《Adventure to the Stars》Chapter 6 - ‘’Painful Meeting’’
‘’Painful Meeting’’
Evander and I walk through the beautiful royal garden, filled with hundreds of flowers and shaped pruning of animals and people, between the gate and the keep. We’re following a man, dressed as a messenger. He even wears a thin brown scarf together with his fancy clothing. So he probably is a messenger as well. I remember the event at the gate. Evander the Wise… I look to Evander, who walks with a small smile on his face. I wonder how important he is, in order to be called the Wise by the people around him. ‘Say Evander, what’s with your title?’ He looks surprised, and then happy again, as if he’s glad that I asked him.
‘It’s a title bestowed unto me by her Majesty. I will tell you later why I got it. Let’s just keep it at that I’m very smart. Hahaha.’ He laughs his lungs out.
‘You sound like an old geezer. Probably because you are one as well,’ I say the last part under my breath. He gives me a wry smile, looking like he’s waiting for an opportunity to hit me with his walking staff. We exit the gardens and enter the keep.
The moment I enter the keep, I see a long, stone hall, going into different directions, decorated with banners and blue stripes on the ground that follows in the directions of the halls like guidelines. The messenger turns around, facing us. ‘Sir Evander, please wait at your room. One of the guards will take you to her Majesty. Sir Brandr, please follow me.’ Evander simply nods, and heads off. I don’t say anything as well, and quietly follow the messenger. He leads me to another room, that looks like a meeting room rather than a room one should change and sleep, as it’s filled with a large stone table, and a ton of books and papers, making me wonder if these are papers about diplomacy and governing for some reason. ‘If you would please wait for a moment. A guard will soon supply you with fitting clothes to represent yourself in the presence of Her Majesty.’ The messenger takes a small bow before he leaves, and almost a second later, a lightly armored guard walks into the room.
The guard hands me a set of fresh, clean clothing. ‘Please change here, and wait for me to pick you up. Well then, excuse me.’ He turns around, and walks away.
I quickly change myself into the very neat looking clothes. Long, baggy clothing for some reason, finished with a scarf. I don’t know why they’re giving me the extra decoration as well, but I’ll ignore it for now, and put my old clothes in Evander’s bag. I sit down on one of the chairs that surround the stone table. ‘I wonder what type of queen rules here?’ Maybe a warrior-type leader like Tribe Leader Brenda from the Iron Coyote Clan. I remember meeting her one or two times. She looked so sternly at me every time we met, glaring into my soul, as if she was trying to exploit my darkest of secrets. I don’t think she has that good of an impression of me. She looks dreadful with her long, spiky hair, her pale skin and her dead, dark eyes that look like she is looking through your body. I keep pondering over it, that I fail to notice that the guard has already arrived.
‘Sir Brandr, I’m here to take you to the Queen.’ I hastily get off the chair, and head to the guard. ‘Please follow me…’ The guard starts walking, and I quietly follow him again. I feel more at home now. I used to be escorted almost everywhere I went as well. Only at some part, I got sick of it. I wanted to live for my own. I was still a little kid back then, I guess. The halls of the kings castle were more decorated as well, as there were many paintings and trophies in the form of the heads of animals the kings have poached throughout their times.
I meet Evander in front of a huge gate, with guards filling the entire hallway. ‘Security sure is tight.’ Evander laughs a little at my comment, but soon returns to a serious attitude. That startles me for a bit. I need to change my attitude as well, and pay some respect. I cannot be making a bad impression right now. The guard opens the door, and we enter the room.
The room I enter is huge. A beautiful fresco covers the ceiling. On the fresco, I see the sun, the moon, the earth and the sky, and in a more inner ring, I see four stars, and in the middle a symbol I do not recognize the symbol, but the ceiling is filled with far more colors than that. The walls hold long banners of the kingdom, and in the middle, a huge portrait of a family of three. A father, a mother and a baby. Guards surround the room on the floor. In one world, it’s a beautiful place. I’ve been seeing a lot of beautiful things since I have arrived in this world.
‘Your Majesty…’ Evander kneels to the woman with white hair. She has an older face like a mother, but she still holds beauty and charisma, wearing her long white dress, and royal-like cloak. She sits in front of us, on a giant throne, with the portrait hanging above her.
‘Ah…’ I bow as well, but I do not go to my knee. Such is not the custom in Edelweiss, or in the alliance. We only bend our knee to God. That has been our tradition since ancient times. The guards around me look suspicious at me for no kneeling, and Evander also looks up for a moment, slightly glaring at me, telling me to go through my knees.
‘Go through your knees, you idiot!’ I can read it in his eyes.
‘Shut up, old geezer! Don’t tell me what to do,’ I try to communicate back through my eyes. I don’t even know how I do that, so I ignore the entire matter and put my focus back towards the Queen. ‘My excuses for not kneeling, but where I come from, we do not kneel, not even to gallant kings and queens.’ I state my reason. Everyone looks at each other, trying to get what I’m saying. They probably lost me in the ‘’where I come from’’ part.
‘I do not really understand what you’re saying, traveler.’ The Queen speaks in a soft, kind voice. A kind hearted one perhaps? My mind flies back towards Minister Roland from Yarrin, who’s first impression is a very kind man, only to find out later that he was a shrewd and unfair politician who’d make you sign a deal you’d forever regret. Kind of like a demon. What can I say…first impressions can be deceiving?
‘I would like to explain, and immediately tell my reasons for coming here, you Majesty. If I may?’
‘…very well. Please tell me,’ she says half-interested, as she leans back in her big throne. The moment I want to start my story, someone enters the room. I turn around and see a girl in a beautiful white and blue dress. I look her in the eyes, and recognize her immediately. No man could forget such a pretty face after all, such beautiful white hair, and such clear blue eyes.
‘A-Ah…You’re that girl…from the...’ It was the very pretty girl from back then. She was too beautiful to forget. Somewhere I knew I would meet her again, but not this soon. I want to ask her a lot of question, but before I even get the chance to…
‘Ah, my daughter, you’ve arrived.’ The Queen speaks happily as she looks at the girl that has just entered.
‘D-D-Daughter…you mean…’ This pretty girl is the princess?! I helped her out, and held the princess of this kingdom?! I’m probably one of the few. So that’s why she wore a cowl. Everyone would recognize the princess at first glance. She enters her seat, next to her mothers, and the moment she looks at me, she looks shocked. She slightly blushes and turns away, and then looks back at me. We stare at each other for a moment, until the Queen interrupts us.
‘I presume you can speak with my daughter’s presence?’ the Queen says sternly, as if she knows I was looking at her daughter. I quickly nod, refocusing on the Queen. I take a glance at Evander, who still remains kneeled. I guess I will have to do all the talking.
‘My name is Brandr of Edelweiss. As my name indicates, I am not from around here. Let me inform you better, Edelweiss does not exist in Illuminia, for I am from another world.’ The moment I announce that, the princess looks at me with wide eyes. She probably remembers what I told her at the library when she left. ‘’They do exist. Trust me.’’ These were the words I left her with before we separated from each other if I recall them correctly. The guards also break composure and start whispering with each other. I continue nevertheless. ‘You might think I’m mad, but let me tell you, I’m speaking the truth here. I came to the royal family since I thought you might know something, but now that I found out that she’s your daughter, my hope for that is shattered.’ The queen raises her eyebrow when I mention her daughter. The girl looks away shyly. ‘If you want to know, I met your daughter earlier this day, but I did not know she was a princess.’ I close my eyes. ‘But it seems that the royal family also has no information about other worlds.’ I reach my conclusion. The queen closes her eyes.
‘It’s true; we hold no information on this matter.’ Evander shakes a bit, but only for a moment. In the end, I’ve got my hopes up, and had them crushed like a walnut.
‘Then I am sorry I’ve wasted your time.’ I bow one more time, and turn around. I look at the princess for one last time. She looks a bit worried. I give her a reassuring smile, but the moment I try to leave, Evander stands up.
‘Your Majesty, what’s this about? Won’t you help a single young man, who has been separated from his home? I know you know something, so please tell him what you know, your Majesty.’ He goes back on his knees again. I look confused at Evander, unknowing what he is talking about.
‘What’s with the rush and agitation, Evander. This is not like you at all…’ The queen thinks. For a long time.
‘Maybe…’ I can hear a few words she says to herself. I look in the eyes of the princess again, and once again, seem to forget everything around me. The entire situation that is developing melts away when I look into her eyes. Is this love? I highly doubt it. She is just that beautiful. I guess she is just my type... I get captivated by her face every time. She looks at me as well, and we stare in each other’s eyes again. Maybe she feels a connection as well, just like me? I do hope so. The queen interrupts us again.
‘Alright, shall we have a talk somewhere else?’ The queen stands up, and indicates us to follow them. I am completely bewildered by this. I guess I wasn’t paying attention to the conversation anymore, since I have no idea what made her want to talk to us separately. The Queen walks towards a hall, left from her throne. Her daughter quietly follows, and Evander and I quickly follow suit. I want to walk next to the princess, but a guard who follows puts himself between us, by walking next to her. Apparently, we must keep a respectable distance from at least 3 meters. I want to talk with her, but it seems even that is impossible now.
We enter a room. One with a huge bed and a balcony. 'Since Evander insisted on telling you, I will share some information, but not much...
So she wouldn't tell me even if I asked... My impression dropped of her.
'But first thing first, I've seen you keep eyeballing my daughter, Astra. I would like you to stop that.' I get embarrassed by the fact that I was caught. So her name is Astra? Princess Astra?
'Mother, please...' Astra looks away bashfully. 'I-It……wasn't entirely his fault...' Dammit, her cute reaction is embarrassing me more.
‘Anyway.’ The queen interrupts us again. ‘You say you come from another world, didn’t you?’ She looks with strong eyes at me. ‘Y-Yeah, I come from Edelweiss.’ Both the Queen and princess look at each other, and then nod at each other.
‘It seems…that our ritual went successful after all…I had given up hope. Astra, notify everyone involving the ceremony. We can’t let it go official yet, but we need to research this man if he’s speaking the truth.’ Astra calls in some men, and start whispering to them, then send them away in a hurry. I completely fail to follow the conversation. Ceremony, research? Did I make a mistake by coming to the royal family? Evander places his hand on my shoulder.
‘Don’t worry. I know what they’re talking about.’
‘Is this the reason why you brought me to the capital?’ Evander laughs, and strokes his beard. ‘You’re right on the spot. When you told me you were from another world, I had a feeling it might’ve been a sign. I hope it’s true.’ I don’t understand what Evander is saying. He still doesn’t believe me that I’m not from here?
‘You guys, I’m not from here. You don’t even need to confirm that. If you know about this all along, then send me back to my own world. Wake me up from the dream!’ I start shouting. Nobody is reacting on the way I’d hoped. They act like…
‘…you people…brought me here…’ I was summoned. I fell through the puddle myself, but I know…that light was meant to draw me, but then why did I see it as a kid as well? It doesn’t make sense.
‘That’s right. We’ve summoned you in these dire times. In the end, the Orb of Judgment has chosen you, o great warrior.’ She bows her head to me, and tells Astra to do the same. She’s puzzled for a second, but she bows as well. As well as Evander, who suddenly bows his head to me. ‘I hope you are the person we desire.’ The Queen takes a deep breath, and everyone stands up again.
‘D-Don’t bow to me. I have no idea what you people are, but I only want to return home… I don’t know what you’re planni-‘ The Queen interrupts me in my dismay.
‘We have summoned you from another world. We have prayed and performed the ceremony to summon us the hero who can defeat the darkness called Abyss. The choice has befallen on you, Hero Brandr.’ I step back, against the door.
‘H-Hero…what are you talking about. I’m not a hero. I’m a 15 year old son of a duke, who is still in training to fight normally. I cannot be a hero. I’m regular. You must’ve mistaken me for someone else. I don’t want to save the world. I just want to go home.’
‘We cannot let that happen. We have summoned you in our direst of times. We cannot do anything but this. You have been chosen, regardless if you’re a seasoned war-veteran, or a young boy. Fate has chosen you and has brought you to our world to fulfill your destiny. This is the reason you have been born. So, take upon the noble honor of being our Hero.’ The Queen rambles onwards. I don’t understand what she is trying to tell me at all.
‘Honor? Destiny? Reason to be born?’ My voice starts to shake slightly, as I try to collect my thought, to build proper sentences to voice out. ‘Look! I don’t know whatever you’re talking about, but you cannot force me to do something I don’t want to. I refuse. I don’t want to be a Hero. I don’t need to be a Hero. Just send me back to my own world!’ I feel my voice shaking with every word I utter. I feel my rage and tears build up inside me as I try to hold a strong front.
‘You boy! Don’t you dare act so egocentric. You dare defy the duty destiny has given you? There is no choice. You never had a choice. So, stop acting spoiled, you damned brat!’
‘Egocentric? You are the one who pulled me here without asking!’ I shout and dash out of the room.
‘Wait, Brandr!’ I hear Evander shout to me, but I ignore him. He has betrayed me as well. He never helped me out of kindness or sympathy, or out of friendship. Not even as a bodyguard. He just took me for his own selfish reasons. I run down some stairs, and then up again. I run all the way up the tower with the shining light. I don’t know why. I just feel safe up here. So I sit down by a window of the stairways, and look outside. The big city and its beautiful plains at its gates and walls. I see dark clouds hanging overhead. The light above me blocks their advance.
‘Will I ever return home…?’ The royals won’t let me return home. They want me to play hero like when I was still 8 years old. But this is reality. They’ve brought me here for no other reason. ‘Dad…’ I’m no hero. I’m a weak, far too young boy, who hasn’t even taken a glimpse at politics, and I’m still an apprentice at swordplay. My teacher always held back when fighting me. I just know. ‘I just want to go home.’ I put my head in my legs. ‘Someone, wake me up from this nightmare. This is not fair. There’s no way I can give those monsters a scare…’
‘Why are you so sad, Brandr?’ I look up, and see Astra in front of me.
‘Ah…’ I quickly wipe the tears from my face. Totally uncool.
‘Do you wish to return home?’ She sits next to me. Such a beautiful person, worried over an ordinary boy. Dammit, I am way out of her league. She is way too beautiful and sweet and charming and AHHH!! I am panicking! I need to calm myself down, and not have her opinion over me darken even more if that is still possible.
‘Say, Princess…’
‘Please call me Astra.’
‘Heh?’ I don’t understand her.
‘Please…call me Astra…’ She looks sad as well now. I don’t really like to see her sad.
‘I’m sorry…Astra. Can you tell me…have you ever been taken away from your mother?’ She shakes her head.
‘I remember being at her side for as long as I can remember, and I doubt that will ever change.’ She looks a little bit sullen when she says that, so I quickly take her hand I smile for a bit, trying to reassure her. She looks very happy when I do that. It is then that I realize how soft her hands are and… no no no no, I need to focus.
‘I see…There was this one time, were I walked through the streets of Edelweiss. I think I was 8 years old back then. I was still young and innocent. A spy from another country kidnapped me when I was taking a stroll through the park. I was taken hostage for around 3 weeks. Of course, there are people in far worse conditions than me, but I can understand the pain they’ve been through. It’s heartbreaking, being separated from everyone you care, and that there might not be a way back to them. I cried a lot during those weeks, but it made me a stronger person. My father rescued me from the kidnappers, and he told me that real men don’t cry over such things. I promised him not to cry again, but here I am…sobbing alone once more. I’m pathetic…I’m no hero at all…’ I look at Astra, who looks sad after my short story. ‘Don’t be sad over my story. There is nothing to wo-.‘ Before I finish my sentence, Astra buries my face in her chest.
‘There’s no way I cannot feel sad for you. Being alone is a sad feeling. So, I don’t want you to feel left out anymore. I will side with you, even if it’s against my mother. After all, it’s the least I can do.’ She feels warm. It’s a nice feeling. I feel a kind, calm warmth for the first time I got here.
‘Why would you go so far for a stranger?’ I can hear her chuckle.
‘I don’t know. I just feel like I should,’ she tells me happy. Weirdo. I can’t understand her after all. But I don’t dislike her for that. Rather…
I stay up with her for a little longer before I head back downstairs with her again. ‘Say, what are you going to do now?’ Astra asks me while we walk back.
‘I don’t know anymore. I highly doubt I can do anything by myself right now. I don’t think they’re going to take no for an answer anyway. Which sounds disheartening, and feels really disheartening, but…’ I halt in the middle of my sentence.
‘But?’ She looks curiously at me, waiting for my answer.
‘To be honest…I’ve gotten interested.’ I look her in the eyes, saying that.
‘Interested?’ she repeats my words confused.
‘Mhm. Interested in this world that I have fallen in. It’s beautiful yet frightening. It’s intriguing and thought-provoking. I have gotten interested in the concept of matter and life here. Things look different, yet the same. I want…I want to explore it,’ I tell Astra with a lot of energy. I must be honest. I have always wanted to be an adventurer. I just wish I could’ve notified my father, sister and Sylvestra about all this happening.
‘I see…I know your feelings. I know how you feel right now. The feeling and desire to explore the world around you. I hope I can do it someday as well,’ Astra says to me, slightly excited by my sudden burst of energy. ‘I wish I could come with you, but I have my own duties to attend, so…’ Astra looks dejected again for a moment, but I hold her soft hands once again.
‘Then I’ll do it for you as well,’ I tell her with all my heart. She looks surprised at me when I tell her that. ‘I’ll explore the world and tell you all about it. I don’t know how much I have to travel to be honest, but you can bet that I’ll try to tell you about all the things I come across in my either long or short journey.’ I hold her hands tighter as I keep rambling. It is then that I realize that I began smiling while I was talking with Astra, and my sadness has been replaced by excitement for the most part.
I think Astra has noticed that as well, as she starts to smile brightly as well. ‘It seems like you have cheered up a little bit.’
I cannot deny it. To be honest, I just want to return home as soon as possible. I don’t need to take an adventure here. I’d rather return first. But I don’t thing I will be able to at any near time. I must make the best of my time, so to speak. I guess I am just easily shakable when I comes to a girl with astonishing looks.
‘It’s thank to you, Astra.’ I smile back to her with as warm of an expression I can make. She smiles back at me warmly. ‘Well…shall we get going then, Astra? I guess I have to start a journey.’
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