《Otherworldly Magicians Return(indefinite Hiatus)》Chapter 11: Trial of the Summoned - Part 2


The Empress moved her gaze to the group and stopping momentarily at Lyle, then she moved it once again and this time stop at Ra.

"Did you explain it to them?" (Empress)

"Yes, I have, your majesty." (Ra)

The Empress nods her head and once again look at the five.

"Good, you all know what you have to do. So now go and touch the crystal. Your consciousness will transfer toward into the crystal and then the test will begin. As for the rest, come follow me."

After she said that, the Empress turned around and walked to the edge of the room towards a wall while the pope, cardinals, and Ra followed. Contrary to what the five were thinking that they would stop in front of the wall, they did not and had passed through it.

This left the five wide-eyed and they stayed that way until the voice of the empress came through the wall that told them to touch the crystal.

"Why am I even surprised, this is a world of magic." (Salvador)

As he said that in a whisper seemingly to himself, he moved towards the crystal and with some hesitation, touched it. The other four followed suit to this and did the same. However, what they were expecting did not happen and they were still conscious.

"I will now activate the crystal." (Empress)

As the Empresses' voice came through the wall, the crystal lightened up and the consciousness of the five went blank.


(A.N. When they refer to ‘he' and ‘him', most of the time it represents Kaiser.)

As I activate the crystal the five's consciousness is transfer, to where I do not know.

"It's begun, huh." (Pope)

"Yes" (Sparda)

When gramps commented, Sparda replied seemingly to the test, but I know they said that not because the test started but because they noticed the thing I have placed within the room hidden from the sight of the five.

"I'm guessing that the thing hidden by a concealment spell is what he asked for." (Pope)

"Yes" (Lillian)

"Then the magic circle is also what he requested from you?" (Pope)

To his inquiry, I nod. The things he asked for are all placed within the room and the magic circle has also been prepared.

"Gramps, do you know what those things are for and why they will be needed?" (Empress)

Out of curiosity I couldn't help but ask him. It's not that I don't trust Kaiser but I was curious for what reason he will need them.

"He should have told you his circumstances right. He will need them to gain freedom." (Pope)

I know that but why does he need those specific thinks, I'm not sure how will they help him. It looks like gramps noticed this and assured me.

"Calm down Lillian. Trust him on this. I can't tell you why he needs those items exactly but you will realize soon enough after the trial is over." (Pope)

[Arggg, I hate when he does that! Just tell me already!!!] (Empress)

"Hehehe, I know what you are thinking but that's how gramps is and he won't ever change." (???)

The one who said that was a woman who entered through the door in the viewing area. She's tall for women, around the height of an average man. She has long flowing golden hair that seemed to be made up of the sun's rays themselves. Her skin is a milky white and her eyes contradict the lightness of both her hair and skin for her irises are black. Her figure was what could be considered perfect that many men would lose to their lust if they were to see her bare body. The reason for it needing to be bare was because usually she always wore a long loose robe that hid everything.


"Lucy, sorry for making you get everything." (Empress)

"Don't worry, it was for your beloved right, plus we were only delayed for a week. The others didn't mind much either for they got to see the different places where those items were located. Also, if I was also to be separated from my beloved for a long amount of time and was finally able to meet him, it would comply with his wishes as well if it meant we could be together again." (Lucy)

As she said that, she trotted over to Ra and stood next to him.

Seeing this gramps made a slightly pained expression.

"What, after not seeing your grandfather for so long you don't even greet him. It's not fair! My own granddaughter is acting like this and gets to be with her husband. These two are also acting all lovey-dovey and soon Lily will get her lover back! Why Am I The Only One Who Can't Be With Their Beloved!!!" (Pope)

After saying that, the pope had a resolute look in his eyes and he said in a loud voice.

"That's It! I've Decided! I Will Retire From Being The Pope Of The Almarian Church And Spend The All Of My Time With My Wife At The Academy!!!" (Pope)

To gramps rash statement, Antonella and Sparda both hit him hard on the head and yelled

"NO YOU'RE NOT" (Antonella and Sparda)

Seeing the usual scene of gramps rubbing his head we all couldn't help but laugh. I then looked towards Lucy and asked her my question.

"Where are the other's?" (Empress)

"They all had a long journey and are currently tired. They fell asleep on the way here and when we landed were carried to their rooms." (Lucy)

To her answer, I only nodded and once again turned my head to look at the five and now glowing magic circle. Silently, I could only hope that what he said could come true.


When Lyle opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was black. When he looked around, everything was still black. He soon noticed that he was floating in a black space. He kept looking around frantically and did not notice anything or anyone.

"Hello, Is Anyone There!" (Lyle)

[Is this supposed to be part of the test.] (Lyle)

The moment Lyle thought that a small white light suddenly appeared in the distance. The light was so small that he didn't know whether it was really far away or just really small. Then suddenly, he was being pulled towards the light. First, it was slow but it gradually started to speed up until the force pulling him became so great that the speed he was being pulled at exceeding the speed of sound. During the whole thing, Lyle tried his best to resist but he could not do so.

[Is this part of the test!?] (Lyle)

When he finally reached the light his body made an abrupt stop. He was just floating there in a daze trying to get rid of the ringing in his head and make sure his organs were in the place they belonged.

"That was surprisingly correct." (???)

When some of Lyles thought process returned, he was able to get a good look at the light. He noticed it was not a light but actually a pure white owl with three pairs of wings. The owl was staring at him and it was staring back. Then it spoke.

"What do I have something on my face or did the pulling mess with your mind too much?" (Owl)


Hearing this, Lyle finally snapped out of his stupor and spoke.

"Are you part of the test?" (Lyle)

"Hmm, you can speak, huh. Well, the answer to your question is, no. I will only start the test for you." (Owl)

The moment the owl said that a light appeared. The light was 6 feet (2 m) by 3 feet (1 m).

"Pass through this door and the test will start for you. What it will be, I do not know." (Owl)

After the owl said that, he hesitated for a moment Lyle than moved forward and stepped through the door.

After he stepped through the door, it faded away.

"What do you think his test will be like?" (Owl)

The owl spoke, but there was no reply for there was no one in the space beside it. Then a repely came back and with it a figure.

"I don't know. Maybe it will be something similar to my previous one. (???)

"Similar to yours huh. Then it will be tough on him." (Owl)

"I don't think so." (???)

Hearing the figure, the owl did not comment and just shoke its head. It then looked at the figure and spoke.

"Anyway. I bet you're happy huh. You got to meet your precious Lily again. Aren't you Kaiser." (Owl)

"Of course, I'm happy about that. But I'm also curious as to why you summoned me again to Alderaan again, hmmm, Alma?" (Kaiser)

Upon Kaisers question a white light surrounded the owl and its figure begun to change. It became taller and two pairs of wings disappeared. Then the last pair transformed into arms. The round owl head started to gain more shape and its legs grew. When the light disappeared, what was revealed was the figure of an absolutely stunning women.

"If you are curious of why you were summoned, ask Abednego, I have told everything to him that is needed to be known." (Alma)

As the goddess said that, Kaiser was examining her every move and expression trying to pick up any clues, sadly he couldn't.

He then asked with curiosity trying to see if he could figure out the reason he was summoned.

"The reason for the summoning was not to bring those five here but it was to bring me and because of the circumstances, they were also summoned." (Kaiser)

Upon hearing this, Alma nodded and seeing that Kaiser continued.

"Then, are you aware of those circumstances?" (Kaiser)

"Yes, I am aware. I am also aware of what caused the interdimensional tunnel to destabilize." (Alma)

Upon hearing her, Kaiser became curious and was about to ask what had caused it but decided not to upon seeing Alma's face that showed even if he asked she would not say. He then sighed and spoke.

"Then, let me guess the reason the summoning was done." (Kaiser)

After saying that his face became serious.

"Does it have to do with the War of the Races?" (Kaiser)

Upon hearing that, Alma nodded while biting her lip.

"The people of Alderaan are not aware of the real reason behind the war, the ones that know of it are only those directly involved." (Alma)

"Who is it this time?' (Kaiser)

When Kaiser asked that, he had a small idea of who it was but stilled hoped his guess was wrong. Seeing his face, Alma could only sigh for she knew his guessed correctly.

"It's a Fallen." (Alma)

"A Fallen huh. Are you fucking kidding." (Kaiser)

"Back then, even if I could fight the Dragon Empress I still couldn't defeat the weakest of the Fallen and now with me in my current state, we will have fight a Fallen that has...." (Kaiser)

Even if Kaiser said it in a calm demeanor, inwardly he was cursing up a storm and raging.


"Last time the amount of people who died in the war was a little less than half pf Alderaans population, many races became extinct in this world because of that war. If I and the other gods did not change the memory of the citizens of Alderaan, the world would not be being joyous as it is now." (Alma)

"But we can't fight a Fallen! Us in our current state are hopeless! Unless you gods interfere, we will not be able to stop it!!!" (Kaiser)

"Don't worry about that. Currently, the ‘Fallen' had attacked another Fallen and lost. It will take a while for it to recover, sadly it fled to another dimension and we have still not been able to locate it." (Alma)

"You do realize that my mana core broke and I will not receive the boost I did last time. I will have to start over from the beginning and I do not know how long it will take to reach my previous level!" (Kaiser)

"Yes, we know. However, there is nothing we can do about that this time. We were only allowed to give you a boost because it was a desperate situation at that time. However, this time, there is more time avalible, but still, you only have ten years to reach your previous level." (Alma)

The goddess said that in a nonchalant manner, however, Kaiser freaked out at what she said and raised his voice.


Hearing him yell, Alma could do nothing for she knew herself how difficult this task was.

"I am aware of the difficulty, but, unlike the others of Alderaan, you have a greater advantage. First, the assistance of the trail in the forming of your mana core. Also, most likely you will be enrolled in the Academy. There, you will have the assistance of Abednego's wife. She is also aware of what is happening and should help you. Plus, don't look down on your own talent." (Alma)

"You say all that, but in reality, you yourself are spectacle about me being able to do it, aren't you?" (Kaiser)

Kaiser had said that with certainty in his voice and Alma couldn't help but smile wryly for he guessed her thoughts. Realizing that it was starting to become awkward Alma continued in a rush.

"Well, there's no point in wasting time for time is what we need the most of right now, so..." (Alma)

As she said that she waved her hand and another door of light was created. However, this time, instead of entering voluntarily, Kaiser was pulled in against his will.

"Hey!!! At Least tell me what the test will…." (Kaiser)

He did not have the chance to finish his statement for he was pulled into the door against his will and it closed behind him.

After it closed, Alma just stood there and sighed. She then spoke.

"Will you really not tell me what is truly going on and why you all favor him so much?" (Alma)

When she finished speaking, a figure appeared. This figure has been here since the beginning but Kaiser nor Lyle were able to detect it. Only Alma was able to because it let her.

"I am sorry. I do not wish to keep secrets from you but this is something I can't tell you just yet." (Figure)

As the figure said this, it walked closer to Alma.

"Is it is really such a secret that you primordials will keep it from us. Even if I am not at your level in strength, I am still one of the few true gods in existence." (Alma)

Hearing her pouty voice, the figure could do nothing for he knew this was a secret that only the primordials and ancients were aware of.

"I am truly sorry, even to the other true gods, I can't say. Please bear with your curiosity for now." (Figure)

"Fine, I will state my curiosity for now." (Alma)

Hearing this, the figure revealed a smile and the two of them disappeared from the space.

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