
Wan Shi Tong was happy about Zhao´s answer. He is going to give his cousins a warning in case. It is up to them to protect themselves. He is not going to stop anyone from finding knowledge. He is not trying to find destruction.

(This book might help you with finding the answer. I am sorry for trying to test you but you have proven yourself more than worthy.) Wan Shi Tong gave him a book about ocean and moon spirits.

Meanwhile, Shamo had shot the book close. He knew that a real answer can only be found by yourself. He has chosen to return to put his notes to the book.

What surprised him the most was the book´s age. It was over 5000-years old. Not from spirit world time but closer to that than the current time. There seem to be multiple worlds around us. It is unknown how they are connected but to those answers, I need to get to the Mother of Faces.

I do not need to hurry though. I have more than enough time to consider. I should find out what I was looking for coming here at first. I should find out if the darkest day of fire nation has happened yet.

There was one solar eclipse coming before year 100 AG. I am a year 93 AG. By next year´s autumn, there is going to be another black sun day. I just have to wait for a little over a year. It is good to know. I doubt I will use it. Better save than sorry.

As I walked back to the library´s top I saw others except for Zhao ready to leave. Wan Shi Tong was talking with them and sharing knowledge. Even private 2 was here. By his look, he must have been saved from sand shark revenge. Wan Shi Tong must have carried him inside. He is not ready to read anything since he is trying his best to not throw up. Wise.

(Seems like lieutenant Zhao is the only one left here. How much have you shared yet?) Shamo

(We were just starting. We think Zhao is ready to leave soon too. He is eager to try something out.) Oki

I shared how the solar eclipse is coming soon. I asked does my hypothesis hold by firebenders losing their bending. They were honest with their legacy.

Unfortunately, I could not wait any longer. I went outside and brought drinking water which I had hidden. I was starting to leave them to sandbenders until Zhao came back and had a proposition for me.

(Would you like to come study at fire nation?) Zhao

I was surprised. Nobody should have expected this. I had to ask. Did he have any idea what he was asking for me?


(You surely know that I am earthbender. You know what are changes to me ending up dead there. They will at least try to attack me. I have no plans to come voluntarily to that kind of danger. Nobody would.) Shamo

(I understand your reasoning. You were not claiming your love to your people, family, or country. You directly went where the biggest problem lied. I have an answer to your problem. Fire nation has captured earth benders over the years but captured people can not bring the danger or reality of real earthbender. I am planning to bring you to teach others of your age how earth bending differs from other bending styles. I think that we both could benefit from it.) Zhao

He does understand but that does not remove the problem of the emotional teenager. I can avoid all problems by not being there. It is true as airbending teaching had told. The best defense is not being there. That is true also with earth bending.

(That is not all. I am going to call you my cousin. There are other earthbending citizens already in fire nation. The fate of one of my aunts is unknown. You might be related to me. You look like her little. It is still enough to think of you as a family. No problems can happen when the family can back you up. I just need to rise as captain soon.) Zhao

That does sound interesting. Indeed, my mother never said where she was from. She did look like Zhao. Little but way more than anyone from earth's kingdom. No need to think that. I just need to take advantage of this.

I remember Zhao got to the rank of captain by taking control over the earth's kingdom´s vessel. Many thought that it was done by dishonest means.

(I have an idea how you could become a captain. It will not take more than a month.) Shamo

(I am listening.) Zhao

(Can I tell it while they are here?) I pointed to privates and big owl. Zhao noded to be to continue.

(Every month Gaoling sends prisoners to a prison in the south of Ba Sing Se. The actual location is hidden but they are carried by earth nation vessel. You could take it and get the promotion. Those prisoners could be used in many ways or just released. No one would say anything about it. I can give you the location and timetable for the next round. Vessels captain can be bought over. I am confident he has done it before since those prisoners are a burden which no one wants.) Shamo

(That sounds interesting. I will find you when I got promoted. You can think carefully until then. No need to keep our identity a secret. We will not bother Gaoling´s people any longer. Sent time table to this address.)


After that, I went outside the desert to the Misty Palms Oasis. From there I hired sandbenders to their location. As payment, we chose to trade our camp to them. Considering its structure they made a great deal. I know they will get out of the desert. Just to be sure I followed them. To no surprise, everyone came back from the desert although they ordered extra payment. I should have known. No matter. I should hurry up back home.

When I came back home, I had much to explain. I explained that I knew Toph´s name thanks to uncle´s sleeptalking which he does not do.

I explained how I found out they were from fire nation and were using the whole Gaoling as a hostage.

Most of the time I spoke the truth. The whole Gaoling soon became to know how much of a genius I was. I was capable of showing that I could do those things.

This did not make me happy. Why? Because thanks to this, I was made a member of Toph´s bending training. We both knew that Toph was stronger but I could bend sand way better than her. She refused to train sand since it made everything fuzzy. At least she was more open about her abilities to me.

During times when I got nothing to do. I went to invest in the earth rumble arena. During the show, it was told to be popular although I did not see many watching it. I am trying to make it popular to all people without it being illegal. Unfortunately, I could not manage it well. For that reason, I was only an investor for now.

Toph got interested in it. I tried to hide it but she was spying on me. She was so shameless as to not try to hide it at all. She was practically forcing me to allow those combatants to be beaten up by her. She does not doubt her being way stronger. Not like she is wrong. She is capable of doing so.

I have no idea is she stronger than what was shown in the show comparing her ages. She is for sure more confident about her skills.

She is extremely violent toward me. I do not know why. I am certain that she does not have feelings toward me at least. Any feeling which I might have had also disappeared. I do not know sure what kind of relations are between us. I would like to think we are friends but I highly doubt that is the case.

I am the most likely just convenient training partner how does not break easily and is capable of keeping a secret. Maybe I am a friend to her. Friends keep their secrets as secrets. She has entrusted me with some. Am I capable of opening myself up to others? The most likely not. Am I never going to meet someone like that?

Days passed. The news of the prisoner vessel going missing had come up. It seems to me I had to figure out where I am going to go in the future. Not just with Zhao or Yu. I have no idea where I am heading. I might regret it if I do not figure out something soon.

I was planning to become a writer but that did not go so feel. I always had a feeling that I could not write anything better than those I consider masterpieces no matter what. That is without a doubt the worst way of thinking as a writer. I do not want to go the same path once again.

I could become an amazing bender. I have skills for it but does it make me happy. There are others how are better than me and are more committed than I am. Do I deserve to go this path? The answer is no. Thanks to the library I could avoid this pitfall since there have been others like me.

(Toph. I have an offer toward you.) Shamo

Toph had never heard me as serious as I am now. He waited for what I was going to ask.

(Would you be ready to leave everything behind in the future?) Shamo

Naturally, she became confused. That is the first time I had seen that face.

(I do not know where I am going in life but I might need your help. When I come back I want to know if you are willing to leave your past behind.) Shamo

I left the house and went home.

(Master Yu. I am going on the journey soon. I do not know for how long and when I return I think I will go away even for a longer time. Depending on how this war might continue, it might change my plans, but in case of emergency sent this messenger hawk to me. It will find me for certain.) Shamo

Yu uncle was silent the whole time. I did not like what I was talking about. He was not looking at me but he said anything either.

Zhao came to pick me up the next day. It was the beginning of year 94 AG.

There was only half a year until the death of Kya and I knew it.

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