《Dimensional Wars》Chapter 12 - North Valley


Chapter 12


North Valley


Moving forward Teng marvels at his new treasure. To think such a thing could exist.

His mind feels three times stronger than it did before. He believes if he fought, he will be able to last three times longer in battles.

This is because of the effect of the reed. It’s not that he gains three times more energy, it’s that he can convert his energy three times more efficiently. His energy is converted into his Law insights for strong battle power.

Now it only cost him a third of energy what it did before. If it cost Teng 3 energy before to use a jet water skill, now it only costs 1. Basically, giving him stronger endurance, and more flexibility in battles.

Furthermore, many things that were harder for him to grasp have become easier. He even feels closer to making a breakthrough in his Law of Rain. The reed seems to hold its own law of sorts.


Moving fast he quickly covers the distance like a gazelle. In all this time he has not seen that pterodactyl again. To be safe he avoided the snail’s areas, but because he didn’t want to hide in his cave, he pushes himself to venture out in increase his strength. In hope one day nothing can threaten him on this island. The reason he is thinking about it is to reaffirm his beliefs. If he can’t overcome the village in the south, they might continue to expand and wipe him out, let alone the pterodactyl. Perhaps more other sea creatures will invade this island, and if he stayed holed up, he would have no chance of living peacefully. Thinking about these things Teng appears outside the valley.

Looking ahead there are large swathes of cut down trees. As if a deforestation happened here. It must have only happened over the last few days, since he was sure from his scouting it wasn’t like this earlier. Moving in close, he spots a few beetles he met on the island, but then he sees a new insect.


Standing 1 metres tall, its wings are folded behind its back, as it scampers around looking for a new tree. It has mandibles for cutting, with four insect legs. It basically looks like slash between an ant and a mosquito, without the blood sucker. Its diet seems to be wood.

Not daring to get too closer, in case others are around Teng circles around. After trekking, he discovers a nest in one of the side hills with many insects entering and leaving. Not sure why it would build its nest inside, when it flies Teng leaves it. It looks like these are weak individually. As there are only a dozen or so Teng decides to hunt them.

Killing a few and noticing no reaction from the nest he continues a while longer. After killing more than thirty though, some others notice and come rushing over. Killing them before others arrive, he flees. It seems whatever they are doing in their nest is important.

After taking a break Teng decides to explore. There are a few tunnels leading down, so he picks one. Honestly, he has no fear of them, it seems his Laws have grown so much, his spear instantly pierces a insect beast. His left arm has only a third left, but he sometime shoots out jets of water in various battle tactics.

Actually, his arm healed a bit when he first initiated into the Laws of Rain. Perhaps if he makes another breakthrough is will heal even further. At the moment it is working out fine, because his control of water has become more adept. Soon he might even consider himself a water mage.

With his snake armour and Reed bandanna tightened more securely, Teng heads down below.


Entering, it quickly becomes dark. Teng hears scuttling and vibrating noises a little further down. Teng first strengthens his body with his laws, as his prepared water in his bottles wraps around him, the swirls produce enough light for Teng to see clearly. His legs and arms becoming as strong as branches through this upgrade.


Teng used to think that the water was a muscle, which it still is in a sense, but now his water imbued by his Law feels much closer, like a companion. Even in battles, it almost reacts for him. Knowing what he needs. Perhaps he is overthinking things, but with this attribute he believes his power can reach a whole new realm. As for now he starts to focus.

Heading downward Teng follows the path.


Quickly he comes across three worker ants, moving alongside the walls. Speedily he almost surfs over to them.

Hearing the rush of water, the ants turn. One starts to flap its wings, but Teng quickly smashes it into the wall, its head crushed by his spear. Not wasting any energy, he sweeps his spear killing the other two ants in one blow.

If all fights can be this easy, he should be able to double his energy today, as the ants give quite generous amounts. Moving forward he waste no time hunting them down, steadily moving deeper into the cave. Hopefully he can eradicate the Queen or King. Although they are a stable source of energy, he won’t compromise energy over safety.

Heading down Teng obliterates about two hundred ants before he has to take a rest. His endurance is nearly three times as before. He doesn’t even tire battling these insects, as long as he uses his energy efficiently. The reed is greatly helping him. Even kills slowly restore some of his energy although in small amounts.

Drinking some water, and eating some dried meat. Over his body is green patches of blood, but he is unbothered by it. Looking down he sees only one path this time. Hopefully he will meet the one in charge soon.

Finishing his meal, he grabs his spear and heads down. His eyes almost glowing with accumulated energy in his body.

Trudging ahead a fierce light enters his sight. Subterranean plants enter his sight, growing a bit a light down here. He keeps his water laws slowly swirling. It’s bearable with his treasured reed and new energy.

Coming across a cavern, he glances forwards. He sees a few bigger monstrous looking ants with wings surrounding another ant. This one dwarfs the rest being five metres tall and three metres wide, and that’s without including its wings. Teng starts to feel a bit of anticipation. As he grows in his laws and energy, his sense of strength is becoming skewed. Even he isn’t sure of his limit.

Although the snake monsters are trouble that’s because of their large number in addition to their strong bodies. It would be too much for Teng to fight to the death against hundreds of them at that time. Now he has the reed which would alleviate a lot, but still he needs a measure. Hopefully these ants can show him his limits.

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