《True.Love.Crossing.Worlds. (TLCW)》Chapter One: The Boy Who Lived No Longer
Daily Prophet Extra Edition October 31st, 2071
We at the Daily Prophet have done our due diligence with bringing the public updates on current events as they unfolded. Today, we reached the conclusion of the case that has shocked and shattered this country to its core. Today, not only was former Minister of Magic Hermione Jean Potter (nee Granger) quietly executed via the Veil of Death in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry, but this reporter had a front row seat to the trial proceeding where we learned just how many crimes our former Minister committed, and they are indeed plentiful. In today’s Extra Edition of the Daily Prophet, this reporter plans to explain in detail the dark secrets revealed by the Minister we were once so proud of.
Fair Warning: If you have little one’s present, DO NOT let them around while reading this edition, for the content is not only gruesome, but so tainted with evil it may infect our children’s innocent minds. Also, in fairness to those who are not up today, or ignorant to certain aspects of our history, this article will take the time to explain things. Hence its immense length. If you are caught up, or do not need the extra explaining, do feel free to skip ahead.
At exactly 10am yesterday morning, the Wizengamot, the Wizard and Magical Creatures Council (created by the Former Minister Potter), convened in what was quiet possibly the largest court assembly seen to date, and there will still bodies standing both in and out of the room and down the hall. Before I get to the events that followed, I feel I must add that Mr. Potter, our dear savior and hero, was not in attendance, but rather his former ward, Teddy Lupin, seventy-three years of age, and the first international auror, attended in his stead. Given what we learned today, this report is grateful for this fact.
The room was a buzz as the Wizengamot and the Council’s filed in and took their seats. The chatter lasted for several minutes, but when the Auror’s began to enter the room signifying the prisoner’s approach, the room fell quiet. The sound of chains echoed throughout the hall as they clinked against the marble. This reporter can honestly say that the sight of the former Minister in chains, wearing the rags common for prisoners, robbed of all her dignity, really hit home the reality of the situation.
Mrs. Potter fought against the Auror’s bringing her into the chamber with every step. Her legendary bushy hair was matted and crazier than ever. Her once flawless complexion now dirtied. Her screams of outrage and demands to be released so she could return to her husband’s side burned the ears of all who were present. Due to the accusations made against her and the severity of it all, all who were present held no compassion for the woman, and her pleas fell on deaf ears.
If there was ever a person to compare Mrs. Potter’s state to, it would be that of the Legendary Black Mistress Bellatrix Lestrange. Killed at the Battle of Hogwarts on May 2nd, 1998, by one Molly Weasley (nee Prewett) in defense of her children. Whose mannerisms and style can be seen in any History book or the memories of the survivors of the Battle of Hogwarts.
Mrs. Potter was forced into a chair, as her chains were secured to the floor. She attempted to break free of them several times, all of them as ineffective as the last.
One should remember such shackles were perfected after the last Wizarding War when those who supported the late Dark Lord Voldemort still came from out of the wood work to finish what he started. Especially as our world began implementing changes by our hero, Harry Potter, and his band of allies, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and the future Mrs. Potter, that furthered our society. The actual inventor has never been named, even to this day. The shackles block the magic of the persons they are enclosed upon, in the past, they would burn when a person attempted to use magic. If enough power was poured into them, they could break. It only occurred a handful of times. In the case of one Lucius Malfoy after the end of the Dark Lord Voldemort. The shackles of present, absorb the magic of the person they imprison, and uses it to keep them bound. No burning involved and the prisoner can never escape them.
The Chief Warlock, Marcus Greengrass, grandson of the late Daphne Longbottom (nee Greengrass), called the trial to order. The current Minister, Hecate Malfoy, the youngest daughter of Draco Malfoy and Astoria Malfoy (nee Greengrass) took the platform as the presiding judge. Everyone was shocked when Mrs. Potter began to shout profanities at the woman. All of them for the alleged crimes her father committed in the last war.
This reporter feels the need to remind the public that only a handful of crimes were proven to be true, as he confessed to them under the effects of Veritaserum. While he was not imprisoned, he gave a significant portion from what was left of the Malfoy wealth to the Ministry. A small portion to pay the fines he owed, donating the rest to the rebuilding efforts, much of it going to the families who had been robbed of their homes.
Minister Malfoy, ignoring the prisoner, began read the list of charges against Mrs. Potter, as the others agreed to the list after it was read, and with nothing further to add, allowed the trial to commence. This reporter took careful notice that everyone who spoke before the Veritaserum was administered, avoided using the titles: former Minister of Magic, Hermione Potter, wife of Harry Potter, and all the other titles she had accumulated over her life. Mrs. Potter’s situation and life were summed into one word: Prisoner.
The crimes, as all of you know, have been stated in the Prophet as they came to the light over the past several weeks. Still, for those rare few who were ignorant to them, they are as listed:
Dosing one Harry James Potter with love and loyalty potions for seventy-three years.
Committing line theft of one Harry James Potter.
The extinction of the race of House Elves.
As all of you would remember the last one came about last year, and it was the reason the Resistance became more violent in their attempts to get Mrs. Potter removed from office. Many joined before the extinction, and even more joined after the fact. Their last attack landed Mrs. Potter in St. Mungo’s two months ago, where the situation was brought to light. Due to her other crimes, the Council of Wizards and Magical Creatures thought it best that this crime receive its due punishment.
Though Chief Warlock Greengrass has gone on record saying this crime would have been punished regardless as they’d convened to give Mrs. Potter a vote of no confidence as our Minister. Removed from office, she would have been imprisoned in the future. The severity of her other crimes as they came to light hastened the situation and trial forward faster.
For clarification of the extinction of the house elves, for those rare few who are ignorant, in her young years at Hogwarts, Mrs. Potter founded S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare). After her revolutionary campaign on the education system at Hogwarts, and all other magical schools (which resulted in all but four magical schools with high reputations: Hogwarts, Ilvermorning, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons, being shut down.) Mrs. Potter took up C.R.A.M.S. (The Campaign for Rights for All Magical Species). The efforts of this saw the creatures such as Goblins, Centaurs, Merpeople, Giants, and the like all receive rights within the Magical World, and a place on the Council of Wizards, updating the name to the one we currently recognize.
On a side note, The Council of Wizards was established at the beginning of her term as Minister. The variety of Witches and Wizards between Pureblood and Squib, as well as Muggleborns themselves, being allowed to sit on this Council if they received enough nominations. Much of the Potter’s former classmates found themselves seats on that very council. Its establishment created so the Wizarding Worlds would see it’s concerns and ideas heard and considered by all, from every facet of our magical world. Not have them immediately thrown out by the Pureblood’s outdated notions, as Mrs. Potter had put it at the time.
The result of C.R.A.M.S. saw a revolution, a rebellion by those who wanted things to stay as they were, but most importantly, it also saw the extinction of the entire race of House Elves. As the public would remember, Mrs. Potter did not listen to the warnings from, literally, everyone, and the race went extinct when every witch and wizard could no longer be bonded with one. Mrs. Potter had made it illegal, calling it slavery. Her attempts to fine, if not imprison, several dozens of the Wizarding community she was sworn to protect led to the attack on her life. Resulting in her stay at St. Mungo’s where, due to suspicious wording of needing to fix her husbands morning tea and nightcap whiskey chaser, and the crazed persistence that went with it, saw an investigation being launched into the situation at the Potter home.
With the crimes read out, the head of the DMLE August Bones, son of Susan Bones who was the head of the DMLE before him and Justin Bones (nee Flinch-Fletchley, who the public would remember caused a scandal many years ago when he was the first male ever in the History of the magical world to take his wife’s name), stepped forward to administer the Veritaserum himself. Rather than allow one of the Auror’s under his command to do it. Whether this was an act of respect, or a show of just how serious of a threat Mrs. Potter was, is unknown to this reporter, and I did not think to ask.
Mrs. Potter thrashed, even spat at Director Bones when she failed to bite him. Her behavior before was shocking enough, but the way she fought to not get the dose of Veritaserum was suspicious. All in the room were curious and eager to know what secrets she was hiding. Let this reporter be clear on one thing, we were not prepared.
After the administration, the effect could clearly be seen, as Mrs. Potter’s breathing began to even out and her body relaxed. Perhaps a little too much, as pool of wet began to form between her legs.
It was at this point; Director Bones began his questioning. “Are you Hermione Potter, nee Granger?”
“I am.”
“Did you dose your husband Harry Potter with love and loyalty potions?”
“For how long, and why?”
It was at this point; the trial went south. Mrs. Potter confirmed to potioning him for seventy-three years. Before it was mere conjecture as to the length. Bear in mind that Mrs. Potter turned ninety-one this year, and Mr. Potter is currently ninety.
As for the why; it was because she was in love with him, obsessed with him, ever since their first year in Hogwarts. Where he saved her from a Troll attack on the 31st of October, which we all know is All Hollows Eve. As the years went on, and he failed to notice her, she grew desperate. As young girls are wont to do, she tried to make him jealous by dating the former quidditch star Viktor Krum. When that failed, she tried again later with Mr. Potter’s former best friend Ronald Weasley.
It was the contempt in her voice that sparked Director Bones to ask, “What problem did you have with the Weasley family?”
Why he said the Weasley family, and not simply Ronald Weasley, this reporter does not know, but it proved to be the right question to ask.
I am ashamed to say this reporter stopped taking notes then, I was too shocked by the events I later had to go back with Pensieve to review the memories to write this article. I was assured by the other reports who were present, that I was not the only one to have fallen into this state. Some lost track before me, a few after. All of us quietly agreed to wait until today to print our articles, so we may review our memories and get the story right. Which proved to be the right choice because there are details I certainly would have missed otherwise.
Mrs. Potter, former Minister of Magic, wife to our beloved Hero Harry Potter, admitted to being the catalyst that saw the entire Weasley family dead. Minus the two Weasley sons who perished in the Battle of Hogwarts, Fred Fabian Weasley, and Percy Ignatius Weasley.
Molly and Ginevra Weasley were found guilty of potioning Harry Potter with love and loyalty potions his sixth year at Hogwarts, when they admitted their crimes after being caught in the act of attempting to do so again in December of 1999. During the Potter’s final year at Hogwarts. They were sentenced to fifteen years in Azkaban. The court records show them saying they would get out, and they would show the world that Mrs. Potter was doing the exact same as they were.
Turns out, they were right; though their words at the time were pure conjecture, not proof.
Ronald Weasley’s death was considered an accident from the day it occurred to present. However, Mrs. Potter admitted while attending their final term, Ronald met his untimely demise by her design. He followed them back to school in an effort to get Mrs. Potter away from Mr. Potter. As he had confessed himself at his mother and sister’s trial, he wanted her for himself but had been unaware of their potioning. Despite his admitting he would have helped, at the time, he was released due to the lack of evidence that he was involved in any way. It was shortly after the imprisonment of the female Weasley’s he attacked the Potter’s at school, causing Mr. Potter to retaliate to protect them, resulting in a statue falling on Ronald’s head. Mrs. Potter admitted to casting the Imperious curse on the boy ordering him to attack them and cursing the statue to fall on him after Mr. Potter had knocked the boy down to his back.
Mrs. Potter went on to admit that in the early summer of 2000, she broke into Azkaban, and killed the two female Weasleys. Because they tried to take her Harry away. In 2001, she killed George Gideon Weasley, the surviving Weasley twin who managed the joke shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Because he began to notice Mr. Potter’s odd behavior, comparing it when the late Ginevra and Molly Weasley potioned him. She never knew how he figured it out, just knew he had to die before he spoiled everything. Shortly after that, she hunted down Charlie Weasley, a dragon tamer in Romania to kill him. Her reasoning was his dragon nearly killed her Harry.
Later, she admitted to killing Bill (William Arthur Weasley) and Fleur Isabelle Weasley, who suggested they take custody of the Potter’s ward at the time, Teddy Lupin. Director Bones asked why she felt the need to kill them, anyone would have given the Potter’s custody without a thought, why kill them? She couldn’t take the chance of Teddy being lost to them, and Harry was already asking her for children. He’d always wanted a family, and she needed to buy more time.
Director Bones asked why? Why did she need to buy more time? They had children, she gave him children.
The room looked shocked as Mrs. Potter shook her head. She’d been taking fertility potions since the defeat of Voldemort. She knew that Mr. Potter had a lot of wealth, and he would stay home with their children while she focused on her career. However, by the summer of their final year, she ascertained proof that Mr. Potter had in fact been made sterile by her love and loyalty potions. She had perfected the recipe to make it stronger and dosed him with it, however, there was an unforeseen side effect. While she managed to correct her mistake in the future, the damage was done.
Director Bones asked her how she got her proof. Mrs. Potter confessed to bringing another woman into their bedroom, and she didn’t get pregnant by Mr. Potter. She then obliviated them both. One, because she didn’t want the girl coming back for more, and two, because Mr. Potter was a little more “excited” by this new girl than he had ever been with Mrs. Potter. She obliviated the girl, rather than killing her, knowing the girl was fixing to leave the country, and they’d never see her again. Mrs. Potter then went and had an affair with Viktor Krum, who impregnated her during their first tryst. She terminated the pregnancy immediately. Obliviating Krum of the encounter later when he tried to get her to leave Potter.
Arthur Weasley, she did not kill. He was completely broken, and good for nothing else other than being told what to do by another. She confessed to using the man to get herself pregnant. Through the use of blood adoption rituals, which she had to use the Imperius curse on our hero Harry Potter to make him do it, they became Mr. Potter’s children, she obliviated him after each ritual. So as far as the world knew, James Sirius Potter, Gregory Regulus Potter, and Viktor Arthur Potter were all biologically Mr. Potters.
On a side note, because of the effects of the love and loyalty potions and the Imperius curse, the children were not truly adopted by Mr. Potter’s will, but rather by Mrs. Potter’s orders, the children were not fully bonded to the Potter line. They still took on slight Weasley appearances, such as their hair being a deep burgundy. Mrs. Potter played it off as her muggle parents being red heads. She confessed to Director Bones, they were actually brunette’s, like herself. They have more claim to the Weasley name than Potter.
It was a broken Arthur who took his life shortly after Mrs. Potter was pregnant with her third son. She confessed it was fortuitous timing, as he had worn out his welcome, and she didn’t need the truth getting back to her Harry. They had Teddy, they had their boys, Mr. Potter was now the dutiful stay at home husband/dad she knew he would be, and she began to work on her political career and platform.
“Are there any other Weasley murders you’re responsible for?” Director Bones asked as the story began to wind down towards its conclusion.
“Victoria Weasley. I once tried to gain custody of the girl, both so Harry would have another child, and for experimenting. I'd had so many questions about Veela, and the little bitch would provide me with answers. Unfortunately, her French grandparents won that battle and took her back to France for a time. All due to some sexed up and well paid off purebloods and Veela abominations. She should have stayed here among decent society, however she returned to the country of her birth some year back.” Mrs. Potter spat. “Teddy had fallen under the Veela bitches spell, there were many reasons why I left the Veela out C.R.A.M.S. One of the main reasons is because they enslave men. She was taking Teddy away from us, I couldn’t let that happen. She was also the last of the Weasley’s, and I so hated them.”
“Your sons are Weasley as well.” Director Bones pointed out.
“NO!” Mrs. Potter screeched. “They are Harry’s sons through and through. Where they came from, how they came to be, does not matter! They are Harry’s sons! My sons with Harry! I gave him children! I gave him the family he always wanted! ME!!!! Not that Weasley Bitch!!”
It was after those words, that Minister Malfoy sentenced Mrs. Potter to death through the Veil. This reporter opted out of attending the event. Having seen and heard more than I will ever be comfortable with. Such horror and manipulation has not been seen since the Wizarding War. This reporter deliberately left out the details of each murder and sexual exploits. Though I’m sure another will bring those details to the public for those who wish for them.
Instead, this reporter went looking into some unanswered questions.
Teddy Lupin practically fled the country fifty years ago, returning off and on since then, and this report caught up to the man after the trial to ask if it was because of Victoria’s death, and did he know what his foster mother had done?
He had this to say:
“I suspected, but I had no proof. Her contempt of Veela was palpable even back then, I think it was because while Harry could withstand the allure, he was always close with Gabrielle after Fleur past. They would write letters, and that’s how I got in contact with Victoria. I left after her death because I didn’t want to cause a rift between Hermione and the man who is essentially my father in all but blood, especially if I was wrong. Contrary to popular belief, while Victoria was beautiful, she did not have the Veela allure. She truly was, half witch, half Veela, which is rare, but not unheard of, and I loved her with all that I am. It wasn’t common knowledge, as I worked hard to keep it quiet within the Ministry, but we were soul bonded. We hadn’t consummated it yet, which is the only reason that I am alive while she is not.”
With one question answered, there was only one left this reporter felt she had to know, and one I am sure the rest of the Wizarding World is thinking. Where are the Potter’s sons? Why aren’t they here?
Teddy Lupin’s features darkened with a rage this reporter can thankfully say she has never seen the likes of before, and hopes to never see the likes of again, as he answered.
“I’ve confirmed this with the Goblins; Hermione’s sons cleaned out the Potter vaults while Harry was in St. Mungo’s detoxing from the potions and recovering. They sold the estates and collected the gold. As none of us were aware they were not his children until today, and they claimed they were doing it so Harry could get a fresh start somewhere else, we had no reason to question it. Stands to reason they knew the truth, as I’ve just confirmed with one of my contacts they’ve fled the country. Seems they couldn’t face the consequences of their actions or bear the humiliation of their mother. I’m leaving here with the intent of finding them and dragging their arses back here to stand trial like their mother. Even if all I can get on them is theft of property. Since Harry didn’t adopt them by his own choice, he can cast them out of the family for what their mother did, especially if they helped her. Which I’m sure is why they fled.”
In light of recent events, and what this reporter has learned, I wish Teddy Lupin all the luck in the world, and if I can, offer whatever aid I can to this cause. Since the discovery of Mrs. Potter’s crimes, Mr. Potter has been in hiding. By whose efforts, none can say, but Mr. Potter, if you are reading this, you have my greatest sympathies.
Regina Skeeter (nee Lovegood) reporter of the Daily Prophet.
The article lay on the floor collecting dust as it stared up at him from where he had dropped it. The place it had been since the day of Hermione’s execution a month ago. Many of the articles regarding her case lay scattered on the floor, or on the various flat surfaces of the one bedroom flat above the Leaky Cauldron. His room and board paid for by Teddy, and the Goblins. He wasn’t sure what he did to warrant such loyalty from them, especially given the break in during his hunt for the horcruxes, but it was unwavering. Teddy’s loyalty he understood. Even without the potions, his love for the man he raised as his own son was strong. Perhaps that’s why his sons never liked Teddy, they knew what he didn’t; They weren’t really his sons, and his love for them was forced, whereas with Teddy, it wasn’t.
The Wizarding World had no idea how right they were when they named Hermione the Dark Lady they were unaware of. Since her execution, Teddy and Minister Hecate launched a deep investigation, they ransacked the Minister’s office, as well as the former houses that Harry owned apparently. He’d been unaware of all of it.
In her secret studies, they found her numerous journals, her many experiments, and her murders in detail. More than what she confessed to. There was a lot more than the Weasley blood on her hands. Rita Skeeter’s and Luna Lovegood’s shared granddaughter was the reporter on top of every story. She even helped decode a lot of Hermione’s work, so they could better understand what it was she was doing.
What Harry hadn’t learned from Teddy directly, he read about in Regina’s articles. He had to give the woman credit, she was as ruthless as Skeeter when pursuing a story, but she had the kindness and deep understanding of Luna. It broke his heart to realize the accident that killed Luna after her sons were born, was Hermione’s doing. Because Luna’s studies and efforts were reversing Hermione’s own. He hoped Regina got some closure from that, as did Luna’s sons.
A knock on the door had Harry looking in its direction. Teddy slipped in with a tray of food and quickly closed the door behind him. Teddy turned to him with a grin. “You should really lock that door.”
“What’s the point? No one comes to visit ‘cept you.”
Teddy grinned, “That may change.”
Harry looked at him confused, “What do you mean?”
“I found them!” Teddy declared in an excited manner Harry hadn’t seen on him in years. “They were in Australia just like I thought they would be, they were hiding out in some safe house Hermione set up. We finally managed to crack the antitracking wards, without alerting them. Shows they inherited the Weasley intelligence as well. At least from what I heard.”
Harry nodded. “Yes, the twins, Bill, and Charlie were all pretty exceptional, Percy as well I suppose in his own way, but Arthur, Ron, and Ginny were all, pretty dimwitted.”
Teddy shook her head, “You’re too modest dad.”
Harry smiled a bit. He never asked for Teddy to call him dad, but as the years went on, and their relationship grew, Teddy did call him dad, or father. But only at times when he knew Harry needed to hear it the most.
“Anyway,” Teddy clapped his hands after handing Harry the tray, “I’ve got a team ready for dispatch, and we’re bringing them back. Hecate assured me a trial for them is already set up, we just need them. I’d give it a week, maybe two, and you’ll have everything back.” He laid a hand on Harry’s shoulder and squeezed. “I’ll get you through this dad. I swear it.”
Harry nodded, and looked down at the stew and mug of Guinness on the tray. “Thank you, son.”
He didn’t have to look to know Teddy’s lip quivered a bit before he gripped Harry as tight as he dared then left the room. Being emotional was never something the other could handle. In fact, Harry wasn’t sure if he’d even cried. He’d been sick to his stomach, he’d felt a deep-seated rage, but he’d never cried. Should he cry?
He got up, forgetting about the stew, and went to the table where there was a clean scroll with fresh writing on it. His last will and testament, and all it needed it was his signature. With a quick scrawl it was done and he handed it to the owl that was sitting outside the window waiting. It flew towards Gringotts, and he knew the Goblins would honor his last wishes. It all went to Teddy. He hoped Teddy found the selfish brats Hermione spawned, and he hoped they got their just do’s. As he laid down on the bed again, he knew he wasn’t going to be around to see it.
He was old yes, but not nearly as old as some who had come before him in the Wizarding World. Some had lived to a ripe old age of two hundred before dying. Some, like the Flamel’s, were well into their seven hundreds. Yes, in the eyes of the wizarding world, he was still quiet young, and had a lot to accomplish.
He did not share in those views. He felt like he was a thousand years old, and people were still pushing him forward with needles in his back. This life, full of betrayal, and those who truly loved him being lost to death. He hoped Teddy could get out from under it. He knew Teddy and Hecate had a complicated relationship, and he hoped they found some happiness in the chaos left.
Harry was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of being manipulated, tired of living. He’d been fighting since he was a small child. He fought to survive at the Dursleys, he fought to survive at Hogwarts, he fought against Voldemort, had he known about Dumbledore’s manipulations sooner, he would have fought against those as well. Despite what he said, he’d been fighting against the love potions since they started. He always had a feeling something wasn’t right when he was with Hermione, but no matter how much he thought about it, he never broke beyond that thought.
No, he was done. The world could save itself, or die, he didn’t care anymore. His eyes drifted shut as he relaxed his body for the first time since his detox, and he drifted off to a deep sleep. Knowing deep down, he would never wake to this life again.
The Nomad
A [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] for 2020. A child born in one era and raised in another searches for his past. Along the way he must deal with the shackles placed upon his mind, a wise-cracking ship AI, and more bureaucratic paperwork then any one soul can shake three sticks at. This story began life as a one-off short, but this version has been a) expanded into a full work and b) a complete re-write of the orgional. You can find the origonal version here in my short-story anthology. Cover by gej302!
8 191Omega System
Important Notice!: I’ve started writing a new novel, so please go check it out! It’s called The Power of Systems. Go check it out guys! One minute, everything was normal, the next minute, Earth became like a fantasy novel. Unique powers called skills awakened in the residents of Earth. The day the world changed was called Omega. A few years after, people decided to found schools that taught children about these skills and how to control them, along with how to deal with monsters and physical training. It was all for the sake of a safer future. These schools were named Academies. Join Damon Zellar as he experiences life in The Royal Academy in England, while constantly seeking strength. One particular day, he stumbled across a unique system so impressive, that it could shake the power balance of the world, but no one knew about this mysterious power. What is the origin of the system, and why was he granted such a treasure? An unknown organization is also after his life, causing Damon to discover even more about his past. Will dark secrets await, or a truth so unbelievable that Damon himself wouldn’t even believe it? What will be Damon’s destined fate? To die or to live? *** Authors Note: He receives the system after a few chapters, just if you wanted to know!
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