《Triplicity》Chapter 5
They started the day off with a hearty breakfast. Pumpkin is basking in the warm rays coming through the kitchen door. Tom is wearing a big smile after finishing his last bite and Anne is sitting back in her chair, wondering what they are doing today. John was quiet. He didn’t speak a word during breakfast and kept glancing out the kitchen window.
“Thank you, papa!” Tiffany squeaked as she hopped off her chair. John nearly knocks his plate off the table.
"Slow down Tiff. You’ll gave your old papa a heart attack.” John grumbled with a smile.
“Now you little ones can help me today. We need to harvest enough tomatoes, apricots, and some figs. I want to make some jam tomorrow.”
Tiffany jumps in place with her hands in the air.
“Yes! Come we need to get dressed.” Tiffany said in her tiny high-pitched voice.
Jam? What is jam? Going by Tiff’s reaction it must be amazing. Anne thought as she tries to picture how those fruits John mentioned would be used.
The three of them rush off to the bedrooms. Anne catches a few mumbles from John just as they leave the kitchen.
What is late? John keeps muttering about something being late. Whatever it is, it seems to be troubling him. Is this the first time this happened?
The image of worried John doesn’t hold up long as she reaches Tiffany’s room. A few minutes later they were running across the lawn in front of the house, all dressed and ready for the day.
The day goes by quickly as they help around the farm. At around mid-afternoon, they enter the kitchen with two baskets of apricots, three baskets of tomatoes, and a basket of figs. Anne wiped the sweat from her forehead, appreciating the cool kitchen air. She could hear Tom’s stomach grumble from where she stood, and by the looks of it, everyone else did too.
“Nothing gets you nice and hungry than a few hours out in the fields,” John says as he rubs his stomach.
“I’ll start making dinner. You can each have an apricot in the meantime.”
They each carefully pick out a juicy apricot to nibble on and John takes out a plate of marinated steaks from the fridge.
“Tom, want to come and help me stack the firewood?” John asked as he gestures to the steaks.
Tom nods excitedly and darts out the door with John following close behind.
They were all gathered around the table when the sun had set. A sizzling steak on each of their plates, together with chopped tomatoes and some greens. John pours them each a glass of water and place it in front of them, his face stone cold and his eyes covered in shadow.
“Pappa? Why so little water?” Tiffany asked as she looks at her glass that is barely quarter filled.
“They… are late,” John said, clear confusion in his voice.
“They have never been late before. Even with you little ones here they should have delivered yesterday.”
“Well, drink up,” John said dully but then grins as he continues to eat.
Tiffany slowly sips her water as she stares into the glass, swinging her feet. Tom and Anne drink their water slowly as they give each other worried glances, but the worries fade within moments. They all find themselves smiling wide as they enjoy their succulent steaks.
This is so delicious. I have never had steak before. Does this mean… the water… finished?
This is so delicious. I have never had steak before. The water is so cool and refreshing, especially after today. It was so hot outside.
Anne finds herself deep in thought as they ate. She can’t help but join Tom and Tiffany as they giggle and play with their food.
John is grinning too, as he stares to the side and into the distance.
The night goes by quickly and Anne soon finds herself in the bathroom. There is a big bathtub against the left wall and a shower hidden just around the corner. Anne closes the door behind her as Tom climbs into the bath.
Can’t wait to get clean. I managed to keep my dress relatively clean, but my feet are all muddy and I’m sweaty.
Anne undresses and disappears around the corner and into the shower. Her skin is sticky and small droplets line the edges of the sockets that run down her back. Splashing and laughter echo inside the bathroom as Tom plays in the bath.
“Tom, you are going to clean that up!” Anne yelled around the corner.
The cold water struck Anne when she opened the shower taps, knocking the wind out of her. She ducked into the corner to avoid the icy drops, shivering and waiting. It took a few seconds before the warm water reached the shower. Steam emerged from the shower and Anne jumped at the warm water. She washes in silence, eyeing the sockets as she makes sure they are clean, but ignoring them mostly.
Anne and Tom slipped into their pajamas and made their way to bed. Tom groans as he had to wring the water out of his pajamas first. Tiffany was already waiting in Anne’s bed.
“This is becoming a habit I see,” Anne mutters and jumps on Tiffany.
“Heee heeee no! hahaha nooo!” Tiffany laughs as Anne tickles her relentlessly. Though not for long. Tired and panting they both lie on their backs, staring at the ceiling.
“G…goodnight Tiff”.
“Nighty night Anney.” Tiffany replied as they cuddle up to each other. The three of them quickly fall asleep.
Daddy! Help!
Please, daddy let me out of here.
I was a good girl daddy; I even drank my pills. See dad?
Please, dad! They are going to get me.
Daddy, they are getting closer. Let me out!
Don’t let them take me. Daddy!
Anne wakes with a start, sitting upright.
My head. It hurts so much. I can’t think clearly.
Anne looks down at her hands, they were shaking violently. Her head was pounding, and she could only hear the hammering of her heart. Tiffany was clinging to her. Her face was strained, and her eyes were shut tightly. She was crying and screaming, but Anne could not hear a sound.
“Tiff, Tiff It’s ok. It’s ok, I’m here.” Anne hushes her but to no avail.
Tom was awake in his bed, holding his head and rolling around from side to side. He was clearly in pain and his intense fear and confusion were driving into Anne’s mind in stuttering and uneven waves, merging with her own. Anne held onto Tiffany as the whole room seemed to shrink and expand. The shadows around them filled with a multitude of large glaring eyes staring unblinkingly at them.
What is happening!? What is this? I need to calm down. I need to calm down. I need to…
Why does this feel… familiar?
Anne’s hearing gradually comes back to her. Tiffany’s screams are muffled as she presses her face against Anne’s chest.
“Tiff. I’m right here.” Anne stammers and she holds Tiffany’s trembling body tighter.
The shadows grow, gradually engulfing the entire room. Getting closer and closer. Anne shuts her eyes trying to fight the panic, but she can feel the warmth leave her body. A faint scream can be heard somewhere in the distance, then everything is silent.
Why didn’t you save me, daddy?
They came for me.
They found me.
In the dark.
You did nothing.
Now I know them.
They will know you.
Anne wakes as a low rumble echo through the ceiling, followed by a thud outside. The sunlight was flooding in through the windows.
Anne pushes herself up. The cold floor had left her cheek sore. She takes some time to gather her thoughts.
Tom! Tiff!
Anne hurriedly pull herself up against the bedpost, struggling to keep herself standing. Tiffany was motionless. Curled up into a ball on the bed. Her face in a small puddle of blood. A cold rush floods Anne’s body, fearing the worst.
“Tiff. Tiff!” Anne cries, softly shaking Tiffany’s small shoulder.
“Anney?” Tiffany whispers.
Anne gasps, holding her breath.
She is alive.
Tom groans and slides off his bed onto his feet.
Tom is alive! We are okay!
Tears roll over Anne’s cheeks as she picks Tiffany up from the bed. Anne and Tom make their way to the bathroom. The house was quiet.
Anne puts Tiffany down next to the sink and carefully wash her face. She was quiet and confused. Her big eyes looking up at Anne yearning for answers. Tom was sitting with his back against the wall opposite her. Anne could feel his concern. They thought they had escaped this feeling. They did not.
“Where is papa?” Tiffany finally said.
Yes. Where is he? Anne also wondered.
They finish cleaning up and slowly made their way to the kitchen. It was quiet and deserted. No wonderful smells were wafting in the air as usual. They went outside and found pumpkin sitting in silence, staring into the distance as if waiting for someone. He gave a quick bark when he saw them, then continued to stare into the far beyond.
“Papa is not here.” Tiffany cries as tears roll over her cheeks.
With shock visible on her face she wipes the tears away and stares at her tiny wet hand.
“What is this?! Anney what is happening?”
Anne drops on her knees in front of her, cupping Tiffany’s tiny fist between her hands.
“It’s ok Tiff. Its only tears, see? I have them too.” Anne said. Her voice was soft and shaking.
“You have never had tears before?” Anne asked wide-eyed.
Tiffany just shook her head.
How is this possible? I don’t understand.
Tom’s mouth was wide open in disbelief and Anne shot him a quick worried look.
“Let’s go inside and get something to eat. There should be some apricots and tomatoes left from yesterday.” Anne said as she got up.
Their breakfast was quiet, and the food did little to lift their spirits. Tiffany jumped at every sound. Her eyes were wild as they darted around the room. It was as if the whole world had somehow changed for her, and it was horrifying.
They wander back to their rooms to get dressed. Anne found herself in front of Tiffany’s mirror again. She stares at her naked body dotted with the strange metal sockets. A familiar fear gripping her. Tiffany came into her mirror view. She stretched out her hand and ran her fingers over the edge of the socket on her hip.
“What is it?” Tiffany asked softly.
“I don’t know Tiff.”
“Does it hurt?” Tiffany asked, looking around Anne’s back.
“No,” Anne answered after a long pause.
“But it hurts, inside.”
Tiffany wraps her tiny arms around Anne in a hug. Anne holds her back. They hold each other for what seemed like a lifetime, then they both get dressed and join up with Tom.
The day went by sluggishly. They spent most of their time under a small tree close to the farmhouse. Tiffany kept asking questions, trying to make sense of the feelings she, for some reason, have never felt before. Anne only then realize how little she knew.
Anne plays with Tiffany’s hair as she falls asleep on her lap. The last few rays disappeared from the sky as the sun was setting beyond the horizon. Anne reluctantly wakes Tiffany.
“Come Tiff. We need to get inside before you catch a cold.”
Just as they entered the kitchen and turned on the light, another bright light flashed across the house. They swung around to see headlights of a car speeding up to the farm. It skidded to a halt in a cloud of dust between the farmhouse and the barn. John stumbled out of the car. They could only see his silhouette as he neared them. He reached the kitchen door, squinting from the bright light. John’s face was red, and beads of sweat were dotting his forehead. He rubbed his messy beard, and his eyes were barely visible behind his bushy eyebrows.
“The bridge.” John barked as he pulled out a kitchen chair and dropped onto it.
“It’s… it’s gone! Destroyed. That is why there was no delivery.” He said out of breath.
He suddenly pulled Tiffany closer. He held her in front of him at arm’s length, his eyes scanning her up and down.
“Are you ok Tiff?” His voice shaking, paying no heed to Anne and Tom except for an angry glance he throws in their direction.
“I think so, papa.” Tiffany squeaked.
John pulled her into an embrace. Her small body barely visible behind his large arms. A low grumble reverberated through the little kitchen as John wept. Tears were running down his cheeks and vanished in his beard.
Him too? How long has he been holding back?
And… how? Why?
His cries grew louder, and the kitchen light flickered and dimmed. The shadows in the kitchen darkened and swelled and the air was dry.
“Mum.” John suddenly muttered.
He jumped up and vanished into the darkness outside.
“Pappa wait.” Tiffany cried and ran after him.
Anne and Tom stood in the now still kitchen. The shadows receded into their corners and the light hanging from the ceiling was bright. Anne and Tom were both pale and they could not stop their bodies from trembling.
No. No. Something is not right. I can’t shake this.
Her thoughts are interrupted as John wails could be heard through the farmhouse. It was coming from behind the house.
“I… I think they are at that their mom,” Anne whispered to Tom.
Tom gestured towards the outside.
“No. I think it’s best to leave them alone for now. I’m not sure they ever had this chance before.”
Anne’s was thinking about what she just said when an unnatural, terrible shriek pierced the air. The kitchen light went out with a pop, covering them in darkness. Then a second, high pitched scream cut through the air. This one they recognized.
Without a word they both rush out the kitchen, running as fast as their legs could take them. They rushed around the house and towards the giant tree at the back of the house. The grave came into view as they rounded the second corner, but the night was dark, and the moon hid behind some clouds. Nobody was there.
They dropped to a walk halfway to the grave, breathing hard and searching for John and Tiffany.
“Tiff. Tiff!” Anne called as loud as her trembling voice could.
No answer.
They neared the gravestone in the dark, trying to make out anything. Anne took a step and froze as she felt a soft crackle under her foot. The moon broke free from its cloudy prison and the landscape lit up in the moonlight. The giant gnarled tree provided little shadow as it stood stripped bare of its leaves and blossoms, leaving only a looming skeleton of the tree it was. The gravestone was painted scarlet, and the ground around it was red with dry blood.
“Nooooo!” Anne shrieked, dropping to her knees. The scene in front of her was vividly burning into her senses while the nauseating smell hung thick in the air.
“Why!” She screamed as she clawed at the ground, pulling up big lumps of blood and mud.
“Tiff! Tiffany!” Her screaming continued to echo across the darkness. Her heart tearing at her insides. The culmination of dread and mourning was hard to handle as her head start to spin. She dropped down on her hands and her knees sank deeper into the red dirt, struggling to keep her balance. Her wailing silenced as her voice grew hoarse and sore.
A soft lump under her hand startled her. She carefully lifted her hand and brushed a thin layer of mud away until a small round shape rolled across the mushy surface.
Anne grips her chest as her body falters and her mind fails. Her senses ripped from her as the dread burrows deeply. She struggles to gain control as she writhes and thrashes in the mud, tearing at the wet dirt and vomiting swaths of dark crimson. Tom was crawling towards her. He grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her onto his chest, holding her tight until her body calmed.
Tom shut his eyes tight to hide the reason for Anne’s attack from himself.
An hour later they both wake from the cold muddy ground. They sat up slowly, both unwilling to look towards the gravestone. They stammer onto their feet, making their way away from the tree towards the front of the house.
They leave behind the scene of scarlet, wherein the mass of blood lay a small hand, clutching a flower.
They reached the clearing in front of the house. Their minds were blank, and Anne was trying to grab onto passing thoughts. Finally, she turns to Tom, struggling to speak.
“Whatever did that… might still be out there.” Anne gurgled. She turned her cheek and spat out some blood.
“We need to hide.” She said in a clearer voice. Her actions not reflecting her words as she reluctantly walks to the house. Tom grabs her arm, his eyes wide, and points to his ear.
Anne listens intently.
A loud rumble could be heard in the distance.
“What? What is that?” she wonders out loud.
Beams of light came as an answer as a convoy of vehicles came barreling down the farm road towards them. Red lights were flashing from the roof of each vehicle and they had big off-road wheels and armor-plated bodies.
Anne yelled the only thing her mind could muster.
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