《MAD Wendigo》Chapter 10


Reid and Laurence’s voice grew and everyone around Ethan looked tense. Tight shoulders, fists clenched. He couldn’t be sure who would throw the first punch but knew it didn’t matter. They couldn’t be fighting, not here.

Standing by his mother, Ethan held Wendy's hand but his eyes bore into Laurence’s back as if he could will him to stop. Though the commotion was far enough away, and he couldn't make out every word, he had heard enough.

They were arguing about Eamon.

“Didn't he say we should be quiet?” Wendy tugged on her Ethan’s arm, whispering to him.

He nodded in response.

“Then why are they yelling?”

Ethan brought a finger to his lips to silence her and bent to whisper. “Because they don't listen to Vince or Chandra but we should.”

The fight started and concluded with barely more than a grunt from Reid as he dropped to the ground. Rubbing his short-cropped hair, Ethan tried to remember the last time he'd seen two men slug it out. He couldn't. He knew he had once but worse images flooded to mind.

“Do you think Dad's a wendigo?” Wendy whispered.

Ethan's eyes shot wide. His whole body tightened. I don't want to talk about it, he wanted to say but instead, he shook his head and squeezed his sister’s hand.

“Is Cally's daddy going to be one?” Her voice was so soft and careful with every word. Little secret whispers she clearly didn’t want anyone else to hear, but Ethan didn’t want to hear them either.

“No. He didn't get bitten or anything like that. Just hurt. No one's a wendigo.” When she didn't agree he frowned.

“Is Mommy going to… if I get bitten is Mom-”

Ethan tugged on Wendy's arm and spun her around to face him. “Stop it. Don't think like that or about those kinds of things. We can't think about the bad, right?”


She nodded.

“Besides, that woman's going to get us out of here, okay? So don't think about the bad stuff.”

Tears threatened to fall from his sister’s eyes.

Just don't think about it.

When she nodded with cheeks wet, guilt washed over him.

“Okay, lets…” He looked around him, thinking of what they could to distract her. “Let’s play a game. ”

Rubbing her nose with her free arm, Wendy's head bobbed. She seemed younger when sad, and gave Ethan more trouble than anything. Taking her hand, he walked her over to one of the cars. Through the dust and grime on the window, he used his finger to draw four lines and start a game of tick-tack-toe.

“Remember how to play?”

She glared back.

Smirking at his sister, he started the game with a big fat “x” in the middle of the grid.

“Wendy?” After ten minutes of playing, and a few reserved smiles, his mother’s shrill voice cut through the air.

“Mom's different.” Wendy turned to the sound of her name but didn’t let go of Ethan’s hand.

He gave her another comforting squeeze. “Yeah. It just makes her feel better to know where you are. Makes me feel better too.”

He understood why his mother was so protective but he didn't like the way she was doing it. She's freaking us out… all of us, but He kept the words to himself. Some of the kids looked up to Ethan's mom and dad before but everything was changing. Everything always changed so fast these days, and now they looked up to Chandra. Not because she changed but because his mom had.

She wouldn’t let Wendy play with the other kids. He knew it wasn't the safest thing but sitting around talking about their dead dad wasn’t any better. Mom isn’t helping. Even if he knew it was only a matter of time, Ethan wasn't ready to be alone with his sister.


“Alice, you need to keep it down,” Vince nagged. No one liked Vince but they were never in the position to refuse help. He was older, shitty in a fight, but could cook the taste of tin out of anything and had great eyesight. At night he could see better than the rest and he could be really quiet. Probably didn’t matter much before everything went to hell, but now? Ethan wondered if Vince would stay and fight again. At the river, he only picked up a weapon after Ethan's dad was dead. A little too late to help.

The one thing that set Vince apart was that he was alone. No family, he never talked about anyone he'd lost, and just about everyone had lost someone. He didn't seem to like the kids all that much either but got along well enough with Ethan's dad.

“Wendy? Where are you?”

Looking up to her brother for approval Wendy only let go when he nodded. Running to their mother, she disappeared in her arms and bent body. The embrace nearly swallowed Wendy whole.

“You can't run off hunny… I need to know where you are.”

“I was with Ethan. I was safe.”

He stayed a few paces back from where they stood. His mother clung onto Wendy even when she tried to pull away.

“Don't worry, Mommy. I was okay.”

The words were lost on Alice as she tugged Wendy back into her arms. Looking up to Ethan, his mother’s eyes were red and puffed. “You look just like your father did at your age.” Her voice cooed from memory.

Ethan turned and made his way towards the other kids. They were in a small group waiting for someone to tell them what had to be done and, as per usual, no one was.

“Are we going to keep moving?” Cooper was one of the youngest but he often kept to himself. His parents weren't around anymore and he stayed close to Chandra. Like the other kids, he searched Ethan’s face for answers he didn’t have.

“Uh, yeah. They're just giving Eamon a chance to catch his breath.” Ethan turned back to where Laurence and the others had been arguing. It wasn't hard to tell they were torn but Chandra walked back looking at least a little relieved.

“We'll be going soon,” Chandra said with a smile. “We have to be quick though. Ethan, are you able to help Eamon when Peter gets tired?”

He nodded and she seemed a little more pleased.

Peter and Viola were holding Eamon up but Viola wasn't strong or tall enough. Closer to Peter's height, Ethan approached Viola.

“I can help for a while.” He glanced back at the other Young children. “They could probably use you more right now.”

Viola smiled weakly and nodded. Peter supported his father until Ethan took up Viola’s place.

“Thank you, Ethan,” Eamon said, his face a little pale but his eyes were wide and aware. “We really appreciate this.”

“Yeah. Thanks,” Peter managed with a heavy breath.

Ahead of them, Vince walked just beyond his mother and Wendy, Chandra beside them with Cooper and Nyssa. The rest of the Young's followed behind.

Maybe we'll be okay. He dared to let relief in but above them, clouds formed and the evening crept up faster than it should have.

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