《Honestly I'm A Good Vampire》Chapter 6.1- Knowing All About Statuses
{3rd Person Point Of View}
Library, Griego Residence
11:42 PM
As they told Hanaka, she realizes studying more in Library regarding status stuff.
Overwhelmed by their daughter's unusual status, expression reflecting uncertainty over actual or potential problems might come to her, reminding such important to be cautious and alert to the dangers of someone peeking to you while opening status in the public.
Its an etiquette of being an adventurer not to peek someone's status without permission. No one wants to expose their secrets and security privileges of life.
If some few knew your weaknesses, it might use it against you regarding self benefits possibilities.
Hanaka enlightened and this was one among Adventurer's Laws that shall be compliant before deciding to register as an adventurer.
At worst of her is that being a vampire along with unknown unique races and her special abnormal status to register in a guild. Fortunately, her father knows this unbelievable daughter of his, make up a reason to become Guildmaster keeping her secrets only among his family.
The worst-case scenario is upper positions informed such living existence regarding few studies about unique races. And in the latter of time, being subject to experiment by all means extracting information until the last drop of data remained. Unthinkable losing sanity.
Her loving parents wouldn't want such miserable happen to their daughter.
Being frailty, powerless to defend herself, and thanks to her clothes, giving off good protection from unexpected accidents or attacks, because of that 1 current stat in vitality in addition to defense and resistance stat, she'll not face instant dead. Some damage more than 3 she received, and then she'll die obviously.
So this was a serious problem in her racial identity when Hanaka was born and her parents kept secret about her, as well as Margarita who was part of the family.
Most of the rest of the world are working as adventurers and these whereabouts adventurers in the guild to find their strengths and potentials. Of course, when they see the status of others and own platform, just need to register. Cast ~ Status Open ~ and ~ Status Close ~ commands by hand-pressing "Pearl Crystal" and processing the Badge. The Badge is the identification with the Rank of the adventurer key to display the full stat's strength to the public.
Let's go back to our star Hanaka. Her parents returned to the Master's Bedroom and Margarita in the Guestroom. When they all went to bed, Hanaka immediately went to the library with their suggestions after seeing her unique and amazing statuses. There are weaknesses and strengths.
What surprised them most was the addition of her maximum vitality stat of 1 and the killing of 38 Little Slimes to 39, on the contrary of their common sense ... Hanaka's stat increases even without accumulating the Exp Points (XP) common which gets to killing monsters.
Exp Point or Experience Points is the addition to a long violet bar that features 2 stat points that the adventurer will place on his platform's, with a plus sign next to the selected stat.
Her being unique race has limits on adding stat values but that's not that case for her. For example, the dwarf race good especially at hands work, their suit is dexterity, the dwarf has no limit on dexterity while other stats they can add using stat points has its maximum limit. The word "max" will appear next to the stat which cannot be further added to the value.
Hanaka's case is different as said already, she's at the maximum level so there are no stat points, nothing to add to her max stats at 1. But thanks to the special item, her maximum stat is no longer limited, meaning Hanaka is stronger as she surpasses the races' status limits. She also asked that when reading about it ...
「 Is there another currently living unique race like me? 」
No book announcing the existence of unique races exists in their library. Wanted but nothing and maybe somewhere else.
Thanks to her bookworm ability, she read the "All About Status" book in half an hour. Each page has an average of 9,000 words, her average page speed with the said ability is 30 seconds.
Assuming the book has 2,000+ pages. It was fun to imagine her eyes reading as she read, left, and right.
Of course, she understands every sentence and remembers the important details. Simply for a very large book, she can summarize all in a very simple way.
This Hanaka's current status. Other + shortcuts are been shorten due to additional stats provided by her set of equipment (clothes).
͒— 。☬ ☬。 — ͒
Name: Hanaka Von Griego
Title: Chosen One
Unique Race: Vampire
Motherland: Demonaire Kingdom Of Demons
Rank: F- Rank Adventurer
Class: Purifier
Level: 1/1 (Max)
Exp: 1/1 (Max)
Vitality: 54
Mentality: 1
Endurance: 1
Intelligence: 1
Strength: 16
Defense: 16
Resistance: 16
Agility: 16
Dexterity: 16
Sense: 1
Affinity: [Fire], [Water],[Earth][Wind],[Ice],[Poison],[Lightning],[Light],[Dark],[Timespace]
Info Share (Supreme-Tier)
Water Splash, (Common-Tier)
Soapy Bubbles, (Common-Tier)
Air Dry, (Common-Tier)
Dirt Removal (Common-Tier)
Unique Abilities:
Crimson Eyes, (SSS)
Vampire Fangs, (SSS)
Midnight Aura Of Dracula, (SSS)
Fake Data, (SSS)
Moon Curser (SSS)
Thirst Of Blood, (SSS)
Crimson Locket Ownership (SSS)
Fog Transformation (SSS)
Info Seeker (SSS)
Bookworm (A)
Calculator (B)
HP Regeneration (F)
MP Regeneration (F)
Curses: Sunlight Anathema, Only Blood, Lethal Silver
Unique Equipment:
Crimson Locket(SSS)(100% Drop Rate)(100% All Drops)
~Twilight Set (+50% Equipment Stat)~
Enchanted Twilight Robe(E)(+15 Res),
Enchanted Twilight Dress(E)(+15 Def),
Enchanted Twilight Boots(E)(+15 Agi),
Enchanted Twilight Dagger(E)(+15 Str),
Enchanted Twilight Gloves(E)(+15 Dex),
Enchanted Twilight Stockings(E)(+15 Vit)
I'll tell you what to know and what to know.
Name- three question marks will appear in status (???) it gets what your parents call you when you were born. The nickname is accepted as a substitute for anonymity. Pseudonym?
Title- Here you'll find out what your achievements or what most people call you and sometimes give at birth.
Race- There are 7 races worldwide. Here you know what you belong to. Angels, Fairies, Elves, Beastmans, Dwarves, Humans, and Demons. The existence of Unique Races in the public is unknown.
Motherland- Where you were born.
Rank- There's a rank of adventurer based on the level. From the lowest F-, F, F +, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS are the highest.
Class - There are 7 current main classes. Here you'll find out where you fit. Magician, Fighter, Royal Army, Supporter, Rogue, Alchemist, and Warlord. Warlord is the rarest of all.
Level- Know how powerful you are and the maximum level you can reach. Unlike Hanaka, she's at level 1.
Exp- Experience Points. This is what by killing monsters and power fuel in leveling up.
Vitality- this is what is called the life stat and if the green bar turns to 0, he/she dies immediately and or in critical condition.
Mentality- The amount of mana and can see the consumption of mana in the blue bar. When hits to 0, is severe headache can get that be fatal.
Endurance- The force for how long the body works. Dropping to 0 is easy getting tired and starved. If 0 is in the yellow bar he/she can die from energy deficiency.
Intelligence- here is the damage output of spell. Its stat is 100% usable by the adventurer himself. The adventurer is free on how strong it is to be released but depends on the mentality, mana exert. Suitable for magician class.
Strength- here is the damage output of the physical body. Lifting heavy, kicking an opponent with a kick or a punch is usually depicted. Similarly to intelligence, depending on the adventurer and the endurance on how many outputs he or she can... obtaining obviously for fighter class.
Defense- here the body is known to reduce the physical damage available getting from the enemy's attacks.
Resistance- as with defense, the difference is that it focuses on spell damage reduction.
Agility- here you will know the speed in walking, running, and speed of attacking.
Dexterity- the ability to handle labor, such as making equipment and constructing structures. This includes the accuracy of each broadcast and the definition of the word "equal". The stat is better suited to the supporter classes.
Sense- this is the only stat that cannot be added by stat points and as well as manipulated, except for spell's work which expands the scope. This is to determine how many lives there are in the limited surrounding, depending on the adventurer's range and cautiously know the upcoming danger.
Affinity - determines an individual's power to use spells in the element class that suits him/her from birth. It doesn't manipulate in any way. There are 10 affinities existed.
Using "Info Seeker" by Hanaka she learned the descriptions, uses, and effects of spells, abilities, unique abilities, unique equipment, and pieces of equipment she had. And also, learning everything by casting this spell.
Spells- can be shortened to magic. These are supernatural occurrences powers that each individual has. Absence of affinity is called a null person- a bad term for people who can't use spells.
Tier Ranking Of Magic Spells (Exist In Book Histories) Based On Power Rarity Starting From Highest To Lowest.
(???) (SSS), (???) (SS), Legendary (S), Epical (A), Supreme (B), Rare (C-D), Common (E-F)
Info Share- Supreme-Tier Spell that the caster sees an individual's status as well as monsters, to someone that the caster wants to share with. Learning it must have Light and Dark affinities. Having "Info Seeker" ability required and shares every stat of an individual's status to somebody to learn this.
Water Splash, Soapy Bubbles, Air Dry, Dirt Removal- Common-Tier Spells that use for bathing, self-cleaning, washing dishes, and laundry. Or as it is called Lifestyle spells. A norm that secret among old ladies passed to early maidens for their body hygiene and everyday cleanliness.
Unique Abilities- abilities possess only for Unique Races. This information is highly confidential, no records listed and written in history books.
This unique ability is for Hanaka being a Vampire.
• Crimson Eyes- ability to know the location of the core within the monster's body and peek statuses freely within eyesight by clicking the `i` button. Thus knowing the individual's power through auras.
• Vampire Fangs- biting enemy and sucking blood with fangs. While sucking, the enemy's HP continuously decreases, exchanging to fill the vampire's missing HP. The effect will stop until HP is full. 1% enemy HP loss per second.
• Midnight Aura Of Dracula- all current status of a vampire will be multiplied by 10 times. And the count of drops will be in other hands, multiplied by 10 times. This ability starts exactly at midnight and lasts for one minute. While in this state, the vampire will undergo sinister aura and presence, most likely a monster repulsion.
• Fake Data- exclusively for unique races and unique individuals. This is permanently used for hiding true identity and personal information. The possessor will have additional platforms wherein he/she to edit the fake status that looks like the 1st-5th platform. The True Platform can't be seen by anyone while the Fake platform is activated.
• Moon Curser- Party allies with different races will be given blessings under the vampire's disciple ceremony.
• Thirst Of Blood- Having physical damage dealt by a vampire will replenish both HP and MP, 10% of output damage.
• Crimson Locket Ownership- vampire's exclusive ability to protect the possession of "Crimson Locket". Losing the locket will return in a day to the vampire, wearing the locket. The effects of the locket can't be procurable and owned by others. Exclusively for the vampire.
• Fog Transformation- Body physique change form to smoke as vampires will vice versa. Absolutely can't receive any physical attacks but while in a fog form, the vampire can't cast spells or attack.
Abilities- all possess abilities also known as natural talents, so it can't be learned. Having one ability is considered blessed. Abilities have also levels, with the highest power which is SSS, and lowest is F. Possessors can upgrade their abilities in strange ways.
These are the abilities of Hanaka.
• Info Seeker- well you know this already, Hanaka only guessing the name of unknown thing without hints or any mediums only for unique races. This ability grants to see monsters, materials, and an individual's status, by clicking to the "i" button.
• Bookworm- this grants the possessor the speed of reading. The other Hanaka gained this by reading several thick books every day and upgraded it by reading more thick books.
• Calculator- Hanaka gets this by calculating in mind, the number of goblins reported at the adventurer's guild, discussing in the meeting. This grants fast computations and counting. Fast calculating through the mind, lesser than needed specific time will upgrade it.
• HP Regeneration- Most individuals have this ability. This grants filling up missing HP (vitality) every minute. The higher the rank, the faster to regenerate or by means, you healing over time. Upgrading is unknown. She acquired ability after she was born.
• MP Regeneration- Same as HP Regeneration, instead of vitality, it is the mentality, or about mana.
Unique Equipment- one equipment exclusively for unique races. Its some sort of strongest card as powerful to some extent.
Crimson Locket- Exclusively only for the vampire- Hanaka. The said locket is always equipped. She gains 100% Drop Rate and 100% All Drops every monster kills.
Equipment- this acquires at dungeons and craft-made. For defense and offense purposes. You can acquire equipment by killing strong monsters. While equipped, grant some additional stats to you. And can be enchanted to upgrade the effects and durability. Based on power-rarity, the highest level is SSS and the lowest is F. Great example, a simple dagger crafted by an apprentice blacksmith who is new in the world of blacksmithing, had the level of F.
Twilight Set (Robe, Dress, Dagger, Gloves, Boots, Stockings)
-Completing the equipment set grants 50% additional equipment current stats per one. Only one obtains series of equipment. "Twilight series". For example, you acquire Twilight Robe by killing rare monsters, no one will have a twilight dress, Twilight Dagger, etc. unless giving it or robbed by others.
After learning all about the status she was decided to go out and kill the Little Slimes outside the village even though dangerous, future memories, had to be strengthened and prepared for what would happen.
She considered the situation to be all right with her plan. Little Slimes is no threat-level, only Little Slimes are monsters outside the village - sometimes entering the village and children playing. Her parents and Margarita sleeping. Exception entering the dangerous forest, Wallop Mountain, and the nearby Calci Dungeon where there are many powerful monsters.
She was sure of her safety for decades without problems coming to people only inside. Decided it was because of a unique ability who wants to try this midnight. Adding to her vitality means that she won't die right away and will prepare for the upcoming fight.
And then will create a visual plan for the Lava Wall Project.
Current Time & Place
No wonder it'll be a fantasy world, unexpectedly fantastic amazing I am. Not that being boastful because of what I have, but rather I'm grateful and happy.
Possessing someone's beautiful body isn't a pleasing idea. Thanks for this adventurer's clothes and the locket I'm wearing.
How extremely comfortable, elegant or enjoyable, especially in a way of the luxurious item— Crimson Locket. The same color of my eyes, a locket length of my thumb. Or kinda vermillion of a vivid red to reddish-orange color.
A pleasant wearing though I put inside, a flat chest of mine, instead of showing it to the public.
My stat increases because of this unique item as I kill little slimes but I wonder if its a cheat but.. but.. I am that weakest right? so it's common for me wanting to become strong and survive.
「 Honestly, I'm a good person though I musn't said it I promise to use this power for everyone's sake as possible. I don't want to lose my dearest family I got now... I can't 」
Here in the study table watching blue-grayish clouds through a single-window passing two full moons of silence.
Why did all call that blue-light thing, purgatory? and the other red circle, hell?
From this view, nothing shows in those moons except craters and vast lifeless lands.
Little Slimes to power up my status uuhh...
Hmmm... maybe I try to kill some outside the village.
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