《The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli》C40. Upgrade Quietly


Proofread by Claire.KK

Long Lan is also surprised, “Wait, Xiaoli, have you got it wrong? Aren’t you in F Grade Red Star-II when the term begins? The next stage after Level II is Level III. After the peak of Level III, you can enter E Grade Orange Star. And it’s not easy to stride the natural moat between F Grade and E Grade. The peak value of your power is 60 marsos in F Grade Red Star-II, you forget?”

Bai Xiaoi answers calmly, “Oh, I feel maybe my star power has increased a little just now. Now it’s 200 marsos, isn’t it E Grade Orange Star-II?”

In fact, it’s after the rune power of the explosive-fire-rhinoceros drilling into the body of Bai Xiaoli that his star power gets unblocked and increases directly to 200 marsos.

All the people: “…”

What the hell? What does it mean “maybe it has increased a little”? Your upgrade is always so easy and quiet?

Upgrade accidentally and upgrade carelessly? And a jump in upgrade? Jump directly from F Grade Red Star-II to E Grade Orange Star-II? Increase 140 marsos in one sitting? Is the leap too big, buddy? It really sounds like a joke, isn’t it?

Cang Yan is surprised and checks his star power in mind. He finds in surprise that his star power has also increased from the previous 300 marsos in E Grade Orange Star-I to 200 marsos, the same with that of Bai Xiaoli.

If a human practices himself, the intelligent one needs to take at least one year and half to reach 70 marsos of star power. But he jumps directly from 130 marsos to 200 marsos, so it’s because that the soul beast master and his soul beast share together their star power?

What makes Cang Yan confused is, since by sharing star power, he can get star power from his soul beast, his soul beast can also receive star power from him. But, before, Bai Xiaoli had only 60 marsos in F Grade Red Star-II, while he had 130 marsos in E Grade Orange Star-I. Why his star power was not shared by Bai Xiaoli?


It’s not right.

Sharing star power should mean that the soul beast master and his soul beast can increase the same marsos.

So it means, Bai Xiaoli has increased 140 marsos, from 60 marsos to 200 marsos. According to the theory of sharing star power, on the basis of his previous star power, he should also increase another 140 marso reaching 270 marso. But now, he has only 200 marso. Why? Where has the other 70 marso gone?

It’s because of…leakage?

Or… it’s consumed in a certain link?

Or maybe he misunderstands. The meaning of sharing star power is that the soul beast master and his soul beast shall be on the same level, nothing about increasing how many marsos of star power, as long as they have the same value of star power?

Which one is right?

Cang Yan doesn’t understand.

The number of the soul beast masters is much less than that of the awakened and practitioner of rune. There’re few examples for reference. Besides, the soul beasts summoned by different soul beast masters have different habits, characteristics and changes in their growth.

He’s born with soul spirit and star spirit; two spirits exist simultaneously. The family focuses on training him to be a soul beast master. But what he gets to know about soul beast master in his family totally can’t be applied mechanically to Bai Xiaoli and him.

Their way on practicing seems to be deviated from the beginning. Otherwise, no one’s soul beast will get out of his control and survives alone in this world for four years.

Cang Yan sighs that he knows little.

Kain would like to say, even you’re E Grade Orange Star-II, and you still can’t kill a rune beast alone!

Joyce puts his arms around the neck of Bai Xiaoli and shakes it hard, “Kid, you’re only a freshman but reach 200 marsos. How can we your so called seniors have any dignity in the College?”


Bai Xiaoli gives no expressions and just let Joyce shake him. Such a scene appears very funny.

Cang Yan says: “All right, it’s getting dark. If we go back to the city now, it will probably be late. The news that we have a rune beast maybe has already reached Tianjing City. We can’t blatantly bring the explosive-fire-rhinoceros back to the city, ’cause it’s too noticeable. Also, our vehicle can’t carry such a big prey.”

Joyce says unwillingly, “This is a rune beast. Every piece of meat contains strong rune power. The one who takes a bite will have his star power increased. But we can’t bring it back. I really can’t take this lying down. What a regret that we don’t have a rune storage tool. Otherwise, we will not let Xiaoli carry it all the way.”

A rune storage tool has a high scary price. The ordinary rich can’t afford it at all. And it’s very difficult to find. They’re all so poor and even don’t have the qualification to touch it.

Long Lan hesitates and asks, “Well, I go back to take? My mother has one necklace. The pendant of it is a rune storage tool. Shall I take it for use?”

“You have rune storage tool in your home? Are you some rich second generation?” Joyce exclaimed with exaggeration.

Scratching his head, Long Lan says sheepishly, “It’s my grandfather who gives it to my mother. The condition of my grandfather’s family is ok.”

Cang Yan feels a little surprised, “What’s the family name of your grandfather?”

With some hesitation, Long Lan doesn’t want to mention his grandpa’s family, but he answers at last, “The Carter family.”

Joyce looks toward Cang Yan immediately, but Cang Yan becomes silent.

What it means that the condition is ok? The Carter family is one of the three biggest families in Tianjing City. In the whole Tianjing City, the Carter family can also be counted as a top rich and powerful family. It’s never expected that there’s an invisible rich second generation in their team?

Long Lan is afraid that they would misunderstand. He explains: “I have no relation with the Carter family. And don’t talk about the rich second generation. There’s no rich second generation who lives like me, someone who’s so poor and has to live on the meal card?”

The top concern of Cang Yan is not whether Long Lan is from Carter family, but about Bai Xiaoli.

“Long Lan, does the Carter family know about Xiaoli?” Bai Xiaoli is so special. If he’s targeted by a big family, it’s not joking. Let Cang Yan Support me From Now on.

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