《An Angel's Vow》Renounced


Descending from the sky above, a man with wings looked upon the scene with eyes full of anger.

The surrounding crowds drew a breath in surprise as they saw that it would be no mere Judge this time but God himself.

Dressed in purple and a sash of silky gold, God’s feet finally touched the ground as he let his majesty be known. Shining brighter than the sun, streams of light burst forth from where he was standing, and all looked away in fear and awe.

Then in a booming voice, the center of the rays called out, “Castiel for this grave harm you did me and my worlds. For the destruction of Earth and the plan of a galaxy at peace that has been forever destroyed. For your sacrilegious deeds, I ban you from Heaven and mark you בּוֹגֵד. May your days never know peace and your mind be ever sharp as you will never find rest. Begone from me. I take your memories of this life and render your immortal powers over others null.”

With a sweeping of his arm, God raised his hand and said, “depart from this world fiend.”

Then I was gone. Castiel was dead. Long live Æson.

Two hours before.

Kicking Tom for the final time, I looked around the now bloody office room I shoved him into and wondered what God would think when he found out.

“Whatever he thinks, it won’t be pretty. Better get out of Heaven quick before they turn me in.”

A shaking voice behind me voiced itself in a sound barely over that of a whisper, “Or what? What would happen.”

Turning around, I quickly brought out my ace in the hole again but stopped when I saw my secretary standing there trembling eyes locked on to what became of Tom’s face.


“Uh…Hey Kuzko. You want to go get a coffee?”


Eyes deep in her cup, Kuzko stared into her black coffee, looking as if she was hoping to gain an extraordinary amount of solace from it.

Speaking up for the first time since the incident with her eyes still glued to her coffee, she began, “You know I was supposed to go on a date with him this Thursday….”

“It’s better if you don’t; he isn’t the kind of guy that would stay by you long. He just wants to use you.”

“Well, I don’t have a choice now do I” she groaned out, “I was finally getting back in the game Ceil. After years of work, I feel comfortable enough, and then you just killed him?”

Eyes widening, I leaned over to Kuzko and whispered, “I didn’t kill him. I just hurt him a lot.”

“It sure looks like you did. I didn’t even feel a pulse when I went to check on him.”

Sighing, I looked over at Kuzko and tried to see how she was doing. All in all, she was a mess. Her dyed purple hair was sticking out of its ordinarily pristine bun, her black pantsuit was covered with ink, tears, and what smelled like copious amount of coffee. But for what she is going through... just fine, I guess. After all, she just lost her job through no fault of her own and saw her boss straight-up murder someone. “Not that I did though.”

Reaching my hand out, I put it on her arm trying to comfort her, “How are you doing, Kuzko. You holding up?”

Looking up at me with sad eyes, she said, “I’m fine. But you know they probably found him by, now, right?”


Leaning back in my chair, I looked up at the ceiling of the coffee shop we were in and just sat there for a few minutes, organizing my thoughts. “You know we should probably head back to the office. I want to check on something.”

Again seeming to seek strength in her untouched coffee, she appeared to come to a decision. Nodding her head, she said, “Let’s do that.”

As I stood up, I reached out my hand to her, “It looks like this is our last adventure together.”

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