《World of Enosi | Discontinued! Do not read if you hate discontinued novels!》14. Chloe, the Green Wolf.


Tomorrow morning. Dawn. The morning light was illuminating the forest. Rays of light dropped down the leaf-filled ground. It was a scene you could only see in the wilderness. And what awoke me was...

(Nghh... Mmmmh... What's this smell?)

I forced open my groggy eyes. There was this horrible putrid smell, and I couldn't relax because of it. I got out off the bed, my back all sore due to there being no matress at all, and I opened the door to.

(What the fuck?!?!)

A bloodbath. Guts, blood, and gore were everywhere. Green colored wolves were dragging and feeding on the dead bodies of goblins, and other unknown monsters. Curious, the wolves took a look at me, but they just continued eating.

"Yo! Good morning. Beautiful morning, right?"

"Good morning Ryan, did you have a wonderful rest?"

Dain, who was petting the wolves, and Arci who was so close to the wolves greeted me.

(Excuse me? What happened here?)

"OI oi oi! What happened here? Why are there even more dead bodies than yesterday? Also what are these wolves? Why are they green? Actually, they're really large? Also how many of them are here?"

"34! It's a full pack of wolves!"

"Yeah, but why are they ignoring us?"

"Ah, yes! These things came here just a couple of minutes ago. They're called green wolves. Although they

are classified as a 'monster', these things are actually smart enough not to hunt humans. And so, they are really docile towards human beings, and they get even more friendlier when you feed them food! Did you know? They were actually looking at me as if they were asking for permission to eat and take all the dead

monster corpses. I nodded, and they immediately started to take and eat the corpses. They're really smart,

they are one of the easier monsters to tame for tamers."

"Ryan, maybe we should also try to tame one of them. This would increase your chances of survival in the


I couldn't believe what they were saying... How could they talk like this with this horrible stench? Well i mean, Arci is a robot... But Dain? He's still a human being? The hell? Did he just feed a detached arm

to a wolf? Is he actually a demon in disguise?"

"Ryan! Come here, how about feeding them some dead monster meat? One of them might take a liking to you. This would be great, because you would actually have a useful companion!"


"Hey, you! Are you saying I'm not useful?"

"Oooh? What are you useful for then? Attracting monsters towards your master and putting them in danger?"

"Grrr... Alright, i know i messed up okay! I wont do that again!"

"Well that's good. Cmon Ryan, go ahead. Dont be shy, feed them some meat.

(Hell no! What's wrong with you? ...Damnit... What am i doing...)

I think im slowly becoming a demon, just by being near Dain. I pick a detached arm, and one of the wolves

looked at me curiously. It opened its mouth, and started to pant. Is this thing a dog? Very funny. I don't think

something that's almost as big as my size while just being on four legs can be a normal dog... Slowly, i

extended my hand towards it jaws. I then dropped the meat right on its tongue, and as i pulled my arm back.

The wolf then started to chomp on it... The blood got on to me.

"Bleurgh, oi!"

"Ahahaahaha! How's the feeling of being sprayed with blood? It feels disgusting, right?"

"Of course it is! Bleurgh, erk, Pu! Get me some water!"

"Here! Try to catch it."

Dain took out a water bottle from his pouch. I immediately dumped it all over my face. Gah, that was really disgusting.

"Aaah... It got onto my clothes as well..."

"Hehe. I'll teach you how to do laundry so don't worry."

"How about just changing clothes?"

"That wouldn't do. You can't just waste clothes like that. You need to save okay? There arent a lot of them."


Really? I couldn't change clothes? Actually... Why am i listening to this guy again? Ah yes... This was knight training right? This? Knight training? We haven't even gotten to any of the training yet...


"Whoa! Dont scare me like that... What are you doing? Wait wait wait! Dont lick there! Your going to get the blood all over my pants now!'

"Oooh... I think this one likes you..."

"Really? Are you sure it isn't taste testing me?"

"Nope. It's genuinely checking you... I think it must be imprinting you in its mind or something. This is quite lucky, if you are able to tame this wolf, then you will really be just that much more safer. You are really weak after all, This thing will be able to help you in your journeys... And green wolves are known to be excellent animals once tamed."


"Eugh... Its getting its saliva all over my legs..."


I was really uncomfortable at what the wolf was doing. But if Dain says I'll be much more safer, then I'll do it.

...Cmon, how long is this going to take...

After a couple of seconds, the wolf stood up. Howled, and a bigger green wolf came out of the pack.

"Ooh! Ryan, well done! It seems like you did it!"


"Mhm! That bigger green wolf must be the alpha of the pack. It seems like its preparing to send off its kin."

I took a look at the bigger green wolf, it was really large. Much more larger than me... And it was more darker than the other wolves. It seems like they were conversing with each other? After a couple of seconds, they started to lick each other... Communication? What are they doing? After that though, the

alpha wolf, looked at me, its green eyes gazing deep into me... What is this feeling... Why am i feeling pressured? I genuinely felt a bit of terror on my back... Where did this come from?

"Ryan. Stand up properly, don't be afraid. That alpha wolf is testing whether you are worthy to become the master of his kin."


I couldn't respond... I started to shiver, and then cold sweat started to trickle down my forehead.

(Calm down! Calm down... It's just a test... You have to pull yourself together, cmon!)

My breaths started to become erratic, and long. My heartbeat increased in number gradually.

I was starting to feel terror creeping up my back. This thing, it was so majesting, grand, huge...

It was frightening.

(Deep breaths... Deep breaths, don't let this thing's gaze take you.)

Every passing second felt like minutes passed. I couldn't take in any other visual and auditory information except for the wolf infront of me. My world was starting to blacken gradually.

And then... The alpha wolf approached me.

Step. Step. Step. The sound of leaves on the ground resounded.

Beat. Beat. Beat. The thumming of my heart got more louder.

Drip. Drip. Drip. The sweat on my forehead was dripping down.

The alpha wolf opened its mouth. The fear and terror started to take over my mind faster. My hands was

starting to shake. It felt cold, it felt dark, it felt like it was going to devour my entire soul.

And then, for what seemed like forever. The alpha wolf stopped. It closed its mouth. And then, my world was

regained. Senses started to be alive again, my sight was no longer limited by a dark fog, my heart was slowing down, and the sweat that was trickling down my body stopped. It stopped. The terror and fear from realizing that it stopped disappeared, and i was met with a sense of relief. A burden was lifted, my soul felt


"Good job, you passed its test. That wolf is yours now."

After saying that, the alpha wolf licked my leg, sniffed, and then raised itself up. It howled, seemingly satisfied. All of them left except for one, it was the green wolf that i fed the arm earlier... Was it that easy to

get a wolf to like you? The wolf approached me, and sat infront of me. Its behavior was just like a dog...

"Amazing, Ryan! You've tamed a green wolf! Truly a splendid achievement!"

And then, a sound resounded in my mind.

Congratulations. The user has successfully achieved the recognition of the green wolves that live in the Daren Forest, and has managed to tame a wolf. The nameless green wolf asks its owner for

a name. Please think of a name that you would want for this green wolf.

-The wolf pack that lives in this forest now remembers your scent and taste. And they are now on friendly terms with you. If they see you in danger, they will immediately try to rescue you.

This suddenly appeared in the air. I almost jumped back, but then I realized it was that system thingy.

(Recognition of the wolves? That's good. So they'll help me when im in trouble, thats pretty sweet... A name

huh... It does need a name. What should i call it?)

I thought for a bit.

The wolf in front of me had a green coloured fur. It was light green on its body and turned dark green on its legs. It had verdant-looking eyes, as if a blend of green was mixed in it.

Chloeros, Chloe. Chloeros, meaning verdant in greek... Right? Also, was this thing male or female? The system didn't tell me.. And i don't want to know anyways, so there. It's full name is now Chloe. It was quite surprising i knew this word anyways... Or was it all just in my mind? Did i create a fake language after sleeping for millions of years? Well, thats what im here to find out.

(Chloe. Your name is Chloe.)

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