《The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli》C5. I’d Like Another Hundred Plates of Roast Meat


The shop assistant whispers secretly, "Would you like to try the man's clothing in the opposite store?"

Although the teenager is pretty enough, the intuition tells the shop assistant that the beauty is definitely a boy, not a girl!

Considering about this, the shabby-looking man has no way of dressing up the beauty, but a crazy idea flashes in his mind, "Why not dress up her into a beautiful boy? Nowadays, a good-looking boy is surely worth more."

So the man brings Bai Xiaoli to the store of man's clothing. The male clothes make the little beauty look refreshingly good. Because of Bai Xiaoli's appearance, there will be the same effect of gorgeousness, no matter whether he is in man or woman's clothing.

The man finally brings this hungry beauty to the "Tianjing Hotel" and orders the cheapest barbecue, and then he finds an excuse to go to the restroom. In fact, he eagerly goes to "Yinghao" club to make a deal with them. This is not the first time for him, so he has rich experience.

Finishing the negotiation, the man comes back and astonishingly finds a dining car full of empty plates. On the top of the car, there are stacks of freshly cooked barbecues, and there are still many empty plates on the table.

Beside the table, a pretty-looking waitress serves busily and shockingly, and she mechanically passes the barbecue from the dining car.

Looking at this, the man is almost crazy. He rushes to the table and looks at the empty plates incredibly.

"Where…where are those plates from? What happened?"

The gorgeous waitress looks over the man from head to toe, full of doubts, apparently doubting about whether he can afford it or not. "The little brother orders the barbecue. He says you will pay for it."


Hearing this, the man almost kneels down on the floor, "I …. I just ordered one plate, I never ordered so much!"

By judging the shabby-looking man as penniless, the waitress changes from gorgeousness into ruthlessness, "I don't care what you ordered, please pay for the food."

The man, frightened, glances at the empty plates beneath the dining car, wonders how a little girl can eat so much. It is impossible. There must be something wrong with it.

"How…how many plates does she have?" the man asks with expectation.

"She orders fifty plates in all, and thirty-two of them have been eaten."


This time, the man really kneels down.

"Fif…fifty!" The man's eyes almost popped out.

998 federal currencies for each, so how much for 50 plates?

Bai Xiaoli's mouth is full of grease, and he cannot stop eating, "Yummy! It is the first time to eat so delicious meat! I like it here, Uncle, please order more, fifty plates, maybe, it is not enough to fill my stomach."

The waitress gently glares at the teenager. A good appearance is easier to acquire others' favorable impression. That's definitely true!

The man nearly flips his eyes and faintly falls on the floor. Who is this girl? A monster? Even fifty plates of meat are not enough for her, for such a little girl! How can she really eat them all?

"Uncle, I almost finish, but I want more meat. Fifty? No, maybe a hundred plates." Bai Xiaoli asks with his cheeks bulging.

After several complex changes of looks, the man finally determines to give up his investigation. He stands up from the floor, "Excuse me, I don't know her, and it is not my business to pay for the food. You should ask her for money."


He would rather lose one or two thousand, than lose more than a hundred thousand! The little girl is just worth a hundred thousand, if she asks continuously, how much will he lose? There will be incredibly too much!

"You are my uncle, how could you abandon me? You follow me along the way from the city gate." Bai Xiaoli wonders but still keeps eating.

The man is shocked again, and he finally realizes that he really meets a monster. Besides, he is cheated to buy the nice clothes, and to order so much food in the most expensive restaurant. These are all her tricky traps! How could he be possibly willing to pay for the food? He is not insane!

The customers in the restaurant cast the suspicious look. By the appearance of the teenager, by DNA or by whatever reason, the shabby-looking man is impossible to be his uncle. Wait, did he follow the boy from the city gate? Definitely a trafficker!

Before mounting public indignation, the man sneaks out.

The waitress notices the man has gone, but she feels risky to deal with this big meal. Even if her maternal sympathy is sacred, the job means more than that.

"Dear, do you have money to pay for the food?"

Bai Xiaoli shakes his head with meat full of his mouth.

The waitress takes a deep breath, "What about your parents?"

The boy continues to shake his head, "I don't have father and mother."

Of course, he doesn't have father and mother, but he does have fox father and fox mother.

The graceful waitress just sighs, "If you cannot afford it, we have no choice but send you to the police station."

Bai Xiaoli is puzzled, "Where is it? May I eat meat there?"

The waitress is too shocked to speak a word!

He doesn't know what the police station is. Is he an alien? No, even the alien knows what police station is! The waitress just regards him as a teenager who is good at pretending to be foolish.

"What happened?" the manager brings several guards walking towards them. He has already paid close attention to the situation here.

A teenager eats so many plates of barbecue. It is really difficult to avoid others' attention.

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