《An Angel's Vow》The Angel and The Devil


A steaming cup of joe is always the right way to start the day I thought with a satisfied tone. Grabbing oaken trim on the luxurious desk and thought back to how hard I worked to get here. Sitting down in the leather office chair I put on my headset and prepared to start the working day. With a deep inhale I closed my eyes and prayed to the man (who happens to also be my best friend!) and got into the zone.

As I click through the normal invoices from the dreary world bellow. It seemed to be another ordinary day. I had the normal things that people ask when it get up to high level A.N.G.E.L management. Cure for cancer, save my dad, end world hunger; you know that sort of thing.

My job as an operator in A.N.G.E.L management is that when the prayers reach my desk, I have to decide which prayers to answer and in what ways. To do this I take multiple factors into account. The world’s difficulty rating, which is currently set to hard. Another is the recipient’s fortune and Karma balance. Fortune is essentially how important they are to the Big Man’s grand plan. While Karm is…well Karma The higher positive Karma you have the more likely God will answer your prayers.

Normally the most efficient route is taken to achieve the prayer but at times we often plant a seed. For example, a girl prays for god to heal her father. After it gets approved by me (or my amazing secretary Kuzko) an idea can be placed inside someone’s brain to develop

However, today something special popped onto my dash. A prayer lined in red to signify the plea of the eternally damned.


With a sharp inhale I opened it to see what abomination of a prayer it held within. It was well known in the angel community that prayers that got this high and were red-lined were often prayers from the worst of the worst. People praying for genocide, a world war, that sort of thing.

Yet, when I opened it, I was pleasantly surprised that it was not that bad. I mean it was horrifying…but not ethnic cleansing bad…You know?

With a laugh, I notice that this request may just be the type of fun I needed today. I was curious after all. What would happen?

With a quick boot-up of the A.N.G.E.L system, I quickly got down and dirty with implementing the prayer. Clicking a few buttons there, arranging a few lines of code here. And voila a brand-new instance for me to play freely without tampering with the original world “Earth”.

Giggling I entered in a new name for the world in the instance. “Noob-land”. After all, if this prayer goes off no one is going to be able to say they are good at anything. They will all be beginners! With an almost evil cackle, I stared at the computer wondering if it was really alright that I do this on company time.

To heck with it! The Big Man is my best friend! It’s about time we had some favoritism around here. Better hide it in the homework folder though…Just in case.

*Secretary enters the room*

“Castiel! You're needed in conference room B.”’

Looking up at my secretary Kuzko, I noticed she dyed her hair purple today. Looking her up and down I took in her slim figure. You see originally, I took her as my secretary because I hoped to get closer to her because of her great body…but it didn’t end up like that.


“Castiel!” Slamming her hands down on the desk she shook me from my thoughts.

“Ahh!” throwing my hands in the air I looked her straight in the eye and said with an edge in my voice, “what is it Kuzko?” Then softening my tone as I saw her wince ever so slightly, “You know I have a busy schedule today.”

Gaining back her former confidence Kuzko swept her hair behind her ear and proceed to try and straighten out her already perfect pantsuit. “Well Gabriel wants to meet with you in five…says it is important sir.”

“Sir? Why do you call me sir? We been with each other for hundreds of earth years?” I asked with a questioning voice.

“Not important Ceil. Hurry up before I make ya.”

With a groan, I stand up and proceed to the conference room. As I check my watch, I note the time is 10:05 am Earth time.

“Hopefully it isn’t anything too bad.”

The door opened slightly, and something slithered inside. Its scales covered in an oily black film that seemed to suck in the light around it. As it scuttled forward the creature looked around for its mark.

The summoned creature sniffed the ground and made its way to the A.N.G.E.L system’s case in an almost sinister way. Reaching its objective, it curled its spiky tails as it readied itself for the next part. Flexing its paw, it turned into a mass of whirling blades as it carved into its own tails. After a few seconds and many painful squeals, its tails were shaped into that of a connection port. Sliding its now singular tail into the port in the machine its eyes closed as it sent a message to its master waiting on the other side.

Looking at the screen a man with a thin face and pointy nose draped in black smiled. “Finally, it is time for this farce to end.” With an almost unnatural grace, his fingers flew across his holographic keyboard that was brought to life from his shattered H.A.L.O.

Quickly he found the World file named Earth and he growled at hearing the name. That horrible shit of a world brought so much misery to his life. All because that upstart of a god loved a single race more than he should have.

With a snort, he thought how distressed this would make the god be without the world that brought him so much joy. Savoring the feelings that it brought to mind he clicked on the World and dragged it into the waste bin and pressed delete.

Leaning back, he let out a sigh and then began to laugh. Something he hadn’t done in a long time.

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