《Wish of the End》Green


As you all know hardest times for students starts now, I'm talking about exams.

I will try to post as much as can.



Standing on little clearance of hill, looking at endless forest in front of him, young man in early stage of becoming a man looked to be about twenty years old. His black hair seemed darker than a night, and his mud colored eyes with slight hint of green, give impression of endless sinking mud pit that will suck in all that comes within its reach. Standing at six foot and two inches he gives impression of above average looking guy, but not enough to be called handsome. Wearing dark jeans and red hoodie from that same day, he looked at scene in front of him. Inhaling with big breath he said-

“Air quality is definitely better here….but I hope I am not on planet that is devoid of humans…” saying that he slowly started to sink in his thoughts. After what seemed to be ten minutes he came to his senses-

‘My bad habit to daydream resurfaced again,’

Checking his pockets he found, pen, phone with headphones plugged in, wallet, and keys to his Toyota Camry 2000 model. Unplugging his headphones from phone he pressed button on phone. Screen came to live and he checked connection to satellite which was zero. With everything in his speculations he checked time which showed three am. Looking at sun that blasted ultraviolet radiation to its fullest he changed time to a noon, and powered phone off so it would not discharge. Putting phone in most secure location on him, which was front pocket with zipper on his jeans he added headphones together there. Putting everything back into pockets he again looked at scene in front of him.

‘So…first I need…water then shelter later….. Don’t know if I will find civilization in near days.’ Looking at endless forest from up top of little hill he started to look for river. After few minutes he saw irregularity in trees, while everything looked pretty much the same, to the far left there was line were trees didn’t grow close to each other. Concluding that it was probably stream of water, he picked up a stick and started to walk in that direction.

Carefully walking down hill so to not trip, he descended and entered deep forest. Trees were massive and some were small while most were the usual size, he carefully walked and looked out for any dangerous animals, after twenty minutes of walking and hearing birds sounds in distance he saw little river. It was three miters wide and two miters deep, with strong current which was excellent for him as it meant it was not still water. Walking closer to a river he heard a rustle in near bush, immediately stopping and not making any sound he saw boar slowly walking away from bush and looking at him.

‘Well…now I’m sure, I’m not on earth,’ thought Dimitry, staying still as to not provoke this monster, who had red fur with strange black marking, one meter of height, muscles ripping from its legs, like sword horn on center of its head, red eyes looking at Dimitry.


In a red flash in started to run at Dimitry, not having reflexes to dodge out of its way, sharp and pointy horn connected strait in middle of Dimitry stomach.

“Ugh!” feeling the pain run through his body he closed his eyes, in the next moment Dimitry felt air hit his back as he started to fly back form impact of attack that this monster did. Opening his eyes Dimitry started to mentally calm himself as he could not breathe in because of the impact. From what felt like eternity he slowly was able to breathe in, looking in front of him he saw boar like creature on other side of river, standing there and looking at Dimitry with rage in its eyes. Slowly standing up, he started to look at this creature and after two minutes monster turned around and walked inside of forest. Falling back onto ground, Dimitry taken off his hoodie and shirt which both had small hole in them, looking at his stomach which had a bruise, Dimitry thanked his ‘Penetration Resistant Skin’ skill and thought about its weakness. Weakness which was he still takes blunt damage form impact.

Feeling like with every breath pain just worsened, he concluded that he need to rest. Looking where he can spent time in safety he saw wide tree branch and decided to recover little there. Trying to climb tree with his injury felt like hardest thing he did in years, after successful climb Dimitry arranged some tree branches with leaves so that his visibility was as limited as possible.

Putting his back against the tree in most comfortable position possible and looking if he didn’t lost anything from pockets, he checked his phone that was all right, but he lost his keys. Dimitry stated to think about what happened-

‘I was unable to dodge…well not surprising, I never had to dodge in my life at that speeds so that is something understandable…but now I need to be able…so training…not now, that would be stupid with food deficiency, if I start training I will just fasten my metabolism and die of starvation, not to speak of monsters, and injury….now monsters, so I’m definitely not on earth, which means I can use mana here if this world has It, also I’m glad that I didn’t break my bones or got hit in organs, ’ thinking deeply Dimitry focused on that feeling he had when he was ripping his page form ‘Book of all’ , after few minutes he again started to feel something inside of him. ‘All those times I tried to use chakra as kid after watching Naruto seems to benefit me here, Now I need some old master who can teach me how to use it’ signed Dimitry, after few minutes of trying to make mana in his body he started to feel light headed. ‘ohhh… is this injury making me stupid, I forgot that I transformed my blood to mana there, so here I should take mana from environment…’ trying to ignore the pain and focusing on meditation and feeling his surrounding Dimitry meditated for one hour until he felt something on his back. Focusing on this feeling he felt cold and refreshing energy circulating in the tree, concluding that it was mana as he remembered Grim Reaper said all living beings and artifacts have mana. Dimitry slowly focused on imagining absorbing that mana, after fifteen minutes he finally noticed as mana form tree is moving into him, after two more minutes he opened his eyes as no more mana was present in tree. Focusing on inside of him he tried to see how much mana he got but what he felt was little to no difference from before even trying.


“Nothing…huh…Au!” remembering pain from bruise after meditation he got an idea, ‘If mana is energy can it speed up recovery of cells if I supply my mana to them’ focusing on his stomach and place where he felt pain Dimitry tried to condense quantity of mana there. After five minutes of trying he stopped to think about it, ‘It seems to not help, so just condensing mana will not do anything, except I feel like pain subsided a little…, now to think about this rationally, when something condense its becomes harder, then maybe…” focusing mana on his finger Dimitry lightly taped on tree branch that he was sited on, feeling nothing he this time added more speed to tap, and not feeling any pain this time either, he with great speed thrown his arm with extended winger into tree branch that he sat on. Raising arm he looked at his finger that had no damage, then he looked at were finger connected with tree branch and there was small dimple. Feeling good about his discovery he continued to theorize ‘So if I condense my mana in my whole body and add that with ‘Penetration Resistant Skin’ …I need to make my mana tank bigger… now if I remember correctly in Naruto there was guy…what was his name…Ka-…..Kabuto!.....if I remember correctly he could make his hand razor sharp with his chakra….will this work with mana…hhhh…first mana is energy and energy is in physical realm it can’t be destroyed or created but can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms….if I remember correctly form my physics class… so change form….to cut it needs….Lets think differently, I can control mana with my thought so to cut something I need to condense it and make it thin…if I make it thin enough so it can separate molecules apart then there would be nothing I can’t cut, but for this I need to control mana outside my body…’ braking little piece of tree branch of four inches in length and clearing few leaves from it, Dimitry putted it in front of him and started to send mana to tree branch.

‘I’m doing something wrong….and I just realized what it is’ signing Dimitry rubbed his eyes ‘I feel like idiot… This tree branch is dead, so it can’t circulate mana and sending my mana into it is pointless…huh I’m tired…. Now to move it I need some sort of wire made of mana….and how should I do it?’ again signed Dimitry

‘Am I overthinking this,’ picking tree branch and placing it in his hand Dimitry focused on his mana overlapping surface of branch. When he felt that all is done he focused on making mana on one end of tree branch condense into sharp edge, after few moment of exhausted imagination, Dimitry pressed tree branch against branch he was sitting on. Moving it in horizontal motion he saw small line on tree skin, ‘It’s not really sharp, but progress is progress maybe with practice it will be better…Au!’ exhaled painfully Dmitry

‘With all this I forgot about my injury, now that I moved a little it’s getting more painful’ puling his hoodie up and looking at bruise he again thought ‘I should focus on this now…damn I’m tired and want to sleep…

“huu-u” exhaled Dimitry

‘Bruise is ruptured underlying blood vessels, huuhh…maybe just like with cutting I should not overthink this….” Again getting into meditation like state Dimitry focused his mana in bruise area and thought about it healing him, after ten minutes he concluded its not working ‘So it’s not as easy…if I remember correctly healing is rare gift in a lot of books and stories and healer is usually always needed…should have focused more in health and biology classes….now bruises are damaged blood vessels and with that attack from that Monster probably some muscle tissue…wait what if I don’t just focus on healing whole bruise but focus on transforming my mana energy into energy that fuels my cells into overdrive and with that my cells will do their job a lot faster,’ thinking about this theory Dimitry again started to meditate and thinking about his mana nourish cells around his bruise. After half an hour Dimitry felt as pain from his bruise is calming down, thinking he got what he wanted to continue to supply his mana to cells. After twenty more minutes he felt as something come from his nose, opening his eyes he saw drop of blood and pass out.

“ROOO—ooorrr!” sounded in middle of night, with wide eyes Dimitry immediately awoke and searched for source of noise, after listening carefully he heard a lot of animals noises he never heard. Looking at his stomach Dimitry saw only slight bruise that seemed to be almost healed, stretching his torso from left to right he was glad pain was gone. Trying to not make any noise he waited for sun to come up as most creatures seemed to be nocturnal here.

Not getting any more sleep, Dimitry saw sun getting up as noise of birds started to wake up all Diurnal animals or monsters.

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