《The Drop Sinister (DROPPED)》Chapter 15: Yani the Thousand-Face Smith
Author’s Note: My friend who will be uploading when I’m gone uploaded this (to practice). If the formatting got messed up, then I wouldn’t know until tomorrow. And she might upload this Monday for all I know — but she needs the practice. Apologies in advance.
Came a knocking on the door, halting the professor’s lecture on the Djinn Trade’s immense effects on the relationship between the major surviving civilizations after the Great War. She shushed the younger attendees of the lecture and got the door.
“Professor Xarmist, good afternoon,” Thane bowed with a smile.
“Do you not have class? Or anything better to do than barging into my lecture and completely disrupting it?” The professor fumed and gestured behind her. She only knew four out of the some 50 students attending her lecture.
“I simply want to speak to a student, Professor Xarmist. A young woman, Anise Tan’ae,” Thane responded and glanced over the professor’s head. “It’s about her family.”
“From the baron? Hmph, fine then,” she barked at the young man. Then turning 180 degrees, she called Anise with a smile and a cheer. “Do not worry if you miss the rest of class. Your dorm-mates shall surely take good notes — I will make sure of it, Lady Tan’ae.”
Leaving the professor behind, the two proceeded to wander around the halls. No one talked, enjoying the silence permeated through the building like a blanket.
“Are you not worry? I may be someone from the Fierro Brothers,” Thane chuckled and slammed his palm onto the wall beside Anise.
“If you are, then that would make things easier,” Anise smiled as she unsheathed her dagger.
The young man backed off and continued walking again. “No wonder you have already gotten yourself into a war.”
Anise sheathed her dagger and followed the man. “So who are you?”
“Thane the Good, as they call me,” he pivoted on his feet and put forth a hand. With etiquette ingrained, Anise clasped hands with him. Thane looked at the still pair of hands and chuckled, then looked into Anise’s eyes. “Is this an offer to walk lover-like, hand in hand — until death do we part? Or do you wish to for a kiss upon your hand, Lady Tan’ae?”
Realizing her training, Anise scowled and squeezed hard, before throttling the other person’s hand. “But really, who are you? Commoner and of moderate influence, but why?”
Thane did not react at all. “As expected of an aristocrat — rather well-trained in reading people. Though, I must apologize to correct your statement. I am indeed a commoner, but I have little influence here or elsewhere.”
“Then why did Professor Xarmist allow you to take me out of class? Even if you did mention it as being a family matter — is there even one? — that prude would never let some commoner interrupt her lesson. She cares too much for class and blood.”
“Simply put, I am one of the top 10 students in the current third year class — somewhat of a genius, but also an idiot. Though I surely possess power and some protection, there is no true alliance formed within the Academy that I am involved with. I may be strong, but one man cannot challenge a kingdom — still, my achievements have been exaggerated to godly details that she respects me somewhat, despite being a sub-par degenerate scum-breeder.”
“And of the family matter?” Anise stopped walking and asked. She frowned and waited.
“A mutual friend, Bolverk, wanted to know if you were getting into trouble. And since you are already in the thick of it, I am now assessing whether you can crawl out of the situation.”
“Boo sent you,” Anise blinked with surprise. Then she pulled her head back with suspicion, “Students are not suppose to leave the premise of the Academy for leisure except on holy days.”
“I snuck out. Met the man while shopping — he was arguing with someone about a job,” Thane shrugged. “Quite an easy feat with the use of magic.”
“Then are you affiliated with the Church?”
Thane shrugged. “In a way, I suppose I am. Though, I’m a freelance mercenary of sorts. If it is a dispute between dorms, I am for the highest bidder. If it is a mass war between the three factions sponsoring this Academy, I am for the one most likely to win. And for that reason, I am Thane the Good — do you want my services?”
Anise broke out into laughter and leaned against the wall. Tears came out of her eyes as she hugged her stomach. “You, you flashed such an adorable smile. What’s with the thumb-up? I, I can’t breathe.”
Thane scratched his cheek with a slight smile. “That is not befitting of a lady of class, you know.”
Anise got up and dusted herself off. “I know; it’s not like I wanted to be a lady or baroness in the first place. And no, I am not going to hire you.”
“You believe in your dorm-mates, the worst squadron in the Academy?” Thane crossed his arms.
“I don’t know if I do,” Anise responded with a shrug. “The teachers treated me with indifference and even hostility upon first reading which dorm I am from. It was not until they found I was the future baroness of Ardin that they even looked at me with human eyes. I am unsure how their individual classes are, but from the one collective squad lecture we’ve attended, we were always called upon and ridiculed. But, I see potential in them.”
“According to the rumors, you have submitted the application to wage a war against the Gregarious squad set in a little over a month’s time. Potential is not easily manifested quickly. In fact, the current rate is 100:1. Are you telling me that I may make a fortune?” Thane raised an eyebrow and spun around in ecstasy.
“Wait, you’re already betted on the underdog, without even checking if there’s potential for success?” Anise gave a single dry laugh and tilted her head.
“A gambler must take risks to become great,” Thane asserted and pounded his chest solemnly. “Anyhow, follow me.”
“Where are we going?” Anise asked as they crossed the bridge connecting the Royal Citadel to the Black Citadel.
“The Black Citadel,” Thane responded matter-of-fact, going down the old stone steps to the second floor. “Well, specifically, a smith. Your dagger and sword — though why two? — being standard-issued will end you. Of course, I am not buying you anything — but you would do good to replace those two blades.”
“Do you think a dagger and sword style is viable?” Anise asked. “What if the sword is a rapier?”
“Only drunken aristocrats use rapiers. If a rapier holds sentimental value for you, I suggest you toss it away. But at the same time, there is a person who uses a slingshot in battle who I regard as stronger than I.”
“Slingshot? As in pebbles?”
“Yes, that sort of slingshot. Of course, she has an auxiliary magic to make it all function.”
“What the hell is she?”
“A dwarf.”
Not knowing what else to say, the conversation ended. The two made their way to an engineering lab converted into a forge. A student guarding the entrance to the forge glanced at Thane and nodded, but raise her eyebrow at Anise. Thane vouched for Anise’s character. The guard-student bled ink from her eyes and inscribed a mark, an Alleure protecting against the heat, onto their hands.
Entering the forge, a blast of hot air smothered Anise. An instant flood of sweat poured from the two, leaving their blue uniforms sticking to their bodies. Moving sluggishly — the heat piled on their backs — the two moved deeper to the smith at the center of the forge, lapping at the sweat flowing down their faces.
“Close the goddamn door, Gertrude, you’re letting the heat out,” the petite girl tempering steel ordered with a grunt. The guard closed the
door and the forge rose in temperature, and the two humans did not even bother to move anymore, collapsing onto the ground, letting the metal floor roast their bums.
“Yani, please, for the love of the Divines, please, stop the fire,” Thane cried.
The girl sighed and slipped off her high-stool and walked over to a button and slammed her fist down on it. Instantly, steam bursted into the forge as the fire were put out. Immediately following that, cool air ravaged the metal chamber.
“What the hell do you need, Thane?” Yani growled as she stomped her way over. She placed her hands on her hips and stuck out her bottom lip. “You know I am very busy. Some idiots are already starting a war despite being only a few weeks into the year! I am absolutely overwhelmed with orders: guns, bombs, swords, javelins, and even goddamn bear-traps! Bloody bear-traps; I’m a smith, not some odd-shop of metal junk! If they didn’t pay me in full from the beginning, I would have slaughter them all.”
Breathing in the coolness of the air, Thane moaned. Then he stood up and helped Anise find her footing as well. “Yani, you shouldn’t treat your bestest of friends like this. Besides, I doubt the fumes are bearable even for you. You probably haven’t even ate in days.”
Yani jumped and chopped Thane’s head. “Idiot! I ate some granite, ok? Anyways, who's the girl?”
“Lady Tan’ae, this adorable girl is Yani Finral, also infamous as the Smith with a Thousand Faces — one of which is of her toppling over from hunger. She’s also the one I told you about, the slingshot user. And, Yani, Lady Tan’ae is one of the idiots who started the first war of the year — and she need some weapons.”
Yani kicked Thane’s shin causing the man to jump up and down on one foot. Her long golden hair turned rigid, becoming covered with sharp black stone polished like glass. She snorted out fire which licked at the air, “I just told you I am swamped with orders. Why are you bringing me more stress? I’m going to kill you! Absolutely slaughter you!”
“Um, I was actually dragged along,” Anise interrupted with a well-trained smile. Yani noticed her, so Anise curtsied. “If you’re busy, I would not want to bother you; I doubt I would be able to afford your excellent wares in any case.”
“Aren’t you a lady? What kind of aristocrat doesn’t have money?” Yani criticized with a knock on Anise’s stomach. “You been spending your allowance eating, or something? And are you bloody insulting me by saying I wouldn’t be able to handle another set of orders? Are you saying my reputation is only so cheap?”
“What, no?” Anise denied and began stroking Yani’s still rocky hair. The petite girl jumped away and placed her hands up to guard her hair. She frowned and narrowed her eyes.
“Shouldn’t an aristocrat act like an aristocrat and not touch my hair?” Yani barked, but her rocky hair reverted to her original flowing golden locks.
“But you’re so cute though,” Anise replied with a slight smirk. She wiped the blood from her cut fingers on her pants.
“See, Yani!” Thane jumped into the conversation with a laugh. “You’ll find someone someday — especially if Lady Tan’ae here also thinks you’re cute.”
Yani gagged at Thane’s cheerfulness. “First of all, dwarfs aren’t sexy — especially when I still look like I’m ten years old. Second of all, if you can find a person who is into both dwarfs and children, they are most likely disgusting old men. Third of all, you know the other reason.”
“Other reason?” Anise asked.
Yani stuck her tongue out at her. “It does not concern you. Just tell me what you need, and we’ll try to settle on a payment.”
“Oh, I thought you were overwhelm with work.”
“...well, you’re wrong. When did I ever say that,” Yani replied with a wave of her hand.
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want Lady Tan’ae here to be bothered that she may be imposing on you.”
Yani closed her eyes and clenched her fists, cracking her knuckles. “It’s fine. Just tell me what you need.”
Anise scratched her cheek with a nervous laugh, “Ah, about that, well...I honestly don’t think I can pay you.”
Yani sighed and inexplicably did a headstand. Then she spun like a top. Stopping, she went up to Anise and poked her in the navel. “We can work out a request payment. Just tell me what you need. For the love of Audny, why are all aristocrats so thick in the head?”
“If you say so, I won’t hesitate,” Anise smiled. And it was at that moment that Yani froze and scrambled back. Even Thane frowned slightly. A thick violet violent miasma seeped out the young lady, groping about, casting shadows tangled and strange.
“Lady Tan’ae, what a heavy bloodlust.” Thane commented. “Rather unlike the stories I’ve heard of you.”
“Oh, sorry,” Anise blushed and closed her eyes. When the bloodlust disappeared, she opened her eyes again. “It’s a bad habit of mine.”
“Both you and him, it seems,” Thane muttered.
“Hmph, you could have warned me first,” Yani shouted with slight tears in her eyes. “Gave me a fright!”
“Sorry, I got too excited,” Anise apologized.
The two exchanged details on the order.
“I’ll send Gertrude about the payment when I think of some requests,” Yani said with a yawn. “Now get out of my forge, you two. It’s gotten too cold, and now I’m tired.”
Leaving the forge, the two heard the fires roar to life again — a blast of hot air sending their backs out the door. The bell rung and students poured out the doors. Making their way past the river of people, the two climbed down the citadel and out the door into the campus.
“I cannot decide whether you are a threat or not,” Thane remarked as he stretched his body under the setting sunlight. “You’re a patchwork of people — and those are the most dangerous, you know. At times, you act like an unassuming lady; other times, you stir up trouble worse than a typhoon; and that bloodlust reeks of winter. What exactly is your goal for joining the Academy, Lady Tan’ae.”
“If I say I want to become a hero, like the legends, how would you react?” Anise answered with a yawn.
“I have never heard of a hero with such heavy bloodlust — I felt as if Death cowered before you. Truly, what is your goal.”
“I have people to protect and a legacy to uphold. What’s your goal? You’re helping me far too much.”
“Let’s just say, I’m scoping out the battlefield.” Thane replied and promptly disappeared with a single step.
Not having any remaining classes, Anise made her way back to the dorms. No one else were back yet. Closing the door, the young lady made her way to her bed and closed her eyes.
Falling into a slumber, she sought out Usha in her dreams. Anise found herself in the world of flesh once more. However, rather than a hallway leading to a larger room, she was simply in a room with no openings. She shouted for the fallen goddess to show her face.
A sloshing sound came from above. The flesh churned and blood rained as a great hole opened up. Usha plopped out from the chute. She raised herself up and faced Anise.
“Your face is different,” Anise remarked with a frown. The burnt face showed signs of healing, a thin patch of white skin ran over Usha’s upper lips like a mustache.
Usha cackled and threw her head to the ceiling. As suddenly as the laughter began, she stopped and tilted her head back at Anise. She smiled. “It is all thanks to you, girl.”
“What do you mean?” Anise narrowed her eyes and took a step back.
“That’s not a matter you should concern yourself with. Regardless, it will happen. So, why are you here?” Usha skittered forward on her many limbs, bringing forth the odor of decay: a medley of sharp acidic sweat; humid burst of rotten flesh, striking at the brain like a battering ram; and an underlying, hypnotic germination of sourness, pure and simple sourness.
“What exactly is happening to my body — no, my mind?” Anise asked as she shielded her nose from the wall of stench.
“You are becoming a better vessel for me.” Usha replied and snuck a taste of the young lady’s cheek. “Both in body and mind — you will become me. The more you become suitable for my soul, the more I can lend you my strength.”
“Disgusting,” Anise replied simply and scrubbed her cheek. “I do not want to become you at all.”
“You want to become a hero of legends, right? Then, you have to accept my power. At least, some of it.” Usha chided. Her tongue shot out and pierced Anise’s neck. “Succumb to our bloodlust, and this can be yours.”
Anise’s veins popped as if indigo worms roamed under her skin, while a scene streamed into her mind. Her veins popped and blood spilled all over her body. As blood came forth, it hardened around herself, becoming as hard as diamond. But she also saw the blood contact the air and exploding into a mass of billowing green flames.
When Usha retracted her tongue, Anise fell over. The young lady checked herself for injuries but found nothing.
“What was that?” Anise asked.
“If you give in to our bloodlust, then you can use that ability freely. I call it the Twelfth Night. You need it; if you want to become great.” Usha cackled and sank down into the flesh, gone.
Anise called for the goddess a few times. But getting no response, she woke up.
“Had a nice nap, Miss Tan’ae?” Garth asked with a smile. He and Horatio were playing chess.
“Did it look like I was?” Anise asked with a slight smile.
“Yes. Why do you ask?” Garth responded as he took Horatio’s knight eagerly with a bishop. Then grimacing when his own bishop was swallowed by an unseen rook.
“Then, I guess I was having a nice nap.” Anise got up from her bed and stretched. She scanned the room. Belford was asleep and cuddling his pillow. And Sofie was curled up against Tanya. Anise moved over to the two guys who were still awake. She observed the match. It ended soon, with Horatio’s victory.
“I heard you and Thane the Good were together this afternoon,” Horatio remarked as he reset the board. “You sure are popular, princess.”
“Oh, hohoho,” Garth chuckled. “It seems I have outstayed my welcome; I belong to a different generation. You sit here and play chess and talk. It is getting late though, my lad and lady. Good night.” He moved to his own bed and soon his snoring filled the room.
“Don’t call me princess,” Anise berated him with a light kick to his thigh. “We talked business. Is it rare for him to approach people?”
“Not rare, but he is an enigma. Are we paying him to fight for us?” Horatio asked with a hopeful eyebrow raised.
“Not at all. He simply introduced me to Yani over in the Black Citadel. I don’t know what you guys wanted exactly, but Thane had profiles detailing everyone up till maybe a year ago.”
“Ah, so that’s why Gertrude came over with a letter for you,” Horatio pounded his fist against his palm in realization. He handed the letter to the young lady. Then, he took Anise’s knight — only for his own knight to be captured; a fact he was fine with.
Anise tore open the letter with her dagger. “How are your classes going?”
“I’m not sure how much we can tank before risking expulsion,” Horatio chuckled. “Slackers until the very end. That was our plan — until some cheeky princess blessed us with her presence.”
“Will they mark you down if you do not attend class due to expeditions?” Anise asked, surrendering the match to get Horatio’s undivided attention.
Horatio glanced at the girl with his pitch black eyes and sighed. He ran his hand over his hair. “We really just want to live and then slack off some more. And now we are forced into an expedition. 1 in 4 people die in expeditions! 1 in 4! We only have 6 people.”
“I mean, how else was I supposed to pay for the weapons? Besides, we need to train and get to know each other better first. Sofie has not spoken to me at all, in fact.”
“Fine, fine. Where are we going for this expedition?”
“We are going to Wolfsheimburg. There’s been recent sightings of gray-lurkers, amongst other things. Originally, Yani was charged with the task of extermination — but she got swamped with her private affairs. In addition, she also wants us to collect some rocks and
salvage some monster parts from the area.”
Horatio gave up and collapsed on the bed, hitting his head against the wall in the process. “That place has a 1 in 3 chance of people dying on a regular basis. Adding in gray-lurkers, that’s a 1 in 2 chance. You are a living hell, princess. A real godsend of death.”
“Then, would it be bad for me to mention we leave tomorrow? On foot, no less?” Anise smirked and left for her own bed, leaving Horatio to
fume silently on his own.
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