《The Crossroads》New Worlds


I know that I said I was going to go to the W.A.R.P place right now, but well, I forgot completely that I needed a weapon to fight up close to people, and while I can do hand to hand combat, it makes me feel better having a knife. So I went back up to the Modern Weapons shop to find the same girl just relaxing behind the counter, knowing what I wanted though I told her that I wanted a knife that was sharp and durable. She, within a few moments, pulled up one that wasn't named anything special sadly, but I was able to upgrade how sharp and durable it was to the extremes as well as giving its sheath the property of returning it there 3 seconds after my hands let go of it or it falling. Thankfully all that combined didn't even equal 100 credits, it was a pleasant surprise, but she told me that the reason being is because the knives from here suck compared to the ones from the Ancient weaponry and aren't magical, nor are they extremely scientific or laser knives like the futuristic weaponry. I just nodded my head and bid her goodbye again as I began travelling towards W.A.R.P once again.

This time I felt satisfied that I remembered everything and exited the building heading straight towards the building I had previously gotten the Aliens world from. When I was walking in I saw that outside it was actually getting darker, so I decided I should probably hurry it up inside here so that I can sleep in my new base, hopefully with a bed instead of that damned concrete floor. Walking in I saw that Kenneth actually wasn't there, probably due to it being late or some other reason so I decided to instead just go up to another random guy who I didn't take note much of his appearance.


When I got to him I had some average small talk, Hello's, how you doing's, fine, etc etc. After getting through that I passed him all 5 of the draws that I had, 3 of which were for F rank worlds, 1 for E rank, and 1 for D rank. He just nodded and asked me what I would like to draw first, I told him that I wanted to get the F ranks out of the way first. He put each into the large machine and we watched it spin around momentarily before 3 balls rolled out, each about 30 seconds after the last, "Alright sir, looks like your 3 F-rank worlds are... Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Doom, and The Phantom Menace. Yes, before you say anything this is the star wars pre-quel. This is one of the worst ones I've ever given to someone, however I still think giving some poor soul Jason X is probably the worst one I've given not because its a hard movie, but because its a bad movie." God, thinking what it would be like to get Jason X made me shudder. I don't really care too much for the star wars movies but going through it and getting a high score in it later on may get me some good rewards.

I then watch as he brings out another large ball filled with small balls, however this time the cage/ball that was encasing everything was about an eighth smaller. I just shrugged and accepted it, in less than a minute he grabbed the ball and with a smile looked to me, "Looks like getting that bad luck made up for it, you've gotten Terminator as a rank E movie! Should net you some decent loot, especially if you can deal with whats thrown at you well. Alright onto the last one for you." He then pulled out yet a different container of balls, this one was smaller than the last one as well though I couldn't tell how much, and after a few moments he picked up the ball and said, "Mass Effect. Seems you got an overall good run with the only real snafu being the phantom menace. Ah well, good luck to you mate!"


I waved at him as I walked out of the building, then I stopped and tried to remember what it was that I do to get home.

... I made it some sort of movement/gesture thingy, I remember that much. I also am 80% sure I made it a reference to something that I love. Okay, lets go through the motions, spidermans web slinging? Nope, uh it wouldn't be me flipping something off, I do that way too often, nor would it be finger guns for the same reason. The only other things I can think of are the live long and prosper thing from star trek, but that didn't work, the 'these aren't the droids you're looking for' but that didn't work either. The last iconic thing I can think of is from space- god dammit that's just the kind of stupid fucking thing I'd do since I can't forget that.

I sigh and do the salute from spaceballs and walk through the glowing doorway defeated, and when I walk in I immediately notice a difference in it, no longer does it feel like a tiny prison cell, now it feels like a huge one! Well at least I have more room and don't have to deal with people here, I can just sit on my... actually I don't know what I can sit on here, hopefully a bed, maybe a couch, a couch would be nice to sit on.

Before I can do that though I put up with all the crap that I'm carrying for a bit longer and go look at each of the rooms that I had, and after a grand total of 15 minutes I think I've got the barest of grips on what is required to at least live here for now. As time goes by later I can go and learn all the finer details, but now I know how to put stuff in the armory, which is pretty easy, I just kinda chuck the equipment into it, then when I want to pull it out I just go to the terminal and grab it. Same deal with the storage room. Medic room couldn't be put to use quite yet since I'm not injured and have never really been a fan of just going and stabbing myself in the arm to test something out.

I didn't care about most of the rooms honestly as, even though I paid extra for decorations and what not to make it more homely theres a good amount missing from it, like videogames. I'll be damned in my house/living area doesn't have, at the minimum, a Nintendo 64 or higher. Anything below is cool too sure, but the 64 is generally as old as I like to go for games, well save for the original Legend of Zelda games.

Well for now all that I can go and do is sleep really as tomorrow I'll go to one of those new worlds that I got, probably Terminator since I think that it would probably be fine for me to go and do, especially since I've got a personal arsenal that could probably decimate the thing.

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