《A Journey of Chaos and Glory》Chapter 10 A Standstill and Opportunity


My training had continued for many weeks and Ig[1] was slowly giving way to the coming year. It had taken awhile but I was now able to spin and turn at high speed without the buckets spilling. Compared to when I started the results were immense. I was able to complete twice the amount of chores even with the increased difficulty.

My elation subsided however as I started thinking about my progress. I stopped being able to add more weight and my explosive growth had waned. I felt like I was coming to a standstill. While I was walking home pondering these questions, I ran into Erda.

It had been at least 60 days since we had last spoken.

She looked at me and lowered her head. “Sorry about last time.”

My countenance softened as I replied. “ No, you were right. I had no business getting involved. I was weak.” I straightened up my body.

I looked at this girl, younger than me. Her shoulders slumped, her posture. She was scared.

She continued. “ I didn’t mean to call you helpless, Its just…” She shook her head, I could see her eyes watering. “ When people take on too much when they try to do things the can’t do they… they just end up gone.”

I thought about her words. I remembered what master had taught me, each action a ripple. Why did she think this way; why was she afraid? The realization struck me harder than a blow from a black iron war-hammer. Her parents had died. She was all-alone with her brother and she was afraid of losing people.

I put my hand on her shoulder. “ I know you think I’m weak. You think I should just stay in the village, but I can’t.” I took off my black outer tunic and let it hit the ground with a large thud leaving an indentation in the soft earth.

I stood there wearing a thin blue shirt and performed a small figure 8, weaving and turning at a speed I had never accomplished before. My body felt lighter than ever. My body radiated warmth, it felt soothing.


Erda’s eyebrows lifted and she clasped her hands to her mouth. “How can you move that fast and why do I feel power coming from you?”

My mouth went wide. It wasn’t all in my head. I had demonstrated some tangible results. “I told you, one day I will be able to protect myself. One day I will be able to hold my head up high and leave this village.”

She nodded. Before she could speak however I heard something move behind me. I turned my head. Skerk was there. Did he just follow Erda around? His feet were already glowing with wisps of orange flame.

“ I don’t know how you move like that, but I want to see how effective it really is.” The moment he finished speaking he was already within 1 rod of me.

I twisted left and pushed all my energy to my right foot I kicked off instinctively and began a full left turn. Skerk rushed to where I had been and I slipped past his now burning fist. I swung a backhand at his head and hit him.

His reaction was not what I expected. He shuddered a bit then bolted to the right he was already well out of range.

“Not bad.” He said, actually smiling. There was no trace of damage and he seemed genuinely excited I had hit him. “ I don’t know about your father, but at least you really aren’t a coward.”

What the heck was going on? He rushed at me again this time a little quicker than before. I planted my feet and executed the figure eights with my upper body. My torso spinning and weaving as a flurry of fists came toward me.

I dodged many but a few struck me lightly as I twisted into them to ruin the point of contact. I swung out again with a straight right but stopped my fist when I saw a burning hand in front of my face. I wasn’t hit. He did not follow through; he halted his fist in front of my face before lowering it and stepping back.


I was a little out of breath but had not been dealt any lasting damage. The smaller boy Skerk started laughing which degenerated into childish giggling.

“That was pretty cool! How did you move like that? It was pretty fast. Was that an element it didn’t look like one?” The barrage of rapid question was punctuated for only a moment as he took in a long breath. “Hmm if you had an element you would be stronger than me. Can you teach me that? I guess you can be my follower if you get better.”

Erda’s face lit up once the confrontation ended. She raised her hand and a wave of soil half a rod high swept towards Skerk, knocking him on his backside ending his rapid fire questioning. “ So annoying.” She muttered.

I looked from her back to him. What was going on? This had been my first interaction with the other children in a long time and I was at a loss for words. I gave voice to my confusion. “ What is going on?”

Skerk took in another long breath but Erda shot him a look and spoke first. “Tora has been tracking your progress. He says in 3 years there will be a kingdom wide conscription for the Arlen military and that you might be able to enroll.”

The conscription was a chance to attend a military academy; which would mean honor, respect and a way to support my mother and the village. It was something I had come across in my reading, something I never thought I could qualify for. What had Tora seen to make him think I had the potential, what did he know?

Skerk broke me from my ruminations. “ He said you need to show an element first though.”

I slumped again I couldn’t do that. Wait, why did he say show why not unlock. Was that a direct quote? Was that a deliberate hint to fake it. I studied Skerk’s face. Well whatever it was he hadn’t been aware of the importance of that comment.

Skerk kept going. “You are certainly more interesting than before...but I don’t think you are strong enough yet. Still, hahaha I'm glad Tora told us to tell you.”His voice grew softer and he began mumbling." Very fun, not a waste of time. I wonder if...."

Erda cut him off. “Even our village academy is a dangerous place.” Her arms were crossed with her hand on her forearms. “ You still don’t have to do this.”

I noted her behavior. Hmm I mused, how to fake an element and would I be able to compete. There were so many questions I wanted to run by Edjudan.

“I need to think and I need more time to train.” I watched them as they reacted. Skerk kept a half smile plastered on his face and Erda looked away then gave me a half hug before she turned and walked off.

Skerk again closed the gap to me in a moment but I didn’t react this time.

He leaned in. “ I really do want to see if you can get faster.” He locked eyes with me. “ I won’t let you be stronger though….I’m going to be the best.”

He turned around and followed Erda. “Hey wait for me.” Skerk said, before breaking into a light jog.

“Ughh leave me alone.” Erda shouted as the two disappeared.

In less than a year I had come a long way but my training was not progressing and I needed a way to unlock or fake elemental power. The last few meetings with my teacher had all been odd games and getting smacked around. Still I knew I had to ask him about my training pace no matter what torture that would bring.

[1] Equivalent to Summer the end of the calendar year before the new Harvest.

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