《Invasion》Chapter 6: Beginning's
Dried twigs crackle and pop from the intense heat of the fire.
The orange light of the campfire illuminates the faces of a black haired man and a red haired woman.
It was Ramza and Abby.
There was wooden make shift spit above the campfire.
It is cooking a hare meat, it was already skinned and gutted.
The smell of the meat enters their noses making them more and more hungry everytime the spit rotates.
Abby is staring intensely at the glistening meat already craving for it.
"Even if you stare at it like that it wont cook faster"
"Oh, and what ever happened to 'Why did you kill it, you monster!' "
Ramza said while mocking and imitating Abby.
Abby did not like that one bit and starts to cross her arms and gives him a gold glare.
"Shut up"
He laughed and continues to add twigs to the fire.
She then decides to lay down on the green soft grass.
Her long scarlet hair unfurls and the sky reflects on her blue eyes.
The dark sky illuminated by stars made her feel like she was not in another world.
The pleasant breeze, the scenery and the smell of cooking meat made her feel euphoric.
It made her feel like she was at her hometown again.
"Hey Ramza"
"Do you miss your family?"
The sudden question made him divert his attention from the meat to Abby.
He was a bit taken aback from Abby's personal question.
"Well, i haven't seen them in 7 years. So, yeah pretty much"
"They send letters from time to time but.." Ramza drifts off
Sadness can be seen from his emerald eyes.
"I miss my father's bread and my mothers terrible homecooking"
A laugh escapes from Abby and Ramzas mouth.
"How about you? You have a family back at your world?"
"Yeah, I have a mom and three sibilings"
"My father.." A tear starts to fall down her cheek
She felt a lump in her throat.
After a few second of silence Abby clears her throat.
"Well my father died in a war 3 years ago."
"War?" Ramza asked as he was spinning the spit
"A pointless war really, you see our worlds resources and lands started to dwindle "
"So the leaders of two superpowered nation decided to take each others wealth"
"One thing lead to another, and then an all out war broke lose"
"They tried throwing nukes at each other, to see who surrenders first"
"Failing to realize that their war is killing the resources they are fighting for."
Abby grips a tuff of grass tightly in her hands.
"Millions of people die, and before they even realized it the world itself was dying"
"Luckily the remaining surviving nations the one who didn't want any part of the war decided to unite and tries to stop the two nation"
"But, the damage was already done, they were many place that was unhabitable"
"Our people was starving and dying from the radiaton, we thought it was the end for humanity"
"Thankfully a miracle came, a son of a famous inventor discovered a new world, this world"
Abby wipes her tear, gets up and looks at Ramza.
"So, thats basically, why we are here"
Silence came, the sound of the burning wood and the sizzling of meat was the only thing they hear.
"Alright, I think it ready, lets eat" Ramza said.
He then takes out the skewered hare cuts it into two with his knife and give the other half to Abby.
As Abby takes a bite her tongue is immediately filled with meaty and smoky taste.
The taste made her smile and starts to continue gorging the meat with animalistic haste.
"It's so delicious, I havent had proper meat in a long time, all we had was MRE" she said with her cheeks full of hare meat.
Ramza just chuckles and starts eating his hare too.
"Hey Ramza"
"Why, do you hate women"
The sudden question almost made Ramza choke. He then starts coughing violently and tries to find his water canteen.
He drinks a big gulp and then looks at Abby.
" What do you mean? "
" I mean the 'not trusting another women again' thing"
"Are you sure you don't like men?"
Ramza gives Abby a cold glare then he takes a big bite of meat. The question made him uncomfortable.
It feels like she is trying to peel off a mask he is hiding for years.
Maybe I should just tell her, we wont be seeing each other again, so what the hell, he thought.
He takes a deep breath inhaling the delectable meaty aroma.
"No, i dont like men and the reason i hate woman is.. " he suddenly stops mid sentence and looks at her in the eyes.
"Are you sure you want to know?"
Abby just nods and continue eating her meat.
"Alright, let me take you back when i was still 17 years old"
" I was traveling Marblewood forest, trying to get to Riverglade for their Army recruitment"
"Suddenly I hear this ominous squeal, the squeal was so loud that the birds and tiny monster around me tries to flee."
"I ready my staff and look around trying to find the source of the sound"
Ramza bites on the meat again, drinks a gulp of water and then continues his story.
"All of a sudden a petite black haired girl burst out from the bushes with a giant boar hot on her heels."
"She was coming straight towards me"
"She then suddenly halts and throws something at the boar's eyes making it stop and struggles to remove it"
"That bitch immediately run for cover on the nearby rocks leaving me and the boar face to face"
"After the boar finish shaking of the weird substance it started to glare at me"
"Stomping and blowing it's nose indicating that it is about to charge at me"
"Thinking quickly I readied a barrier in front of me and ready to cast a lightning spell"
He points the meat infront of him trying to relive the memory.
"As soon as his tusk hits my barrier it crackled and break, the impact was so great that the boar shakes his head, it was disoriented "
"I fire my lightning spell at it, it squealed and shake but the boar was reselient , so I tried hitting it with a fire spell"
"The fire only made it more angry so i run over on a nearby tree"
"It starts charging after me the ground shakes more intensily as it goes closer and closer"
"Then i suddenly thought of an idea, first I conjured large ice spikes on the tree making them stick outward."
"Then i freezed the ground making it slippery"
Abby finished her meal, she throws the bones into the fire and then focus her attention to Ramza.
"Did it work?"
"Ofcourse it did I wouldnt be her if it didnt" he said with a grin
"Where was I? Oh yeah, the boar slipped and starts barreling towards the spikes impaling it"
"After the boar died the girls starts running towards me and starts complimenting me"
"Saying i was so cool, and smart that he finds me very attractive"
"I was so naive at that time that I fell for her charm that I completely forgot that it was her fault to begin with"
"Who was I to blame she was the first woman who was all clingy to me and gave me attention"
"For a teenager filled with lust, I couldnt do anything, she had me at the palm of her hands"
"Her crimson eyes, her small yet elegant body and her tender red lips"
Abby clears her throat
"Uhmm, Ramza your story?"
"Oh yeah, yeah"
"She was Esmeralda, she was a necromancer"
"She uses spells that associates with death and decay"
"From there we traveled for weeks together and in those times I fell inlove with her"
Ramza then grips the meat tightly in his hands
"Then one day i woke up naked, all my things were gone. My staff, my clothes, my spell books, even my rations, all gone"
"All i found was a note saying - Thank you for the stuff R, you are the stupidest person I met xoxo- Esmeralda"
Abby burst's in laughter she starts rolling on the ground, her laugh echoes throughout the meadows.
"Thats it?"
"What do you mean thats it? I almost died, I almost got eaten, and almost froze to death"
"Let me get this straight, you hate women because a pretty necromancer tricked you and then left you for dead?"
Abby continues to laugh again
"She deals with death and decay what did you expect true love?"
Ramza just eats his meal and stares angrily at the fire.
After a few minutes she stops laughing and wipes the tear on the side of her eyes.
"Listen Ramza it's just one women who tricked you, dont expect all of us to be like that"
"Not all of us are like that, are we her? her are we?"
Abby then sit's beside Ramza and give his shoulder a light punch and gives him a grin.
"Try opening your heart again, maybe this time you'll find the right one"
Ramza looks at Abby her words slowly mending his wounded heart.
It doesn't hurt to try again right Ramza thought.
- In Serial20 Chapters
Sword System Academia
2/17 NOTICE: I'm putting this on hiatus, possibly permanently. I didn't want to spam with an "update chapter", so hopefully here and in the story blurb will get enough eyeballs. There are a couple reasons for ending SSA for now. 1) I wrote the next chapter but wasn't happy with it. I've been less and less satisfied with SSA's quality the more I thought about it. Part of the reason is... 2) I am seriously thinking about trying to publish some novels to help pay the bills, since I don't have my other source of income anymore. I have never asked for anything from SSA readers, no money, not even a review or rating. SSA is written for fun to amuse myself, primarily, and I would kind of feel bad actually charging someone money for something as unserious as that. I don't think it is good enough to ask anything in return. To use an analogy from music, SSA is more like a jam session with a bunch of friends. You're just chiling and having fun playing some music. I mean, if you are Mozart or even Eminem, your jam session is good enough to sell, but for an amateur beginner like myself, haha, no. If I want to publish something, I feel like I need to go the proper route of practice and rehearsals, which might be more similar to a classical concert performance. With SSA, I work from worldbuilding notes and a loose outline, but what you are essentially getting is the first draft with lots of so-called pantsing. Pushing out a web novel like this also means it is very difficult to go back and improve things without breaking everything else downstream. I wanted to try this "jamming" approach, as it was a good way to teach me about another aspect of writing, but to move forward, I think I need to hone my "classical" techniques, which emphasize rewriting, or at least, revising outlines. 3) While I intend to try to make $$$, my actual current goal is to "get gud". I've spent a lot of time recently trying to understand the self-publishing industry, and I'm pretty sure I can make some money by using short-term strategies with my current amateur skill level. But I've seen too many authors come and go/burnout, and really, the only way that I think I can enjoy writing and still make money on a long-term basis is to become a better writer. And the next step for me, which I haven't done much before, is to spend more time on rewriting and outlines. That is pretty much antithetical to the way SSA is developing. I've always been kind of 20/80 plotting/pantsing, but I want to spend a lot more time outlining before I even start writing. SSA jam sessions don't really fit my goal anymore. If you're curious about what's next, read on... Among other regrets, I regret not finishing SSA. It's the first story I've dropped, but then again, it's the first web novel I've attempted, so I suppose that's not a surprise. I don't think traditional web novel formats suit me that well. The whole SSA story I had loosely planned (beyond a first book or major arc) is way too large as well. Big story = good for neverending webnovel with Patreons, bad for penniless and fickle writer like me. I am currently outlining a complete trilogy to another story in great detail. I want the story to end concisely, and I also want the chance to really spend a lot of time on the full outline to spot pacing problems, character issues, lost themes, and so on. I'll still share this story on RR. What I intend to do is finish book 1, flash-publish the whole thing here for a few weeks, then publish on the big Zon. Repeat for books 2 and 3. The upcoming story will be about crafting heroes. The backdrop is an isekai-like setting, where elves will summon humans to their world as heroes, but the whole hero crafting business is still in its infancy. The elven mage researchers are figuring out how to imbue heroes with power, while the heroes are trying to figure out how to use the powers that they gain. Humans are the best hero templates because they are blank and have no intrinsic magic. Or at least that what the elves thought. The human MC has his own secrets... There will be some similarities with litrpgs, but I would call it more a progression fantasy or gamelit story. For example, the stats are very low, at least initially. Say we have a stat called Str. Going from Str = 1 to Str = 2 is a huge deal. Also, going from Dex = 0 to Dex = 1 is an even bigger deal. I guess you could call it a "low-stat litrpg", haha. Also, the heroes won't be gaining stats simply by killing things or leveling up. You can't increase stats arbitrarily, either. There will be rules to how stats can increase, and how they work with each other. The elven mages will be figuring out these rules in order to craft stronger and stronger heroes. Some inspiration will be from cultivation magic systems, but there won't be overt cultivation, at least for now. A theme I really want to explore is the idea of interactions. That includes things like hero crafter vs hero, tactics vs strategy, skill synergies, racial interactions (dwarves, elves, etc), and son. Yeah, so hero crafting. I'm super excited about this project and venturing into publishing. If you want to check out the upcoming story, you can follow my RR author profile to see when it drops here. Finally... THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! I'm very sorry that SSA is stopping, but I hope at least some of you will find the next story at least as enjoyable, if not more. Thanks to all the readers who gave SSA a shot. Big hug or solid fistbump to all of you, whichever you prefer! I hope this message is not a downer but an upper, because I am psyched!! -purlcray -------------- BLURB: Talen, youngest Master of the Koroi, makes his way to the Empire's capital to salvage his clan's fate. But the bustling city has few opportunities for the traditionalist. For the old sword clans are fading. With the rise of alchemy, gold can purchase strength that ordinarily took years of training to cultivate. Sword artists, once rare and accomplished, are quickly growing in number, especially among the wealthy noble class. Even with such alchemy, though, no one has advanced to the rank of Grandmaster in countless years. Talen's true dream is to walk the path of a sword artist to the very end while fulfilling his clan duties. And then the Swordgeists return, fabled founders of all sword arts, gods who had touched the world long ago and vanished. These myths turned into reality warn of a coming threat. Alongside this warning, they issue an invitation to the Sword System Academy, a path to power beyond the mortal realm. But first, they will hold an entrance exam... Story notes:Sword System Academia blends elements of western and asian fantasy such as xianxia and litrpg. I took parts from different genres I enjoyed and twisted them into my own creation. There will be an explicit system, both of the litrpg kind and the hard(ish) magic kind, but it is embedded within an academic structure that will develop over the course of the story. This is my attempt to design a unique type of system, the System Academia.
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