《The First World Emperor》Concequences!


Charles opened his eyes and saw a wooden ceiling "where am I?" Charles said to himself as he tried to get up. HIs body still felt rather tired, and he couldn't use his strength much. He looked around to see an unfamiliar room, he was resting on a soft bed, and there was a table with bread with his sword laid on the side of the table. Charles stood up slowly and walked to the table with some difficulty. His legs felt like there being pulled to the ground. After struggling to walk towards the table, he finally managed to sit down. "I'm in such a bad state," Charles mumbled to himself.

As Charles ate the bread left on the table the door opens and he sees Xu Ya coming in. "You're awake! You were so reckless just now!" Xu Ya shouted as she placed a cup of water on the table. "How long have I been unconscious for?" Charles asked "At most 3 hours, the sun is about to set. I was wondering when you would wake up." Xu Ya replied "It's almost sundown? I have stayed for too long, I need to go!" Charles said as he quickly rose up but with his tired body pulling him down he fell to the floor. "Hey! You're clearly in no shape to walk around so just lay back down!" Xu Ya shouted as she helped Charles back up. "I need to go and meet the Vice-Commander," Charles replied as he got back up with Xu Ya's help.

Uncle Jian appeared at the door and saw Charles being helped up by Xu Ya. "Are you alright?! There were a ton of dead bodies outside! The dirt path was painted red!" Uncle Jian shouted. "Could you all stop shouting! Old man gets me to the army barracks. I need to speak with that vice-commander." Charles said as he stared at uncle Jian with determined eyes. He already told Chen Lei that he was going to meet the vice-commander and he won't go back on his words just because he was too tired! Uncle Jian seeing Charles's determination sighed "Fine! But with the state, you're in you won't be able to get back to the barracks before collapsing!" Uncle Jian replied.


"You underestimate me old man," Charles said as he dragged himself out of the room. "Uncle Jian! Why did you let him leave?!" Xu Ya asked angrily, Charles was clearly in a lot of pain how could he manage to walk to the barracks which was on the other side of town?! "Did you not see the determination in his eyes? Those eyes he showed were the same kind of eyes that my son showed me when he left to become a general. I cannot get in the way of something like that." Uncle Jian replied. "But I don't understand how that vice-commander had made him so determined to meet."

"What are you doing?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Janko shouted as Charles slowly stumbled his way down the street towards the barracks. "Stop right now! You'll die at this rate!" Janko kept shouting trying to stop Charles. "I... need to...get back...I've...killed the commander's bandits...if I don't protect them...they'll die!" Charles said with difficulty as he kept dragging his body down the street. "You have just met them for one day! They aren't as important as your wellbeing damn it! It's already taken a whole lot of work to keep you alive so don't die like a beggar!" Janko shouted again after hearing such a ridiculous reason.

"Their blood will be on my hands, Janko... I cannot accept...then. Just like what you told me...It will weigh on my heart for a long time." Charles replied. "Tch that was because I knew that you could beat your opponents! But for you to be so stupid as to wait for their other men to come! I almost thought you had no intelligence and this has made it fact! Your life is more important right now!" Janko shouted again. Charles ignored Janko shouts and kept on moving. Charles's massacre of the bandits had been talked about throughout the entire town.

2 hours ago. "Commander Yue! I am truly grateful that you would visit my estate during such difficult times!" Er Hong greeted Commander Yue as he kneeled to her. 1000-man Commander Yue, the head commander of Er Hong and 9 others 100-man generals. She wore a plate Armor breastplate with lamellar shoulder pads with silk clothes underneath. Her smooth black hair was tied into a ponytail that strength past her shoulders and her face that had no impurities was beautiful yet fierce. "Er Hong, I've heard that you have been working with bandits. Is this true?" Commander Yue spoke with a beautiful and calming voice. But Er Hong could feel the killing intent hidden behind her beautiful voice. "Of course, not Commander Yue! I an honorable 100-man Commander would never stoop so low as to work with bandits!" Er Hong replied confidently.


He had already expected that Commander Yue would come because of this. He was already prepared to deal with the bandits by slaughtering them himself and show Commander Yue his loyalty to the emperor! "I see, well I will trust you, for now, Er Hong. I will be spending some time here to look around the town. Liu Xuan will be here to inspect the place as well." Commander Yue said as she turned towards the door. "L-Liu Xuan? Why does Lieutenant Liu Xuan have to inspect the barracks?" Er Hong asked with worry. "Do you have a problem with Liu Xuan, Er Hong?" Commander Yue asked as she turned her head towards him.

Er Hong looked into her black eyes and immediately he felt like he was going to die at that very moment. "N-no commander Yue, I have no problems with Lieutenant Liu Xuan!" Er Hong quickly replied. "I do not like commanders who try to use villains for their gain Er Hong, especially when they're under my command. I hope that you keep this in mind, to keep that head of yours attached to your body." Commander Yue replied coldly and left. The room felt like the temperature went down to freezing! Er Hong was frozen as he kneeled, he couldn't move from the aura that woman had just let out!

"That woman is too damn terrifying! But Liu Xuan is more of a problem! That man is way too smart for his good; if he looks around the place he will easily find proof that I'm working with the bandits!" Er Hong mumbled angrily. Just as he was about to relieve his stress one of his bandits who was a part of his army ran into the room. "Boss! Ou Fei and his crew just died!" The bandit shouted. "What?! Ou Fei is the strongest one, how could he have died!?" Er Hong asked in shock. "I don't know! The villagers kept saying that it was a 10-year-old foreign kid that killed them!" He replied.

"A foreign 10-year-old kid?! What did he look like?! Tell me now!" Er Hong quickly shouted "The villagers said he was short and didn't have much meat on his bones. He had a stick with him and wore white clothes!" the bandit replied. "To think that the arena master would give me such a troublesome kid! I swear once I become a stronger commander I will go and kill that man myself." Er Hong swore as he remembered how Charles looked like when he had met him. Charles stood out due to him being the first one to resist his full killing intent and had carried a stick for some odd reason. "But I could use this to my advantage..." Er Hong thought and smiled with an evil grin.

2 hours later, all the soldiers were lined up at the open square of the barracks with a stage that was meant to be used for Er Hong to command his troops. In front of all of them was Commander Yue who sat on a throne with a neutral face and Lieutenant Liu Xuan who had worn silk robes and had a feathered fan with him. His face looked calm and relaxed, but his eyes were like an eagle's eyes, always scanning his surroundings and always thinking. "Commander Yue, if I may ask. Why have you accepted Er Hong's ridiculous display?" Liu Xuan asked as he looked at Commander Yue. "It is fine; I want to see how Er Hong tries to prove himself innocent." Commander Yue replied.

Soon four soldiers get pushed onto the stage with their hands tied, and they seemed to have been beaten up severely. The four people were Luo Cheng, Dong Jian, Chen Lei and Zhong Huang. "We shall now begin the trial of these four soldiers, to be punished for their squad leader's actions!"

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