《Fate's Assassin *dropped*》going on hiatus............again


Sorry guys but I'm not gonna be able to put my heart into writing for awhile due to emotional destruction. I won't beat around the bush I did something so stupid so moronic that I'm just so ashamed that all i see is black void. If you want to know what I did well I'll tell you And I don't really care if you mock or laugh at me cause this time i deserve it. I just so happened to step on my brand new $500 laptop and broke the inner filament in the screen so now the screen is cadavarific aka dead. The really stupid thing is I knew exactly where it was and had lots of other places to put my foot down but nope it went down on my laptop. So I'm sorry but I won't have the heart to write for I don't know how long maybe a few days maybe a few weeks I can't tell. I don't even feel chaos in my heart right now only the feeling of pure stupidity and shame.

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