《The Remnant Fiestas - A Novel Series》Vol 1 - Ch 1 - Close Encounter of the Perverted Kind. (Draft 1)
Chapter 1 – Close Encounter of the Perverted Kind.
- I -
Pharos was the largest port of call in the Hurakan Nebula.
Floating a few lightyears within the edge of the giant cloud of space debris and gas, a near permanent reminder of the Cataclysm that took place more than two centuries ago, the century old colony consisted of five enormous asteroids, each one referred to as an Island. The largest of the rocks was Island One, eighty kilometers long and nearly half as thick, and possessing the Harbor Tunnel and Harbor Sphere where thousands of ships, both large and small, stopped by on their way to and from the nebula. Its four smaller brethren, known as Islands Two, Three, Four, and Five, were locked into fixed orbits around the massive asteroid, each one of them home to a million or more people who lived within caverns carved out of the interior of the giant rocks. Referred to as habitats, these caverns were sufficient in size to house a small city.
Island Two had once been known for its luxurious residential habitats, but that was in the past. With Islands Three and Four coming online, or rather, open to habitation, Island Two had suffered a gradual decline in the quality of life it provided. However, with that decline came cheaper housing so living in the habitats of Island Two was more affordable than elsewhere in Pharos.
The apartment she rented in Island Two, Habitat Three, was on the small side but it had everything she needed to live comfortably. It was also quite close to the overhead mag-lev station, an added bonus since her place of work was located in Island One, Habitat One, in one of the commercial districts packed with towering megascrapers that had grown as tall as possible such that they now brushed the cavern ceiling, and had no more room to spread. In contrast, the habitat she lived in was less densely populated by buildings. It also had a mimetic sky-field that simulated the cycles of the day, giving the inhabitants the impression they were living on a planet rather than inside a rock floating on the edge of a giant cloud of intergalactic matter.
Yes, her apartment was small but it was cozy, and she loved it. The residential complex was old but well maintained, and the people were elderly, some retirees, so there was little trouble to be found as they all valued their peace and privacy, though they did find it odd for a young woman like her to be living at the complex and single to boot.
Lying in bed, she waited for her alarm clock to sound, and turned it off when it did.
She had decided to get up earlier and avoid the crush on the mag-lev. Not everyone in Island Three was a retiree. A good many people worked for a living, she being one of them, and that meant commuting to Island Three or Island One.
Pushing back the covers of her bed, climbed out and prepared herself for the working day with a shower, a quick breakfast, and then a hasty choice of clothes. Locking her apartment behind her after telling the home unit that she was off to work, she waited alone in the outside corridor for the elevator to arrive that would take her down from the twentieth floor to ground floor.
At the ground floor lobby, she walked over to the mailboxes, and checked inside hers on her way to the building’s permaglass exit. To her , she found a small envelope inside, and after retrieving it, she opened the paper package and allowed the contents to fall into her right palm – a ruby red translucent crystal in the shape of a trapezohedron about two inches long and a half inch wide.
Staring at it for a racing heartbeat, she quickly dropped the crystal into a skirt pocket that she then zipped shut, and folded the envelope away, slipping it into her handbag.
Then she left the building and walked down the steps to the sidewalk, turning eastward toward the mag-lev station, doing her best to maintain an outward calm that belied her shattered inward composure.
- II -
The giant cavern known as Habitat One was located in Island Three.
At fourteen kilometers long, six kilometers wide, and over two thousand feet high, the habitat was home to a hundred thousand people, the place of work for two hundred thousand others, and a place of commute for one young teenage girl who happened to be sitting in the backseat of an impressive ground limousine caught in the grind of morning traffic. At a glance, she had long black hair and emerald green eyes. Short of stature, perhaps no more than five foot two, she had a slender well-toned body. If she had to describe her best attribute it would be her sleek legs, since she had yet to develop a womanly bosom, a source of near constant consternation for her, one she forcibly submerged into the recesses of her subconscious every day upon waking up, looking in the mirror, and finding no progress had been made during the night.
With an elbow resting on the windowsill of the car door, she wore a bored expression as watched the traffic lights ahead turn red.
In truth, she was sitting nervously on the proverbial pins and needles.
She had been plotting her escape long, long before climbing into the limo that morning.
In fact, she had been devising her brilliant plan since excusing herself from dinner the night before after learning she would be chauffeured and chaperoned to her first day of school. That was followed a late night of planning and scheming within the confines of her room and her teenage brain. Thus, the moment the vehicle stopped at the lights was the moment the plan came to fruition.
It was the moment she bolted into action.
Flinging the door open, she made like the wind, leaping out of the car with preternatural grace, and then sprinting like a gazelle between the parked traffic.
From behind her came the cries of “Come back” but they only served to spur her on.
With proverbial wings on her heels, Caprice Steiner afil Lanfear, ran across the street packed with motionless vehicular traffic, then down the pedestrian sidewalk crowded with people heading to work in Pharos Colony’s Island Three, Habitat One.
There was method to her madness – a reason for leaping out of the luxurious limo trapped in traffic.
No way in Hell am I making my high-school debut like a rich princess!
With that thought firmly in mind, she weaved and ducked between the moving pedestrian traffic with the skill of a shaolin master – if ever a shaolin master found himself in a female school uniform and fleeing a cadre of conspicuously burly men in dark suits wearing equally dark sunglasses.
Caprice spotted the holovid sign overhead that identified in multiple languages the entrance to the elevated mag-lev station. Executing maneuvers between people that would have challenged a bee, she turned off the sidewalk and sprinted up the steps to the station. Palm-slate firmly in hand, she swiped it over the turnstile, waited for the baffle gates to open, then sprinted once more down the short concourse, heading for the platform that would take her to the station closest to Galatea Academy. Having done her homework on the best escape route and which station line to catch was paying off.
Not nearly as out of breath as she would have been a year ago, Caprice nervously fingered the restraining collar she wore, then made tracks between people as she hurried onto the platform. Not seeing any sign of pursuit, she slowed to a stop and began to relax, taking deep breaths in the process.
Then her palm-slate rang.
Recognizing the caller ID, she almost flung it away, reconsidered, then hurriedly turned the device off.
A heartbeat later she looked up to see a commotion at the entrance to the platform, and soon her bodyguards came into view, frantically looking about in search of her.
With a strangled groan, Caprice turned and ran away from them down the platform.
Suddenly her upper body jerked to a standstill and her feet swung wildly in the air as her lower body continued on its merry way. When her feet came down, she realized someone had grabbed the collar of her midnight-blue school blazer and her blouse, and yanked her to a standstill. Reflexively she called out for help, but realizing it would draw attention to her, she clamped her hands over her mouth as she was bodily turned around by the hand gripping her collar.
Caprice was turned around to face a young man, a high school student dressed in Galatea Academy’s uniform for boys, standing quite a few inches taller than her, regarding her with a look of reproach. His clothes were disarrayed, his tie hung loose, and his hair was suffering from a severe case of bedhead. Yet despite his unkempt appearance, Caprice felt her heart jump when she looked into his dark eyes.
Wow…he’s hot.
“You bumped me.”
His unhappy tone was like a bucket of cold water doused on her head.
“Excuse me?” she asked.
He pulled her closer. “I said…you bumped me.”
Bumped him? No way. I’m sure I avoided him by a few millimeters at least.
She chose to apologize rather than argue with the youth. Handsome or not, her trouble radar was beeping madly. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Bowing in apology was out of the question because he still held onto her. Then she saw her family’s bodyguards pushing their way toward her. “Could you please let me go?”
“No.” He made a hand-it-over gesture with his free hand. “I demand compensation.”
“Huh?” Her express fell into confusion while inwardly she was beginning to despair. “What compensation?” She blinked quickly. “You mean lunch money?”
He frowned at her. “What do you take me for—a school bully?”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what you want.”
“I told you. Compensation.”
The bodyguards were coming closer and Caprice began to panic in earnest. “Wh—what compensation? Just spit it out.”
“Double-A, you’re being rude.”
“Tell me what you want or let me go.”
“Why? Are you in a rush?”
“A rush? Yes, I’m in a rush.” A wild reckless thought plunged into her mind. “I—I’m being followed by those three large men. They want to kidnap me. They’re gangsters. My family owes them money.” She was on a roll now, the proverbial rolling boulder. “They—they wanna sell my body to pay off the debt.”
His gaze travelled over her. “Your body? Are you serious?” She scowled at him, and he snorted in response. “Don’t make me laugh—then again some guys are into flat chested lolli-girls.”
“See! I’m in trouble.” Then she realized what he’d called her. “And I’m not a lolli!”
“Whatever. Call the Enforcers. Your family’s debts are not my problem.”
“In that case let me go.”
“Nope. I demand compensation.”
“What—what compensation?”
“Show me your panties.”
“Huh?” Caprice felt as though someone had uncapped her skull and allowed all her thoughts to jump out.
“Your panties. Show me. Then I’ll let you go.”
The guards were only a dozen meters away by now.
“You can’t be serious.”
The youth turned toward the oncoming bodyguards and called out, “Hey, over here—”
“Alright!” In desperation, Caprice made her choice. “You wanna see—here! Take a look!”
She grabbed her navy-blue skirt and lifted it up.
The youth regarded her underwear for a second or two. “Good choice. Midnight Parade. This year’s summer range.”
“Huh?” She dropped the ends of her skirt, the reality of having exposed herself in a public place yet to sink in. “How—how do you know that?”
“Trust me. I’m a connoisseur of women’s lingerie.” He released her blazer’s collar. “You said you’re being chased?”
“Ah huh….”
“Attempted kidnapping?”
“Ah huh….”
“There’s a debt to pay.”
“Something like that….”
He grinned and cracked his knuckles just as her bodyguards arrived. “Cool. I get to have some fun.”
It was then she noticed the collar around his neck – a collar like the one she wore. It was the collar that all Familiars affiliated with a Pride were required to wear, and the pips indicated he was bonded to a Remnant. When he turned to face the bodyguards her family had assigned to protect her, she glimpsed the pendant hanging from the collar because it was the same as hers – the red phoenix of the Lanfear Pride.
Oh no. He’s a Familiar too.
Her bodyguards slowed as they approached her, and made the mistake of ignoring the grinning youth, pushing him aside as they surrounded her.
“Mistress,” one of the men called out to her. “You can’t run off like that. You need to return to the car.”
“Excuse me,” the young Familiar interjected, “but aren’t you forgetting something.” As the men spared him a distasteful look, he shoved a hand into a trouser pocket. “I’m the one who caught her.” He held his other hand out to them. “I demand compensation.”
At his apparent betrayal, Caprice glared at him. “Hey—I did what you wanted.”
“That was for bumping into me,” he replied smoothly. “I never said anything about helping you.”
“What? But you said leave it to me.”
The bodyguard in authority over the others stepped in front of her with his back to the high school student. “Mistress, please return to the car. Lady Morgan is waiting for us.”
Caprice shook her head quickly. “No. I told Morgan I would make my own way to school.”
Her bodyguards didn’t agree, two of them flanking her and taking hold of one of her arms with the intention of escorting her off the platform and back to the limo, while the third bodyguard led the way.
But the Familiar dressed in the Galatea Academy uniform hadn’t given up.
“Compensation,” he demanded, standing in their path.
“We don’t have time for punks like you,” the bodyguard in the lead declared.
The youth’s eyes widened and his grin turned into a cruel smile. “Oh really. Then let’s make the time.”
To Caprice, it looked as though he grabbed the air between himself and the large man. She felt it harden a moment before something ripped loudly and the bodyguard’s trousers and boxers hit the deck.
The youth winced in pain and then grabbed the collar around his neck with one hand. “Shit that hurts.”
The two bodyguards holding onto Caprice stared at their boss in disbelief.
“Sir, what are you doing?”
“It’s not me,” he yelled back, crouching to gather his clothes.
“Double-A,” the youth called out, and Caprice realized he was referring to her.
“Don’t move.”
He reached out and appeared to grab the air, then made another ripping motion, and the two bodyguards flanking her suffered the same wardrobe failure as their boss. As the men struggled to regain their modesty, the youth hissed in pain as he held onto the collar.
“Double-A—time to go,” he announced in a strangled voice.
Despite being in agony, he quickly grabbed Caprice by her left arm, and pulled her along the platform as the in-bound mag-lev whooshed down the rail line and came to a smooth stop.
With a tight grip on her school bag hanging from her right shoulder, Caprice was surprised by his strength and his fleetness of foot as they slipped through the crowd boarding the carriages. Once inside, he urged her deeper into the carriage.
“Keep moving,” he gasped, wincing with every breath. “Keep going. Next carriage.”
Caprice found herself leading the way, and with the young man following her closely behind, they exited one carriage and entered the next through the connecting tubule.
Then the mag-lev doors closed and the train began to move at speed down the line.
Coming to a stop near one of the doors, Caprice breathed fast yet deeply and soon recovered her breath. It was then she noticed she was squeezed between a few adult men, and began to panic a little.
Stupid. It was my idea to commute by public transport. Now suck it up!
A hand snaked out between the men, grabbed her, and pulled her into a gap beside the double exit doors of the carriage. Now she found herself pressed between the doors, and the young Familiar – her apparent savior.
Unable to hide her blush, Caprice looked up at him. “Th—thank you.”
“Compensation,” he said to her.
“Heeeeh?” she cried out, then clamped her mouth shut when a few commuters nearby glanced at her with myriad expressions, none of them altogether friendly. She lowered her voice. “What the Hell do you mean, compensation? I already showed you my panties. What else do you want to see?” The magnitude of what she’d done on the station platform slammed into her consciousness with the force of a freight train. “Oh my, gods. Oh my, gods. Please tell me it was all a nightmare.”
“Double-A, would you calm down,” he complained while running a finger under the restraining collar he wore. “Do you have any idea how much this thing bites when you go against its directives?”
“No. I’ve never broken the rules so why would I?”
“Well aren’t you a good little girl,” he remarked dryly.
She started to curse him, but seeing his discomfort she asked instead, “So…how does it feel?”
“Like being shocked by a stun gun. Burns a lot, but then it works its way down to your balls.”
“Huh?” She blinked absently.
He made a sour face. “It sure as Hell kills an erection fast.”
Caprice swallowed in distaste. “Do you have to be so crass?”
“What? I’m just telling you the truth. First it burns up here, then the shock kicks you down in the lower quarter.” He writhed uncomfortably while standing up, brushing against her in the process. “Shit, now it’s gone numb.”
“That is something I don’t need to know!”
“Keep it down, Double-A.”
“Enough with your problems in the lower quarter,” she hissed at him.
He reached up and grabbed onto an overhead hand rail. “Fine. So tell me something, Double-A, who were those guys?”
Caprice grew silent as she debated being honest with the pervert who’d saved her. “My family’s bodyguards.”
“It’s my first day at Galatea Academy. My family issued me bodyguards and a car to take me to the school.”
“So you’re a rich girl. What of it?”
“That’s the whole point. I don’t want people thinking of me that way.”
He stared at her with an unreadable expression before declaring, “You’re an idiot.”
“Don’t you know anything about Galatea Academy?” She shook her head faintly and he sighed heavily. “It’s full of rich girls. Do your really think you’d stand out? Trust me. You’re just another tree in the forest.”
Caprice pressed her lips shut.
On the contrary, I’m the biggest richest tree in the forest.
However, she chose to keep that to herself.
“Anyway,” he pressed on, “I don’t think it’s a big deal if you arrive in style. I’m assuming you were travelling by limo or something like that.”
“A limo.”
He shook his head. “If you really wanted to make an impression, you should have flown in.”
“Flying is heavily restricted in the habitats. The ceiling is only two thousand feet in Habitat Three.”
“That’s why only the really important and really rich get to fly.”
He had a point and she chose not to argue. Perhaps Morgan was being considered by sticking to a ground car, and not flying her to the Academy in a manner befitting the astronomical wealth of her family. Thinking of Morgan made her heart cringe. Undoubtedly, she would report her antics to her father, and if so Caprice expected a stern lecture when she got home…but it wouldn’t come from her father.
Grandfather will be pissed.
“I am so screwed,” she whined softly and bowed her head, bumping it into his chest in the process.
“Maybe you shouldn’t give your family such a hard time,” he muttered. “After all, once they’re gone…they’re gone.”
When she looked up, she saw him staring distantly through the transparent doors of the mag-lev carriage. “My family didn’t acknowledge that I existed until a couple years ago,” she revealed. “So why shouldn’t I give them a hard time? It’s not like they care about me. They just care about what I am.”
His expression was poker faced when he said, “Sounds like you’re carrying a grudge.”
Caprice pressed her lips together tightly for a long while. “Not a grudge. I just resent them.” She cocked her head at him. “Do you mind if I ask you something?”
“Who are you?”
He made a sour expression. “I’m just your friendly neighborhood pervert.”
“Who happens to be a Familiar with a Remnant,” she pointed out. “And someone who can tolerate a restraining collar.”
“Let’s just say I’ve had a lot of practice with this thing,” he commented flatly. “I think I’m running down the batteries.”
“So who are you?”
“Does it really matter?” he asked back. “I notice you’re not telling me who you are.” She grimaced and he pressed on. “Besides, I’m cool with calling you Double-A.”
“That’s my second question. Why are you calling me Double-A?”
He blinked slowly at her for a few seconds. “Isn’t that your cup-size?”
By the barest of margins she turned her shriek into a hiss. “What did you say?”
“Your bra may be padded to an A-cup, but you’re actually a double-A.”
Feeling her face turn red with heat surging from newfound depths in her body, Caprice brought her knee up with tremendous force, burying it into his crotch.
However, he stared at her with a frown and quietly asked, “Did you just knee me?”
Her eyes grew wide as she realized he’d been telling the truth.
He shook his head slowly at her. “I told you before, they’ve gone numb.”
Feeling suddenly faint, Caprice sagged against the door at her back.
“Please, please tell me I’m dreaming,” she muttered.
- III -
Exiting the mag-lev station closest to Galatea Academy, Caprice walked with heavy steps a short distance behind the perverted youth who’d saved her – at the cost of exposing herself – from her family’s bodyguards.
She looked up at the artificial morning sky simulated by the sky-field, and saw clouds overhead.
She felt like one of those clouds was hanging over her permanently.
Though it had habitats of its own, Island One largely served as a shipping and industrial sector, with a sizeable entertainment district. Over the decades, as the other Islands came to join the enormous asteroid, the residential districts had moved out of Island One, coming to settle in Islands Two and Three. Eventually they were pushed to Islands Four and Five, as burgeoning business and increased trade out in the Hurakan Nebula demanded more commercial sectors be established. So it was that Island Three came to possess a mixture of residential and commercial zones, and was home to one of five schools dedicated to cater to Aventis students.
Schools throughout Pharos conducted classes on a two-semester academic year. Before the end of each semester, the compatibility of Regular students to the eight strains of Symbiote was tested to judge their eligibility to join a Pride. If they qualified they were given time to make arrangements to transfer either mid-year or at the start of the new year into one of the five academies. However, it wasn’t just the Aventis that attended these prestigious Academies – one found in each of the five asteroid Islands – but Familiars too and before starting her senior year in middle-school, what on some worlds was referred to as Junior High, Caprice was tested and determined to be a Familiar most receptive to the Lanfear Symbiote.
What made Familiars different from Regulars and Aventis was a handful of unique traits.
To begin with, Familiars were akin to Vampires. That is, they ingested blood, but not just any blood. When they drank the blood of an Aventis, the Symbiote in the bloodstream was carried into the Familiar whereupon it grew within their bodies at a phenomenal rate. It gifted them with a strength and healing ability well beyond that of the Aventis, allowing them to survive injuries that would kill the latter. But the Symbiote within a Familiar didn’t survive long, a few days or a week at best before it burnt out and was consumed by the Familiar’s body. Afterwards, a Familiar had to wait a few hours or days before they could drink the blood of an Aventis again. It is important to note, that a Familiar did not need to ingest the blood of an Aventis to wield their Remnant. However, it was only when they were boosted by the Symbiote that they could draw upon the full power and abilities of their Remnant.
Back then when she was tested, Caprice had returned to living with her family, the Steiners, due to unfortunate circumstances. Upon learning the news that her body had awakened to that of a Familiar, her family made the arrangements to affiliate her with the Lanfear Pride because her body was found to be most receptive to their Symbiote. That is to say that when she drank Lanfear blood, Caprice gained the most out of the Symbiote. At the time, she also learnt she had inherited the Remnant her mother had possessed, and so began a turbulent year for the fifteen-year old girl – a year of rigorous physical training and long hours learning to master and unlock the Remnant passed down to her from her mother. However, Caprice also spent that year attending a school for the children of wealthy Regulars. The decision to transfer her to Galatea Academy wasn’t handed down until late last year, and it came from her appointed Guardian, Morgan Le Caster afil Lanfear, who was also responsible for placing the restraining collar around her neck.
Familiars without a Remnant did not wear a collar because they were not deemed a risk to the Aventis, and were thereby allowed to continue their studies at schools for Regulars. This rule also applied to Familiars bonded to a Remnant, but who did not yet have permission to carry it with them out in public or use it outside of training. Thus, Caprice was not required to wear a collar and was allowed to attend the school for Regulars for her final year of middle-school. However, once she had gained enough experience to wield her Remnant without fear of becoming a danger to herself and the Aventis, Morgan had issued her with a collar, and with her family’s blessing had enrolled Caprice at Galatea Academy.
“Yoh, Double-A, you don’t look too good?”
Caprice scowled at the tall good looking boy walking slightly ahead of her. He had fallen back to peer at her. “And whose fault do you think that is?” she questioned with a steely voice.
He shrugged a shoulder, then blinked sharply. “Wait here.”
She watched him run off into a convenience store, and then trudged along in his wake. By the time she arrived at the store, he had returned with a couple of soda cans that he offered to her. She started to choose, but then stared at him with undisguised suspicion.
“How much?” she asked.
“Just pick one. I won’t ask for compensation.”
“Can I trust you?”
He placed both cans in her hands. “I told you before, I’m not a bully.”
“No, you just bully girls into exposing their panties.”
“By the way, Midnight Parade is rather upmarket and mature. I didn’t expect a freshman to wear that kind of line.”
Caprice felt herself turn red. “It—it wasn’t my choice.”
She trembled and so too did the soda cans she held. “Morgan told me it was time to graduate from—”
She stopped herself in the nick of time.
“To graduate from what?” he asked with a sincere expression.
“I—I’m not telling you!” she cried out and tossed one of the cans at him before storming off down the sidewalk.
“OUCH!” It slammed into his forehead yet he caught it before it hit the ground. “Hey, Double-A wait up.”
“Don’t call me that,” she yelled over her shoulder. “And stop following me.”
Despite all this she had the presence of mind to open her can and gulp down the contents. After chocking on the tangy liquid, she recovered and sipped it instead. She also slowed down her pace and the pervert walked behind her.
“In that case, tell me your name, oh little Familiar of the Lanfear Pride.”
She stumbled and regained her footing. “You saw my collar.”
“Yeah, I saw it. I also felt your Awareness-field.”
She stopped and stared at him. “What?”
“Your Awareness-field. It’s quite strong. I’m guessing you’re having trouble keeping it down.”
He was right. All Remnants emanated an Awareness-field that expanded the senses and awareness of their bonded Meister. Some Familiars had trouble summoning the field, but others like Caprice had trouble reining it in. Described in terms of magic, it was like saying her ‘magical aura’ was so strong that it defied her attempts to bring it under control, making her shine like a bonfire to those Familiars with Remnants who could sense the Awareness-field coming from her.
He walked past her, sipping his soda. “Must be a pretty powerful Remnant you’ve got there,” he muttered.
Caprice hurried to catch up to him. “How do you know that?”
He shrugged a shoulder while casting a grin on her. “It’s a secret.”
She growled under her breath. “So then what about your Awareness-field?”
“I’m keeping it tucked away nice and neat.” He shrugged again. “Although in the early days, I had trouble with it too. It was so big it was like I was shouting out ‘Here I Am’ from the highest building to every Familiar in the Island.” A grimace twisted his lips. “Gods, how many times did Arisa wring me through Hell until I learnt how to control it.”
Caprice noticed her eyes had grown wide in disbelief and amazement. “So…what is your Remnant?”
He glanced down at her. “That’s a secret.”
She snorted loudly. “Fine. Then I don’t want to know.” She skidded to a stop when he stopped in front of her. “Wh—what? What are you doing?”
When he leaned down toward her, Caprice felt her heart shift into sport mode and race in her chest. His face loomed large in her vista, filling her view of the world, and his presence dominated her senses. The closer he drew, the faster her beat and the louder her breathing became. She smelt the cologne in the air and thought to herself, so this is what boys smell like.
Then her mind snapped back into action. “Wh—what are doing? I—I’m not ready for this—”
He leaned past her and whispered into her ear, “I’ll tell you if you tell me your name.”
Caprice swallowed hard, then whispered back, “Ca—Caprice. Caprice Steiner”—she swallowed—“afil Lanfear.”
He straightened and looked down at her.
“Well then, Caprice Steiner afil Lanfear”—he held out his right hand to her—“it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Hesitantly, she shook his hand. “Really?”
He smiled at her, with an undeniable boyish charm that made her heart skip a couple of times. “I’m Caelum. Caelum Desanto afil Lanfear.” He bowed to her while holding her hand gently. “And I’m at your service.”
“Wh—why is that?” she stuttered.
He shrugged a shoulder. “Let’s just say…you’ve caught my interest.”
“Interest? What interest?”
“I look forward to seeing what you’ll wear tomorrow.”
“Gah!” She pulled her hand free and stormed around him. “No thank you.”
“What? Why not?” He hurried after her. “After all, we’re already close.”
“Showing you my underwear does not make us close. You really are a pervert!” She came close to howling in exasperation.
“Depends on the girl and the moment,” he replied lightly.
“Just for the record, I do not like you.”
He glanced at her. “Really? I could have sworn I felt your heart dance about when I whispered in your ear.”
“What?” She stopped and stamped her foot. “You used your Awareness-field on me.”
Desanto shook his head. “Nope. Your Awareness-field projected your emotions to me. I just read them.”
Her eyes widened and then she grew faint. “That—that’s a lie.”
He gave her a pitying look. “Young one, you have much to learn.” Then he smiled at her brightly and pointed a thumb at his chest. “Want me to teach you?”
Caprice recovered and gave his offer a moments consideration. “No. Never.”
Then she resumed storming down the sidewalk toward the large impressive gates intersecting the twenty-foot high wall surrounding the district block. It was only then she realized she had arrived at Galatea Academy.
“We’re here. Finally.” She breathed out in relief, and turned quickly toward Desanto. “Thank you for your help, but I regret we must part ways.” She bowed to him. “And I hope we never run into each other again.”
She had expected to hear some wisecrack from him, but instead he simply looked at her with an unreadable expression while sipping his drink.
“Goodbye,” she declared with as much finality as she could impress upon the word, spun on her heels, and strode into the school.
Forcing herself not to look behind her, she did her best to keep her Awareness-field under control, annoyed that someone like Desanto could feel it radiating from her so strongly, yet to her it felt as though it was hardly emanating at all. Morgan had said it was because she wasn’t in harmony with it. Until that happened, she would only have limited use of her Awareness-field. Sighing to herself in frustration, Caprice hefted the straps of her school bag higher, and sipped the remainder of her soda while staring at her surroundings.
The school was divided into a middle-school and high-school. Viewed from overhead, the academic buildings resembled the letter H. The administration building was shaped like the letter I, and together they formed HIH when looked down upon from on high. Occupying an entire district block, Galatea Academy had space for two sports fields, two gymnasiums, two aquatic centers, and two clusters of clubroom buildings. To the north of the school were the dormitories, separated into those for middle schoolers and high schoolers, further divided between those allocated to the male and female students. Caprice had asked to live in a dormitory, thus avoiding the morning commute, but to her disappointment, her family and Morgan had vetoed her request.
After entering the school grounds through the east gate, she walked on the wide path bordering the road into the school that opened into an expansive parking area. Beyond the parking area, and ahead of her to the west was the middle school grounds of the school. Farther to the west lay the high school area.
Desanto hadn’t lied when he said there were a lot of rich students attending Galatea Academy. The parking area was full of luxurious ground cars dropping off students on the first day of the school year at the academy, and Caprice felt foolish for having pulled such as a stunt. Hanging her head in shame, she walked along the path, occasionally looking up so as not to bump into objects or fellow students.
There were indeed many cars in the parking area, but one limo stood out amongst the others, as did the young blonde woman in the body hugging dark business suit and short skirt standing with arms crossed beside the sleek vehicle, wearing an expression of finely controlled anger as she regarded Caprice from a distance of less than a hundred feet.
Caprice stopped suddenly and felt her innards sink in despair at sight of Morgan Le Caster afil Lanfear.
“Wow…I didn’t believe women like her existed,” a male voice remarked dryly.
Caprice yelped in surprise at sight of Desanto standing beside her, calmly sipping his drink.
“Wh—what are you doing here?”
“I go to school here. Why wouldn’t I be here?”
“That’s not what I meant,” she complained while clenching her hands. “I thought I told you I didn’t want to see you again.”
“No you didn’t,” he replied calmly. “You said you hoped never to run into me again.” He then pointed ahead with the tip of the soda can. “Do you know her?”
Fear flashed through Caprice. “No—not at all. I have no idea who she is.”
“Then why is she glaring at you?”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
“Then why is walking this way?”
Caprice gasped and peeked over her shoulder.
Indeed, Morgan was striding toward her like supermodel on a fashion runway, with thunder clouds circling around the blonde woman’s head, and lighting flashing in her eyes.
“Hold this for a second,” Desanto said and handed his can to Caprice.
“What? Why?”
“You sure ask a lot of questions,” he noted as he fixed up his uniform, tucked in his shirt, and straightened his tie, then retrieved a comb from a blazer pocket.
“What are you doing?” Caprice asked, as she watched him comb his hair.
“Hoping to make a good impression,” he replied before facing Caprice. “How do I look?”
She ran her gaze over him, and though it pained her, she chose to be honest with her appraisal. “Actually, pretty good.”
Pretty damn good, she thought to herself.
“Right,” Desanto declared in satisfaction. “By the way, who is she?”
Caprice hesitated then reluctantly revealed, “She’s my Guardian. Morgan Le Caster afil Lanfear.”
He frowned at Caprice, then narrowed his eyes at Morgan who came to a stop a meter away.
Perched on her three-inch heeled, open-toed stylish sling-backs, the young woman folded her arms as she glared at Caprice.
“I’ll tell you this, you have guts,” she said in cool voice that sent shivers down Caprice’s spine. “To think you would actually escape. That means I won the bet.”
“Huh?” Caprice had trouble closing her mouth.
“Your father had hopes you would behave. I told him you’d make a run for it. I won. He lost.”
Caprice gasped. “That’s why the limo doors were unlocked.”
“Correct. You took the bait.” Le Caster planted her hands on her hips. “I’m disappointed in you.”
“I live to displease,” Caprice muttered out the sides of her mouth.
“I heard that, young lady,” Morgan said with a warning tone.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself, stall for time, and consider her options, she abruptly asked, “Have you told my father?”
“No. I haven’t told anybody. And I’ve secured the silence of your bodyguards, along with a change of clothes.” Morgan directed her attention upon Desanto whom Caprice noticed was studying the woman with quiet interest yet somehow she didn’t think it had anything to do with Morgan’s stunning looks. “You’re the Familiar who accosted my men.”
“Accosted?” Desanto pointed at his chest. “Who? Me? Mademoiselle, I beg your pardon. I assure you I do not know what you mean?”
Morgan looked over her shoulder at the limo.
One of the windows had been rolled down and a bodyguard sporting midnight black sunglasses was pointed avidly at Desanto.
Turning back to Desanto, Morgan spoke with a crisp tone. “You assaulted personnel affiliated with the Steiner Family. I can place charges against you.”
“Prove it,” Desanto replied evenly.
“Very well. I will secure the footage from the security cameras at the mag-level.”
“You’ll have to prove it was me,” he stated. “Good luck with that.”
“You used a Hecaton-field to assault my men. Your collar will have recorded the use of your Remnant. That will serve as evidence in court.”
He shrugged. “Then I guess I’d better call my lawyer, because there’s no way you’re getting your hands on my collar.”
“We’ll see about that.”
“Yes, we will,” he grinned at her.
Caprice was following the exchange with her head on a swivel. Eventually, she couldn’t endure it any longer, and stepped between the two parties, neither of whom was willing to relinquish an inch of ground to the other.
“Okay. Stop. Please. Do you have to take it this far?” She faced Morgan. “It was my fault. I told him I was being kidnapped, and he came to my rescue.”
“He should have called the platform security rather than become personally involved,” Morgan replied in a clipped tone.
Desanto replied flatly, “A real man takes care of the situation himself.”
Caprice felt the onset of a headache, and the stirrings of anger like flames fanned by the frustration she was enduring dealing with both their stubbornness.
“If something had happened to me for real,” she said in a low voice, “would those stooges of yours have made difference?”
Looking away from Desanto, Morgan regarded Caprice thoughtfully. “If you wish to tempt fate, I’ll have no choice but to recommend that you be grounded and schooled privately for the next three years of your life.”
Caprice paled. “What?”
“Can you protect yourself against a skilled opponent?”
“…no, I guess not….”
“Then why are you tempting fate?” Morgan asked her in a gentle voice that carried surprisingly well.
She understood quite well what Morgan was implying.
The recent past wasn’t something she could forget or dismiss or claim it wouldn’t repeat in the near or distant future. Thus, in the end all she could do was admit she was at fault, and hope it diffused the situation.
“I’ll accept whatever punishment you have for me,” she declared firmly, then dipped her head at Morgan Le Caster, “but leave Desanto out of this.”
“You’ll promise to behave?”
Believing she was locking herself into a cell and preparing to toss the key away, Caprice nodded. “I’ll behave….”
“Then we have a deal.” Le Caster faced Desanto. “However, I want to know who you are. And I’ll get a court order if need be.”
“Then you do that,” he replied easily. “Or you can say the magic word, if you know what it is.”
“Don’t get smart with me,” she warned him. “Show your elders some respect.”
Desanto broke into a broad smile. “Why don’t you earn it.”
It wasn’t voiced as a question but a challenge, and Morgan accepted it heartbeat later. “I certainly will. And when I’m done with you, you’ll be kneeling before me kissing my feet.”
He smiled like a kid in a candy store. “Well if that’s all you wanted, I can do that right now.” He unslung his bag and knelt before her on bended knee. “Shall I start with the big toe, or little toe. Oh, that’s a nice shade of pink. Is that the Maybell line? Or is it Avalon?”
He looked up at her inquisitively, and Caprice watched Morgan’s face grow faintly red though she couldn’t tell if it was from anger or embarrassment.
“Young man,” she breathed out, “it would be wise for you to learn your place.”
“I’m on my knees, what more do you want?”
Now Morgan began to tremble. “You are truly shameless.”
I could have told you that, Caprice thought to herself.
Desanto bowed his head reverently. “Before the right woman, absolutely.”
“Get up.”
“What about kissing your toes?”
“I said get up!”
He shook his head as a stood up before her. “You are so demanding….”
Morgan folded her arms under her well-developed bust and closed her eyes, probably counting to ten. When she opened them, she said, “It would seem I need to teach you some manners.”
Desanto looked disappointed. “Is that all? Isn’t there more you could teach me?”
Inhaling as though she had a bottomless well in her chest, Morgan then puffed her cheeks until they looked ready to burst. “Oh, I’m going to have fun with you.”
Caprice palmed her face. That was the wrong thing to say to him.
“Name the time and the place,” Desanto stated with eagerness, “and I’ll be there.”
Caprice watched her Pride appointed Guardian and combat instructress breath slowly, gradually calming down. “Very well. If that’s what you want, I’m happy to oblige.”
Desanto’s eyes bulged for a moment before he broke into a blissful smile. “Really? Seriously? You won’t change your mind. You’ll really teach me?”
A thin smile spread across Morgan’s lips, and Caprice shivered. I think he has the wrong idea. Totally the wrong idea.
“By all means,” she replied with icy smoothness.
Either he was a complete idiot or he was an amazing actor. Caprice couldn’t tell, but joy spread across his face as he excitedly fumbled for his palm-slate. “Here let me give you my number. You can call me anytime. Day or night.” He looked into Le Caster’s eyes with desire. “Please, don’t leave me hanging. Promise me you’ll call.”
For a moment, Morgan appeared confused, then a sudden realization dawned upon her and she grew visibly rigid.
Now she’s getting it? Caprice wondered. Just what did she think he meant all this time?
Feeling that things were getting out of hand, Caprice stepped between them and hastily pulled Desanto along with her. “We need to go. Things to do. First day at a new school.” She yanked him behind her. “Come on, will you!”
“Wait—I need to give her my number,” he protested though he wasn’t digging in his heels.
“You wouldn’t give your name, and now you want to give her your number?”
“I’ve had a change of heart.”
“It doesn’t matter. You do not need to give her your number!”
“Yes, I do. She’s offering to teach me. Do you know what that means?”
“Not what you think it does,” Caprice exclaimed.
Exerting all the strength she had built up during long hours of hard training, Caprice succeeded in getting the proverbial boulder rolling, and Desanto stopped fighting her.
“A date with a beautiful woman like that?” He sounded annoyed yet he followed obediently behind her. “You do realize that if I miss this opportunity, I’m going to demand compensation. A woman like that only comes into a man’s life once in his lifetime.”
Caprice tossed her hands into the air. “Believe me, you do not want to cross swords with her.”
Desanto frowned and picked up his pace so as to walk abreast of her. “Huh?”
“My Guardian wasn’t talking about a date. She was challenging you to a duel. She was intending to kick your ass!”
Caprice was a little surprised to see the disbelief on his face, and he sounded crushed.
“No way. No way. But…she promised to teach me—”
“That wasn’t what she had in mind.” Caprice growled. “How can men be so stupid!”
“Are you asking me, or the public in general?” She threw him a glare and he shirked back, stuttering, “Well, it’s just…what it is…that’s the way we are…you know?”
Caprice stopped walking and he did too a heartbeat later. “Trust me when I say this, you do not want to cross blades with her. My Guardian is strong. Very strong.”
“How do you know?” he asked.
“Because she’s my instructress. She’s my teacher, and she’s teaching me how to use my Remnant.”
“Oh, your Valkyrie.”
Caprice felt her heart stop in her chest, then start up again a second later. “H—how do you know that?”
He shrugged sheepishly. “It’s a secret.”
Caprice shook her head at him. “No. I want to know how you know that.”
A look of regret flashed across his face, but then he shrugged yet again and said, “My Remnant asked your Remnant, and it told me.”
Caprice couldn’t tell if he was lying or not, because she didn’t know if it was possible for a Remnant to talk to Remnant. She wrote mental note to ask Morgan when the opportunity arose.
Desanto slipped his hands into his trouser pockets. “But anyway, I don’t mind if your Guardian is strong. I like strong women. They get the blood flowing.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “You know what I mean?”
“Will it hurt if I kick you now?”
He stepped back a safe distance. “Probably.”
Caprice felt defeated and slumped her shoulders as she sighed. “This wasn’t how I imagined my first day at a new school.”
“I bet it’s a lot more interesting this way,” he remarked with utmost sincerity.
“No, it’s not!” she yelled.
Then another voice – a girl’s voice – yelled out quite loudly, startling both Desanto and Caprice.
“Caelum Desanto! Get away from that girl!”
Desanto’s eyes grew wide and he visibly paled as he looked behind Caprice. “Oh no—Haruka!”
With the sound of fast footsteps storming up behind her, Caprice turned fearfully to look over her shoulder at a girl marching toward her with a fiery look on her face. It wasn’t a look that suited her as she was quite pretty with flowing auburn hair that was unfortunately tied back into a ponytail, a shapely hour-glass figure, and a cup-size well into the double letters of the alphabet. Staring at the girl’s bouncing bosom, Caprice felt woefully inadequate, and grew progressively despondent with each bounce of the girl’s breasts.
By the time the angry girl arrived before her, Caprice had tears welling up in her eyes.
The girl stopped in front of her, and grabbed Caprice by the shoulders. “Are you alright?”
“I asked are you alright? He didn’t do anything weird to you, did he? He didn’t grope you? He didn’t peek down your shirt”—the girl froze as she noticed the difference between herself and Caprice—“ah, no, I guess not.” Shaking her head quickly, she pressed on in a hurry. “What did he do to you?”
“Ah, Haruka,” Desanto hesitantly called out in a meek voice, “don’t you think you’re jumping the gun.”
The beautiful yet fierce brunette faced him, her overly long ponytail slapping Caprice’s face as she whipped her head around to glare at Desanto. “There’s a girl in tears here. Who else would I suspect but you?”
“Actually, I think she’s crying because of you,” he remarked reluctantly. “You can make a girl feel small.”
“What?” Haruka sounded startled and confused, then turned to look down at Caprice who stood an inch or so shorter than her. “Is…is that true?”
Caprice wiped the tears from her eyes before they could fall down her cheeks, then looked up at the busty brunette who’d made such a moving entrance. “It’s not fair,” she whispered. “It’s just not fair….”
Desanto sounded sympathetic. “Haruka, you hurt Double-A’s feelings.”
“Geh!” Haruka stiffened sharply, and Caprice felt her face redden with tears once more ready to spill down her cheeks.
Not knowing what to do, Haruka abruptly embraced her, crushing Caprice against the girl’s immense and firm bosom. “There, there. Don’t cry. It’ll be fine. You’ll see. There’s plenty of time yet.”
Caprice sniffed. She’s making me feel worse!
Her Awareness-field tingled or rather alerted her to two newcomers stopping behind her. A moment later, she heard a girl ask in chipper voice, “Haruka, did you make another girl cry?”
“I most certainly did not—I mean I hope not.” Releasing Caprice from the embrace, the girl looked into her eyes. “Right?”
Caprice shook her head. “No. You made me cry.”
She heard one of the two girl’s behind her snicker. “Pay up, Alastair.”
A mellifluous voice replied, “Very well. And here I was believing my money on Pervert Desanto was a sure thing. Life never ceases to amaze me.”
“Alastair, you wench,” Desanto complained. “You bet on me!”
“I did indeed. I amassed my personal fortune by placing my money on you all the time. For example, I bet that you’d be single in a week and I won. Unfortunately, the odds weren’t good so the return was rather poor.”
Something about the girl’s silky voice made Caprice tremble, and she turned to look behind her at two girls, one a blonde with short hair wearing a cheerful smile, the other a brunette wearing her hair in a long thick braid that flowed over her left shoulder and down her chest. She carried her school bag before her like a well-mannered young lady, rather than slung from a shoulder. If Caprice had to say who was prettier, it was the brunette who radiated an air of royalty as she spoke in a melodious yet scything voice.
“Such a pity, though you were always a mismatched couple to begin with. It simply wouldn’t do to have the Third Princess of Galatea Academy be seen with the likes of you.” The girl tipped her head as she smiled brightly. “You do realize she was only playing with you—”
Caprice felt the air harden, and she immediately tensed her body as a sudden wind blew around her. A Hecaton-field?
The wind circled around the brunette with the braid and flipped her skirt up, exposing her derriere to the surrounding students. The girls gasped and the guys stopped to treasure the sight, but the brunette continued smiling as though nothing untoward had taken place.
Desanto sounded discreetly menacing. “Alastair, it’s because you’re a bitch that you’ll graduate a virgin.”
The wind died down and the girl’s skirt settled around her buttocks and legs. She placed a hand to a cheek and made an expression of mock surprise. “Oh my, is that what it is? Is that why the boys don’t like me?”
“And for your information,” he added, “it was a mutual decision.”
Caprice pushed back from Haruka, and craned her neck to watch Desanto fix the straps of his school bag on his right shoulder, and walk toward the high school buildings. Not once did he look behind him as he joined the crowd of students on the wide path running east-west before the buildings.
“Oh my, did I upset him. I was only telling the truth,” Alastair opinioned.
The blonde girl beside her grimaced faintly. “Hey Alastair, remind me again why I’m your friend.”
“Because I make life interesting,” the girl replied while patting down her skirt. “Oh my, I really did make him angry.” She picked up something from the ground and then held it up for her blonde companion to see.
Caprice gasped when recognized them as a girl’s thong panties, the kind with a bow at the hip. Very racy, indeed. Too racy for a high school girl. Then she noticed that the hip strap had been cut through, and her blood ran cold.
A Gram-field?
Her mind refused to believe that Desanto had sliced through the material with a Gram-field without the girl noticing. Then again, it was more incredible that he’d cut only the panty material and not her skin.
Just who the Hell is this guy?
Alastair wore a thin menacing smile as she looked off in Desanto’s direction, and clenched the ruined panty in a small dainty fist. “I do believe this means war.”
The blonde girl looked stunned for words, eventually muttering, “You reap what you sow.”
Because she was being held, Caprice felt Haruka grow tense for a heartbeat before whispering, “Not good. Not good at all….”
- IV -
Morgan Le Caster sat in the passenger cabin of the limo, the vehicle still parked at the school, and pulled out her singing palm-slate from the inside pocket of her business jacket.
After reading the caller ID, she slid her thumb over the slate’s screen and answered the call. “Well, that was quick. I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon. I only sent that message a minute ago.”
The girl on the other end of the line giggled happily. “I thought I’d call you before you call me.”
“It sounds like you have too much free time on your hands.” She held the palm-slate closer to her right ear. “Well, what do you have for me?”
“Before I answer that, tell me the truth, did you really not know who he was before you ruffled his feathers like that?”
“Of course, I didn’t. Now tell me, who is he?”
“Then tell me this, why do you make life so hard for yourself? If you’d treated him nicely, he’d be eating out of your palm by now.”
“Dealing with one child is time consuming. Dealing with two would send me into early retirement. Now, do you have an answer for me?”
“I sure do. But…you may not like it.”
Morgan sat back in the seat, aware that bodyguards sharing the passenger cabin were politely minding their own business. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
“No, seriously you may not like it.”
“And why is that?”
The girl sighed. “His name is Caelum Desanto afil Lanfear, and his Guardian is Arisa Imreh Lanfear.”
Morgan held her breath for a moment. “Are you certain?”
“I am indeed. Straight from the horse’s mouth. The security cameras watching the sidewalks around the school recorded Steiner and Desanto having a heart-to-heart, and his introduction. I verified his face to the records available to us from Public Security’s archives. Oh, I had to use your authority as Guardian to do so. I hope you don’t mind.”
Morgan rolled the names on her tongue, and they left a bitter taste on her tongue.
“So…what will you do? Are you really going to teach him some manners?”
She pondered her next move in silence, feeling as though she was standing on the threshold to a very dangerous place. “At the very least, I may choose to have some fun with him.”
“What? Fun? You—?”
Morgan hung up on the girl before Vignette could get on her nerves, then slowly tapped the edge of the palm-slate against her lips as a memory floated before her eyes.
No wonder he looked familiar, she thought to herself then snorted softly under breath.
Her palm-slate chimed and she saw that it was a message from Vignette.
Morgan frowned, and after a few seconds, she saved it away in her palm-slate’s contact listing, then told the limo driver, “We’re leaving. Take us back to the estate.”
The limo pulled out smoothly out of the parking area and then and exited the academy grounds via the wide east entrance, slipping into the slow traffic grinding along the street.
Tomorrow we fly in, Morgan decided before staring at her phone with a frown. Coming to a decision a short while later, she dialed up a number she hadn’t called in a while, half wondering if it was still good. When the call was answered, she heard a young woman’s sleepy voice on the other end.
“What do you want?”
“Arisa, it’s been a while.”
“So what do you want?”
“Did I wake you?”
“Yes. State your reason for waking me up or I’m hanging up.”
“Are you free for lunch today?”
There was a long moment of silence on the line before the woman’s voice asked, “What do you want, Morgan?”
“I have a proposition for you I wish to discuss. It’ll be my treat.”
Another long moment of silence followed before Arisa Imreh Lanfear said, “Get to the point.”
“I’d like to discuss your ward, Caelum Desanto afil Lanfear.”
“No.” The call ended with an artificial click.
Morgan regarded her palm-slate with annoyance, then redialed the number.
The call was answered with, “I told you, no.”
“I’d like to take him off your hands.”
The bodyguards in the car all stared at her in horror but with some effort they restrained their outburst to a series of short gasps.
“…what did he do…?”
“He wants me to teach him things.”
Arisa sighed drowsily. “Morgan, I’m not playing games. I’m going to hang up and block your calls afterwards.”
“Do you remember Caprice?”
“…I do….”
“I’m her Guardian.”
It sounded as though Arisa was moving about on bed. Morgan heard her say something along the lines of ‘go back to sleep’ followed by a long period of silence before Arisa came back on.
“Was it by choice? No, I guess it would be.”
Morgan nodded gently. “Yes, I owed it to her. And I made a promise to her as well that I would take care of Caprice. I’ve been her Guardian for more than a year now.”
“So that’s why you left the Sanctum.”
“Lunch, Arisa. I have things I’d like to discuss.”
Another soft sigh. “Fine. We’ll go to that restaurant she loved. Maybe we should pay our respects as well.”
Morgan felt her throat tighten, nodding though Arisa couldn’t see her. “Yes, we should….”
- V -
The ride to work was worse than expected.
She blamed it on the students living in Pharos. It seemed they’d gotten up early as well to avoid being late on the first day of school. Consequently, with everyone having the same idea the mag-lev carriage was more crowded than she’d anticipated.
But that wasn’t what made the ride so horrible.
During the last half of the trip, while the mag-lev made the run through the vacuum between Island Two and the immense Island One, an unknown man standing behind her on the crowded carriage had groped her and then taken it further.
Sitting at her desk in her wide cubicle, she felt sick as the experience refused to leave her mind.
The need to live her life inconspicuously, to keep a low profile, to avoid attracting attention, and above all else to slip under the radar of the Enforcer Division had robbed her of the right to protect herself, and so she had bit her lower lip until it bled and endured the man’s hand on her buttocks. Emboldened by what he pierced as her submissiveness, the bastard had slipped his hand under her skirt, and then his fingers under her panties. As she hung onto the handrail and squeezed her eyes shut, he pressed his advantage and put his fingers to work.
Somehow, by the merest thinnest of margins she had kept quiet throughout the ordeal, fighting down the arousal that burned through her body and made her legs rubbery until the mag-lev arrived at the first station in Island One’s Habitat One. At that point she fled the carriage. Running to one of the station’s toilets, she shut herself in a stall and threw up her morning breakfast into the bowl. It would be many long minutes before she recovered sufficiently to step out of the stall, clean herself up, fix her appearance, and then leave the toilets. Exiting the station, she hailed down a passing auto-cab. She didn’t care if it cost her a week’s travel expenses, but she wasn’t in any condition to travel by mag-lev the remaining distance to her workplace or for the foreseeable future.
Surprisingly the auto-cab made good time in morning traffic, and she arrived at the offices of the Steiner Corporation’s software division housed in the massive, terraced pyramid that served as the company’s head office here in Pharos.
She had been given inviolable orders to live discreetly, yet somehow she had ended up working for the largest company operating out of Pharos, with interests that spanned every mapped corner of the Hurakan Nebula.
Pushing away from her desk in the spacious cubicle, she walked to the ladies bathroom allocated to the software division employees working on the fiftieth floor, and found herself an empty stall. Locking herself inside, she retrieved the crystal from her skirt pocket, and regarded the small item in the palm of her hand.
She didn’t bother wondering how it had been delivered. The only thing she needed to know was that she had twenty-four hours to make good on her role as the gateway into Pharos.
Wincing as she felt around her lower lip with her tongue, Revlina Laurentine began planning for a busy day, including making a call to someone who might help her enact revenge on the bastard who’d molested her on the train.
It would be difficult for him to enact a repeat performance without any fingers.
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In the 21st century Earth gave Birth to greatest genius ever. A genius who Master myriad of arts. Medicine to Engineering. Mathematics to Micro Biology. Weapon Designing to Environmental control. Music to Painting. Dance to Martial arts. He mastered Everything. He created so many things to help mankind such that he got the title 'Greatest Creator'. But what if he cant get justice for the loss of his loved one due to some political reasons? What if the governments which he served are trying to shield the criminals just because they are rich? Well, the Greatest creator turned into 'Greatest Destroyer'. He got his Revenge But the price is he is dead before realising his full potential.
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I'll be happy as a monster
The MC lived alone for 25 years. No family, no lover, no friend. He lived all alone in his abandoned apartment. But it all change when he died because of an accident. His soul was reincarnated as a monster by a god and transferred to a different world. The MC determined to live happily as a monster in the different world.
8 192 - In Serial6 Chapters
Couple : vkookName : Change 💜 تغییرژانر : انگست ، رومنس / کاپل : ویکوک /🌌 مینی فیک 🌌اپ : کامل شده
8 203