years after they become such.
Diet: Both: Harpies and Jub-Jubs tend to eat the same things, and their beaks reflect what their diets tend to revolve around. Sharp curved beaks will suggest a life of catching and devouring prey, while stouter beaks might mean they eat fruit and nuts. They are omnivores, but their preference means a lot to them. That said, they are one of the only creatures that can eat untreated monster flesh and walk it off. The Jub-Jubs however, can eat any flesh without issue.
Concept: The first beastmen race to ever walk Xentos. More about that will be revealed further down. Because of how they were made, and who made them, they kind of break the rules about one magic per character. Harpies and Jub-Jubs both have excellent wing magic. They need it to fly, and it helps them actually survive. What I mean to say is that every single member of their race has wind magic, with a secondary magic type.
Now, I know what you're thinking. I said many times before that usually most creatures, people, or monsters can only use one type of magic. The exceptions of such pertain to talents, and such. You're absolutely right! That rule remains unbroken, but here's the catch. Religious magic users can use magic based on what their god can do. Making priests very versatile. Why bring this up? Well the harpies are all blessed by the Mad God, who once upon a time was the God of Magic. (Still technically is, despite the 'new' title)
Due to events in their past, the harpies were blessed by the Mad God, and the first Jub-Jub was created after the Darkest Night. There are too many different individual tribes to go through, since there is typically one tribe per type of magic. I say typically because some tribes over their long history, have split making other tribes. Because of this, the Mad God and harpy tribes sort of mirror each other given how close they are. Each tribe is a reflection of one of the Mad God's different personalities.
The wind that every tribe has, reflects the Mad God's love for his harpies. The tool they need to survive and exist on Xentos. One that allows them to grow stronger since they can use the other magic they are born with. The tribes intermingle a lot, because of this. Harpies born able to use water magic, despite being in a fire wielding tribe will be allowed to mature until they can hunt for themselves. Then they are expected to find the water tribe and become a part of them.
Harpies use wind magic in every part of their life, and as such they are all masters when it comes to using such. They don't use it to just fly, they use it to carefully pick up food and put it into their mouths, they clean themselves with it, just about anything wind can be used for they have done it and passed it on to other tribes. Especially if something new was discovered, or shows promise.
It should also be noted that while their culture is very open with teaching each other, they tend to keep what they learn from other races. Typically they will make deals with talented individuals if they are aware of such, offering fair trades for new insights or even their own knowledge if needed. The trade itself can be pretty open, such as an elf that discovered how to tell blood types gaining the protection of the harpies for his tribe. They do not forget deals, and they pass down their history by constantly speaking to each other.
I suppose it might be for the best to mention a couple notable tribes. Though I'm more interested in actually getting some questions to answer. So feel free to ask about any tribe related to any magic, and I'll give you those answers.
Relationships: Both: Since most tribes are lead by a Jub-Jub, they tend to get along well with each other. They haven't forgotten their purpose, or the choice they made on the darkest night. They are unified in that if one tribe is threatened to become extinct, the others nearby will do their best to save them. Spats have been had, and will continue to happen, but at the end of the day if something threatens them they will act and move as one. Probably the most unified race on Xentos actually, even including hive minds, and ruling monsters. Just because of their numbers and how long they've been around.
Eclipse: Generally no harpy tends to make it that far, nor do they seek to go that deep inland. If they do make it there, it's typically with others to just keep an eye on what's going on. It isn't uncommon for traders to exchange unbiased information with them, as well as making dead drops with each other. Though that has more to do with the king keeping them on friendly enough terms.
Kingdom of Light: The elves running the Eastern kingdom are on decent terms with the harpy tribes neighboring their borders in the ocean. While the oldest elves remember their decision, the younger generations aren't even aware. Some tribes hate them, others adore them. Generally it's a mixed bag of politics and policies depending on what a harpy tribe did to an elf tribe, or what agreements were made. The elves can't really sail out to sea with the harpies ready to pelt their ships with all manner of things, and the harpies can't really settle onto the mainland with elves trying to hunt them. Though there are a couple harpy tribes that have done just that.
The harpies themselves make certain that every one of their tribes recall just who they serve. They will trade with the elves, but typically they also steal from them. This leads to a sort of imbalance in the relationships as their leaders change more often, while the same elf stays in charge for centuries. Harpies are more prone to looking down on elves however, because of their history.
Kingdom of Dark Fell: The monster king absolutely hates them, but there isn't anything he can do about them. Most monsters are instinctively afraid of the harpies thanks to their true creator. That fear cannot be taken away, but there are land based monsters more than happy to eat harpy flesh. Because of such, the monster king has kept any monster that can fight against harpies close to his castle, ready to defend if they move to end him.
The Harpies themselves absolutely despise the monster king, given that their leaders aren't immune to his talent. Because of this, they typically have festivals where they gather refuse and just drop it all over the monster king's castle. Normal harpies are immune to his talent, and by the time said king can react the same harpies are already flying home.
Kingdom of Fire: The Kingdom of Fire has treaties and relationships with dragons. The dragons hate the harpies, thanks to their draconic pride. The people of the Fire Kingdom do not mind the harpies too much so long as they aren't affected by them. Most humans try to befriend the tribes for protection and food, while small villages might perform rituals, or give offerings to appease them. Even the Fire Lord isn't above enlisting harpy aid through gifts of metal and slaves to protect the land bridges.
The tribes themselves are generally nicer to humans, because their creator admitted to being one before becoming a god. Most tribes see it as their duty to help the humans that do respect the Mad God. To that end, they typically end up kidnapping preachers or other individuals that speak of the Mad God's graces. While those left behind fear the worst, these people are actually treated rather well, and are cared for.
Northern Kingdom: The Dwarves are watched by the Harpies that have made their home among the coldest mountains. While the Dwarves do not know they are there, said harpies prevent them from finding the cradle of life as ordered by their creator. The other gods are not allowed access to the cradle, and if heralds are around they create blizzards and hide among the freezing temperatures.
Romance: Harpies: You can, but don't expect anything unique to happen. Harpies will lay fertilized eggs in clutches of 2-4, and such will always result in more harpy offspring. It should be noted that there will not be any hybrids, or crossbreeds, and that all offspring made by harpies will either be their race, or the female race if the mate was male. That's just how they work.
Depending on the tribe, things in bed can get rather interesting. Plus more than a few of them are happy to fly and engage in intercourse at the same time. Plus most tribes have soft feathers, so if you're into cuddles well there you go. Though kissing isn't exactly something that can be done, given their beaks.
Jub-Jubs: Oddly enough, they are just like harpies. Though they tend to be much more dominant, and might prefer struggle snuggles.
Creation: Technically the first creatures every created by the one that would become the Mad God. They were made to bring life to the barren planet that would become known as Xentos. Through their creation, they gave the Mad God hope for the future, and a stronger will to settle on this unknown galaxy.
Purpose: They made their choice to serve the Mad God, even fighting him to share his burdens. A display that gave him a fragment of a true god, and elevated the former man to an actual godly state. They love their creator, and they can feel his unending love in return. They weep with him for what has become of Dark Fall, and plead for the order to take down the Monster King. The Mad God consoles them, as he does not wish to see his children fight among themselves. He does not wish to see the Jub-Jubs turned against their own tribes. Instead they watch the false gods, keeping them from finding the cradle of life, as asked by their creator.
They wait, and learn, watching and singing long forgotten histories and stories. They listen for rumors of talented individuals and offer deals. They grow stronger with every generation, honing their craft and attempting to learn all they can for the day their creator needs them. They hunt down disgusting talents, offering them to their lord, who then bestows their kin with more love in whatever form it takes. The Mad God's goals are their own, and so they wait for the day he will freely create more children.
Lore: The first race to walk the barren wastes of Xentos. Before the first dwarves, before the first elves, there were harpies. A race created while the humans slept in their pods. The captain that would become the first true god guiding them. No one could have expected that a different galaxy would adhere to it's own physics and sciences. When the space ships were forced to crash onto Xentos by some invisible unknown rule, the AI and the captain had to restructure the basic code of how the ships and everything actually worked. The Captain himself losing function in his mechanical parts before finally creating another AI to aide them.
With the new aide, everything moved faster, and they were able to use technically impossible formulas to allow the AI to continue working. After studying his own cells, said Captain discovered the double helix was becoming a quasi-triple helix mesh as the rules of the galaxy changed him and the others at a molecular level. Decades would pass before proteins and other artificial cells were manufactured. Vats and pods would work so long as the technology was sufficiently advanced. The parts that burned out during the initial crash and even after were salvaged and rebuilt according to projections.
The first batches failed, then the next, and so on until the third day where finally multiple tests succeeded for seemingly no reason. New theories were cataloged, as a serum was administered to the crew still in their pods. Something to allow their DNA to change and adapt to the rules of this galaxy. A painful process that the Captain had to endure first hand. The barren planet itself held no life, but with the first artificial cells and templates for DNA codes, he was able to construct the first proto-harpies.
The first batch failed, as did the second. The third however worked, confirming a few suspicions. Energy was no issue, as generators were built according to the third attempt. The ambient energy of the galaxy appeared to multiply based on itself and the interactions with such. It would take three whole years for the first harpy to be brought out into the desolate world. Sent out in groups of three, they were to plant the first, second, and third strains of seeds, algae, and life unto the planet itself. The first steps of terraforming Xentos began.
Centuries passed as more and more harpies were sent out to die, their flesh becoming fuel and compost for the planet's first plants. The Captain took to naming them, first with superficial names, then ones that held meaning to him. The galaxy itself responded to the intention of one's words, and the feeling behind them. It did not care for the meaning, as it was observed the more one felt towards the harpies, the more animated they would become in turn.
The harpies became more human in appearance, their feathers becoming softer, their features less ugly to the eye. With such changes, they started to come back from their missions more and more. Their forms evolving over millennia. Slowly, but surely a third of the plants would take root, slowly forming a protective layer of ozone, and the air became more breathable. The time he spent could not be slept through, for fear of never waking up, and the AI needing his orders to continue. The Captain poured over texts of his world's history, and how his home galaxy was conquered before they turned their attention to their closest neighbor. He played ancient games, solved puzzles, and generally kept himself occupied. His mechanical bits were replaced with newer parts, while his organic body had to be reconstructed every couple of decades to maintain proper health.
Soon he was able to walk upon the first patch of grass, breathing the thin air thanks to his mechanical lung. Yet, he was unable to take the first step off the ship and onto the grass, watching the red sun set. He walked back inside realizing he needed someone, anyone to witness this with him. The humans were not ready, and to test a few theories he decided to create the perfect harpy, whom he would name Sera. Her line named and modeled after the angels themselves. Designed with increased intelligence, and perception, he had chips installed so that if one body might perish she could be replaced.
Three more years passed while he showed her what he could through the transmitters that a few harpies carried out to show them how the world was finally growing. The wild flowers and edible plants growing without any animals besides the harpies to touch them. Self pollinating plants, before the first, second, and third line of bugs were spread across the world to enforce more plant growth and different types. The two finally stepped off the ship, and onto the grass, as Sera's previously dull eyes gained some light to them. The world was not yet ready for those that were asleep, but it was ready for the first elves and beasts to spread out and prepare for the coming of man.
These creatures were truly modified from the human genome, made after the fantasy races of old. Their purpose to mine for precious metals, and cater to their masters. Yet, unknown to the Captain, they would create a feedback loop as emotions developed. Thousands of years would pass, and they would slowly become their own races, with their own desires. They sought to oppose their creator, while the harpies continued to carry about their task.
It was far too soon, for the humans had to be woken up. Even after one cluster of elves broke the pods in the area they were living in. The AI would bestow the formula and theories upon the Captain, and Sera, as they were the first to learn magic and how to use it. In it's raw primal form, it was an energy that could be used for anything. The limits were simply one's imagination, and the strength of their will. The Dwarves were left alone to fester as they hoarded minerals and ores, slowly becoming magical themselves.
The Elves that destroyed the pods holding their humans were eradicated. The pods themselves were moved about the world as a new line of elves were created. The same issue would crop up again, as if it was merely meant to be. No matter how the elves were tweaked or adjusted, they always came to the conclusion that the pods were wrong, and that such had to be destroyed. Finally the Captain had had enough. The remaining hundred humans of the thousand they started with, were awoken and given lesser versions of the formula.
The Elves were wiped out, this time replaced with the final attempt, the third and last. Everything was calm for a few centuries while the Captain and his crew were cared for. Sera was always there by his side, helping him as he watched the human numbers begin to swell past the dwarves and elves. The Captain became known as a god, while his most loyal crewmates were to ascend with him. They would take Xentos and move out to conquer the galaxy as originally planned. That was, until the Darkest Night came.
A true god descended that day, kicking off a battle that would shape Xentos into what it looks like today. The God of Magic punished for his hubris, and forced to accept a fragment of a true god of magic. The galaxy itself marred by such a powerful object, as the captain began to lose himself to the power. Yet, he was not alone. Sera died that day, crying out to him, taking his pain, and helping him to remember who he was supposed to be. There were no more bodies for her, not one chip left with her memories. She was gone, and so the Mad God came unto being through grief and sadness.
The Dark God returned to the portal he came through, leaving an omen of his return should his monoliths be broken. The demons he revealed to linger on Xentos, moving to protect them as ordered by their king. The Mad God saw his crewmates, that looked so foreign to him now. They were bickering amongst themselves, vowing to build a trap for that monster. With his new found power he scattered the remnants of the space ships, hiding the lost knowledge of their galaxy across Xentos.
How quick the fools were to turn against him, forgetting about their crusade against the elves. Everything made so much more sense, with so much knowledge bestowed upon him. Still he felt himself slipping as more voices wormed their way into his head. He would never be whole again, so as the final act of who he was he asked what the races he created wanted to do. He split himself to ask them, feeling their desires down to the very bottom of their souls.
The Mad God announced that the Elves, and Dwarves were to be allowed to go free, and build their lives as they saw fit. The Harpies chose to serve, and so they would serve him because of Sera's sacrifice. He stripped the others of their magic, allowing them to turn worship into power so that they might ascend and understand that such power was not meant for anyone to hold onto.
Fun Ideas: Honestly, I can't think of any super fun ideas to do with them. They are harpies, but kind of bad ass. They have a lot of potential for stories, and jub-jubs just scream final boss material, or high powered campaign character to play as. They are strong, and you can do whatever you want with them really.
Harpies can play a side role in just delivering messages and telling characters what is going on outside of their little campaign. Though the variety of the tribes leaves a lot of potential for suiting your needs. Heck if one of your players wants to adopt a harpy, why not have such fly away in teenage angst, forcing the players to trail after to explore new things? They are great for adventure type games.
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