《Otherworldly Magicians Return(indefinite Hiatus)》Chapter 8 : Talk Between Gods


While Kaiser and Lillian were having their sweet reunion, currently, in a forest a 300 kilometer away from the castle, there was another reunion happening between four people, one man and three women, and it was also "sweet", just in another way.



"Alma's right, calm down, and stop throwing those!!! Ciara Help Us!!!!" (Adreanna)

"Hahaha, not gonna happen, you two brought it upon yourselves, plus, you think I want him to direct his anger towards me!? (Ciara)

Yes, the two women being chased are the two sister Goddesses, Goddess of Light Alma and Goddess of Darkness Adreanna, and the one doing the chasing, well, of course, it was the Pope of Light Abednego. Also, the woman who refused to help the two goddesses, the Pope of the Church of Darkness, Ciara.

"Please help!!! We don't know what he'll do if he catches us!" (Alma)

"Yea, he might be taken in by our beauty an... NO NO NO!!! I'M SORRY!!! I WAS JOKING, DON'T THROW THAT!!!!!!" (Adreanna)

Adreanna who was about to say something she probably shouldn't quickly stopped and apologized because currently there was a massive bolt of mana in Abednego's hand, different from the ones he was throwing before, both in size and intensity. Usually, an ordinary attack created out of pure mana would not harm them, two high-ranking goddesses, however, that attack was one of Abednego's specialities, and even though he did not put enough power into it to harm them, it would still cause them EXTREME amounts of pain if it was to hit, plus everything within a 30 mile radius would be turned to nothing from the aftereffects.

"Forgive you! You want me, too, FUCKING FORGIVE YOU!!! I'll forgive you all right. RIGHT AFTER I FUCKING SEND YOU TO HELL!!!" (Abednego)


"Please, we're sorry!!!!" (Adreanna)

"Yea, forgive and forget, don't you always say that!" (Alma)

"This is this and that is that!!!!" (Abednego)


This sight of Abednego chasing the two goddesses, them screaming for help, and Ciara laughing at all of this while sitting on air and clutching her stomach continued for another hour until Ciara felt she had enough laughs and decided to help them. Another reason she stopped it at that moment was because she was able to notice, even if only a little, Abednego had calmed down.


Currently, the four were seated around a white circular table sipping tea. You would not even have known that one of them was chasing two of the others and hurling mana bolts at them if it wasn't for the whole forest within 5 miles being carbonized and smoking.

"So why did you want to meet us?" (Abednego)

Abednego asked the two goddesses while smiling like him chasing the two and flinging bolts of mana at them never happen.

"We wanted to talk about the summoning of those five with you two." (Alma)

Alma, who also acted as if nothing happened, replied.

"Oh, good. I also want to know the reason for that, and also the reason why you broke my churches interdimensional array." (Ciara)

"Umm, it's actually my church, Eph!" (Adreanna)

Adreanna, who after hearing Ciara and correcting her flinched in fright after she was glared at by her.

"So talk, I'm not stupid enough to believe that you just summoned people to Alderaan without permission for no apparent reason?" (Ciara)

Upon saying that, both she and Abednego looked at the two goddesses for an answer.

"Well, there are a few reasons to why we summoned them. One of them you probably already know, to help with the issue of the Fallen. However, this is not the main reason and only a side benefit in their summoning." (Alma)

"The main reason is that were ordered to, well more like asked to but it wasn't something we could refuse." (Adreanna)

Upon hearing this, both Ciara and Abednego made a serious face. They made a serious face because the amount of people who can ‘"ask" these two for something were quite few.

One must know that Alderaan was not the biggest world in creation or one of the most populated, but it was one of the oldest. Not only is it one of the oldest, it is also one of the most respected by the citizens of the multiverse. The reason for this was because the amount of gods that were born from this world were only 11. Although compared to other worlds of the same age who have birth many more gods, the exact number is unknown, all of Alderaan's gods are ranked amongst the strongest. True after so long, there are many ‘Grands' and ‘Arcs' within the world, however, those who have ascended to godhood are very few.

Among the many gods to be born on Alderaan, the four that are currently chatting are part of the 11, another would be the headmaster of the Alderaan's greatest magic academy, who is also Abednego's wife . A year ago, there were only 10 gods from Alderaan until the Dragon Empress ascended and became the eleventh in the world's history and even she can defeat mostly ever god on the same level as her or one above her, and she only ascended around a year ago so she has a long way before she can reach the next level in godhood. Alderaan is the perfect example of quality over quantity, thought the reason why Alderaan's gods are stronger that other worlds in unknown. That is also why, Lillian and Abednego's granddaughter, Lucy, are valued so much, because, with their talent, they are guaranteed to ascend as long as no mishap occurs in the future for them.


Thanks to this, Alderaan's gods are ranked high within the hierarchy of gods, and Alma and Alderaan being the only true gods governing over light and darkness, are respected even more by the gods, well except a few, two being the popes of their church, Abednego and Ciara. And because of that respect, there are only two groups of people who can "ask" them for a favor. Also, one of these groups would have no interest in this summoning for a certain reason that shall not be mention. So, that only leaves one group and they are…

"The primordials!" (Abednego)

Upon hearing this Alma and Adreanna nodded.

"However, we do not know which primordial it is. It was another primordial, our husband, who asked us to do it." (Alma)

"Lord Eonel, huh. Shouldn't he have an interest in those kids? It should be another. Did he tell you who requested it?" (Abednego)

To Abednego's inquiry, the two shook their head.

"It is strange. Even when we asked he didn't answer. Usually, he never keeps secrets from us but this time he did." (Adreanna)

"That just means everything is not as simple as it seems." (Ciara)

After Ciara's comment, they all became quiet and thought over everything.

"Great, now, how am I going to deal with the shit from the other members of the high council? What am I supposed to say to them." (Abednego)

The high council was a gathering of the gods and god-like beings that was created to help govern the multiverse. The reason Abednego was worrying about this was because, even if it was not restricted in most worlds and dimensions, Alderaan was one of the few worlds that summoning something from another dimension or world is greatly regulated. This is not just for most random things and peoples, even high ranking gods could not go to Alderaan without strict processing because this world was considered a jewel within the multiverse as well as being a favorite of the two most powerful groups within the multiverse, the Ancient, and the Primordial. If the thing summoned was to cause great damage to Alderaan, the wrath of the two groups would be unleashed and many dangerous things would happen.

No one knows why this world is so special, whether, how the gods born from it are so strong or why the Ancient and Primordial cherish it so much.

"You don't have to worry about that. Since it was a request from a Primordial, the high council has already been informed about it ,and, well, given it was another primordial who told them, they can't say much." (Alma)

Hearing this the pope signed and made a relieved face.

"Haaa, thank goodness. I hate dealing with those pricks of the high council. Just because they possess high ranks, they think they can boss others around. Humph, if I wasn't waiting for me waiting for my sweetheart to catch up to me in power, I would have continued raising my power at a faster pace and ascended to become a true god ages ago." (Abednego)

To this, the other three did not say anything, however....

[Her! Catch up to you! You don't even know of her origins, for fucks sake she's the one waiting for you to catch up. She just doesn't want you to find out who she really is just yet!!!] (Alma and Adreanna)

As the two goddesses thought that, they shivered as they remember when they learned "that" woman was his wife and the smile she made when she looked at them that said, ‘If you tell him anything, I will skewer you two alive.' Plus, her origins didn't matter for the two were extremely happy together.

"Speaking of your family, when will Lucy return. It's been a while and I wanna complain about her grandfather chasing me while shooting mana bolts at us." (Alma)

Upon hearing her say that, Abednego glared at her, which she obviously ignored. He then sighed.

"She will be returning in a month's time. Around the time the five will have to do the ‘Trial of the Summoned.' Personally, I can't wait for the surprise she'll bring for that bid=g fool when she returns." (Abednego)

Upon saying that, Abednego made a big sly smile and laughed maliciously. The other three, upon realizing what he meant, laughed as well. Then the four turned their head to face towards the direction of the imperial palace, where, currently, Kaiser and Lillian were having their sweet reunion.

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