《The Designated: Out of Control》Chapter Five


"They knew exactly who Dad was and they came for him. They told him that if he didn't come with them, they'd hurt me. That's what those three were there for...to make sure dad did what they said." Sadie said.

"Did they say what part of the government they were from?"

"No, they just said 'the government' like it was supposed to mean something. I could tell Dad was afraid, but more for me than for himself."

"Did they say where they were taking him? ...or why?"

"No, but they seemed to think he knew something. Something important. Maybe it was from when he worked in the Army?"

"Did he go anywhere special, or work in anything classified?"

"I don't know. He didn't talk much about his work back then. He served overseas, but nothing special. No crazy research stuff. I don't know what would make him important to them."

"Maybe it's personal? Maybe there's a debt? Maybe..." He trailed off. "There's nothing to be gained by speculating, We don't have the answers and the only way to get them is to go after him.”

"Now all we have to do is find him and get him back."

"Back? Back from where?"

"We'll find out. They've only had a day's start on us, and we know this neck of the woods better than they do. We'll bring him back...or they'll wish we had."

"Let's put the word out and start sending out some scouts. Someone is bound to have seen something. At least we could nail down a direction and narrow the search."

Dad nodded at Deacon, who saw the look in his eyes. "Give me a sec. You folks start laying out supplies and gear for four trucks. I'm going to have a couple of words with Dad."


They stepped into the next room.

"I know Doc's a friend and a mighty useful one to have around here, but how many lives are we going to risk trying to find him, let alone rescue him?"

“I didn’t want to bring it up in front of the others, but the one that we brought back mentioned getting Doc to open a bunker. We have to find out how much they know because if they know about the Bunkers, things could get bad in a hurry. Besides, it’s about more than Doc. We need to keep people hoping, especially his girls. We need people to know that if they go missing, we're coming for them. Family is coming for them. More than anything, we need morale to stay high, and people to have hope." Deacon said. "Our people aren't going to take any stupid risks on the looking. That'll come later on the rescuing." He said with a smile.

"I know what you're saying, but there's a limit, especially if we risk more Designated.“

"I agree, but we aren't near that just yet. We'll see what the next day or so brings, then maybe we'll re-examine the plan."

"Okay, as long as there's a plan." Dad smirked.

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