《The First World Emperor》Battle Royal!


Charles quickly grabs a shield off the ground and holds it with both his arms as he guards face and body. A robust young fighter keeps punching the shield leaving a dent with each punch. I seriously have the worst luck!

Back in the present, Charles slowly opens his eyes as he felt his entire body aching. Having slept on the ground for so long made Charles's body feel horrible! Charles blinks his blurry eyes awake as he looks around the room. "Young fighter Charles! Your fight is coming up soon get up!" A guard shouted outside his room. "Urgh" Charles groaned as he slowly gets up, using the wall beside him as support. Charles massages his shoulder as he walks out of the room to the corridor "Alright I'm up, so that battle royale is coming up?" Charles asks "Mhm, follow me and be ready." The guard replies as he starts walking down the corridor.

Charles follows the guard as he can hear the faint sounds of the announcer shouting as the crowd cheers on."There's a fight going on right now?" Charles asks "Today is the usual event we have every five days. you should try an focus on your fight today; the crowd is rather big today." The guard replies. As they walk down the dimly lit corridor, Charles could see other young fighters getting out of their cells with guards escorting them. "How many people will be in the fight?" Charles asks "There will be 28 young fighters this time around. You'll be one of the 28. And we have arrived." The guard replies as they stopped at the same wooden door that Charles went through during the duel he had with Leon.

Charles enters the room but doesn't see the room with weapon racks but instead sees a room with six other young fighters sitting around waiting for the fight to start. Every single one of the fighters glances at Charles for a second before looking back at the ground. Every one of them was wearing the same hemp clothes as Charles with faces displaying different emotions. Some of them seem terrified of what was going to happen, others looked focus and determined while the few who didn't show those two emotions just had a dead look to them as though they were ready for their demise.


Four guards were standing at each corner making sure that none of the young fighters do anything. Then one of the guards shouted "All fighters in this room stand and proceeded down the corridor!" Everyone stood up and walked towards the corridor leading to the arena. Charles follows them, but one of the guards stops him and asks "Are you, Charles?" "Yes, I am sir," Charles replied as soon as he said yes the guard takes out a red cloth and wraps it around Charles's neck. "Do not let this cloth leave your neck if it does then that means you die. Even if you are one of the five who survived. Now get going!" The guard says as he pushes Charles to the corridor.

Charles started sweating, why does he have this cloth?! But before Charles could even think about it more, the announcer shouts "Everyone! Be prepared to witness another excellent battle royale, as you can see this time is much more different than past battle royales! The brilliant arena master has changed the rules to make it even more interesting! We have an array of copper weapons scattered around the arena floor! The young fighters will start out with nothing on hand but can grab a weapon from the ground to fight with, unlike in the past where each opponent could choose their weapons!

And to spice things up we the top prospect of the young fighters in the battle royale today! He has managed to defeat the former top prospect in just his third day! We have given him a red cloth to symbolize his achievement and would like to provide him with a prize! If he is to be one of the top 5 survivors, he will have a chance of obtaining a fighting technique and a weapon from the arena master's private collection! But other fighters also have an opportunity to receive this fantastic prize! All they have to do is kill him, wear his red cloth and become one of the top 5!"

The six fighters around Charles's red cloth with greedy eyes. Every young fighter has set their sights on Charles. Charles started sweating bullets as he realizes his situation "Kid, I do believe we are going to die." Janko comments as he loses all motivation. Screw this useless spirit! Screw this arena! But before Charles could curse more, the announcer shouts "And now let the battle royale begin!!!" The gates open to the arena and every fighter starts rushing out to grab a weapon. Charles blood boils as the remaining Emperor's Spirit kicks in. With his heightened senses, he felt terrific!


But before he could even get a weapon, someone immediately attacks him with a punch. With the little bit of Emperor's Spirit Charles has he manages to dodge the incoming blow and quickly counters with a kick that pushes the fighter away from him. But before Charles could even get a breather, another opponent runs at Charles with a small copper knife. Charles stops the fighter's attack by grabbing the man's arm holding the knife and elbow's the fighter's face. The fighter loses his grip on his dagger and Charles uses this opportunity to snatch the dagger and stab the opponent in the neck instantly killing him.

Charles removes the dagger from the fighter's neck and the opponent from before charges at him with a longsword! Charles quickly steps forward and blocks the overhead attack with his left forearm, Charles then uses the knife to his right hand and stabs the fighter multiple times in the stomach before kicking the opponent away. The opponent drops his weapon when Charles stabbed him and got kicked away, dying from the multiple stab wounds. Charles grabs the sword from the ground as he tosses away the dagger that broke while stabbing the fighter.

Charles looks around and sees fighters spread around the arena fighting each other to the death. But just as Charles managed to catch his breath, he sees another fighter charging at him with a longsword. But this fighter has a bit of a weird aura around him. "Quickly run! That guy has the Emperor's Spirit!" Janko shouted. The opponent grips his longsword and slashes at Charles in a diagonally. Charles quickly dodges the sword, but it manages to cut off a bit of his hair. The fighter then goes in for a thrust aiming at Charles's stomach.

Charles moves sideways and guards his side with the longsword and as he predicted the fighter changes from a thrust to a sideways cut hitting Charles's sword! But the impact was so intense that both swords break! "Hmph! Such weak weapons! I shall smash your head into the dirt then!" The fighter shouted as he tosses the handle aside and throws a right straight punch at Charles. Charles quickly moves his head to his right and manages to avoid the punch which had so much force that Charles could hear the wind quickly blowing past his left ear. Charles notices the fighter's left arm moving so he immediately brings up both his arms to block his chest and stomach as the opponent throws an uppercut punch at Charles's body!

Immediately as the punch lands on both Charles's arms, he is sent flying back a couple of steps! Charles falls onto the ground as he tries to shake his arm to try and get rid of the pain from the punch. People who have Emperor's Spirit have powerful punches! As Charles was getting up he could see the fighter running at him he quickly looked around to find any weapon to use against the freak! He turned his head and saw a shield next to him! Charles promptly stood up and holds it with both arms as he guards his face and body. The fighter quickly sends a punch onto the shield leaving a dent!

The fighter grins at this and quickly starts punching more and more leaving more and more dents onto the shield slowly deforming it! Meanwhile, Charles was holding on for dear life as he could feel his arms slowly giving out! As the fighter kept on punching the shield Charles sees that someone is running up with a sword behind the opponent. Charles then thought of an idea as he lifts up his leg and kicks the fighter in the stomach with all his strength!

The fighter was not expecting the kick groans in pain as he falls back a few steps, just as Charles hoped the fighter gets cut by another fighter with a sword! Furious that he got cut in the back of the opponent with Emperor's Spirit ignores the pain and starts smashing the other fighter with his fist as he starts bleeding from his back! Using this chance to escape Charles tosses the deformed shield away and runs in the opposite direction as he shakes his arms in pain! That guy had Emperor's Spirit?! Why is my luck so bad!?

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