《Journey of a Mage》Chapter 8 - The good, the bad and the Gnome (Unedited)
Who knew watching the entire Hamilton musical would lead to so much procrastinating. But hey as they say the show must go on...
...well story in this case.
Another day goes by and it's another day in which I've been forgotten by the training duo over there. I know Ramaze said he wanted to relieve his boredom but come on it's been three days and ever since he's taken to personally train Henry we haven't even moved an inch.
Huh. It's even worse when they are ignoring me as well. Not even one 'help me' or 'what's this', no it's just sparring, exercising and technique training. Honestly, what's a mage got to do to be useful around here?
Hrmmm. Maybe. That's an idea, Henry was getting faster whenever he was being chased, although he wasn't doing any offensive damage he was always one step ahead of his pursuers; well minus the Honey Badger. If I take that into account I may actually have the perfect training partner for Henry to spar against, plus Ramaze won't be able to nag for safety as well.
It'll just depend if George actually managed to repair it from the damage it sustained a few years ago. That and I better check and see if George is still alive in there, it's been a few months and some of the stuff I have locked in there can be potentially dangerous for a guy his size.
Drowning out my surroundings I begin to concentrate on the connection I have with my sub-pocket, once I've stabilized the connection and checked to see if there are any interference I send my conscious into the sub-pocket.
Materializing in the sub-pocket, I find to my surprise that I'm not a spectral figure and that an actually have a body. Seems my conscious took the likeness of my old body for its form, should be useful for some of the stuff in here to more easily recognize me.
Putting aside my new body for a second I concentrate on the surroundings to see if George is there.
Passing over the very small area I had designated as the 'lobby' other than the absent Gnome the place has changed quite a bit. Recalling my last visit this area only had a simple wooden chair to give it any distinctiveness of being a lobby. Now though it would seem that George has been redecorating.
Gone was the wooden chair and in its place was two Burgundian armchairs side by side with a similar colored sofa opposite it. In between then was an oak table, and it was a very plain looking one at that. The only side edge I could see had nothing on it so I can only presume that the rest is as bland as the side I'm looking at. Though there is some sort of book on it so I'll look into that in a bit.
Otherwise, every else was bland, there weren't any carpet's laid out, even though I'm pretty sure I've collected some in the passed, but no the tables and chairs just seemed to be floating in the dimly lit void it stood upon. And speaking of light's, I'm surprised I never noticed this when I first arrived, but it would seem George got busy with somehow installing mana stones in the air above the lounge to give the place some light.
I'd have to say I'm rather impressed by the little guy's work. Too bad only me and him will ever see this since I don't plan on having guest around anytime soon.
But enough of that, let's look at that book and we'll see if George turn's up before I've finished. With that, I closed the few feet between me and the table and picked up the surprisingly plain brown book. Looking over the cover and back I'm shocked as I have no recollection of every getting this book.
Before I had realized I was already sitting on the sofa turning the strange book over and over again in an attempt to kick-start the memory I had of when I first got it. “You know master if you want to read the book the usual first step is to open it.” A familiar droning voice rings out awakening me in the process.
Looking up I see the familiar sight of George, all three feet of him dressed up in a butler suit, which I will admit was quite hard to get a hold of. Though the butler image is in my opinion ruined by his full beard, but he refuses to indulge in my requests to get rid of it.
“So you've gotten the spatial doors to work again. I'm sure I blew those up after the Minderk incident.” That was a fun afternoon.
“You did master, and it was very bothersome to get them working again. Especially since I had to reorganize some rooms that had also been blown up and had they contents evacuated onto the lounge floor.” Well, he seems to of been busy. Though his lack of any emotion still freaks me out slightly.
“Well, as long as the sub-pocket still works I don't really care. Now tell me, George, what's this book about then.”
“That book is an entire catalogue of everything in this place.” Everything? The books a bit small then, I'm pretty sure there more stuff here than what's written on I assume a hundred pages. “The book is shortened to save space Master. Most of the things you have never used have been put in the misc space. Only things that you've used have been written down in more detail.”
“You could have written more than one book you know.”
“I could of, but no.” What, not even an argument, you've changed since I first got you. “Besides, I doubt you'll read the whole book when all you do is just ask me where the things are anyway.” Someone's upset, angry that I didn't visit you? I'm not your husband you know. “Please refrain from thinking stupid thoughts, Master.”
“Your facial expression are giving it away.” I want a new Gnome.
“Well since the books useless.” 'Bang' the impact from slamming it seems to have caused the table to wobble slightly. Oh well. “Then tell me. Which room is the Prodigium machine in? And is it fully functional?”
“The machine is in room 157. But...” That can't be good then, George never pauses. “...the accelerator is only partially functional.”
“Is that all?”
“Yes.” Phew. Nothing to worry about then. A fully functional accelerator isn't needed for the plan I have in mind. “Do you want to to the room or do you want me to bring it here to us.”
“Better to go to it for now. I'll need to oversee the initial start-up so as to ensure nothing fucks up on our end.” Strolling towards George I lightly pat him on the shoulder before I continue on. “Besides, watching the initial trials is always fun when using the machine.”
The pain! Oh God the pain! I can't feel my arms, why does Ramaze insist on correcting my posture and attack flow by whacking me whenever I deviate from his ideal form.
Well, at least I can't complain about the improvement from my techniques. These past few days Ramaze has almost been beaten it into me on how to perform my first Qi movement throughout my bloodstream. Though he refuses to help me complete it, something about needing to understand myself before the blood will allow the Qi to flow with it.
“Henrrry!” My thoughts are however untimely interrupted as Ramaze shouts for me. Buuuuut I want to rest more, better quickly roll under the carriage he'll never find me there. However, my expectations were wasted on such trivial matters. Because as soon as roll onto my face Ramaze was onto of me and feeling the sweet embrace of the earth leaving me and my neck hurting slightly from him pulling on my shirt.
Thankfully, however, the annoyance of lack of air soon comes to an end as he rather helpfully props me back on my feet. But before I can reach I'm spun around and am face to face with his closed helm. “Me thinks your mind is still not in the right place to advance since you obviously still lack the commitment to learn.”
“No, no. I'm committed. It's just I need a few more minutes so that my arms still feel attached to my body.”
However, I feel as the bluff hasn't worked since instead of telling me to train he instead grabs both of my shoulders and slowly says, “Good, good. I like it when people are committed to learning. But don't worry about your tired arms since they won't affect the next training.” Help. “I want you to run around the carriage for about five miles. Yes, five miles that should easy enough for a new learner like you.” Teacher where are you!
“Henry good news.” Thank the Gods I'm saved. I'm almost in tears hearing his over the top voice, “I've been contemplating on how I was being selfish with making you attack random wild animals.” No. “So I decided to grow a beast that would be tailored more towards your level so you could have a better fighting experience.” Before I can react I hear a loud 'Ahhhahh' and a floating humanoid green thing where I presume teacher is. Now he said it was tailored towards me but I can't help but feel the four-foot monstrosity with talon-like nails and savagery in its eye would ever be suitable for me to fight.
“Ramaze, make sure to shout whenever I hit a mile.” Thus I begin to my jog hoping teacher will get bored and find a safer plan to help me.
He ran away. You bastard. “So.” Ramaze helpfully wakes me up from Henry escape. “Training partner? I don't know how this thing can be a good training partner for anybody.”
“Don't be so skeptical it'll work. And he not a thing he's called George the second he's a Goblin.” I proudly announce to Ramaze who otherwise seems uninterested. “Well if you want specifics I mulled over your argument for training the boy's foundation and since you've been training and correcting his mistakes I thought I'd whip up a subject who's only danger is its nails. Otherwise it downright bestial intelligence and savagery will give Henry a fight that'll ensure he gets his stance and techniques right to take down his opponent. Plus to please you'll I'll even slap on a body enhancement so if he does get hit he won't actually get hurt. Though he'll still feel the pain, can't give him everything for free. He needs to learn not to be hit in the first place.” Say no to that Ramaze.
However, even after a few minutes have passed Ramaze is still quite. Has he shut down? Was I meant to re-charge him every night? Thought thankfully those glowing blue eyes eventually jerk up after a few extra minutes and he gives his decree. “Fine. But I'll dictate how the fights go and only under my direct supervision will he every face more than one opponent.” Fair terms but I'm beginning to think that you may be trying to steal Henry away from me.
Well, who cares, as long as he gets stronger, in the end, I don't care to what lengths he has to go to achieve this.
Pain. Oh God the pain. Maybe I should have fought the green monstrosity that teacher wanted me to fight.
I've only managed two miles but my legs are on fire. What I wouldn't give for rest right now. Thankfully it would seem that my prayers had been answered as Ramaze's distorted voice echoed out in the plains. “Henry stop and circulate your Qi. I've got a better training session than you aimlessly running around.” If I'm allowed to rest I'll willing to fight that green thing.
For the moment thought I put all thoughts out of my mind and sit down ready to circulate my Qi. Now for the past few days, I've been stuck integrating my Qi with my blood in order for it to more easily access more body. As usual, I reach out to my Qi and begin to roam through my blood vessels. However, when it reaches my heart it's unable to pass through. Ramaze mentioned that I had to fully integrate my body with my Qi but whenever I try to join my blood and Qi together it always fails. With this time not being any different.
Though I do still regain a bit of my stamina since even if I can't complete a full movement, the Qi does still help to replenish me. That I'm thankful for since I doubt I would be able to keep up with Ramaze otherwise.
What I don't notice is that after yet another failure, opening my eyes I come face to face with the floating green monstrosity, which snarls and even try's to bite me despite being restrained. Though even if I know it's restrained I still can't help but back off. It's just too weird.
I hear a faint chuckling noise coming from the things direction, so I can only assume it was him who brought me other. Getting up Ramaze approaches from behind me and begins to brief me on my next training session. “I and William have agreed on your new training schedule.” Bugger. “From now on you're going to be fighting with those things that William is holding.”
Nope. “Ramaze doesn't it seem like I'm getting too much training. What if I break down.”
But Ramaze is truly a tyrant. “Don't worry I've got Qi replenishment pills so you don't break from exhaustion and William has promised to heal any injuries you sustain.” It just keeps on getting better, and better doesn't it? “Besides. You won't be fighting one of those Goblins every day. So don't worry on that front.” Well, at least something good has come out of today. Though I never heard of a Goblin before.
Teacher, however, doesn't give me much time to mull over the new word as the Goblin he had been holding is dropped. At first, it seemed dazed and confused about what to do, but after checking over the entity that held it and the armored warrior, when it set it's eyes on me it gave a bestial growl and charged over. Arms outstretched and screeching.
I'll profess that I was shocked by how it charged in such an aggressive manner, but thankfully the 'sparring' with Ramaze had given my body instinctual reflex to avoid things and even while I was still shocked my body naturally moved out of the Goblins charge.
Seeing the Goblin rush past me helped to snap me out of my daze and without further help I automatically assumed the stance that Ramaze had drilled into me so as to effectively carry out Talons through the Void. The Goblin also realized that it had missed the golden opportunity to hit me and swinging around it charged again hoping to put me off.
Even though I had gotten into my stance and was ready to strike, I was still scared. I had never done something like this before. Even though Mother was a mercenary captain she never deemed it necessary to train me, she thought I'd make it big being an adviser or scholar.
I wasn't at the stage of panic. But my mind was all over the place thinking what to do, what will happen and what if that occurred?
With my mind in shambles, the few pieces that are fully functional and focusing on the battle manage to get the attack off. To my disappointment, the attack only scratches the Goblin's chest while it manages to piece through my trousers and it felt like it embedded it's nail into my skin. The sharp pain helps to bring my mind back into focus and I create some distance by jumping backwards with Qi enhancing the jump.
I manage a few feet but the Goblin isn't confused or awed by the impressive jump. It gives another bestial roar and charges again.
I control my breathing and get my mind in order. I again set my posture up but this time I'm aiming to kill the Goblin in one hit.
As it closes in I fight the urge to attack as soon as it's in range and only as it's a few centimeter from me do I strike.
There's nothing grand about the strike. My hand quickly drops and strikes the beast on its head. Due to the practice, my fingers easily pass through the creature skull and hit it's brain. It's finger on my trouser again, but instead off it attacking it instead spasms as it feels it's brains getting wracked by my fingers.
A few moments pass and instead of putting it out of its misery I'm also frozen. Far from killing a man or anything truly dangerous, but with the adrenaline wearing off I feel uncomfortable for some reason.
Before I realized it Ramaze had already killed the poor creature. “Circulate your Qi and reflect on what you have experienced.” He said to me as walked on by patting my shoulder.
I didn't acknowledge him but I still did the same movement and posture as normal, I even ignored the creature green blood that was dripping from my fingers as I circulated my Qi and for the first time.
I felt something.
Well, that was unexpected.
But I can't help but to begin to feel I'm the bad guy and Ramaze is the good in this situation. It's not even my fault, George was the one who fixed the machine blame him.
Huh. At least he killed the Goblin, hopefully, he comes out alright from his contemplation since I feel like interfering may have changed the boy ever so slightly.
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