《Honestly I'm A Good Vampire》Chapter 0.3 Auction Massacre



6:13 PM

Capitol's Center Plaza

In the meantime, Margarita sat near at peerless great artisan-work fountain.

Tentatively, she worries for half an hour late— the exact time settled them to meet.

Searching at left sections while holding a cheap lantern, the whole food counter is all closed apparently before sunset. Dim spaces, discarded rubbish, no signs leading to Hanaka on where she is, even though her shadows.

Margarita decided seriously, going into narrow dark lanes between high buildings, a scenery like slums while arguing to herself, but there are no people around, or to say— sort of restricted area.

Without a doubt, she continuously walks for the hope to find her.

「 To think there's such a place like this... 」

Incidentally, she discovered an unconscious little girl lying against the wall. A shocking truth— broken right arm, lacerations in legs, face and bruises all over in the miserable state, but a miracle for a child's luck when Margarita checked her heartbeats. Good to know she's alive.

Carrying with both arms gently and lying in her thighs while sitting down in the ground. Casting all healing spells at any cost, saving a life in the brink of the dead.

「 All life is irreplaceable huh ~Bone Restoration~, fracture check 」

〔MP: 1/80〕∞〔HP: 10/20〕

[ You consumed High Mana Potion (+100 MP) ]

〔MP: 80/80〕

「 ~Total Disinfect~ foreign micro-check 」

〔MP: 1/80〕

[ You consumed High Mana Potion (+100 Mana) ]

〔MP: 80/8〕

「 ~Muscle Tissue Restoration~ artilleries, veins, capillaries, muscle fibers check. Blood count check 」

〔MP: 1/80〕 ∞〔HP: 15/20〕

[ You consumed High Mana Potion (+100 Mana) ]

〔MP: 80/80〕

「 ~Skin Restoration~ injuries, bruises check 」

〔MP: 1/80〕∞〔HP: 16/20〕

Indeed, she's a curative spells collector. However, it took 3 expensive High Mana Potion and every time she cast, her mana always 1 remained— a dark red line for everyone even it can't kill you if it goes to 0, you'll get direct impact to mental structure, suffering from bouts of incurable insanity. And therefore lost consciousness or even lose memories for worse.

In such a short period, she suffers 4 times of mental strain.

Tremendous pain of a headache, Hanaka also experiences the same but for a long period, Hanaka casually gets used to it.

As of now, no one mana potion left behind for Margarita, let alone the mana recovery ability she has.

She's someone saintess. Another from the heart... opening the lid and then Margarita pours green liquid through the girl's mouth.

[ You consumed Low Health Potion (+5 Health) ]

「 Hey young miss, can you hear me? 」

The demon child opens her two eyes gradually...

「 Do you know a girl pass by here, the same height as mine, wearing a purple robe and silvery hair? with two red eyes? 」

The little girl somewhat recalls the events before and hugging Margarita directly, crying...

「 Onee-san hwaah... human males kidnap her hwaaahh 」

「 Its okay lass, are you fine? any hurt or unpleasant? 」

Margarita tapped her back up and down to calm.

「 I'm... okay... hcck hcck... kidnap her, buy her, slave collar she will become... slave hwaaahh... 」

「 Don't cry now, I'm here, everything will be fine, do you know where she is lass? 」

「 Yes Onee-san! hmp hmp... I heard human males sold her to Blackmarket, rich will buy her, beautiful hero. Onee-san we save her? 」

「 Beautiful hero huh?... 」

「 ??? 」

「 Ah nothing lass, of course, we will save her. Go along with me and point away from the Blackmarket's location. Okay, lass? 」


「 Hmmph! Thank you Onee-san 」

The little demon child nodded like shaking her head dizzily. Thought of the heroine's mission.


7:01 PM

Somewhere in the Capital City

In the meanwhile, in Auction Room located big warehouse' underground. Whereas, difficult to found or notice the said secret place...

Therein all high leaders of syndicates, egoistic and corrupt officials also some rich nobles gathered in one place from all around the continents. Included, well-known thieves and leaders of bandits, all share in one common interest— luxurious items and 'goods'.

「 1,000,000 Vis! 」

「 1,500,000 Vis! 」

「 1.5 M Vis for Jade Dragon Antique. Any higher bid? 」

He's somewhat the host of the night's auction.

「 2,000,000 Vis! 」

「 2 Million Vis! any bidder? 」

「 Item sold for bidder number 9! worth of 2 platinum coins! let us give a round of applause 」

⟨Audience clapping⟩

「 Ladies and Gentlemen here now for the main dish, in front, our waiting for. The peerless exquisite beauty... 」

⟨Introductory drum beats⟩

Taking off a large cloth, in front of the stage—a maiden, Hanaka's both arms and knees chained unconsciously.

「 I repeat Ladies and Gentlemen, the fair maiden in front of you, the rarest, peerless, and most beautiful human girl in the auction history! Her name is Hanaka Griego! 」

At that moment, Hanaka regains her consciousness, looking at her front— malicious and satanic stares of eyes towards her. Savoring the sight of the dashing physique in seconds, even the host.

「 Unchain me... please release me! arghhh aghh! 」

⟨Shackles and chains clanking⟩

「 Please anyone... 」

Ranting, trying to unbound herself against the iron wall.

「 whooaahhww... 」

⟨Crowd yelling in amusement⟩

「 Please release me! let me go!! 」

It is still hopeless for me surrounding by merciless scary persons here— Hanaka's inner thought.

「 Shall we start now Ladies and Gentlemen??? 」

「 Yea!!!! 」

「 Okay! Starting bid for half-million... anyone? 」

「 600,000 Vis! 」

「 800,000! 」

「 1 Million Vis! 」

「 1.5 Million Vis! 」

Raising card numbers...

「 Please let...me..go. No no, release me! 」

Why this is happening, I don't want to hear it, slave life, plaything... I can't accept this fate... What I've done? sorry everyone... before that happen, cruel memories in my past life and now again? I'll kill myself like the other day if there's no other choice. sorry Okaa-san, Otou-san, Margarita-san.

—Hanaka strengthened her resolve.

「 5 Million Vis! 」

�� 7 Million! 」—bid of 3

「 10 Million! 」—bid of 5

「 20 Million Vis! 」 —bid of 1

「 Argh.. 35 Million Vis! 」—bid of 5

「 SSS class precious diamond! bwahaha. 40 Million Vis! 」

Bidder number 4 raise his number. The competition between five super VIP of the event makes room intense more and more as each one fight for own fame and glory. To show at this time, whose richest among the five, let alone Hanaka.

「 Whoaahh!!! 」

Crowd yelling for super VIPs

「 No...no...no... anyone help me please... 」

「 50 Million Vis 」-number 3 bid calmly

The crowd fell into total silence.

「 Hellll! 75 Million! 」—pissed off

「 Wooooaaaww... 」

The audience breaks the silence once more...

「 80 Million Vis 」—number 2 grinning

「 Arghh 85 Million Vis!!! 」—raised by bidder number 4.

「 100 Million Vis!! he he he you're mine hehe 」—number 3 panting

Disgusting face expressing his lasciviousness, lust, and lechery over luxury good.

All bad omens gathered here, fulfilling each one's desires.


Utter words or rather say his high bid that most audiences gaped for a moment, everybody knows that amount is half of his total fortune.

Tentatively silence for seconds, her wrath starts, raging enough compared to someone's revenge with murderous intent but not that in case of Hanaka, she feels right now about her incompetence.

「 Stop this nonsense! curse all your souls in hell!!!」

「 Bwahaha hahaha hahaha!! 」

The room filled with roared laughter. Looking down gradually stops and thinks once again her resolve. No one can save her, she thought that in these times.

「 150 Million! 」—number 1 raised

「 200 Million! ��— number 3's bid

「 Sorry Father, Mother, everyone. I can't fulfill my promise, my dreams, I hope, I reincarnated once more... Goodbye 」

She mutters and closing her eyes for a silence.

「 Is there any higher bid than number 3?! Item sold for 200 Mill」

... ... ...

「 What happened? 」

The crowd fell into silence, no pitch of a sound, she notices all stopped from a moment, just like time freeze suddenly. Looks like all are petrified but why she excluded by this time attribute spell? Hanaka thought so.

A girl pops out nowhere in front of her in an instant. Shorter than her in terms of height, age maybe 12-15 years old. Blonde hair mixed with pitch black to dark blue hue at the ends. Bluish-green meeked-eyes, with strange lines and variables written in those eyes like calculating something. Hanaka observes her slowly without being frightened.

The girl wore like a perfect rich uniform, thought that she's someone a noble or royalty attending the prestigious Magic Academy. But its too early for that to wear a uniform.

Hanaka set aside her thoughts like she's someone belong in those bidders or another kidnapper.

And then the girl spoke to her...

「 Your comprehension at your situation now is correct. Time stopped inside and outside of this place.

Don't worry at this moment. Let me give 2 choices and pick 1 decision.

This is an order from us to let you live

Mmm...hymmmm...hymmmm 」

Humming then kneeling in front of her while smiling. After that notification pops out, she stands again.

[ You Learned An Ultimate Tier Spell- "Heart Crusher" ]

「 The two choices are, use the spell, purify this place so that no one victims like you in the next time? or let them alive and continue the cycle? your hand stays the same even millions of lives of evils you purified. Your decision is accepted absolutely.

Hymmm...hymmmm 」

Bow then humming like a bird in a cute voice...

「 Ah, for what is Heart Crusher? can I know the name of my benefactor? 」

The girl stopped from leaving...

「 Hmmm... cast spell-like usual you do and crush the invisible heart in right palm anytime you want. All within the radius of 100 meters will be purified

I can't give my identification yet, see ya 」

Smilingly cute answered.

「 Why you help me and give this dangerous spell? 」

「 Because we want? is that enough for reason?

hymm hymmm...

No worries while using spell~ 」

「 'We'? 」

「 Happy farewell, we meet again someday 」

「 Thank you... 」

The sensation like respecting a queen by a royal knight, that's what Hanaka feels.

As the girl waves her little hand and disappears, time continues as nothing happened.

Somehow, the urge of the hopelessness of Hanaka vanish and change her resolve, a decision she comes up to now without hesitation for any circumstances after.

After giving gratitude to her benefactor, she opens her crimson eyes gradually with an expressionless face.

A corpulence with a butt of a joke comes towards her.

「 llion!! With a worth of 20 Diamond coins or 200 Platinum coins!! How affluent bidder we have. Come over sir to stage, if you please 」

「 He he hee hee... your so beautiful, can hehe uee heee you become my wife he hee hee 」 —panting

Lines express from his face the lust desire as he reaches the cheeks of Hanaka by his fatty hands.

「 Don't touch me you pervert! 」

Words not enough to stop the disgusting hands reaching her. This unbearable action is enough reason for her to use that.

「 ~Heart Crusher~ 」

The sensation of flesh in her right hand, the said heart of everyone within range.

Massaging whole flesh like her favorite fluffy futon.

All people in the Auction Room stop at the expressing frightened faces showing an imperceptible sensation inside of their chest. Some lean against the wall and some still sitting. Each one holds their breath and crunching own chest by hand.

Someone knows the reason and that is in front of them— Hanaka Von Griego.

Hanaka spotted two preparings to launch their arrow attacks and she gripping the invisible heart more like a sponge.

All collapse down to floors similar to a person getting a heart attack.

「 Forgive me... I'm begging you girl...ackk... I'll give you 500 million acck! acck! 」

The lying fatty man in her front begging her for mercy, slightly adjust all of their predicament by gripping more the heart mercilessly.

「 'forgive me'? 500 Million? is that my life and body worth? is that the value of those lives you have taken? Is that simple to compensate the innocent lives by money? As you know I'm not that money maniac and especially I'm not a thing you can buy! Creator will decide forsaken your evil-tainted souls as you all go down in hell. Farewell 」

「 Spare me ackk! acckk! heeeccckk!!!! 」

「 If I don't do this... hundreds of victims come after me, no thousands more innocent lives. I'll purify this place once and for all. Goodbye...

good travels 」

Seriously decided and squeezing the heart. Slaughter them all at ease.

「 Aaaaaccckkk!!!!! 」

Shout and scream all over the room included in the surface, look out men died.

Each one's heart explodes inside of their body and blood flows out from the mouth, instantly death for them.

「 Have a nice trip everyone... 」

Suddenly, gradually unconscious from using high-tier spell consuming most of her energy.

[ You Killed 666 Persons! ]

[ Exp Accumulation: 0 XP ]

[ Drops: 9,879,700,000 Vis ]

[ You gained 666 Special Item! Your max sense reach to 667! ]

「 Wha... 」


October 27, 3210 G.E

8:32 A.M

Luxxa Inn

「 What happened? Where I am? 」

Look upwards the ceiling, wooden ceiling, and the room she stays at, with two beds, one wardrobe, and a study table.

Nostalgic feeling and regard to where she is, an unknown inn.

And the door opens quietly, a child's arm, the demon child she recognized before, comes over to her. Following Margarita.

「 Luxxa Inn... We stayed here for a few days until you wake up. Are you okay Hanaka-chan? here's the breakfast. Little by little, it's a bit hot for you.. 」

「 Is that so... thank you for the meal. I'm completely 100% fine! How many days Margarita-san? ee.. 」

「 One and a half day Hanaka-chan... 」

「 What happens? After the auction? I barely remember... 」

「 We found you unconsciously chained behind... fortunately I found the key. What happened Hanaka-chan? a massacre like that, so mysterious, dead bodies, vomiting large amount of blood... 」

「 I don't know and remember either... Hi, Quea-chan nice to meet you 」

「 Omou... Hi onee-san... 」

「 In the matter of sense, you're level one and those stats and spells you have, it's got nothing to do to Hanaka anyway, you making mass massacre without High mana pool and any evidence is bluff 」—sighed

「 Is there a powerful being like that in there while I'm asleep? 」

「 Don't know here either hmmm... but thanks... you alive. I don't know what to do if something bad happens. What I say to Auntie and Uncle huh? you careless candle! 」

「 Sorry, Margarita-san 」

「 It's okay. Just don't repeat. Stay beside me always... 」

「 Mou... Fufuu okay... 」

「 Onee-san... 」

「 Haaa so cute demon loli, let me rub your cheeks! 」

「 Ahmm hmmp!... ahhh 」

「 Thanks to the lass. Because of her sense of smell and knowledge, we found you quickly... ���

「 Quickly?... Is that so... Fufuu I love you naahh 」

「 Kyaahh... Onee-san... my cheeks huertt.. 」

「 fuhahah so cuttee.. 」


October 26, 3210 G.E

8:32 A.M

Centropol Cathedral

While in Cathedral, leaders of churches within the country gathered for an emergency meeting upon order of the Archbishop.

In the middle of the conversation...

「 A prophecy fulfilled by the heavens happened last two nights. From news right co-brothers? 」

「 Certainly your Holiness, for those who don't know the news in detail. According to reports by Fifth Order, 666 fresh, no injuries corpses were found at the warehouse and its basement. Seems like for Auction black market transactions. Thankfully, all notorious criminals from continents were all killed. His Holiness Pope and Country leaders grateful to us for this international achievement. 」

「 Co-brother, you said already, killed. The problem who is that mass murderer, I mean the Chosen One? 」

「 Absurdly not a mass murderer! Chosen One! our Chosen One sent by the Creators! 」

「 Forgiveness for my rudeness, your holiness... 」

All priests mumbling, brainstorming plans, and opinions...

「 May I have your word holiness Archibishop. The fifth newest prophecy, Chapter 6 Verse 6 stated 'Ye Ascendance Of One From Heavenly Heavens Will Offer Non-Fruiting Embodiments In Six Red Dominations, Yet The One With The One, Will Return To Save The Chosen One. Who Purifies the lands ' is fulfilled? how do we find the holy Chosen One?』

Muttering again for a minute...

「 The Chosen One descended! Born to be Purifier of the lands. Offer his greatness! Offer greatness! offer greatness!! 」

「 Offer! Offer! Offer!... 」

They were united in the celebration of the Prophecy Book. Praising this Chosen One they talking...

「 Stop guys. That means Chosen One is here. Look for him before the Pope finds out by all means! 」 -smilingly like a sadist

In the expression of his face, he shows bad motives to execute.

「 Certainly, your holiness. 」


8:33 AM

Laxxa Inn

As Hanaka lay in bed

「 Achooo!... hmmm I forgot something important, just important ... what is it? there is uhmmm... 」

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