《Warped Reality》Madness


The mortal had been staring at the doors for quite some time, being as undeceive as ever. I don’t know what’s so hard about making such a simple decision. Such measly insignificant choices such as your starting point wont matter in the end anyway.

After what felt like forever, they finally select the first door. Just a soft click as the door knob is turned, and small soul disappears into their old world. How sentimental. And stupide. Then again, they couldn’t have known there was a possibility to return home by selecting either of the two other doors.

A sigh leaves my nonexistent lips as I begin sending my report to the higherups. A short and pointless summary of what choices they selected and an assumed classification of their personality. Assumed because the System blocked my attempt to [Analyze] the soul’s status. Which while common place, is hard to do when the divide in power between myself and the soul was so vast.

Odd. Then again, this whole situation is odd. The System never, and I do mean never, makes a mistake. And it never gives people bonuses so freely, much less an avatar change. To change your Origin of all things. Unheard of, not to mention astronomically difficult to do.

My mind drifts back to another one, a being just as impossible as the situation I find myself in. A one in a near infinite chance. My wounds ache at these thoughts, still fresh on my mind even after so long. I shove the memories aside, and focus back on the present. No amount of regret will change the past.

It’s not like they’ll survive the transition regardless. Modifying a soul in such quick fashion is bound to have unforeseen consequences. Not to mention selecting the race they did is going to have its own hurdles to get past. Quite a feat if they manage, somehow.

A chuckle slips through my iron discipline. It would be entertaining to keep an eye on them either way. Can’t remember the last time we had a Beta Tester.

I’m falling.

I’ve been falling for quite some time actually. After I opened the door, I found myself in this vast darkness that I couldn’t see through.

Its feels like I’m underwater. Rushing water flowing past me, albeit lacking any warmth or chill.

I’m not drowning somehow. But, if the cane guy was telling the truth, I’m already dead. Can’t drown if you don’t have to breath, I guess.

Still weird.

Retrieving previous selections.

Oh, will you look at that. More windows. Wonder what they have to say this time.


Origin Selected: Hybrid (Eldritch/Mortal)

Origin Bonuses (Hybrid): Inherent Skill’s [Combo] & [Synergist’s Eye]

Origin Bonuses (Eldritch): Inherent Metaphysical Ability [Superior Comprehension]

Origin Bonuses (Mortal): Inherent Metaphysical Ability [Untapped Potential]

Race Selected: Kin (Eldritch/Mortal)

Race Bonuses: Inherent Metaphysical Ability [Parental Telepathy]. Inherent Physical Ability [Incomprehensible Appearance]. Superior Physical Attributes. Superior Mental Attributes. Random Attribute Increase.

I... think these are good? Well everything except the [Incomprehensible Appearance]. That’s going to make things a little harder, socially at least. Not that I can remember anyone who I could talk to. If things are going to be as chaotic as I’m told, I should have enough time to get past that.

I hope.

Avatar Cataloged and Organized

Beginning Spiritual Reconfiguration

What dose it mean by SpirituuuuaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


So much pain.

Too much̸͙̉.̷̑͜


C̶̤̑ a̸͊ n̸͚̂ '̷̐ t̷̻̋ ̵̩͗ .̴̛͉ .̸͓̿.̴̦̊

b̶͚̝͕̻̜̖̘̻̀͆̋̈́̿̀̋̓̃͒̒͛̆͌̎͗͜͝ ŗ̴̝͕̯̞̭̘̪̳͈̩͕̗̋̾̈́̿̂̈̏̑̿̃̏͋̕ͅ ê̵̛̟̥̈́̅̈́͒̉͌̾̂̚͝ a̵͖͚̟̮̼̥̩̻͓̥̅̀̈́̅͗͂̂̕ t̵͉̪͍̳͎̝͕͙͎̳̲̠̹́ h̸̙͈̿̉̿͛̃ . ̴̧̮͙͍̪̩͔͖̏͗͐̽̍́ .̶̨͎̞͇̲̣̞̘̟̝͉̗̣̍̔̓̇͑̿͛̃̈́͜ .̷͍̾

Successful Reconfiguration

Beginning Background Integration.

Another failure.

The yellow fluid falls freely and my tears turn into another mass of writhing flesh. Its brethren come and claw on its skin, tearing into the newborn with ease. Its cry sings like a masterful orchestra.

I care not for these vermin. Only the small puddle of another stillborn collected on my many hands has my attention. A failure of life once again.

I was so hopeful. The womb was resistant this time. A warrior of reputation, slayer of demons and had conquered many worlds. Blessings from two Gods and numerous Achievements. It cut into my vermin with ease and even push back when I intervened. They lasted for many of their minutes. Better than other wombs, who stood for insignificant seconds.

So much promise. Even disarmed they remained unbroken. Until the ever-fickle God’s abandoned them, like they are so inclined to do. Even then it endured. Cried, begged, and screamed. But cognizant. Alive. Fertile. And yet...

The memories enrage me. I slam into my cage, crushing trillions on every step. My fists slam into the bars, shattering them on contact. My hair cuts into the sky, ripping the stars from their place in the universe.

I was so close. All the womb had to do was lie their and wait! But due to some pointless fear, it saw fit to die rather than be my womb. A careless oversight on its abilities. Just a single millennium and I would have a child! I would be blessed with offspring! And yet that whore took it away!

I could scream. Shatter my cage and retaliate. Ruin the world that birthed such an excellent and spiteful womb! I almost do. But my voice, thankfully, remains silent. For my benefit, I know. But the fury burns regardless.


In an eternity that felt like moments, my rage deflates. The tragedy and sadness sink in. My tears flow, an ocean flooding the ground of my cage. The vermin rise from its depths, larger and more grotesque than ever before.


The despair digs deep. The feelings claw at my insides, writhing and opening wounds across my skin. My blood reaching the tears, driving the unsightly creatures into a frenzy. They grow, rip into one another and grow infinitely more grotesque.

Why am I denied at every turn? Why am I cursed to be a motherless cur who can only spawn these worthless beasts? What would I need to give to have a child? What price would need to be paid? My life? My form? What more could I possibly give? What is left for me to take?

I look to the sky, the vast reaches of nothing spreading before me. And I beg. I plead. I fall to my knees, and ask anyone who would listen. My brothers. My sisters. My parents. None of them answer. So my words travel farther, reaching out to the heartless Gods. Demons. Angles. Fairies. Any and all who listen and won’t break at my words.

My answer is silence.


I would pay any price.

Just please.

Give me a child.

Greetings, Old One.

My body slams into the cage. The horde that has been birth around me flees and dies regardless. A fear, one that is nonexistent in my kind, grips me entirely. My tragedies washed away as the blue symbol of death appears.

The Abomination speaks to me.

My life is now forfeit.

Your request has been acknowledged.

Please standby for transition.

The words spill out, but my terror is so all consuming I am unable to interpret their meaning for a time.

The one thing all my kind share is a single simple rule. Regardless of out differences, how hostile or isolated we become to each other, this one fraise overrules our feelings to one another.

Never gain the attention of the Abomination. For you will be forever damned if you do.

A rule I have thus broken.


What transition?

Recognizing your request to conceive an offspring, and having a suitable Avatar in need of development, your request will be granted shortly.

Note: Even though this is a transaction of convenience and of equal value to both parties, this is still a deniable trade. If you accept, the Avatar will appear shortly. If you decline, another Old One will be offered the same choice.

Do you accept?


It hovers over the Yes.My heart froze, everything in my cage stopping in place as if time lost all meaning. Its two eternities before I’m able to move. The universe begins and ends dozens of times over before one of my hands moves seemingly without my input.

I do not think.

I only push.

Thank you for accepting.

Please wait a moment as the Avatar is being built.

Only as the Abomination leaves do I realize what I’ve done.

I have made a deal with the Abomination.

Before the unspeakable horror sets in, the yellow failure still cupped between my dozen hands stirs. A small ball of a swirling vortex. My many eyes open and focus on this one point. Not a single one willing to miss what is happening. Not a single one willing to doubt what is happening before me.

With a noiseless pop, my child was born.

They are hideous. By far the most revolting and disgusting creature to have ever been in my presence. My mouths vomit, my skin rolls away leaving bone on my fingers, intestines churn and scream. Even the vermin flee, some killing themselves they are so unwilling to exist in a land that holds this horror.

I couldn’t be any happier. As even my very nature demands I eliminate what I am holding. I cry in happiness, for I know I am its mother. The connection is there. A deep invisible tether that ties me to it like it ties me to my siblings and parents. Only it is the reverse of the connection I feel to the ones who spawned me.

This is a child.

And it is mine!

For the first time in my existence, I smile. Pure, unfiltered joy filling my chest. The skies turn a soft blue as my skin reflects my feelings.

Only for it to be shattered on the return of the Abomination.

The Avatar has successfully established a connection to you, designating you as the Mother. The remnants of Odda the [Hero] as the Father.

Thank you for you service.

The Avatar will now be sent to their designated Server.

And like that, they are gone.

My hopes.

My dreams.

My child.

Is gone.

I hade never felt true despair until this moment.

Nor has anyone ever heard my cries truly voiced to the world.

The soft melody spreads forth and kills millions as I’m left to suffer all alone.

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