《The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli》C26. Hostility from Ainy


Bai Xiaoli grabs it and sticks it into his mouth without any hesitation. Although his favorite is meat, he also takes occasionally a little fruits and vegetables.

With the first bite, Bai Xiaoli’s face crinkles together. He’s to vomit it out by conditioned reflex.

“Don’t vomit; swallow it.” Cang Yan stops him immediately.

His tiny face crinkling, Bai Xiaoli fails to swallow and also not dares to drop it out. It tastes so sour that his eyes are drown in tears.

Long Lan explains in haste, “Brother, Xiaoli not really likes sour food.”

Bai Xiaoli nods hard to prove that what Long Lan has said is right.

But Cang Yan insists, “Just swallow it, no need to chew.”

“Puh,” Bai Xiaoli vomits it onto the table. The sour taste makes him slobbering. “I don’t eat it. Lord Bai eats meat only. No sour food!”

Cang Yan looks at the wide-eyed Bai Xiaoli and suddenly smiles. This is the real character of Bai Xiaoli? It’s not easy to get used to his sudden obedience.

It’s really a shock for Ainy to see that Cang Yan who always distances himself from others peels for Bai Xiaoli himself. With that, Bai Xiaoli vomits directly the fruit onto the table. She feels really disgusting.

After the waiter has cleared the table, they order dishes again. The majority dishes on the table are meat. The vegetable and meat dishes are not ordered equally. The intention is very clear. That is to accommodate themselves to Bai Xiaoli.

Ainy feels more displeased. Before, when they were four in the team, they entirely catered to her taste in ordering dishes for every meal. But today, she’s completely ignored. From the moment she walks in, nearly no one has looked at her. All the people have put their eyes on Bai Xiaoli. Even Joyce is the same.

Such a drop is like being reduced from a princess adored by millions to a little beggar in the street. How can she keep psychological balance with that?

“Take some meat, you’re too skinny.” Joyce takes one piece of meat to Ainy.

Ainy slaps directly that meat onto the table, “I don’t like meat, and I want to keep slim.”

Bai Xiaoli looks at her from the opposite incredulously. There’s actually someone in the world who doesn’t like meat?

“I like meat; don’t waste if you don’t like.” With his words, he glances at the meat slapped on the table painfully.

Ainy feels nearly to spit out blood and she is extremely angry. She says suddenly: “Two new rookies, what’s your quality?”

The quality is certainly a big flaw of Grey Wolf. Generally, they will not discuss it deliberately.

Long Lan is a little embarrassed, “My…My quality is of one star. I’m a good for nothing. I know it.”


“How about you, little brother Bai?” Ainy questions closely.

Hearing his name, Bai Xiaoli doesn’t know at all what they are talking about. He just aches intently for the meat dropped on the table.

Bai Xiaoli says: “My…My quality is of one star. I’m a good for nothing. I know it.”

All people: “…”

Dare you to respond more perfunctorily?

Joyce interrupts the subject in a haste, “Quality is not the absolute standard, and our team doesn’t recruit anyone by only considering quality.”

Ainy doesn’t step back: “Brother Cang Yan, I think, since Grey Wolf wants to play the match, quality must take precedence in recruitment. Only with good quality, the team can go further and develop quickly. Otherwise, playing the match with such a team sounds like joking.”

“Ainy, stop it.” Joyce who is always smiling becomes very displeased now.

“It’s for the benefit of the team that I say so. Why do you scold me? Don’t you want to play the match? Now that you have decided, why not recruit some new members with good quality? Both two are one star, how to play the match?” Ainy retorts reasonably.

The atmosphere is a little stiff. For a moment, no one talks anymore. There’s only Bai Xiaoli alone who keeps eating meat with great relish.

Looking at Bai Xiaoli eating in this way, Ainy has her heart and eyes filled with disgust.

“I’m the captain, I’m in command.” This is the reply from Cang Yan, with no other words.

Finally, this dinner has to end in an awkward atmosphere.

After checking out, Cang Yan goes outside with Bai Xiaoli, Rovel and Long Lan, leaving his words to Joyce, “We go back by taxi, you drive her back.”

Joyce drives the car here. Ainy gets on the car with a dim face, and shuts the door with a “Bang”.

Joyce pulls the car over to the side of the road, and lights a cigarette in his mouth, “Say it, what do you want?”

Ainy is already filled with pent up anger, hearing Joyce’s words, she says bluntly, “I want to play the match.”

Joyce flicks his cigarette and says, “We’re exactly preparing for the match.”

“You’re preparing for the match? You have been recruiting for several days. But finally you just get two rookies with the quality of one star. All the team is made up of one-star, two-stars, at most three-stars. This is the preparation for match? It’s not joking? A team like this can stand on stage?” Ainy’s words are really sharp.

“Playing the match not only relies on the quality.”

Others may not know, but Joyce is clear about that. In spite of the quality of one star, Cang Yan is all the same powerful in the virtual world. Does he depend on the quality to make it? Of course not. It’s his clever mind and experience of actual combat.


“But without quality, absolutely no.” Ainy insists.

Joyce puffs a few on his cigarette silently, “That’s not why you should be angry.”

“Want to know why?” Ainy stares at Joyce.

But Joyce doesn’t look at her at all, “Say it.”

“I just can’t stand Cang Yan’s attitude towards me. The team fails to recruit anyone, but I’m kind enough to help. He categorically refused. And look at his attitude tonight. He takes care of that Bai Xiaoli so considerably. As I can see, he’s not recruiting for playing the match, but for getting a girlfriend.”

Joyce frowns, “What does it have to do with you? Even if Cang Yan really goes after Bai Xiaoli, what’s that to you?”

Ainy can’t answer, but says bitterly at last, “I can’t stay in such a team. I’m going to leave. Are you leaving together with me? ”

Joyce chuckles and says, “In your opinion, with my quality, which team wants me?”

Joyce is really handsome with his slightly curly hair and aristocratic vibes. His slender shape makes him look tender, but also frivolous and unreliable. By looking at his attractive face, one could know that all girls love such a handsome guy.

Staring at his face, Ainy’s voice is hushed, “As long as they want me join them, they must accept you. There’s no need to worry about that.”

Joyce asks with a smile, “Which team? Black God?”

Ainy pauses for a moment and says, “Black God has promised me that as long as I join them, they will give me two regular seats.”

Joyce says “Oh” and doesn’t take it to heart, saying no more words. Starting the car, he drives toward the College.

Ainy loses her temper, “Joyce, join Black God with me. Look at the whole Tianjing College, only the Black God can represents Tianjing College and play the match with teams from other colleges. What Grey Wolf is? They are just like playing house?”

Joyce says: “You leave, I leave together; then what about Cang Yan?”

“He’s not for match at all; he has only theories. Without practice, all arguments are pipe dream. Since Vivian wants to invite him, that’s his best choice. It’s a pity that he has refused.” Ainy has mixed feelings.

Holding a cigarette in mouth, Joyce doesn’t speak anymore. After driving into the college, he gives his answer.

“If you want to leave, then leave yourself. I won’t. Since Cang Yan wants to play the match, I will be together with him. No matter he’s joking or serious, as long as he wants to do it, I will help him.”

Ainy looks at Joyce incredulously, “You mean, you’re abandoning me because of Cang Yan?”

“Yes.” Joyce replies affirmatively.

Ainy immediately goes insane, “Cang Yan is only one of your friends, and I’m the one who’s your girlfriend. You break up with me for your friend; are you sick?!”

“Hush, be quiet. Knock it off. That’s not ladylike.” Joyce talks slowly.

Opening the door, he let Ainy to get off, “Honey, the last piece of advice for you, take the long view. The huge families in Tianjing City haven’t stepped in, so don’t conclude so early. Whether Black God is the strongest or not, we will see at last.”

“Wish you success.”

After locking the car, Joyce stalks off without looking back.

There’s only Ainy who believes Xie Anshen’s words. How badly he wishes that Grey Wolf would dissolve immediately, not to mention accepting Joyce as a regular in Black God. Unless Xie Anshen gets brain tic, otherwise, he will not make this decision. He’s obviously cheating Ainy.

Joyce returns to the dormitory finding Cang Yan sitting on the sofa searching for documents. Actually, Cang Yan doesn’t enter the cabin of OR system as usual.

“How’s it going?” Cang Yan asks without raising his head.

Joyce collapses on the sofa and answers torpidly, “Break up again.”

Cang Yan says without any sympathy, “Congratulations.”

Joyce stares blankly for a moment, then says suddenly; “Why girls bother so much? I even don’t know what are they thinking about every day?”

Cang Yan keeps his eyes on the document and replies: “If you detest to be bothered by girls, then look for a boyfriend.”

Joyce rolls over to sit up and says somehow excitedly; “What do you think of Bai Xiaoli? If it’s a boyfriend, maybe I can only accept someone like Bai Xiaoli who can set me on fire with his beauty.”

Cang Yan stops his work and turns to Joyce, warning: “Don’t court Bai Xiaoli, otherwise, I’ll cut off your penis.”

Trembling, Joyce immediately feels chilly in his crutch.

“Wow, do you need to be so cruel?” He just realizes after saying this, “Unbelievable, are you serious? You will go after Bai Xiaoli?”

“It’s not like what you are thinking, forget your dirty and filthy idea!” Cang Yan doesn’t want to explain.

“If it’s not what I’m thinking, then what is it?” Joyce questions closely.

Cang Yan stands up, holding the device and walking toward his bedroom, “You just have to remember one thing, Xiaoli is mine. No one is allowed to approach him.”

Joyce thinks for a moment, stroking his jaw. He can never imagine. Once meeting someone he likes, the abstinent Cang Yan becomes instantly a potent man.

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