《Otherworldly Magicians Return(indefinite Hiatus)》Chapter 6 : Meeting the Empress - Part 1


“ “ (name) is normal conversation.

[ ] (name) is a person's thoughts.

(name) is conversation through device or telepathy.

As the rays of the morning sun enter the room they landed on the side of the king sized bed. On the bed, Lyle was sleeping very comfortably. However, a knock on the door woke him up.

As he sat up on the bed with his bed hair ablaze a voice came through the door.

"Sir Lyle, it is morning and time for breakfast." (???)

After hearing the voice Lyle concluded that it was a woman, most likely a maid.

He had been informed by Ra yesterday that there would be a servant who would be coming to bring breakfast for them in the morning and all they had to do was give them permission to enter the room.

"Come in." (Lyle)

Hearing his reply, a middle-aged woman wearing a black dress and white frilly apron walked in carrying a tray of food with meats, eggs, some white bread, plus a cup of water and the juice of some fruit.

Upon entering the maid walked towards the bed and laid the food on a table next to it.

After laying the food down and turning towards Lyle she said with a bow.

"The washrooms are connected to the guest rooms and you can wash in there. I have been told to inform you that your group's meeting with the empress will be in an hours time. There will be other servants to come lead you to the location ten minutes before the audience along with your companions and his holiness." (Maid)

After saying that the maid turned around and left the room. Not once did she comment on Lyle's bed hair.

After getting out of bed and entering the washroom to clean himself and deal with his bed hair Lyle went back to the bed and ate the breakfast.

The meat tasted like chicken and the eggs had a slight gamey taste to them. The bread was normal white bread and the fruit juice had a sweet citrus taste to it.

After washing up and finishing breakfast there was a knock on the door.

"Sir Lyle, I have come to pick you up." (Ra)

The voice on the other side of the door was Ra's. Hearing it Lyle got up and went to the door. When he opened it he saw Ra with the other four behind him.

"I have been given the duty to come fetch you all and lead you to the audience area. Now if you all follow me, I will lead you to the empress." (Ra)

As Ra started to lead the way the other five followed behind him. Today they took a different path than the one they took yesterday. This one lead them through a small garden area where there were many trees to provide shade and a small pond with various different species of fish swimming about.

As they went past the garden Elizabeth asked Ra.

"Where are the pope and the cardinals?" (Elizabeth)

"His holiness and the cardinals are already waiting for you all with the Empress." (Ra)

After hearing that the pope was already waiting for them there, Elizabeth nodded and they all continued walking.

All of a sudden, Ra stopped in his tracks and turned around to face the five with a serious expression and weird atmosphere.

Seeing his change in behavior and a weird pressure that made it difficult for them to breath, the others slightly panicked and backed away from him with pale faces filled with fear.


"Wha, what are you, you, you do, doing?" (Marc)

Getting the courage to ask him that, Marc spoke with a fearful voice, however, to that, Ra only replied in a cold voice that made the five feel that their blood was freezing.

"I will warn you now. The person you all are about to meet is the ruler of an empire. She does not only have beauty and brains, she is also very powerful, both her personal strength and her influence." (Ra)

"You might not be aware but I had heard the conversation you all had with the pope. He is one of the strongest and most knowledgeable people you will ever meet and the way you all spoke to him did not show any signs of respect." (Ra)

"I am not aware of how it is in your world, however, in Alderaan, we show respect to those who are above us in status." (Ra)

"That behavior might be tolerated by the person in question, however, if you all show disrespect towards the empress, mercy will not be shown to you all just because you are young." (Ra)

Hearing his cold words Lee spoke with a fear-ridden voice.

"We, are sorry that, we did not show, any, any respect to the pope, but in our defense…" (Lee)

"Your defense! What defense! Do they not have an education system in your world. You all are adults yet you so easily lose you barring. Even if there is no education, do the adults in your life not teach you all manners." (Ra)

As Ra cut into what Lee was saying, she jumped back with a fright and hid behind Salvador. He, on the other stepped in front of Lee in a defensive posture.

"There is education in our world and we do know how to respect our elders. However, the circumstances were special." (Salvador)

"Special! I am aware of how special they are! However, a bunch of people all around the age of eighteen losing their thinking ability and acting like children! In my opinion, people such as you do not even deserve our help and should be left to fend for yourselves." (Ra)

"Now then, I will inform you that if you show disrespect towards the empress, there will be consequences." (Ra)

After saying all that, the strange pressure that had surrounded Ra disappeared and the cold expression on his face returned to his usual businesslike smile. He then continued.

"Now then that is cleared up, will you all please follow me and I will lead you to the location where the empress and the pope are waiting. (Ra)

After saying that, Ra turned around and started walking once again like the outburst a moment ago had not happened. However, the five behind him still could not find the courage to move. Seeing that the five were not following him Ra said.

"Hurry up please, we can not keep them waiting. If you all do not follow, you will be left behind." (Ra)

After saying that, he once again continued walking. Seeing his silhouette grow smaller and smaller the other five finally snapped out of it and even when they were reluctant, followed him.

The remainder of the walk towards the audience room was only filled with dreadful silence and the sound of footsteps.

As they reached near a wooden door that had various intricate designs, Ra stopped and knocked. When he heard an ‘enter', he opened the door.


With him leading the way the other five entered the room. When they entered they noticed that the audience room was not in a throne room like some of them pictured, but was instead within a study.

As they all entered the room, the door behind them closed. When the five looked around the first person they saw was the pope who was seated on a chair with the two cardinals behind him. In front of him was a table with tea placed on it.

Seated across from the pope was a woman whose beauty took the breath of the five teens away. It was so great that the woman also enchanted Lee and Elizabeth who were of the same gender as her.

When she noticed that new people had walked in, she moved her gaze away from the pope and looked at them

She then made an enchanting smile and spoke.

"Welcome, children from another world. I am Lillian, the ruler of the empire of Adeen." (Lillian)

Lillian greeted the all with a smile but she noticed that their faces were slightly pale when they walked in and were looking at Ra who was now standing next to her with fear in their eyes. It was not only her who noticed this but the pope and cardinals as well.

Seeing this, they realized something must have happened but did not comment on it. Instead, the empress spoke.

"I have been told by the pope that you all have been informed of the circumstances that have brought you all here and you have also been informed of what methods are available to return home. You should also know that are these methods are currently impossible to use." (Lillian)

"So I will ask you, what is your decision. Will you chose to stay with us in Alderaan or ..?" (Lillian)

Upon hearing Lillian's inquiry, Lyle was the one to speak up.

"We have decided your imperial majesty. We five wish to stay and live within the world of Alderaan." (Lyle)

Upon seeing that the one to speak was Lyle, the empress got intrigued by him for, like the hero, he was also summoned with a mask. Plus she also was reminded of the pope's evaluation of him being 'special'. However, no matter how she looked at him, he only looked like a normal youth.

Hearing the decision that they made, the pope smiled and laughed.

"Good, good. Now that you all have decided to stay we can start making preparations." (Pope)

"May I ask, what sort of preparations, your holiness." (Marc)

One could see that with the way they now spoke and their behavior, what Ra had said truly frightened them.

Seeing their change in behavior so openly, both the pope and empress laughed.

Seeing them laugh, the five became confused.

"May I ask what is so funny?" (Salvador)

"Hehehehe, it's not much, just that it looks like Ra gave you guys a fierce scolding." (Pope)

"You should thank him, he helped you a lot." (Lillian)

Hearing what the pope and empress said, the five had a puzzled look on their face. At that moment they all probably thought the same thing.

[Why should we thank him for scolding us!?] (The five)

Seeing their puzzled looks, it was Ra who answered.

"Remember when I said that if you did not show respect that you would face consequences. Well, those consequences would be in the form of Lady Antonella's teaching and that, I can promise you is the last thing you wish to experience." (Ra)

"Hmm, what do you mean that's the last things they wish to experience?" (Antonella)

Seeing that Antonella glared at him, Ra shivered and cold sweat started cover both his back and face. Only know did he realize his mistake.

Seeing this the five teens realized that what Ra did was somehow for their own benefit and they no longer held him in as much contempt as they did after his scolding. However, Salvador was still mad at him, for he scared his beloved Lee.

"Well, that doesn't matter all that much. Now that you all have decided to stay we can prepare for the ceremony." (Lillian)

"Ceremony, what ceremony?" (Elizabeth)

Upon hearing those words, the five became curious because they were not told anything about a ceremony.

Seeing this the pope explained.

"The ceremony is what all summoned people must do in order for them to be fully recognized by the world. It will allow you to learn magic." (Pope)

"Plus, the magic device needed to remove Lyle's mask is the one used in the ceremony." (Pope)

"Yes, however, the device needed is currently not within the empire and is currently in the possession of another, but do not fret for the one who are in possession of it have been informed and they will bring it to the palace within a month's time." (Lillian)

"Until then, we will be teaching you all the basics of magic as well as the culture and language of this world." (Pope)

"Yes and on top of that, I will also be giving you five my lessons. Also, Ra will be graciously joining us." (Antonella)

Upon hearing what Antonella said, Ra face turned pale and if one looked closely, they could notice that when Antonella had said that, he staggered and nearly fell.

"But, I serve the Empress and can not leave my duty." (Ra)

"Ah, you right, you can't leave your duty." (Antonella)

Hearing this, Ra let out a breath of relief, but what Antonella said next not only made all the color on his and Lillian's face disappear.

"Lillian can join you within my lectures. I believe that I should check if she has not forgotten anything from my lectures." (Antonella)

Hearing this, Ra truly fainted and collapsed on the ground and the empress, after giving him a death glare followed suit.

"Tch, tch, tch, to be an empress and servant of said empress but faint so easily, truly in need of more lessons." (Antonella)

Upon seeing the two of them faint, the five teens turned pale and imagined what kind of lessons Antonella would give them. They looked at the pope for some possible salvation only to see that he was awkwardly looking away. And when their eyes did meet, his eyes seemed to say ‘I wish you luck on your future endeavors' and then he moved his gaze away from them once again.

Seeing this, the five nearly teared up. Especially when Antonella turned her gaze towards them that seemed to say ‘I'll be sure to reform you all well'. At that gaze, the Lee and Salvador followed suit to the two before them and lost consciousness, while Lyle, Marc, and Elizabeth greatly trembled at her gaze.

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