《Project Alpha: A Summary - 'Old Republic to Current Operational Era'》8 - The Cover-Up


Luxury shuttles carrying the governing board of directors for Project Alpha landed at the pad leading to the Project Alpha labs within twelve hours of the incident. It still hadn’t become public knowledge that the Jedi Grandmaster had been killed. But, the Jedi knew. Through their connection to the Force most if not all of the Jedi Council knew that their leader had been slain. Czerka had to move fast. Lacking the knowledge to deal with the Jedi, they called in a specialist more adept in dealing with special issues.

Having already been to the labs, Tarkin was pretending to arrive at the same time the rest of the governing board and the Jedi were arriving. Primary recovery and clean-up as Tarkin ordered had already been accomplished. His plan was in motion. The Project, moved. And with it any traces of what actually happened.

Tarkin stepped off the speeder and looked around. Jedi were already beginning to arrive at the Lab and no doubt members of the Jedi Council were already inside. The Jedi Council being the only ones with full knowledge of Project Alpha. Immediately a Czerka underling approached Tarkin beginning to give him a full rundown of key events. Even those on the inside of Czerka didn’t have full knowledge of Tarkin’s complete involvement. And it was planned that way. Waving a dismissive hand Tarkin stopped the report in mid stride.

"I am well aware of the situation, that won't be necessary. See to my team, ensure they have full access to the lab and all necessary materials." Tarkin’s plan was already in motion. There was a need to see the area to ensure everything he ordered had been accomplished to his satisfaction. Entering the lab, Tarkin could see the massive damage caused by the battle between the Grandmaster and 'Zero-One', the lab was a complete loss. It would take months to get the Project back on track. A project he already ensured would simply disappear. Tarkin had no intention of allowing so important a weapon to simply vanish.

Looking at the scene, Tarkin could see several Jedi Masters pouring over the scene and conducting their own investigation. He had to get their assessment in order to ensure his plan would work. Approaching them, Tarkin was intercepted by another member of Czerka’s governing board. They both stepped aside, both keeping their eyes on the brown robed figures who milled around and walked from one point of the lab to the other. The Director was nervous, whispering in a harsh and heated tone.

"This is an absolute disaster Tarkin! The Jedi are investigating on their own, rumors are flying around about 'outing' the Project in order to shine a light on the death of the Grandmaster. It's madness!" Tarkin held his former smile placing a hand on the smaller man's shoulder.

"Forget what you've heard. The Jedi are not foolish, they will conduct their own investigation and if I'm correct they will come to the conclusion we want them to. Speaking of which, I need you to authorize the release of Sample A-23, have the complete specimen on stand-by....I may need it very soon."


“You fired the Director who oversaw the lab?!? Elevated the maintenance man?!?! Tarkin, I understand you are operating with the full authority of the CEO, but this…” The Director gestured to the scene.

“You believe I have no vested interest in Czerka. Which is precisely why the CEO has brought me in. Your fears are duly noted, but let me assure you that I have no intention of seeing Czerka dissected and torn apart by a corporate scandal. That does no one in the corporate world any good. It’s in all of our best interest to ensure Czerka’s survival. Please ensure the releases I have requested. I think all of us will rest easier once the project in question simply disappears. And that means we must satisfy the Jedi’s curiosity.”

“Agreed.” The Director released a sigh and smiled. “Thank you…Tarkin, I don’t think any of us were equipped to deal with this.”

“Your thanks are unnecessary.”

Tarkin walked away without being dismissed by his employer, again part of his plan. One of his key mantras, ‘If you’re going to look like you’re in charge, be in charge.’ Making himself available to the Jedi he began a calculated hovering technique entering the area of the fallen ventilator and appearing to take notes. Soon, one of the Jedi Masters noticed his presence.

"Mr. Tarkin, your reputation precedes you Sir." The Jedi bowed slightly as Tarkin did the same.

"Master Jedi, allow me to express my deepest condolences on this tragic Accident. The Grandmaster was an ardent patriot, skilled warrior and a....friend. He shall be missed...." Using the word 'accident' was not a mistake. And as expected, sensing no subterfuge in Tarkin, the Jedi played right into his hands.

"We are convinced this was NOT an accident. All of our investigative efforts leads to the involvement of another....Force User." Tarkin could tell by the Jedi Master's hesitation that the man wanted to use another word instead of Force User. Tarkin hoped that word started with an 'S' in the basic tongue. In a matter of a microsecond Tarkin's plan had come full circle. He struggled to keep a straight face.

"Yes. Our analysis indicates that as well, excuse me a moment..." Smiling, Tarkin slowly made his way back to the lead director’s area doing everything he could to stop from running up to him. Leaning slightly to the side and keeping his face impassive, Tarkin spoke quickly.

"Have A-23 thawed, place it in the far side of the impact zone. My team is already standing by and will do the rest. Then...wait for my instructions." Raising his wrist Tarkin spoke to his own team of specialists. Getting them moving in the directions he needed them to go. He had limited time with the Jedi crawling all over the place. Mentally reviewing the tape of the incident, he watched on his way to the lab, he remembered that the Jedi had not yet searched the entire lab. Tarkin was thanking his stars that the destruction literally encompassed everything, it would take days for the Jedi to go through it all. After about thirty minutes, Tarkin received a signal that all was in readiness. Without reviewing his people's work, Tarkin once again approached the Jedi Council members.


"Masters, if you please...we have discovered something you may find interesting." The collected Masters all turned either getting up from kneeling or moving close to Tarkin, they all gave him curious looks. Without further explanation Tarkin led them through the maze-like rubble in the lab finally stopping at what appeared to be another impact area, the impression of a body clearly pressed into one of the wall data banks. At the foot lay the black clothed, black armored and mangled figure of a long dead Sith Lord. The Sith's face was covered in a ghastly mask, the Masters all looked at each other exchanging glances.

"Thank you, Mr. Tarkin...We will take it from here." Bowing reverently, Tarkin backed up facing them. Finally, turning on his heels to disappear from their sight. As he walked away a slight smile formed on his lips. The ruse was too good for them not to believe and it would free him up to focus on the reason he was there.

Tarkin had appropriately estimated the Jedi’s need to not only investigate, but come to a conclusion that made sense. Also taking into account the arrogance of the Jedi. What Tarkin interpreted as arrogance was in reality a confidence that years of being within the Order had instilled in them. Having spent years studying the various denizens of the galaxy, the Jedi were a conundrum that required first hand knowledge to understand. He hired specialists, contractors, bounty-hunters; even a Jedi or two to help him understand how they thought, what they looked for and what their motivations would be. The CEO of Czerka knew what he was getting when he hired Tarkin. A man who prided himself on knowing everything there was to know about any given situation. To include those involved. And as predicted, the Jedi arrogance, the confidence of those in the Order would not allow the Jedi to see past their own noses. As Tarkin was dismissed, he knew the explanation he provided would be the only one they would ever need. The focus could turn to the true objective and the reason Tarkin took the job in the first place.

Project 'Zero-One' and the development of the weapon.


- Galactic City, Coruscant - 5000 Republica, Apartment of the Former Supreme Chancellor of the Republic....

Activating on its own, Pultimo turned to the holo-unit and stared at the system. Slamming a half-full bottle of Corellian Brandy down next to the unit, Pultimo leaned in closing one eye against the emerging blue holo-field. Rezzing into full resolution, only Tarkin’s head and shoulders appeared. From his end of the conversation, he saw Pultimo’s one eye the still sloshing bottle of brandy. Tarkin’s face broadened into a charismatic smile.

“Whatdaya Want…TARKIN!!” Pultimo staggered, holding himself up by the lip of the hjolo-unit’s table. Squeezing the other eye closed, he leaned in closer to Tarkin’s image.

“Me!!!” Pultimo backed up snatching the bottle off the table, nodding to himself as he scowled. “Fergit it!! I ain’t sellin’ you ‘er Czerka out…but I ain’t gonna lie either!!!”

Even in the scattered blue of the holo-protection Pultimo could see the muscles of Tarkin’s jaw tighten and begin to flex in time with me man gritting his teeth. Taking a moment, Tarkin looked down off screen, checking on something before looking back up. When he was satisfied, he looked back up to the former Supreme Chancellor and grimaced.

Tarkin began slowly. Tarkin leaned closer to the projection. Pultimo still stared looking at the man on the other end.

“Kriff you, Tarkin…” Pultimo took a swig of the bottle and backed up, nearly falling down.

“You’re threatenin’ me?!?!” Pultimo slammed the bottle down. “You think that job…Czerka…means anything to me?!?! You can hold poo in one hand and this job and the other and you know what you have?!?! Two hands full ‘a poo!!!” Pultimo smiled wickedly, taking another draw of the bottle. “I quit…I don’ care!!! I ain’t gonna lie to the Jedi. I killed my friend, you got no idea what that feels like. I had tha’ chance to save him and I was more worried about my Project than my own friend’s life!!! So KRIFF YOU and Czerka, Tarkin!! Kriff it!!!” Pultimo finished the bottle and tossed it out behind him. Swaying, looking down at the image with the smile still plastered on his face. Tarkin stared back, not saying anything for a moment.

Pultimo nodded at Tarkin, still smiling. The smile began to fade as Tarkin finished up his transmission.

“You son of a—”

Pultimo sobered up quickly while Tarkin spoke. Looking down and listening as the other man detailed what would happen if Pultimo didn’t agree to keep quiet. Pultimo didn’t bother to ask what assurances he had that Tarkin would keep his word. He didn’t need to.

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