《Daily Life of NEET Vampire》14– First Night Out: Nightmare Wonderland


Chapter 14 : First Night Out - Nightmare Wonderland



Loud piercing cries rang almost shattering Zion's eardrums. Zion wanted to retaliate by shouting back at those unknown black creatures. She wanted them to stop. But it seems that it back fired instead.

When Zion shouted "Shut up!" out of agitation, fear and impulsiveness, those black creatures thought Zion was going to attack.

These creatures don’t have any intelligence at all. All they have is their basic survival Instinct. They scream simultaneously at Zion as a warning. They were eating a feast that hadn't appeared after a long while, when a vampire suddenly appeared. They smell that this vampire is starving and thought the vampire is here to snatch their food. So, they screamed as a warning, 'this is our food, go look somewhere else!' Never would they think that this young vampire dares not step back, but shout at them instead.

They know this young vampire is weak, so they are not afraid. However, vampires are creatures that rank 10 times, no 100 times higher than them, even if the vampire before them is weaker than them, their instinct keeps ringing, warning them not to attack. Still, this didn't mean they will tolerate this newcomer. The moment Zion shouted at them; they were already ready to welcome any attack from this vampire.

Zion will surely cry if she could know a little bit of these creatures' thoughts. She doesn't want to carry these baseless accusations, ah. She may be hungry but she doesn't want 'that' as a food. She is still human at heart!

The screams grew louder and louder, Zion heard some glasses shatter from the houses nearby. This made her even more fearsome.

'What should I do? I anger them. What should I do?' She thought over and over again but nothing came through. Her mind is blank, only filled with these Earth-shattering noises. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. Zion curled her body down, shrinking herself beside the wall. Her legs were soft, her knees trembled. She doesn't know what's going on anymore. With her small stature and short height, when she curled down her body, she looked exactly like a child who was wronged.

The black creatures stared intently at the frightened young vampire from the distance. Black goo keeps flowing out of their rounded eyes and mouth, while the black smoke that surrounds them just keeps getting thicker and thicker. They encircled and guarded the 'food' on the ground and continued threatening the vampire until she went away.

Zion almost passed out from pain. She felt as though her ears will fall off and her brain turning mush with these creatures keep screaming at her without end. She can't run or move. She felt weak and soft, she was truly frightened this time. The vampire she saw that night look human but these creatures...Zion wanted to cry without tears.


If this continues, Zion will certainly pass out, she really wishes she could. At least she wouldn't know when she died.

However, as if fate wouldn't let her have a comfortable ending, the high pitch screeching suddenly stopped. Zion didn't open her eyes immediately and stayed curled up in place.

Everything went silent. It was too quiet, Zion thought she really passed out this time, but then she heard something.

Flap. Flap. It sounds like wings flapping as it flies. By the sounds of it, it was a huge wings. Zion sneakily opened her eyes one at a time. When she saw nothing, she completely opened up her eyes, blinking as she stared blankly at the place where the black creatures and the dead man were supposed to be.

There was nothing there.

Shocked and bewilderment filled Zion. She wanted to curse this unbelievable world. She doesn’t know what's happening anymore. She just wanted to hunt peacefully and eat, and go back home and sleep. Why does everything not go her way?!

Just when Zion is about to open her mouth to curse this wonderful world, a black feather falls in front of her eyes. She almost choked on herself after swallowing all the curses she wanted to shout out loud.

Zion's eyes followed the black feather as it fell to the ground. The feather is silky black and slightly bigger than the feather used in quill pens. Zion wondered where this feather came from, when she heard that sound again. Flap. Flap. Flap. She looked up. Her eyes widen in disbelief. Again, she saw something she never thought would exist, even if it did, she never thought she would see it first-hand.

It was a big black bird. It flew circling Zion like an eagle preying on a rat at the ground. The bird was quietly flying above her, she didn't even know when it appeared. Zion froze, in her heart she guessed that this black bird is the reason why those black creatures disappeared. This must be a big boss. Sh*t!

She has yet to recover from the fright she got from those unknown black creatures, and here she is stuck unmoving in front, no below another unbelievable creature.

The streets were dark and shadowy. With a little light, this big black bird was able to blend within the dark. If this black bird didn't shed a feather, Zion wouldn't even know there's a bird lingering up above her head. Thinking about it makes all the hair in her body stand.

This place is full of danger. Every corner, even the shadows, there might be something there unknowingly lurking. Zion stepped into such a world, now she was more doubtful whether she can even come out alive.


Zion sat unmoving, watching with her eyes wide open as the big black bird slowly coming closer and closer, covering her sight with its shadow. Soon, everything within Zion's eyes became dark and black.

The last thing Zion saw was that big black bird opening its wings wide as its huge red eyes stared at her. Then the whole world turned black.




Zion thought she was dreaming. She always dreamed ever since she came back alive that night. No, it was a nightmare. And no, she ain't living anymore. That was the biggest and scariest nightmare of all.

And now, Zion dazedly stared at her surroundings. Maybe she was really in a dream. There was nothing here at all. There are no streets, the night sky and the fading moon where no we're in sight. In doubt, without moving her eyes, Zion slowly lifted her right arm and tried touching the wall beside her with her hand, only for it to pass through. There's nothing there either.

Where the hell is she?

Zion pursed her lips together in a straight line. Her mind is more chaotic than before. She bowed her head and looked at her hands. She knew her eyes could see through the night like a cat, but this is a totally different thing. She can only see the blackness of her surroundings; however, she can clearly see herself. Her small fingers and pale hands looked very bright and shining in this dark world. It's like looking at a black paper with a white dot at the center. Such a puzzling thing.

Unbeknownst to her, as she looks all over her body, confirming that she, herself is the only one that's visible, above her, there's a round eye ball gazing at her, observing her movements. It has a red Iris, the same eyes belonging to a certain black bird. It blinks as it moves, rotating in every different direction.




The full moon brightly hangs on the night sky as it shines red light. Above the roof of the house, stood a man. In his feet, a black cat lazily lay on the roof, swinging its tail leisurely.

"Isn't she the girl that woman drained cleaned three days ago? She's still alive?" The black cat with its half-lidded eyes looked down at the girl still sitting curled up beside the wall. It's green eyes sleepily tried to keep awake, it kept yawning as it tried hinting it's useless master why they were here watching a weak girl being bullied by these low-level creatures by asking useless questions.

And as it thought, it's useless master just answered him with a "mn~" using a tone clearly expressing his amusement. The black cat turned its green eyes towards its useless master, wondering whether its useless master got affected by that sadistic woman. If that happens, that's really alarming. That woman is crazily sadistic, especially towards men. Maybe because she was injured and weak, she laid a hand on this pitiful girl that night without any other choice. When in normal circumstances, that woman would never even look at girls even a single glance.

This cat didn't care though. It just wanted to go home quickly and lay on his warm and soft bed to continue sleeping. Nevertheless, for a second there, this black cat expressed interest towards this girl. Why is she still alive? She doesn't have any human scent anymore. Her heart stopped beating and her body was clearly drained, without any drop of blood circulating in her system. But she was still able to move. What's more interesting is that her body is emitting a scent that belongs to a vampire. That's why those Night Walkers don't dare to attack her, and could only scream a warning.

But not all low-level creatures are stupid as Night Walkers. Night Owls, despite being classified as low level beings, were still known as the most intelligent in their ranks. And now it chooses to prey on a vampire that is clearly higher level than it. It knows this vampire is weak and starving. Still, this Night Owl has guts, wanting to eat premium meat.

It’s useless master has been watching this girl since she suddenly stood up three days ago. The black cat knew it's useless master wanted to know how long could this girl survive the hunger. It seems that observing her as her will power ran out, amused this useless vampire. Alas, after three days, she can't hold it anymore and she finally went out of her nest. It's master even pulled out this black cat from it's sweet dreams to watch this newly formed vampire finally take her first steps. Still, the black cat can't help but lament this young Vampire's misfortunes.

The black cat blink it's sleepy eyes and watched as the Night Owl preyed on this unsuspecting newborn vampire, then looked up at it's master, thinking, when will it's useless master go and save this pitiful child?

Seeing it's master unmoving, even gently rubbing his chin as he watches the event with interest, the black cat can't help squinting its sleepy green eyes and clicks its tongue in annoyance.


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