《The Final Countdo3n》CHAPTER 23 - TRAINING REGIME


Angelika had a proud character. She was hardworking and somewhat talented. She was superior in combat to almost everyone in the academy. However, she was totally dominated by some nobody like Noah. This made her angrier than an injured lioness. Furthermore, Noah had done something more than just make her angry.

“Why did he have to flick my head with his fingers? Damn Brat.” Angelika spoke to herself all night. This was a gesture Angelika kept close to her heart. Her father used to do it. A small tickle on her tiny head whenever she was being angry at something. “Cool as a cucumber, sharp as a blade”, he used to say to Angelika.

“Also, why did he have to come so close to me?” Her face turned red as she was blushing like a red rose. Angelika remembered the moment Noah had appeared at a breath’s distance. She had gone over that moment in slow motion again and again. It was as if she could feel his breath touching her cheeks. Eyes so deep that she felt like falling into a deep abyss. Lips with a silent smile at one end. There was a hint of innocence on his face yet such a calm but resolute look he gave. Angelika had re-lived that moment almost a hundred times, maybe more.

Composing herself, she would say, “Dammit..why does he have to appear every time I am thinking something. I am seeing him everywhere.”

“That moron, pervert.” Angelika would take a pause from cursing and sink her face in the pillow.

Meanwhile, Noah had to rest for 2 days before he was discharged. He utilized this period of time by checking several details that got stored in his memory related to the Time Journal. He did not have ORCO during this time, but his memory also had parts of it stored permanently.

“Is there nothing I can use now?” The incidents recorded were mostly on a grander level.

“Wait...this one...this one is of use. I can leverage it...Great”, Noah enthusiastically smiled at one of the incidents that had happened in the year 2082 and made it to the journal. “But to use this...I need to get stronger.” Noah’s resolve grew firm.

Melv had visited Noah in the hospital often in the past 2 days. The hospital was within the academy premises, as it was needed for wounded students during an exam or mock battle.

The Freshman year students didn’t have any hand-to-hand combat, only simulation but for the upper classes that was not the case. Their main aim was to practice actual combat. Yet the rules were strict as none can mess around and start a fight. Only with the permission and oversight of a Professor, students can settle minor grudges between themselves but that also within a safety limit. Life-threatening injury or any killing intention was strictly prohibited.


“Bro...you were right. This company named Rotok & Co took over mPure Pharma suddenly. The stocks are rising like a tsunami wave.” Melv rushed in through the door.

“Wait..where are you going?” asked Melv, seeing Noah getting dressed up.

“Discharge time buddy”, winked Noah. He had pleaded with the doctor for an early discharge repeatedly and finally, he agreed and moved it up by a few hours. So instead of evening, Noah is getting a discharge during break hours.

“So you were saying...ahh..the stocks right.”

“Shall we sell it now?”

“Wait for it...After 3 weeks there will be a surge...Sell some then.” Noah recalled that after the 3rd week following the takeover, Rotok & Co was declared a subsidiary firm of Primus Corp.

“Have you eaten? I am bored with the food here.”

“Grrr….”, a sound came out of Melv’s hungry stomach. After a pause, they both laughed at it.

The canteen was fully packed with students from all classes. It was the last day before the study leave started. They found a place after a long search and started eating their lunch.

A bottle of juice was suddenly thumped at the table. “Here...this will help you recover fast.”

Noah looked at his sudden well-wisher and gave a smile.

It was none other than Angelika.

“I didn’t know you had so much care.” Noah emphasized the word “care” sarcastically.

“Who would care for a pervert like you?” Angelika turned her head around. It was to hide her blushed cheeks.

“I told you that was unintentional.”

“Like I would believe a pervert like you.”

“But..”, Noah shook his head as he had no way to convince her.

“Anyways..I heard some lucky pervert got a full-time pass to the Star-Gym. Damn, his backer is resourceful.” Angelika smirked as it took much pleading for her to convince the Principal. Noah had already understood that it was Angelika, his benefactor in this case.

“I would like to thank that great person...If only I had known her..” smirked Noah.

“Her? Ahmm..” Angelika caught Noah’s words.

“I need a sparring partner. Actual combat, not any Battle simulation and there are a lot of people in line. Though you are weak and all, I thought of giving you an opportunity. So, are you in?”

Noah was quite surprised by the ask. He replied calmly, “I am a bit busy but for you I can make some time.” Angelika gave a tough look at Noah. He almost smiled but controlled it somehow.

“7 am sharp from tomorrow. Don’t be late.” Angelika pressed her knuckles and looked Noah in the eye. She turned around and left hurriedly. She had turned red again.

Meanwhile, someone was looking at his war goddess with awe and jaws wide open. A fly had come by for a tour again and left already.


Noah shook Melv back to reality.

“Spa...spaa..sparring partner? Dude, you are one lucky guy!” Melv exclaimed. He started dreaming of the upcoming sparring between Angelika and Noah. He had read too many romance novels.

Finding Melv in trans, Noah shook his head and continued eating.

The last period was mostly the Professor encouraging the students to study hard for the Aptitude test and prepare for the upcoming Final test that is Battle Simulation. The students were checking and sharing notes with each other as they would go on a long study break of one month. But every now and then someone would look at Noah with jealous eyes. Jealous because Noah had become Principal’s pet, jealous because Noah got to spar with Angelika, their war goddess and jealous because of the progress he was making. Until a few months back everyone considered him Trash but now he is a strong contender to beat any of them, even Ton. A few of them disagreed though, he can never beat Ton in a lifetime they believed.

During the study break, there were no classes but students were allowed to enter the library and their permitted gym sections. The academy had no dormitory as they strictly believed that students should also spend their childhood with their parents.

Only Noah and a few others who were given a place to stay within the Academy were special cases. Noah finished the last period, bid goodbye to Melv. He had shared with him certain notes and some basic training methods for the upcoming exams. He went to his room, took a bit of rest and put on his G-Tek device. “Time to go back to 3.5x mode..”

Noah ran only 2 miles as the doctor had specifically mentioned not to overstress himself for a few days. He came back and went to the Star-gym.

He entered the gym. It was empty at a glance. Suddenly someone had come from behind and held him in a bear hold. Noah tried to resist but the strength was too much for him.

“I give up..” he raised his hands. He had realized the attacker was none other than Marty.

“What...so easily? I heard you put up quite a fight with a certain someone...” Stated Marty, after releasing Noah from his hold.

“I was lucky. It's just that.”

“Luck is also a type of strength my friend.”

Noah had a brief talk with Marty who was concerned with Noah’s health. He had heard the news about the fight but could not bring himself to meet Noah in the hospital. So he waited for Noah at the gym.

“I lack strength. My punches hit the correct point but there is not much power I can generate. I need your help.” Noah earnestly requested Marty.

“It is good to know your weakness. It is only then that you can grow further...” replied Marty.

“I will help you but I need something in return. No freebies dude.”

Noah was worried about what Marty would ask.

“Don’t be so nervous. It is not something you can’t give. Listen carefully..” he continued.

“Every year there is a fighting tournament held in the Colosseum at Athena City. It is the biggest tournament for all academies. Hundreds of academies will participate. Next year is the 10th year ceremony and it will be grander than usual. All sanctioned Guilds and top Corp officials are invited. The prize money is huge and they even give precious materials or equipment. But the most important thing is fame. The winning team receives a high amount of prestige and fame.”

“Last year I participated but we lost in the finals, this year we couldn’t even reach the semis. The Principal has cared for us a lot, but we could not replicate it in return. I want you to represent our team next year. Almost 9 months left, so you have time. But to represent RedRock Academy you have to be in the best of the best. That is my wish or rather what I want in return.”

Noah was listening closely. He had heard about the tournament earlier but not in such details.

“Being the best of the best in RedRock Academy! That aligns with my goal. I have to achieve that anyhow, then why not..” he thought to himself.

“Deal..”, Noah was prompt to answer. It brought a smile to Marty’s face.

“Let’s get you trained then…” Marty picked up a barbell weight lift.

Thus started Noah’s strength training.

Early in the morning he would run 20 laps of the Academy and do some basic training. Then he would spar with Angelika. When it came to actual combat, Angelika was quite focused. The sparring was effective for both of them. Noah used quite a number of techniques earlier, but now learning from an expert level combatant he could identify his openings and adjust his precision and angles to make more impact. Angelika on the other hand was getting trained to fight against an agile and swift opponent. Though Noah would take quite a rough hit sometimes but that became less and less as time progressed.

During the afternoon Noah would get engaged in his studies, after all, he has to pass the Aptitude test. Following it with another 20 laps of sprint in the evening, he would continue strength training with Marty. At night he would sometimes work on his devices, it relaxed his mind, or simulate strategies for the upcoming Battle Simulation. The training regime was the same every day for one month until it was the time for the exams to start.

The action is about to start after a short break!


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