《Artifice: Iysinfyr》Chapter 2: Iysinfyr


"So, let us go over one more time." Syl looked to Nal.

"First, we try to read to her," Nal nodded, "If that does not work we try singing and you play your lyre.”

"Mistress has such a lovely singing voice, if that does not stir her heart…”

“We feed her lots of sweets.” Nal nodded more enthusiastically.

"We take her outside to see the flowers blooming," Syl looked out the window of the levitating carriage.

The fields stretched as far as the eye could see, and occasionally they could make out the small figures of people planting this year's harvest. Along the side of the road there were many wild flowers blooming and long green grass.

Nal looked out the window then to the Duke that sat on the bench opposite of her and Syl, "What is the garden of your estate like?”

The Duke, who had been watching the two speak, had a slight smile, "Oh, my late wife made sure we had a grand garden. She loved to have picnics with our daughter. I am sure you two will love it, and I hope Iysinfyr does too. It was too late last year for her to see them but I have hired extra gardeners so it is extra special this year.”

Nal was excited to see this garden, but something bothered her. Despite all that the Duke had endured this last year, none of it showed on his face. Losing your wife and daughter? Nal's heart became heavy when she wondered what it would be like if her mother and siblings all died leaving just her.

"I look forward to seeing it." Nal smiled.

"The fruit trees were just beginning to blossom when I left so I think we will be in for a treat." He looked out the window and just then Nal spied a hint of sadness show in his eyes.

"Shall we finish?" Syl's voice brought Nal back.

"Ah, um... Oh yes, drawing. Sylvain, you know I am not good at drawing.”

"It will be a good bonding experience for the two of you. Learning a new skill is a great way to get to know someone, especially if we make it a game or competition."

Nal had the feeling they would have a hard time getting Iysinfyr to draw at all, "If she wants to we can try, I guess.”

"I find that Mistress's drawing are rather cute."

Nal wanted to change the subject, "If drawing does not work then we try horseback riding!" This was what Nal wanted to do the most, and they had already gotten permission.

Nal and Syl had many other ideas, but these were the ones that best fit their skills, other than the drawing, and they discuss ways they could get Iysinfyr to take part.

Nal had been watching the estate for a while and had been taking in the details as they got closer. She loved it. Compared to her estate, this place seemed so much more gentle. The surrounding lands were more open and looked much more natural than the stone and statue covered walls her estate was known for.

"My wife was an Usui born, so she loved nature. The first thing she had done after we were married was to make this small forest and the garden." Iesu said as they passed through an area of trees that seemed uncommon compared to the open fields they had seen until now. The trees were beautiful, with blossoms of various colors and sizes.


Nal looked through the trees and saw the standard wall that most estates like this had around them. Beyond that there were even more trees, but still not enough to obstruct the view of the estate house. She couldn't see much of the first floor as a myriad of shrubs and bushes obstructed it, but the second story was visible. Compared to her own, it was more... rustic as they decorated the outside to help the building blend in with a more natural look to complement the beauty surrounding it.

When they passed the walls, Nal saw people for the first time. Most of them were tending the many plants that she could tell were placed with purpose. There weren't many flowers blooming yet, but it didn't look like it would be long until they would. She looked forward to that very much.

"I do not think one has to be Usui born to appreciate this kind of scenery," Ierus said as he nodded to a bowing servant, "Though if you look hard enough I have a statue or two that your father recommended to me.”

Nal smiled at him. It was still hard for her to speak to Ierus. What could she possibly say to a Duke? What if she said something offensive? "I will look with Iysinfyr.”

"My wife never liked them much so they might be hard to find. Do not tell your father this, but I agree with her. Your father's, no, your family's taste in art has always baffled me," Ierus shook his head lightly and laughed.

Nal thought about the many statues and didn't see what was so weird about them.

The carriage set down on the ground. The two guards that had been riding on the roof jumped to the ground as soon as the carriage stopped.

"We have arrived, Sir," the carriage driver, an unremarkable young man in his early twenties said, and hopped off the coachman's seat on the front and opened the door.

Ierus nodded to him and motioned for Nal and Syl to get off first. He even offered Nal a hand to help her down the step.

"Welcome back, my Lord," A middle-aged man wearing a fine servant's tunic said and bowed to Ierus, "My Lady," then bowed to Nal.

The servant looked to the two servants flanking him and nodded towards the back of the carriage where the luggage was.

"How is Iysinfyr, Rahd?" Ierus asked the man.

"No changes.”

"I see," Ierus turned to Nal and Syl, "I would love to help you settle down but I should catch up on my work.”

"This way," Rahd gestured to the front entrance to the estate and led them inside.

Nal followed Ierus and Rahd, with Syl just behind her in her usual spot to the left.

Nal took one last look at the estate house. It looked like an Usui Born had gotten ahold of a standard manor and mixed it with nature, though only superficially. When she looked closer, she saw most of the original building covered but not altered. Even the stone steps to the front entrance was covered by small logs, split in half, with the flat side up and the round side anchored.

The inside was much less changed. The entry room was wood paneled with various plants in vases placed in all the right spots. The next room was large and open. There were fewer plants here thanks to the lower light level, and the main feature was the exquisitely carved wood furniture where a Duke could receive his guests. Its ceiling was high and took up the space that would otherwise have been the second floor. Here there were various plants suspended near the high windows, many of which had long vines that reached nearly to the floor. From here they went up a nearly hidden flight of stairs off to the side of the room and ascended to the second floor where Nal found herself in a hallway that led to her left and right.


"My office is right here. Come talk to me if you need any help," Ierus motioned to the door just across from where they had entered the hallway.

"Thank you," Nal bowed.

Ierus smiled and entered his office.

"Lady Iysinfyr's room is this way," Rahd motioned to the right and began walking.

The hallway was a wonderful sight. Not so many plants thanks to the low lighting, but murals the walls in murals. Nal expected them to be of nature, but these murals looked old, albeit well taken care of. They seemed to depict events, but she didn't recognize most of them.

A short walk later and Rahd stopped in front of the last door in the hallway, "Lady Iysinfyr's room. Her personal maid, Deko, will help you from here on."

Rahd bowed and headed back down the hallway.

Nal stared at the door. She was nervous, but not enough to discourage her.

She opened the door and entered the room.

She didn't immediately see anyone in the room. The room was large, larger than her own, and well furnished. She noted the large bed, chairs, a couch, and... It was then that Nal spotted them. There was a large double set of doors that led to a balcony that faced the back garden of the estate.

A woman stared back at them. She was the most intimidating woman Nal had ever seen. Her vibrant green eyes would have been beautiful if they didn't seem to pierce her soul. Her expressionless face was less striking than her eyes but held an exotic beauty accented by her unstyled, long black hair. Her figure was very athletic and her skin seemed to shine from sweat, almost as if she had recently been exercising. She wore the standard servant clothes in the color of the Tallhills, Purple and blue.

Next to the woman was a young girl, sitting in a chair facing towards the garden. Nal couldn't see her very well from where she was standing, but she could see long, beautiful white hair that gradually turned violet as it neared the ends. No wonder she Ierus had named her Iysinfyr. Her hair color was very fitting of the flower with the same name.

"You must be Deko?"

"Yes, I have been expecting you, Lady Nalulthyn," Deko said, then looked to Syl.

"Oh, this is my personal maid Sylvain.”

Syl and Deko nodded to each other.

"I will leave Lady Iysinfyr in your care," Deko bowed and moved to the side of the balcony.

Nal glanced back to Syl and then approached Iysinfyr.

What they said about Terrans was right. Iysinfyr had a very stocky build and only some stronger boys their age she had seen matched her muscles. Duke Ierus had said she was about nine years old, two years younger than Nal, but she was the height of a six-year-old. The rest of her features were also more squat and her face more round. Her expressionless face appeared cute in an odd way, though her ice-blue eyes added a touch of beauty. Those same eyes appeared hollow and seemed to lack light to them as they stared off to nothing in particular. She also had bags under her eyes that most likely meant she wasn't sleeping much.

"Hello, Iysinfyr," Nal said as she approached the girl.

Iysinfyr didn't react.

Nal knew better than to touch her after being told about her panic attacks, so she instead knelt in front of her. Nal watched the face to see if there were any signs of movement. She glanced at Syl and remembered the things they had gone over. Right now wasn't a good time to read a story, but she could always try singing.

Syl nodded in encouragement.

Nal had already thought of the song she wanted to sing first. It was the first song she remembered her mother sing to her. A gentle song that helped her relax. She had gotten picked on by her older sisters that day, and none of the maid had calmed her. Her mother's song had healed her heart. Maybe Iysinfyr would like it too?

"Do you miss your mom?" Nal asked Iysinfyr. "When I'm feeling bad sometimes, my mom sings me a song.”

Nal thought she saw a reaction when she asked Iysinfyr about her mother, but couldn't be sure.

"Iysinfyr, I heard some bad things happened to you. If I can, I want to help you feel better so like my mother sings to me when I feel bad I will sing to you. Is that okay?" Nal gave Iysinfyr a warm smile and began singing.

Syl put her fingers in her ears like usual, though Nal didn’t notice.

It was a gentle song about a mother's love for her child. How she would protect her child when they were afraid, care for them when sick, care for them when not, and scold them when they were naughty.

It was a song that exemplified the mother Nal wanted to be, how Nal wanted to treat others. It was this song that encourage Nal whenever she was having a hard day. She might still be working on how to better care for people, but she knew she still had a way to go.

Nal finished singing and watched Iysinfyr for longer. Seeing this expressionless, dead face only resolved her determination to help. She couldn't even imagine what someone would have to go through to become like this. A part of her didn't want to hear, but she would anyway if it helped heal her heart.

Nal stood up after a few minutes. The fatigue from her long ride in the levitating carriage was finally catching up to her, "Deko, can you show us to our rooms?”

Deko nodded, "Sylvain's room two doors down, just past my own. Lady Nalulthyn's room is the next one after that."

Nal took one last look at Iysinfyr and then followed Deko out of the room.


Syl sank onto the bed in her room after her business with Deko and Nal finished.

"Hehe," she laughed.

Iysinfyr was adorable! That long, silky white and violet hair. Those amazing blue eyes. That oddly well built body that looked great for hugging. If only she could touch her as she would make a wonderful dress up doll. Oh, the things she could do to that hair!

She had only barely contained herself, which is why she was alone for the moment.

She didn’t worry about Nal knowing her feelings, but that Deko made her nervous. There was something about Deko that made Syl know she should be careful around Iysinfyr. Several times while they were in the room with Iysinfyr, she had seen Deko's eyes studying her. It was almost as if she was reading her soul. It was just that. Syl had felt Deko trying to intrude into her thoughts using telepathy magic. If Syl hadn’t trained in blocking it, all of her secret desires would be discovered.

No, Syl couldn't let Deko get in between her and her new object of affection and worship. She was going to have to be careful.

Syl stood up, some of her tension relieved, and headed to Nal's room. Ulterior motives aside, she still needed to finish helping Nal unpack her things and settle down for the night.

She only skipped a little before she put back her respectable maid mask on.

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