《Fate's Assassin *dropped*》this is farewell


Hi guys due to certain recent events in my life I've lost all ambition for writing and I just can't bring myself to do to you guys what I've done in the past so this is where I say those oh so feared and hated words ............... Fate's Assassin is henceforth dropped Ley is dead. I'll answer some of the questions you might have about the future in this story that I had planned on but will now never happen. 1 his mysterious benefactor was the goddess of fate herself 2 his love interest was going to be eve 3 Garth's father was going to be the one to forge and craft all of Ley's gear 4 The final enemy of the story was going to be an enormous avatar of destruction that Ley's father tried making a deal with and released from it's prison to kill Ley but backfired and 5 Ley would take the role of the goddess of fate's assassin and enforcer as his race had done in the past after an event that had killed all the people he care for and loved thus leaving him with only his goddess as a bond. Well I am truly sorry about this but I just can't go on with it and if anyone wants to pick the story up and take it's mantle I'll gladly pm them all my notes for it just rewrite it and make it your own don't try to follow my train of thought cause that would take away from the story.

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