《Qi research logs. Volume 1》Glow Manipulation Experiment Log #002


Background Information:

After completing my previous experiments, I noticed an irregularity.

During my idle wondering, the dispersing glow from the experiment subject suddenly accelerated towards me.

However, as soon as I noticed this phenomenon, it stopped.

In the interest of replicating this strange effect, I attempted to recreate the situation.

After some amount of inconsequential trial and error, I have determined that the primary catalyst for the effect had something to do with the thoughts that I experienced during my relaxation.


Particular thoughts and mindsets may influence the strange glow.


The variables that I will be experimenting with are different thought processes:

Image: The visual thought-stream, such as picture/video equivalent

Audio: The audio thought-stream, such as internal monologue

Conceptual: The conceptual thought-stream: Holding an idea in mind without articulating it internally

Memory: Reliving a particular memory

Emotional: Invigorating and holding a particular emotion

Control Of Variables:

I will be recording my thoughts as best I can.

I will be using only leaves from the exacts same plant.

I have scuffed the floor where I intend to place the equipment so that they will be in the same location each time.


Leaves from specimen #009

Ten(10) Pebbles of quartz capable of holding the strange glow.

Dirt collected from outside the cave.



In order to determine the effects from my mind state on the glowing particles, I have constructed a crude measuring instrument.

It is a pile of dirt, with Ten(10) quartz pebbles embedded vertically at regular intervals.

I will place the glowing leaf on the opposite side of the instrument than I.

I will then sit cross legged, about three(3) large steps from the instrument.

Following that, I will perform the test, and record at what quartz elevation the glows were caught on, as this will determine the force that i will have exerted on the glows.


Experiment # Note Image Audio Concept Memory Emotion Result(# stones containing glow) 001 Baseline - - - - - 0 002 meta-Intent The glow moving towards me. - - - - 0 003 - Repetitions of "Come here" - - - 0 004 - - The glow being attracted to me - - 0 005 - - - The memory of the glow suddenly approaching me - 0 006 - - - - Strong desire for the glow to float towards me. 0 007 Determined to be origin of strange event - "I am curious about the origins of the plant life here" - - - 2 008 Variations Myself inspecting various plants - - - - 1 009 - - The concept of curiosity over plants - - 1 010 - - - Memory of first seeing the curious plant life here - 2 011 - - - - Unbridled Curiosity of plants 5 012 Combining,(very taxing mentally) Myself inspecting various plants "I am curious about the origins of the plant life here" The concept of curiosity over plants Memory of first seeing the curious plant life here Unbridled Curiosity of plants 7

Initial results seem to indicate that the emotional state of curiosity on plants seems to be the main driver.

Further study on other emotions seems prudent, as well as curiosity towards other things.

Experiment # Note Image Audio Concept Memory Emotion Result(# stones containing glow) 013 - - - - Anger towards plants 0 014 - - - - Love Towards Plants 2 015 - - - - Arousal Towards Plants 1 016 - - - - Disdain

Towards Plants 0 017 - - - - Sadness Towards Plants 0 018 - - - - Disgust Towards Plants 0 019 This state is normally hard to enter purposefully - - - - Happiness/Passion/Flow Towards Plants 8


For clarity, I will from now be referring to the strange glow as "QI", as it appears to behave similarly to fictional accounts of such energy.

Initial emotional tests seem to indicate that the emotion that draws the QI from specimen #009 the most is the emotion felt in the depths of hyper-fixation and learning, similar to curiosity.

This emotion is commonly referred to as "flow".

For brevity, I will be focusing on this emotion, and continue the experiment with other concepts.

Test # Induce Flow/Passion Target Concept Result 020 Plants 8 021 Specimen #007 6 022 Fire 1 023 Sunlight 2 024 Photosynthesis 7 025 The act of harnessing and collecting sunlight 6 026 Delayed Photosynthesis 8 027 Energy storage for supply disruptions 7 028 Plants storing sunlight energy for use in photosynthesis 9 029 Plants releasing stored sunlight energy in self defense -

Following the envisioning of the concept in test #029, the free floating QI, and the subject leaf became incredibly bright for a few seconds.

After my vision cleared, I observed that no QI was left within the leaf, and that some of the quartz pebbles now appear to emit an appreciable amount of light.

After waiting for what felt like several hours, the pebbles lost their light.

Analysis/Processed Data:

During the testing and after the analysis of the data, I have come to the conclusion that the specific QI in specimen #009 is kept for the purpose of a defensive mechanism.

I am surprised that I have not yet activated the defensive mechanism during my harvesting,

my current theory is that the trigger mechanism must rely on sensing QI.

My lack of personal QI in comparison to the local ecosystem must have lent me some measure of stealth.

Further Research Topics:

Investigate the QI contained inside the crystals at the back of the cave.

Investigate the benefits or harms that holding QI inside my body entail.

Investigate the use of Specimen #009 QI in combination with small Quartz stones for use in creating night lights.

Investigate the use of QI in general.

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