《Fox Squadron》Chapter 3


Assignment Orders

Original issue

Issue Date 7:23 7/10/255,555 GY

Name: Tiara Fairsteen Rank: Cadet t

Age: 15. Race:Frayin. Homeworld: Tanbera.

Hair: Long Silver. Fur: silver. Eyes: Brown.

Skin: Tanned. Height: 5ft, 2in weight: 98lb

DOB: 6/02/255,540 GY


Father:Redacted Mother: Gena Fairsteen

Mirin: Redacted.

Siblings Trina.

Cadet Tiara is hereby assigned to the newly formed Training Squadron aboard Taurus Station, Section one twenty-six A,Terra, Sol System for the purpose of practical experience and training. This Squadron has been awarded the callsign of FOX and shall hereafter be referred to as Fox Squadron.

Standing Orders

Fox Squadron's duties shall include, but not be limited to, the training of both Imperial and Terrain Federation Cadets as well as act as the designated Liaison Squadron and shall handle all disputes and conflicts between the residents of Taurus Station, Section one twenty-six B, the local populist and Imperial citizens.

Cadet Tiara is ordered to report to deck 3 compartment 237 aboard the Aurora by 8:22 7/18/255,555 GY.

For the remaining two weeks of the trip we were all put through an exhausting schedule of classes and training. In the morning we would attend lectures given by Nayomi about various topics involving the Terrans from basic culture to the complex political climate. Then we would have three hours of physical training and, ending with two hours in the simulators each day. We were all ragged by the end of all of this. So it was such a massive relief when the Lieutenant told us we would have the next day off. We actually cheered.

The members of Fox Squadron found themselves half asleep in one of the forward common rooms on the Aurora. They had tried to simply stay in bed for the day but The Lieutenant had thrown them out of the bunk room. Tiara was currently looking out the viewport at the blue white glow of trans-space. Michael half watched her, he almost wanted to ask her what it was she was looking at. But doing so would likely wake up Tali who was asleep with her head on his shoulder. Normally he wouldn't have allowed such a thing simply due to his status, but at this point fuck his status. Besides, he was comfortable and she smelled nice. Not that he would admit that to anyone.


“We are about to drop out of Trans-space” Tiara suddenly said. Micheal felt the shift coming a moment later just before the space returned to normal outside the viewport. Tail let out a small squeak as the shit woke her up. She looked around confused for a moment before sinking back into her seat. Outside they could now see a corvette sized ship shaped like a bird of prey moving into an escort position next to the Aurora.

The ship was odd in that it had a large cannon pointing forward under each of its wings, other than that the ship showed no obvious weapon on it. They had learned in one of the lectures that this was actually a Terran Hawk class frigate. The two cannons were actual rail guns, and were also equipped with short range missile batteries and hidden phased cannons. If one didn't know better they would assume that this was some kind of civilian light freighter. Which was probably the point.

"So how is that even classified as a frigate?" Kell commented as he and Kira sat down at the table. "I mean it's so small there is no way it could have enough power to qualify." Kira explained as if she had been the one to ask the question.

"It's not really hard to figure it out. The Terrans have seven Class Seven technologies." Half the common room turned to look at Tiara as she said this in a way one might talk about the weather. Michael on the other hand was staring at her for a completely different reason. Only those with an Alpha-Theta 4 or higher clearance should have known that. Before he could even start to question her on this the holo board in the center of the table came to life.


The figure of Nayomi showed there in place of the normal game board. "She is right. Though four of those are direct extensions of the Terran's power generators." She says before her chin hologram places her hand on her chin as if she was thinking about something. "However most of the Terran's technology is actually high 3 to low 5 in level."That was a lot to unpack.

Unfortunately they didn’t have any time to process it. No soon had Nayomi finished speaking, a call came out over the ship's PA calling the members of Fox Squadron back to their bunk room. When they arrived they were told they had six hours to be ready and on the shuttle to Taurus Station. Tali was then informed that she would be the pilot. This sent her scrambling to get her stuff packed so she could get to the shuttle. Though it did take long to track the few bits of clothes that hadn't quite made it back to them. Cadets were not given a lot to start with for this reason.

After Tali, Amara was the next to finish packing. "So why do they have Tali as are pilot insted of somone from the ship?" she asked. Tiara layed back in her bunk and looked at up at Amara, her long silver hair hanning down in front of Michael's open locker. "It probaly means they intend for us to keep the shuttle" she says before giving him a coy smile the sitting up and droping down to the floor. She was probably right and the type of shuttle would give the an idea of what type of missions they would be sent off on.

So six hours later they arrived in the main hangar which was humming with activity. It took them a few minutes to actually find their transport. They all stared at the Assault Shuttle in disbelief. The top of the line shuttle looked fresh out of the factory and was just barely big enough to fit them all in a tight squeeze. Tiara was the one to voice what they were all thinking “This is not going to be a normal assignment if they are giving us an Assault Shuttle.”

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