《MAD Wendigo》Chapter 22 - Part 2


The hope was that they could get some distance between them and the wendigos, but their path was direct. Not much between them and the safe walls of the university. But they made good time and Reid dared to hope…

We might make it...

They passed through one major intersection after the next and no one looked back. After ten minutes Reid’s breaths were heavy. After another five he noticed Ashley was lagging. With a glance back, he watched her slouch under the weight of Wendy. She can't carry her... her shoulder's too fucked up. It had only been a few days since she'd been bitten. Sure she didn't succumb but her strength, after all the attacks, the swimming, the climbing, the running.... How can she still be standing? He hadn't given it a second thought when she picked up the girl but now she looked ready to collapse if they didn't stop.

Reid slowed his pace to jog in step with Ashley. Her face had paled, brow streaked with sweat, and pupils dilated. Her arms tensed around Wendy’s legs but he could see the shake in her limbs.

“You have to slow down,” he said but she shook her head. They entered the Bloor-Yonge intersection, empty save for drifting debris.

“Shannon,” Reid called loud enough for him to slow and turn. It only took one glance at Ashley for Shannon to come to a halt and with him, the children slowed.

“One-minute rest,” Shannon announced and although Ashley's body looked relieved as Wendy climbed down, fury lit her eyes.

“We can't… stop. Not now.” Her eyes darted around in all directions. “We're not far… right?”

“No,” Reid said. “But we can't run this next part, we have to keep quiet.”

She shook her head. “Then let’s keep going. We need to-”

“Ashley, you need a minute.” Her name felt strange on his lips. “And I should check her leg.” He motioned to Wendy, and that seemed enough for Ashley to crouch to the ground and gasp in what air she could. Black blood oozed down her shoulder and stained her shirt but Ashley wouldn't let Reid near. Instead, he saw to Wendy, who despite a swollen shin and knee seemed alright.

“Does it hurt when you put weight on it?”

Wendy nodded. Her hair had long since come free from the small pigtail and dirt smeared her face, much like the rest of them. But she was alive, and giving her a quick once over he instructed Ethan to come to his side.

“You're her brother right?”

“My big brother,” Wendy answered for him, her hand reaching for Ethans.

“Good. You're going to help carry her. Put her one arm over your shoulder and you bend down. It's gonna hurt a little Wendy but it means we'll all get somewhere safe.” Over their heads he caught the side glance Ashley gave him, her pride wounded but she kept silent.

Not a sound could be heard from the bridge they’d come from but each and every one of them felt uneasy. Shifting their weight, franticly looking around. The buildings lining the streets felt like they could be teaming with wendigos. Reid shivered in anticipation of the worst. We should get going.

Shannon bent to Reid as Wendy and Ethan hobbled aside. “So we going?” Reid nodded, his eyes lingering on Ashley.

But Shannon didn’t get up. “You're wondering if we are really going to let her go,” he whispered. “You're thinking she looks like shit, probably can't run too far on her own, and once we get the kids back we can come out in force and nab her.” The whole process hadn't completely occurred to Reid in that order but as Shannon wasn’t wrong. “Why let her go now when we're so close to safety.”


Running a hand through his hair Reid tried to wipe away the adrenalin urging his pulse.

“We can assume she's thought this through too.” No way someone like her has survived this long by trusting strangers. Part of Reid was just tired of this life. Day in and day out of running, hiding, hunting, lying. She was the chance for salvation. Their golden fucking ticket, and not just for them. These kids she’d stuck her neck out to save, the others holed up at the university. She was their out from this hell.

Reid sighed. “She's not going to make it easy.”

“Who said this would ever be easy?” Shannon laughed. “I'll lead us back, you just keep an eye on her.”

“Not much of a plan.”

“It's more than what we had five fuckin’ minutes ago.” Shannon pushed himself up. “Let's go kids,” he said and everyone followed suit and stood. Reid watched him play the smiling polite fool, walking up to Ashley plainly and offering her a hand. “I'll take the girl,” Shannon offered. “You need your strength.”

“Her brother was going to take her,” she said.

“One less body to carry.” Shannon smiled but Ashley’s eyes remained cold and fixed.

Through the small strip mall and out the other side, Shannon led them south past the fallen building. That is until Ashley came to a halt ahead of Reid.

“This is it. Isn't it?” She didn’t turn to him, her eyes remained stuck on Shannon’s back. Reid slid Shane from his shoulders and motioned for him to go along. His palms felt wet, sweat lining his digits. Shannon followed suit and lowered Cooper from on high.

“It is,” Shannon answered.

“We had a deal,” she said.

Reid took a deep breath. I don't like this... not one fucking bit.

“We did.” Shannon turned to face her, his shoulders slouched. “But a lot of people are expecting us to bring you back.”

“You don't know what you're doing...”

Reid felt something new radiate from her. Fear. He could feel it like a wave that shuddered through him and rippled under his skin. Like a cornered dog, frothing, snapping at the air in warning. His stomach twisted, guilt knotted, and in the children’s eyes around them, outrage rippled. How Shannon could stand there staring her down, he didn’t know.

“You don't know who you are dealing with.” Ashley’s words almost sounded desperate. “You don't know what they're willing to do. For chrissake they don't give a shit about anyone. I mean, you’re not the first to try and make this fucking deal. They didn’t save anyone before. They won’t save you now.”

What the hell is she talking about? The men who put out the reward? The contract on her?

He pushed it aside. She’ll say anything to get away.

“What about them? The kids?” Reid heard himself say. “You risked your life to get them here, but it's not freedom. It's still not safe. If you come with us, not tied to a sled, not in cuffs but on your own, they'll take us all away from here.”

Ashley turned and looked at Reid. Black blood oozed from her wound and trickled down her bare arm. Fear drained from her and steeled as ice in her eyes. “They will kill you or leave you to die. Just like when they started all this.”

The words hung heavy in the air. She knew something, he always figured, but… No. She’ll say anything. He tried to convince himself but the look in her eyes, the conviction in her voice. She believed what she was saying was true.


“We have to take that chance,” Shannon answered for Reid and took a step closer.

Ashley spun around. “I won't just go.”

“I know,” Shannon said plainly. He walked to her slowly without weapon or threat. “But you're in no condition to fight, you know you can’t run.” He stepped closer again and Ashley backed away.

“Stop it!” One of the children cried, but Reid couldn't be sure who.

“She saved us!” Another voice echoed and soon the kids were standing between Shannon and Ashley.

“You can't do this.” Cally cried. “It's not right!”

“Fuck…” Reid breathed. In the commotion he stepped up behind Ashley, his fist clenched. When he reached her side, he walked right past and stood before Shannon. “We made a deal, we'll keep it.”

Shannon’s jaw dropped, he looked ready to protest but sighed in relief. “Jesus fuckin' christ I hate you, man.”

Turning to face Ashely, Reid found it wasn't so hard to meet her eyes. “We'll keep up our end. We'll tell them you died on the parkway. No body to bring back.”

In a simple smooth movement, Ashley stepped forward. Relief sagged her shoulders and she smiled. Kindly, sweetly, as he’d never seen her do yet. But Shane stepped up beside her, triumphant victory in his eyes and her relief drained.

“If…it is true. If they do have a way out…” She pulled her backpack off and rolled down the sleeve of her shirt. Ashley ripped a piece of the fabric off and, wincing, she pressed it against her wound. Reid moved to stop her but she pulled back the fabric and folded it up. “Tell them you have this. Tell them you have a sample. It might be enough for a trade.”

He stared at the bloody cloth in her hand that she tried to pass to him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

She grabbed his hand and pressed the folded bundle to his palm. “You wouldn’t believe me. But… tell them I’m dead and this is all that’s left. It’s something, right?”

Her fingers were cold, pale. But he shivered to her touch.

Reid took the fabric and nodded. “You have enough supplies?” he asked.

“I’ll be fine.” She sounded so tired. “I’m always fine.”

Reid prepared to turn, burning her features into his memory, running the lie over in his mind, when she looked up. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she pulled him in. The heat of her skin pressed against his cheek, the heavy breaths of her chest rising into his. She had a fever, he could feel it but her grip was tight. Softly she whispered into his ear, her lips just barely brushing as the scent of the lake soaked hair washed over him.

“Thank you, Reid.”

His arms lifted up and wrapped around her frame and for a moment it was as though she sighed into him.

“Whoa shit,” Shannon blurted. Behind Reid the sound of footsteps on pavement pulled Ashley from his arms.

“Get on the ground!” The words blurted from several directions. Reid looked around them, barrels leading the way as six, eight, no ten armed men and women surrounded them.

The kids shrieked at the guns. The phrase repeated over and over, get on the ground, get on the ground, get on the fucking ground.

Ashley tensed and bent to her pack, but a figure rushed up. Before she or Reid could react, the stock of the shotgun smacked her in the temple.

“Get the fuck down, bitch!”

Reid recognized the voice and the face behind the gun became clear. Monte Delgado with a fat lip, tape over his bruised nose, and fucking murder in his eyes.

“Calm down, Monte. It’s us.” Reid waved to Shannon and tried to take a step forward but Monte pressed the shotgun to his chest.

“I said get. The fuck. Down.”

Shannon bent to his knees slowly, the kids cried but did the same. On the ground, Ashley breathed heavily at Reid’s feet.

Reid tried to step forward, but felt hands on his shoulders, two men from his sides pushing him down.

“We’re not fighting you. Why are you-” Monte smashed the butt of his gun into Reid's nose. The world went white and he lurched forward. Vision stolen, he coughed through the pain until the grit of the pavement was pressed against his cheek.

“We fuckin’ heard every word, you shit.”

Gloved hands looped zip-ties around his wrists and pulled them far too tight.

“Gonna let her go, huh?” The two men holding Reid down disappeared in the white pain filled fog, but Monte’s boot struck him in the gut. “Fuck us, right?” He kicked again. “Fuck everyone inside.”

“Should leave him out here for the wendigos,” another voice called from the collective of blurred shapes pressing zip-ties to the children. Slowly the world bled back into focus, the colours returning, the shapes becoming men. Faces he recognized. People he knew. Reid turned his face to the right to see Ashley coughing beside him. She tried to get up on all fours, three rifle barrels pointed at her back, but she refused to get down.

Monte turned his shotgun. “Blow out her fucking leg, we’ll see how well she runs when-”

“Anyone fires and they’re left out here.” Eric’s towering shadow loomed over Reid, stepping between Monte and Ashley. “Are you done?” Eric snapped at Monte. The surly fuck made a face but didn’t snap back as he sniffed behind his gun.

Ashley pushed herself to her feet, unsteadily. “You won’t shoot me,” she muttered, her temple bleeding.

Reid wasn’t all too sure that was the case.

“We’ll shoot them.” One of the others called from behind Reid. He couldn’t tell who said, or where the gun was pointing, but Wendy shrieked, and Ethan cried out.

“They’re fucking kids!” Shannon swore.

“We won’t be shooting anyone,” Eric commanded. He stepped closer to Ashley, his gun still raised. “But we will leave them out here if they stir up trouble. Get on the ground. Hands behind your back.”

Ashley looked between the gunmen and the children before she closed her eyes.

Without waiting for her to move, Eric slung his rifle aside and pushed Ashley to the ground. In seconds she was bound.

“This isn’t right, Eric,” Reid groaned from the ground. “You don’t understand.”

Eric didn’t bother responding.

“No one gives a shit about what you say, traitor.” Monte pressed his knee into Reid’s back and twisted his weight down on him. “So please, Reid. Make this harder.” Monte chuckled to himself. “Give me a reason to shoot you.”

“Fuck you, Monte.”

Eric pulled out a radio from his pack and crouched beside Ashley. “We’ve got a confirmation. Ashley Cazalla. Alive.” He lifted her hair and looked at her exposed shoulder. “But wounded. Tell Helena we’ve got seven others for infection check. We’ll meet at the East Gate.”

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