《The Rising Of The Twilight God Slayer》Resolve


The domineering ruler of the Vermillion Family and the presence of the monarch who overseers all magic in the world show up in front of us.

“All hail to the patriarch!”

All of them bow down and respect the supreme one.

So this is the patriarch that was renowned as the strongest mage of all time in this world, I never meet him in my last life cause he suddenly disappear in the worst calamity war between humanities versus the 12th demigod of chaos. If only the 3 patriarchs work together to destroy discrimination in this world then maybe we have a chance to survive the upcoming end of the world by the will of the “Outer God”.

How unfortunate for a legend to disappear out of nowhere when humanity needed them the most. However, that is all in the past because now I have returned I will be sure to change this shitty ending into the ending that all of my countless comrades, friends, and lovers sacrifice to save the world. How frustrating if only I was born in the world without discrimination then maybe we commoners have a chance to increase our survival rate in the face of upcoming worst calamity war in the future.

After that, the meeting of the Mystic Banquet starts now.

Everyone started to seat in their own place in the 13th round table meeting, Artemis begin the roll call for the attendance of the mystic banquet.

“Let’s start from the last to the first!”

“Alice Vermillion.”


“Finn Vermillion.”


“Owen Vermillion.”


After that, all of the 12th guardian stars say present also Alice as well.

A few moments later…

“First of all, I would like to thank you for participating in the mystic banquet.”

“So, let’s commence the meeting right away!”

“12th guardian star reporting: The monster parade will start exactly the month of February and chaos will be stirred to all of the eight empires also help is immediately required. (Causes: unknown)

Finn reported while three-leaf saluting the leader.

“I understand!”

“Start commencing operation X!”

“Also, Finn I ordered you to investigate the root right away!”

“Yes ma’am!”

After that Finn left the scene immediately and start operation X immediately.

“11th guardian star reporting: The evil cult called “Devil’s Triangle” is starting to stir chaos in the underworld and slowly rule the shadow. (True motive: unknown)

Owen reported while three-leaf saluting to the leader.

“Tch those damn flies starting to cause the problem again!”

“I give you permission to eliminate those trash immediately!”


After Owen left the scene immediately and fly using a broom.

“10th guardian star reporting: The 12 hidden dungeon that I am currently managing is still incomplete and there are so many secrets yet that is unrevealed. "

Allen reported while three-leaf saluting to the leader.

“I understand!”

“Start commencing operation green!”

“Yes ma’am!”

After that, he left the door immediately.

“9th guardian star reporting: Currently The trade to the Oni Empire about the wine and agriculture is not finished yet.”


Alexander reported while three-leaf saluting the leader.

“Then after you finish your job report to me immediately!”

“Yes ma’am!”

After that, he left immediately.

“8th guardian star reporting: The SS-class mission of slaying the behemoth evil dragon is still ongoing.”

Tristan reported while three-leaf saluting the leader.

“Go kill the evil dragon immediately!”


“7th guardian star reporting: The mission about the enemies empire is that we currently investigating their movement.”

Ariadne reported while three-leaf saluting to the leader.

“Report to me after!”

“Yes, nee-sama!”

after that, she left earlier.

“6th guardian star reporting: About the mission rank SS investigating the ancient labyrinth is not finished yet.”

Anastasia reported while three-leaf saluting the leader.

“After completing the investigation, commence conquering operation Z immediately!”

“Yes ma’am!”

She leaves immediately.

“5th guardian star reporting: The sacred mission rank SS of being the guardian protector between the boundary of the lower realm and upper realm is a false alarm. No harm was done or intruder alert.

Selena reported while three-leaf saluting the leader.

“Then remember no matter what happens never let the monster of the upper realm infiltrate the lower realm world.”

“Yes ma’am!”

She left immediately.

“The 4th, 3rd, and 2nd guardian star I have a direct mission to you all from the patriarch!”

“Direct mission!”

The top 3 guardian star bow down waiting for the order with high expectations and sparkling eyes.

“Zephyr, Arthur, and Apollo I order you to three to become the main force for the upcoming Star Stream event of Vermillion Family versus Augustus Family and I hope you don’t disappoint me!”

“Yes, Father!”

“We will not disappoint you this time!”

The three was super happy and excited for the upcoming event that all of the mage dreams to join the “Star Stream Event”

After those three leave immediately to prepare for the upcoming event. Only the patriarch and Artemis are left in the scene.

“Now let’s start the main event of this mystic banquet!”

“Alice you are right now being suspected of betraying the Vermillion Family for bringing an outsider to the Main House!”

“Can you explain to us the truth!”

The intimidation aura of the number 1 strongest guardian star is emitting in the castle by force. An overwhelming force and mana are right now oppressing her to the point that she bows down forcefully to the floor immediately.

However, only Kaiser was not affected by the intimidation force that envelop the whole castle.

Kaiser focuses all of his mana to create a magnetic force field to protect himself and my lady from the oppressive force of Artemis.


Barrier creation magic: Magnetic force field

A spell that manipulates barriers and protects the user and the target from the outside force.

“Are you okay my lady?”


“What happens? why suddenly does the intimidation force diminish?”

“Don’t worry!”

“As long I am here no one can hurt you, my lady!”


Alice was speechless at the amazing feat kaiser doing and she blush like a tomato while hiding her embarrassment and holding my hand to stand up.

“Thank you idiot kaiser!”

“Greeting my lord!”

Kaiser fearlessly bows majestically for the patriarch of the Vermillion Family.

“I am the partner and butler of my lady Alice from the Vermillion Family.”

“Who in the world are you?”

A domineering voice of a patriarch who is on another level.

“I am just an ordinary villager A who dreams to become the Sage Monarch in the future.”


The shock impression of the Artemis.

“I am Kaiser, the villager of the clover!”

“I was one of the hunters that served the Vermillion family for generations and I’m here to join the Vermillion Family section!”

“So you are from the villager clover!”

“Tell me what is your true motive for joining the Vermillion Family section?”

Artemis is doubting and is suspicious of Kaiser’s identity.

“I want only one thing and that is to become the Sage Monarch that has the power to change this injustice world.”

“Hmph, interesting!”

“Your name is kaiser right?”

“The world is not that kind so once you step inside the boundary line there is no return or try again.”

“Do you have the resolve to cross that boundary line?”

“Of course, like I always said there is no shortcut to glory.”


After that, the patriarch steps down from the throne and walk in front of me with a gaze of the godly aura that overwhelmed me. A strong force is making me bow down to the floor and only look up to him.

“Know your place commoner!”

“The world is not that naive like Artemis said.”

“No matter what happens you commoner will always stay down the path that the noble set to you and cannot escape.”

“Become a Sage Monarch!”

“Don’t make me laugh!”

“Status, ranking, and talent is everything in this world and survival to the fittest world where only the strong reign and weak was trampled to death.”

“Do you have enough resolve to overcome all odds and rise to the top of the world?”

“You the commoner that is nothing compared to a noble!”

“If I were you just give up and scram!”

“You have no place here and get out of my sight!”

Kaiser stands up and faces the overwhelming force through his unrivaled will.


Artemis was shocked by his response.

“Hey, arrogant jerk who the hell do you think you are!”

“Do you think that you are a self-proclaimed god or something!”

“What the hell do you know about us commoner!”

“Do you think that you will always be undefeated and unparalleled?”

“Let me tell you one thing your so-called Vermillion Family will be wiped out from the history soon.”

“What did you say!”

The shock response of the patriarch. The patriarch lifts my body forcefully using magic.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Why the fuck would I tell you!”

“In the first place that is your job to find out why, how, when, or what!”

“Even if you kill me right now or read my mind you will never find the answer because the god is watching you!”


“Artemis is he telling the truth right now?”

“Unfortunately yes father!”

patriarch lift me down and let me go.

“Hey, you jerk read my mind right now if you find something then good luck!”

“What did you say?”

“Artemis just do what said!”

“Yes, father!”

Artemis read my mind using the latest mind-reading magic device that was invented by the Vermillion Family and the result was…

“How is this possible!”

“There is no result found and all clean however all he said is true!”


The shock response of the patriarch and Artemis.

“Hey foolish patriarch that will be killed someday I hope you learn your lesson and repent for what you have done to me!”

“I was planning to save you however like what you said fate is set for you!”

“So good luck and enjoy the rest of the day of the Vermillion Family extinction!”

“Hey, old man this is my warning to you, the one that will kill you is not me and I have no interest in taking your flimsy life lastly don’t underestimate them because they are much stronger than you all the 3 patriarchs altogether and you have zero chances.”

“Also I am not your enemy, I’m only here to challenge the Vermillion Family section, and if you don’t want to die focus on investigating them rather than focusing yourself on one commoner like me.”

“Lastly giving up is not in my dictionary!”

“My answer to your question by the way if I have the resolve to face the overcome all odds and rise to the top of the world.”

“I already have unparalleled resolve from the start that even if the world becomes my enemies!”

“I will rise through the top of the world and surpassed them!”


After that Kaiser princess carries the unconscious lady and leaves the scene.

“Father about what he said?”

“He was telling the truth from the start!”

“And I’m afraid that…”

Artemis feels worried and concerned.

“I know that young man is different from us!”

“I only want to test him however looks like I overdid it!”

“And this is the result.”

“Artemis this is my order!”

“Make sure no one hears about this.”

“Also If he was telling the truth then I will be secluded myself to train and surpassed my limit even if it cost my life!”

“That all dismiss!”

To be continued…

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