《Dimensional Wars》Chapter 9 - Harvest


Chapter 9




What Teng has realised lately are the beast incursions. It seems to him more kinds of sea creatures are making their way onto this island. Not drastic enough to call it a migration, but still it is worrying. Most stay in the sea which is good. However, if this continues, it will be war between everyone who wants some territory.

Perhaps the land beasts will cease to exist, and only these abominable sea creatures will remain. Teng still isn’t even sure how boars and the deer got on this island. Perhaps they were at the far end, and evolved. That seems more likely than swimming five kilometres from the rift.

Anyhow Teng had becoming much more proficient these days in his spear technique. Truly with only one arm, he has to focus on his feet more. This allows him to grasp the timing in fighting these beasts. His law doesn’t have much use here, so he is becoming more proficient in using his energy. He has needed to replace many spears though, but that seems to becoming less of a problem with his increased energy proficiency. Soon he should be able to throw the spear accurately too. He practices it sometimes. He really has become passionate for The Hunt as Teng calls it.

As Teng is walking around his cove, he spots a small sea creature skulking around his fishing ground. Nearly two metres in length, it looks to be similar to a snake, but with some humanoid arms. It flicks its tongue sensing its surroundings. Quickly smelling Teng near it turns its head.

Two intelligent eyes stare at him.

Not given time to react it roars aggressively and rushes over. Cautious, but unafraid, Teng stands his ground. He has seen many different species over this past week, just another one to add to the list. What Teng is cautious about is that it looks intelligent, even holding a bony weapon of sorts.


Side stepping the snaky creatures charge, Teng lunges his spear out. Blocked by the beast’s hard scales. The beast easily twists its body, not letting him escape, stabbing with its bone knife. Not expecting to be in such danger in just one move Teng quickly taps his feet and a jet of water streams from his feet. With that quick burst he escapes out of harm’s way appearing a metre away.

Not even bothered by the quick escape the creature continues its attack. After a few minutes Teng is getting tired. Constantly he has to use his energy to stimulate his laws otherwise he would be in peril. The beast’s scales are hard as the branches he tried to cut before, so he needs to use extra strength from his energy. Fortunately, although he has broken two spears already in this fight, he usually keeps some tied up in vines on his back.

Seeing another opportunity, as the beast has twisted awkwardly, Teng Lunges. A clean hit through the throat. But the beast has the vitality of a cockroach. It continues its assault.

As Teng has been concentrating completely on the battle in this time, he starts to become mentally fatigued, but he pushes on. Unfortunately, it seems his effort is not enough, as he continues to acquire new wounds.

With his increasing fatigue, and blood loss, Teng knows he needs to finish this quickly. As the creature approaches again, Teng speeds up and enters close range, stabbing with his spear. The creature not willing to lose out in aggressiveness also stabs his bone sword without a care for its safety.

Teng’s eyes sharpen, suddenly his body is gently pulled by a small gust of wind, out of harm’s way straight to the side of the creature. Not wasting any time, he stabs straight into the head of the creature, piercing it with his spear.


Gradually the eyes of the monster dim, as Teng pulls out his spear. That last attack was a result of his hard work over the past days. His laws integrating into his spear have become considerable, more than enough to pierce its scales, but what helped him the most was his new wind affinity. His insight being ‘When it Rains, Wind follows’.

Seeing no more enemies, he catches his breathe. He quickly feels a burst of energy enter him restoring his levels and even increases his strength. It looks like this enemy gives out decent energy.

If Teng was at 1 power when he arrived on this island, then with his continued absorption of energy he reached about ten. After his awakening to the rain his power skyrocketed by a multiply of ten. Easily reaching about 100 power. He figures the beast increased his power level by one or two points.

Grabbing the carcass by its tail, Teng decides to head back to camp.

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