《Forged From Flesh》Chapter 22: Captured


The metal cube shattered!!!

Arthur was stunned, 'Can't it hold for even a millisecond?' He felt like his head had been struck by a sledgehammer as his ears buzzed, 'Is it all over?'

"Hey, system! Can you do anything?"

In his mind, Arthur inquired.


Arthur waited for a response, but there was none.

Both the captain and Lucas were stunned to see the cube crumble; they didn't have much hope at first, but watching how Arthur worked on the metal gave them some courage. However, seeing the metal crumble to dust as soon as the manna crystal was placed, they knew that whatever he was doing had failed.

The captain of the guard gazed at Mia.....

The panther nodded its head in response.

Looking up at the ceiling, Arthur pondered

"Did the signal travel from here? Maybe it was because Grandpa Ken is so powerful that he can absolutely tell from that slight signal "Arthur was attempting to compose himself.

Unfortunately for him, the device failed before it could even transmit a signal.

The guard captain nodded his head as Lucas grabbed Arthur and Mike and climbed on top of the black panther.

The guard captain approached a side of the wall that was devoid of any master-ranked beast tamers, touched the wall, and peered at both Lucas and Mia.

They both nodded solemnly, their expressions gloomy.

The guard captain quickly made an opening in the sphere as soon as Mia raised its leg.

Black panther sped through the newly-opened chasm with lightning-fast speed.

The diamond-ranked beast tamers who were attacking couldn't even react as a dark figure swept through them at blinding speed, while the master-ranked beast tamers were unfazed.

A handful of them decided to pursue, but the spherical shield separated before they could move, and all four armoured titans threw their axes at a couple of master ranking beats tamers who were about to make a move.


"You're courting death!"

When he saw this, the master ranked beast tamer who was under attack became enraged; how dare they attack a master ranked beast tamer like him while being at diamond rank?

The master-level beast tamer called his beast right away.

Before his sight appeared a massive beast with skin resembling tree bark.

It held a dazzling green lantern in one hand.

When the guard captain saw the beast, he did not fear and instantly summoned his beast, the space trampling elephant.

As soon as the elephant appeared, a few thousand metres of space froze and everyone inside was unable to move, but it could only last for a brief second until the frozen space shattered and many master-ranked monsters appeared close to the elephant. The guard captain did not flinch and ordered the elephant to continue attacking.

but suddenly his heart began to constrict and when the guard captain slowly turned around and noticed them his heart started to turn cold.

He watched the panther dangling in the air as a humanoid beast almost a dozen metres tall held the black panther by its neck, immobilising it.

The humanoid figure possessed two pairs of wings and six hands, each clutching a different type of weapon. On the other hand, it had a crystal-shaped orb with the shape of three humanoid silhouettes trapped inside.

At the slight lapse in focus made by the guard captain, a beast resembling a giant wasp moved swiftly towards him, wielding a hand similar to a scythe, and with a swift chop sliced the guard captain's head from his shoulder.

The four armoured titans, the space trampling elephant, all came to a halt as soon as the guard captain's head was sliced off, and their eyes were filled with shock as they witnessed their master's head roll on the ground.


The black panther, which was struggling in the clutches of the six-armed beast, came to a halt and its eyes got teary; it ceased struggling and gave up resistance because there was nothing else for it to do.

The space trampling elephant faded away as its tamer was slaughtered; no one knows what happened to the beast after its tamer was killed.

"Hey, why did you murder him? He could have been useful in our high-level mines."

"Haha, as if he'd submit"

"Don't spout rubbish; we could still have tried."

"Stop this nonsense, you guys; it's better to finish him off now than to deal with him afterwards."

Everyone nodded, believing that it was better this way because the dangers outweighed the benefits.

"So, what about him?"

One of the diamond-ranked beast tamers pointed his finger at Lucas, whose eyes were crimson and he screamed as if he had lost his mind; both Arthur and Mike were stunned; the guard captain was slain right in front of their eyes, and they both knew it was all over for them.

Arthur repeatedly asked the system in his head for assistance, and it ultimately responded that it was not currently powerful enough to assist him. Arthur was weak in this circumstance, and he felt utterly worthless.

"No, leave him alone; we can still use him."

When the master-ranked beast tamer who controlled the six-armed beast snapped his fingers, all three people in the sphere felt their vision darken and fainted.

Then he gazed at the black panther in its other hand and licked its lips; the haul this time is good, with one master-ranked beast and four diamond-ranked beasts.

"Let's hold an auction and decide who gets it," someone proposed.

Everyone nodded because it was the best option and would prevent internal fighting.

Soon, the four armoured titans and the black panther were restrained by a chain constructed of a special substance that could constrain them.

They all agreed on a meeting place and moved there.

Everyone in the room got out their communication devices and instructed their employees to gather all of the money and resources they had for the auction.


On the next day.

On the next day.

Kingdom of Lithuvania

Multiple powerhouses assembled in the middle of the city, shocking the inhabitants who had no idea what had been going on over the past few days.

All of these influential people walked into the auction house.

When someone attempted to enter the auction house to check what was going on, they were denied access.

Inside the auction hall, in a room with a dozen people, everyone had an enthusiastic grin on their face as they recognised the type of jackpot they had won.

They recently examined the abilities of the three captured and discovered that two of the little ones are beast tamers with five-star aptitude.

They were all taken aback because they had not anticipated such a change of events.

The three of them were transferred to three separate spherical crystals, and they were all conscious at the time.

All three of them appeared solemn as if their lives had come to an end.

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