《Reformat: Adventures of a Battle Academic in a Primitive Land》Chapter 11: Volatility
Part 1
The success of the experimental distillation and the ridiculous profit gained in such a short span of time convinces Master Kong to wholly agree to my agenda. Delighted, his face brightens, admiring the River Kingdom's coat of arms engraved on the gold coin that he received as a commission. He finally gives his full approval to the idea of leveraging the new discovery to create jobs for the people of Exteris.
With his go signal, the operation continues. Artemis and Ricardo blitz towards the town to buy packaging materials as well as to recruit help needed for the procurement of crude oil, dragging a cart along with them, bringing a hundred dollars of oil revenue.
On purpose, I choose to stay behind with Nina at the master's premise in order to polish our crafts. Drawing from memory, I sketch a blueprint and a manuscript describing the construction and the operation of a Gutenberg style screw press, while Nina busily polishes her journal drafts.
Meanwhile, the master heads off to the laboratory, bringing his army of disciples with him. Even from the study, where Nina and I work, we can hear the loud banging, sawing, and other noises associated with construction. The master says earlier that he will upgrade the distillation equipment to increase its capacity.
Afternoon, the master calls us to the laboratory to reveal the finished work. He reports that theoretically, the new equipment will distill 50 barrels a day, a ridiculous amount by the day’s standards.
Standing side by side, the two new massive bronzen distillation equipment fills half of the room. Throw the gallons of unusable gasoline and the jungle of alchemic materials and instruments to the mix and surely, the room looks all crammed and cluttered. Boy, we have some cleaning to do.
Teatime, Nina and I get our turn to show off. We amuse the master by presenting to him our finished works.
First he reads Nina's journal, chuckling along as he empties his cup of tea. "Even though roughly written, it’s informative. Hahaha! I learned well of your struggles in your journey. My young lass, are you training to become a scribe?”
“No, master. I work for Sir Linus as a journalist in training. A journalist is… errmm… a person who writes, what was that, newpapers?” Nina scratches her head.
I let out a sarcastic cough. “A Newspaper. It will be published every morning, mainly detailing events that happened the previous day across the area of coverage and the kingdom, if possible. For businesses, it will feature advertisements, information about products and services those who can afford to pay would like the public to know.” I sip tea, moistening my drying throat.
The master coughs, raising his eyebrow. “Impossible. Even if there’s a way to make paper cheap, scribes are too expensive to hire and are slow at work. You wouldn’t get your papers every day, for sure. And not to mention, most people don’t know how to read.”
I clutch the Gutenberg manuscript and blueprint in my hand. “When paper’s so cheap, people will learn to read themselves, especially businesses – vital information for them is vital. And the scribes, they can go out of work for all I care. The manuscript, master.” I hand the documents to him.
The master puts his teacup down and receives the documents. He first unfolds the manuscript, shoves it to his face, and hastily devours every letter in it. Then he puts the material down and lays it aside, spreading the blueprint flat on the table. He runs his hand and widened eyes shakily across it, carefully inspecting every detail.
“Full of surprises, young devil. You’ll certainly put scribes out of commission for this. Finally, an all literate River Kingdom is possible! But expensive, the metal glyphs may set us back several hundreds of gold coins to craft. Good heavens, luck is on our side! We have just increased the capacity of the distillery. Now we can save money, build the machine, and start printing right away.” The master springs from his seat, eyes fiery and fists clenched, all invigorated.
The gravel crunches, and numerous footsteps resound, notifying us of the arrival of Ricardo, Artemis and her motley crew of hooligans. Odd stains of grease blacken their skin and clothes, and crude oil soaks their boots and trousers up to the knee.
She reports that the former HQ, now an oil well, is swamped with crude, due to the geyser’s violent expulsion of oil to the surface.
I warn them to be careful not to be soaked in crude, saying they may ignite like Ricardo’s makeshift torch upon contact with flames. Then I hand them 50 dollars, an amount they can use to buy new boots, trousers, and clothes and the like.
The fellows nod, listening to the safety precautions. Afterwards, Artemis continues the report.
For the results of their work, they bring back with them three carts containing 10 barrels of crude each. And Ricardo reports they could have harvested more crude if they had more money to rent the needed carts.
I carefully jot into my notes every detail of the report the duo gives, putting them in the list of things to consider in accounting and planning.
Meanwhile, the motley crew assisted by the master’s disciples, merrily roll the barrels down from the carts to the laboratory. Dismissed by Artemis, they happily receive their day’s wage plus the small sum to buy themselves new boots and clothes.
The disciples then start distilling barrels of crude they receive. They work until dinnertime.
And at the house, seeing that everyone is back, the master’s super assistant Lynn in her long green silken robe serves dinner. She decorates the table with a mountain of fruits, leafy vegetables, preserved meats, fish, and noodles, enough food to feed an army.
The duo, Ricardo and Artemis, welcomes the treatment, rudely vacuuming the mountains of food in their stomachs to replenish their lost energy. And not caring about anything else, the two simpletons immediately go to bed after the meal.
The pokerfaced Lynn just takes her glasses off, revealing her pretty slanting eyes. With her long draping sleeves, she wipes the blurred spectacles and puts them back on. As usual, she stands next to the master. Her already meager presence once again fades into the obscurity of darkness. She might as well be a ninja for the unique skill.
Late at night, the moon’s rays gently pour from the windows. Together with the fluttering flames in the fireplace, the natural illumination provides ample lighting for the night’s work.
Nina busily chronicles today’s events on her journal, while the master and I remain busy, detailing on manuscripts the production process of oils and accounting the costs of production.
All good, we determine that the price of the goods offset the production costs by a ridiculous margin of about a hundred fold, considering current market prices. Profits will surely soar to the roof once we become more proficient in the production.
Our sense of time lost, we continue the planning and discussions to the dark of the early morning, depriving us hours of sleep. We only realize the time as we look at Ricardo, Nina, and Artemis’s stupid faces. Soundly, the simpletons sleep, drooling and snoring freely.
The master himself having much sand in his eyes decides it’s about time we retired.
Part 2
Early in the morning, Artemis and Ricardo command their crew of hooligans to load the barrels, gallons, and jars of freshly extracted lamp oil to the carts. They escort me, along with Nina, to the market.
Artemis brought with her a special guest, her brother Ralphie, our young thief.
The scrawny little thing hides behind Artemis, tugging her clothes while avoiding our gaze. Do I look that scary to him?
Ricardo gives the kid a sparkly smile.
The kid shrinks even smaller, hugging Artemis tightly from behind, shoving his face to her rear.
“Knock it off Ralphie! I can’t walk like this.” She pushes him away. Strings of slimy and yellowy snot stretch and hang from the kid’s nose to her rear.
A few steps back, the kid sniffs and wipes his nose clean with his arm, smearing it with the unpleasant goo. He halts, looking defiant.
“I thought you wanted a job. I’m giving you one. Come on. These are nice people, Ralphie. Come!” Artemis reaches to him.
The kid’s shoulders drop. He grabs the hand, dampening it with the slimy goo, and looks away. Again he hides from view, tailing Artemis from behind.
Guilt creeps into my conscience. I feel I might have scared him too much.
Arriving in the market, Artemis and Ricardo separates from us, leaving Ralphie and some odd children behind. The duo head off to Exteris to recruit aid in harvesting crude oil.
Ralphie slips in the group of kids and hides himself.
What, is he just here to take advantage of the money? I’m pissed.
“Hey, Ralphie, is it? Come forward.” All stiff, the kid joins me, looking down.
“What the hell is your problem? Can’t you look at my face at least when I’m talking, or at least when you’re called? I don’t think I can work with someone like that.” His flesh trembles, but he won’t budge. He’s all quiet, stiff, and even though is told of my irritation, he just looks at another direction, avoiding eye contact.
“What? You slum rat, how about you go home? If you can’t at least do a thing as simple as to look and listen to the person giving you orders, you might as well home!” The same reaction, just frozen still and won’t say a thing back.
Enraged, flames burn in the eyes of his playmates. One of them comes forward, yelling back “Hey! We didn’t come here to see our friend insulted. We’re going home! Come Ralphie.” Ralphie’s friends chatter.
With a worried look, Nina whispers, “Hey wizzy! What’s wrong with you?”
I look in her eyes and wink, it’s okay. Then, I let off a sigh and address the brat, “Where’s the common courtesy here? No wonder why you family of rats live in that sh*t hole of an environment. Good grief!”
“BASTARD!” Ralphie’s good friend charges forward.
I grab the brat by the wrist and twist it to his back, locked. Then, I apply gentle pressure on his calves, forcing him down to his knees. “Don’t interfere, weakling. I’m talking to your weak and cowardly little friend.”
“DAMN [email protected]%*#&$(“ Ralphie’s friend helplessly curses, upsetting the other kids.
Ralphie tears up, still frozen stiff.
Twisting the other kid’s wrist, I continue playing the devil’s advocate. “Dumb brat! You’re told and you should listen. Why don’t you go home to your rat’s nest, Ralphie? You heard that, you pesky slum rat, I don’t need your help. I’ll have that dumb witch sister of yours join you later. She’s…”
“WHY YOU, DON’T YOU TALK ABOUT MY SISTER THAT WAY!” Infuriated, he gives me a fierce and defiant look in the face and charges, landing a fist on my cheek. I think I might have gone overboard.
“NNGGG!” I receive the hand without flinching. In a flick of an eye I grab him by the wrist with the other hand and lock him from behind.
I let go of the kids’ wrist and give them a push forward. “Enough! I apologize, I’m not serious at all. I’m just playing the devil to get you to talk. But please, return the courtesy. I would just like to say that you should at least look back when you’re called. It’s rude.”
In tears, Ralphie looks back and sniffs. “I... I’m… sorry… I didn’t know it was rude.”
Nina glares at me for a bit and gives the snotty kid a warm hug.
For a little while, the kid bawls, soaking the lass’ clothes with salty tears.
Well, that sorted itself out well, though it feels a little bit unpleasant for some unknown reason.
“Alright. Enough talk and drama, let’s get to work.”
With my little army, forward I march, visiting a few stalls and stores to demonstrate and sell the products, while Nina busily distributes some ad leaflets she wrote the last night, handing them to the merchants interested.
[DK Quality Oils]
Burns Bright, Lasts Long
Perfect for Everyday Use
Available at Low Price
Surprisingly, the simple message of the ad quickly catches fire. Like vultures, the store owners, the merchants, and even foreign traders flock to see a demonstration and to buy the moderately priced products. With a price advantage of being 30 percent cheaper compared to the competition, our products quickly sold out.
And led by Ralphie, our crew of kids run in circles, delivering the petroleum products from the carts to the buyers’ stores. At this state, more labor and better management of operations is necessary to keep up with the demand.
Seeing the chaotic operation of our small business, I can’t even imagine the tons of work waiting should we expand to Nexus, the other parts of the kingdom, and oversees.
All done and sold out, I cut a deal with some merchants to provide us with a cheap and steady supply of containers namely, ceramic gallons, pint and quart jars, wooden barrels, the cheapest paper available for the ads and for personal use, and the like. The traders are very pleased to make a handsome profit from the deal.
For the convenient holding and transportation of the petroleum products, I rent a warehouse near the riverbanks. The act not only prepares our business for expansion, but also frees the master’s laboratory of the unnecessary clutter.
Then I make the payments to our little laborers. They receive a small commission of a silver coin each for their work.
Joy returns to Ralph’s sad face. He laughs, cheerfully brawling with the other kids after receiving the payment.
With all the expenses deducted, the profits in silver dollar coins pile up in our cart. Noisily, they ring with every little bump in the road, so I stop by the coin trader to secure a deal to exchange the silvers to gold coins.
Just in a lone day, we earn a mind blowing profit of 50 gold coins. I think that the industry is just too much to contain in the small town of Mercantium. It needs to expand.
Late afternoon, we pay the Flying Dragon Inn owner a visit to make a settlement. A small shack made of planks of old and slightly burnt wood and straw stands in the ruins of the old place.
I give the rotting wooden door a knock; slightly, it opens. The setting sun’s gentle rays quickly fills the gap, illuminating the man’s face red. With eyebrows knit and lips curled up, he projects an unwelcome expression. Obviously, he isn’t happy to see us at all. He immediately shuts the door close.
I bang at the door, begging him to open up for a quick talk and settlement, and although upset, he finally gives up, letting me my crew in.
I have a heart to heart talk with the man at the table, apologizing for all the trouble that happen, even though clearly it wasn’t my fault. Understandingly, he nods, bitterly and begrudgingly because of the fate he suffered. I can talk so much about how I’m a victim, but the man too is a victim of the tragedy. Nobody was better off.
Not to upset him, I declare my intentions. I give him a jar of medium grade oil, 5 gold coins, and an offer to partner with us in our business in order to recompense him of the damages to his inn and livelihood.
Tears break out, running down the man’s cheeks. He wails, apologizing to us for the ill treatment. I shake my head, saying it was alright.
“Come on, my good man. Don’t wallow in your losses. Rise up.”
He takes my hand, encasing it within his, clasping it tightly and swearing he would never forget the act of kindness.
Watching us, Nina sniffs and tears up. She grits her teeth and sniffs loudly as she jots down the event in her notepad, like a real reporter does.
And the drama ends. I make an arrangement for the new business with the man, and say my goodbye.
Back to the master’s place, I report the quick expansion of the business. We become busier, spending less time on the dinner table and more time at the study, accounting and planning the business operation.
We are quickly hit by the imminent problem of not having enough literate people. The business has a big potential and should we expand it, we better have managers, accountants, and sales operatives to help manage the entangled mess we put ourselves in.
For the moment, the master suggests that highly trained disciples like Lynn and the others will suffice for the operation of the newly started business, but acknowledges the fact that in the near, near future, we need more capable people. We agree to the idea of expanding Scientia’s school of reading, writing, mathematics, and trade to Exteris.
The entire night, we burn a generous amount of fuel oils for lighting and consume pitchers of hot tea in the drafting of documents, manuscripts, and in the preparation of mechanical drawings for the machineries necessary for the talks and presentations I will carry out in for the expansion of the business.
Even though sleepless, the disciples join us in our night’s toil, carrying out the operations of the distillery to the next day. They extract more fuel oil products for the next day.
And the next day comes, Ricardo, Artemis, and the quickly growing motley crew transport the batch of newly extracted petroleum products to our warehouse by the riverbanks, while Nina and I busy ourselves selling the products at a stall we rent in the market the whole day.
We command an army of children, eager to earn the silver coins for their families. Call it exploitation, but it’s better for the children to be educated in this way. It’s a preparation for schooling, as the master plans.
Even with the day’s increased profit, we end up with much surplus due to the increase in production. The gallons and barrels of excesses are housed in the warehouse.
The master, the disciples, Artemis’ crew, and everyone who benefits from the trade are thrilled to see the growing profits. They work harder and harder and more dedicated with each passing day.
And in the preceding nights, Ricardo, Artemis and the army of disciples and hooligans from Exteris party loudly and get drunk in the yard to celebrate each day’s hard work, while the younger ones, including myself, naturally do not participate. The master does not mind the trouble at all.
I take the opportunity to sneak inside the house. I borrow ink from the master to pen my mother a letter.
I missed you and Dad a lot. A lot of times I worry about you, praying you weren’t attacked by the barbarian in bed. I don’t hope to see a sibling soon. (though I’d be thrilled to have one)
About the barbarian, please tell him that we had a lot of trouble following the instructions he gave us. Also, the meager allowance he gave put me in a bind, many, many times. I tell you, I wouldn’t be writing this letter if I didn’t cheat, using some schemes in order to make ends meet. (nothing illegal, like piracy, I guarantee)
But don’t worry about the money, it is no longer an object. I found some money making opportunities while stuck here in Mercantium. The day I’ll pay Rocky, Gordon and his crew salaries came leagues closer to reality with this encounter. In fact, Nina received her first commission from me.
I’d also like to tell you that we met a lot of trouble fighting monsters and an evil underlord. Fortunately, we were able to overcome everything and emerge victorious, thanks partly to the brutal punishment your barbarian gave me every day.
And ask him too about the Teleknights. I met one of them, Albert Reginald. He wears a massive hunk o’metal for an armor, which amplifies his strength, making him as strong if not stronger than Dad. Without his help, I couldn’t imagine how the battle with the outlaw villain underlord Crimson would turn out. I wouldn’t be writing this letter even. Tell dad about him.
I almost forgot, but I also met many new companions in my journey. Dad might know of Ricardo Gimenez, whom I was able to persuade to join Scientia. And I met the author of the textbook A Comprehensive History of the River Kingdom, Master Kong. Brilliant, he knows a thing or two about alchemy as well.
As for the rebel members of Crimson’s group, they became my willing subordinates, thanks to the profits I’m making, I can afford to pay them for their work.
There are many, many good things that I haven’t mentioned in this letter, but aside from that, I’ll be delayed by about a month, because of the business I’m growing in Mercantium.
Worry not. I’ll make sure to return before the barbarian attacks you in bed, promise. I will come to your side to defend you.
I wish you good health.
With love,
Part 3
SLAP! I wake up to a sharp and piercing sensation in my cheek. “SIR LINUS! WAKE UP!”
Eyes wide, Nina, desperately shakes me by the shoulder.
“Wait... WAIT! Give me sec…” I rub the sand in my eyes.
Nina cuts me and yells, “FOUND HIM!” She grabs my hand and drags me off my seat. “LET’S GET OUT OF HERE!”
Looking up, dense black smoke crowds in the ceiling, and ahead, red flames devour the wooden beams, columns, and walls. CRASH! The glass windows break and burst, yielding to the flames’ intense heat.
Nina sweats profusely and breathes heavily – her face reddens. And my heart beats faster and louder as I become more aware of the emergency.
“Wait, our things. Don’t worry, we’ll make it out safely.” More calm and collected than my panicky companion, I task her to save as much things as she can. We get back to the master’s study, quickly putting and stashing away as much valuable stuff as we can. And thanks to Lynn’s massive curtains, we have something to wrap them with.
I fold and pocket the letter to my mom and as much of the master’s valuable stuff I can grab with the limited amount of time. Then, I put the roll of curtain and stuff aside to take a pocket bomb out. Swiftly, I hurl the explosive at the burning wall.
“FIRE IN THE HOLE!” I tackle Nina down to the ground.
KABOOM! Wood bits, debris, dust, and smoke blow in all directions, extinguishing the flames around the blast, opening a huge hole in the wall.
“Sir… Can you please… your hands… I can’t breathe” My little hands are stuck, pulsing and pushing against Nina’s bony chest.
CRASH! A burning wooden beam falls next to us, missing us by a foot. “Ahhmm… Sorry, let’s go.” Like a burglar, I drag the curtain of stuff with me. We bust through the hole and sprint to safety.
Outside, a concerned Ricardo greets us. “Woah, kid! Are you guys alright? You just disappeared. Where have you been?”
I address the man as I put the stuff down. “I was in the master’s study all the time, writing a letter to mom. What happened?”
He whispers, “a fire broke out in the distillery…” For the first time, I see an all serious look in Ricardo’s face, but he’s not alone, everyone has sad and worried looks in their faces. Even the usually pokerfaced Master Kong and his assistant, Lynn, are in tears, watching the premise crumble in flames.
“I’m sorry…” I reach to the master.
He kneels down and gives me a very tight hug. “It’s okay. Heavens, you’re safe. Seeing you well is good enough, my young man.” He weeps, caressing my hair with his soft wrinkly palms.
Journey Day 9
Scientia enters Oil Business
Mercantium, the Young Master Linus and Master Kong agreed to join forces in selling oil under the brand, Daedalus-Kong Oils (DK Oils).
Their coalition had successfully sold oil to the Teleknights Albert Reginald and Richard Watt, scoring a huge profit.
As a result, the Young Master paid the men involved in the production, a handsome commission. He hopes that the money paid will keep the young men of Exteris away from committing petty crimes, like theft and extortion.
Journey Day 10
Master Kong upgrades Distillery; envisions a Printing Press
East of Mercantium, Master Kong constructed two bigger upgraded versions of the experimental distillation equipment.
He projected that it could process 50 barrels of crude oil a day, increasing the oil extraction by tenfold.
The Young Master Linus and Master Kong hope that the growth of earnings from the oil products could provide them enough revenue to build a printing press, a machine that can duplicate written materials.
The revered master said that it would make an all literate River Kingdom possible.
Journey Day 11
DK Oils Profit and Business expand
Mercantium’s Market District, oil delivery kids ran wild as local and foreign merchants flocked DK Oils’ stall, buying all the available oil products on sale.
Sold out, the Young Master Linus reported making a ground breaking profit of 50 gold in just a day from the sale of oil products.
He said that it shocked him to learn how big the profit was, considering it was already deducted of operational expenses.
The said operational expenses included the payment of rent for a warehouse near the riverbanks, which the young master thought would help expand the operation of the business.
Journey Day 12
DK Oils boom; Employees party
East of Mercantium, DK Oils’ employees drank alcohol, sang tunes, and danced wildly to celebrate the ever increasing oil profits of the newly started business.
With enough packaging materials and labor to help, today’s oil production surpassed yesterday’s, adding profits and leaving a few barrels of surplus oil in storage.
The Young Master Linus projected the business to growth beyond Mercantium’s borders.
Master Kong advised the young master to “Observe a bit more before making a major decision.”
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