《Deus Ex Alice Madness》Chapter 7 Status



Chapter 7 Status



This is the word that every gamer that play RPG know, no matter which one of it, whether it online or offline. This word will always appear and became the first thing that the hardcore player will look toward. Does the character is strong or weak?

“I wonder if the command is the same as in the game”

There quiet a problem when saying it the same as the game. For Deus, unlike in the game that use mouse cursor or pointer to click the command status, right now, this is a real life not in the game. He wonder whether it will use the same word that exist in the game.

Nothing can be done without doing anything.



The moment that word escape the mouth of Deus, a melodious sound form and this sound was clearly heard by him. As the sound resound, a light transparent window then appear in front of his face toward the left. The distance was not too far and not too near.

When the eyes of Deus fall on the status window in front of him, it make him really excited and said. The ability can be said that it really good and upon further inspections, there nothing he can said about this.


Name: Deus/Alice


Age: 10

Level: 1



Class:Anything that you want

Race: Human/Maniae


Hp Regeneration: 0.001/sec

Mp:999,999,999 (continue)

Mp Regeneration: 400/sec


Dexterity: 100


Intelligence: 400,000

Agility: 100

Wisdom: 500,000

Title: none

Seeing that the attribute value of some of them can be said really high, it cause a smile form on his face. He do not know whether this value is the standard but from some of them, he conclude that it not really the standard value of this word. Especially for level one.

The reason that he said this, the reason is that, although Mp, intelligence and wisdom value is really high and he saw it as normal but that according to certain game. When he seen that the value of Hp, vitality, dexterity, strength and agility value is too lower compare to other status value that can be said to be sky high, it make he know at that times.

That value is not normal.

The normal value derive from that low value of 100 points. The status value fall into the categories of abnormal. This make Deus feel a little confuse.

He know that the abnormal amount of Mp can be said from his ‘request’ of near infinite mana, if what he thought that the Mp is mana according to normal games.

Then he shook his head lightly, thinking about it too much will not give him any use. The least he could do was to examine the effect of the status value to him.

“Now what should I look at first”

Thinking on which stats that he should looks at first make him feel really excited. Deus wonder whether it will be the same as in the game.


The first things that Deus look was the name. It write as Deus/Alice. From this he can make sure that the name display both his name, one for the male version and another one for female versions. Next was the level. Looks like it, the same as playing MMORPG. The level start at 1 showing that right now he is still a beginner.

The age, must means that the age of the body that he has right now. The body that he use right now can be said to be the male versions for the age of 10 years old, it is the same as writing in the status window.

Then his gaze wonder toward the profession. Look like there nothing was write in the profession box, the reason must be because he do not take any job. At first he thought that the profession column will write that he is a villagers and then changes it as he took another type of job. Looks like it different from what his thought.

This is because even in the game that he played before, every character will have a profession at the start. The most usual will be adventure follow by the other profession such as merchant, blacksmith or villager. It means what the kind of job that he do in general. It also follow by rank write none, must be because he do not have any profession.

Then the next one that he look up is the class. It really make him feel a little perplexed. Class. Anything that you want. Is there such type of class exist. Not thinking too much about it.

(Well, I will take the word straight away from this. I thinks it means I can take multiple class at the same times, or it means the other side of the meaning that it give off when the word taken with negative feeling)

Thinking about the other meaning it can represent make him feel shuddered a little as the hair on his body feel like it stand up.

The next should be the race.



This is the race that had the highest number that can be seen in the world of Albion. The race had a normal stat throughout unlike other race, safe for a few number of human. This race usually have 100 value for most of the stat.


The race that had already extinct from the world of Albion. This race had the combine trait of three species usually vampire, moon elf and demon. This race was known to have a really high intelligence and high wisdom among them.

The moment that Deus thinking that he want to know the description for the race, two window appear suddenly. This window overlap with each other with the description for the human at the back with a slightly higher in position given the feeling that there two window and when he think that he want to move the window toward the left with a downward a little, astonishingly it move making it reveal the other window to him.


As Deus read the description writing there, then he really confirms it. The standard for the stat was 100. The standard stat for human usually 100, so there must be a reason that all his other stat in the thousands.


Short form for the Health points. The health points represent the life of a person. At value of zero that person can be considered already died.

Hp Regeneration

Health points regeneration. This value show the amount of times that it take to restore one points of health. As time move on, the value of health points will be restored back to its maximum value.


Short form for mana points. When magic need to be perform, mana is need to be used to activate the magic. It represents the amount of mana that person have.

Mp Regeneration

Mana points regenerations. This value show the amount of times that it take to restore one point of mana. As time move on, the value of mana points will be restored back to its maximum value.


The vitality can be attributed as the life force of a person. It effects the defence, the toughness of a person, health point regenerations, stamina of the person and speed of wound closing.


This attributes show how strong that one is. It effect the amount of weight a one can carry, the amount of damage and the amount of force that they can put into it.


This attributes effect the movement speed, the reaction speed and the nimbleness.


This attributes effect the accuracy.


This attributes effect the memory, the amount of mana, mana point regenerations, the damage of magic and resistance toward magic.


This attributes effect the problem solving, sorting out the memory and the speed of the magic spell cast.

Looking toward all the attributes stat of the status, one word that can be said about it. The descriptions can be said is that it is really pretty decent. It involve the usual part of attributes effect. Nothing weird about it.

With this familiar type of effect coming from attributes really makes Deus feel happy. In the world that he was not familiar with, at least there something that close to him.

From the description that was write in the window before, this world has a name. The name can be said to be a name he had heard before. The name of this world was Albion. The name of certain white dragon that he knew of.

Seeing that the status had been look, it times to see what kind of skill was there exist in stock for him. Following the usual pattern he will it and said the command need to call it.

“Skill Status”


Storage Dimension God Type MAX LV

Cheating Prodigy MAX LV

Moonlight Sculpture MAX LV

Maniae Race Skill No LV

Game Visual MAX LV

Altro Language Lv 3

Seeing the kind of skill that present in the skill section really make him feel quite elate. It make his jump of excitement on wondering what type of skill that he got. There some skills with the name that he want but what about the others skills that he do not request.

Does the skill the gift that was giving to me?

No matter what the source of it, I should look on the type of the skills that I got. Maybe it can be useful in the situation that I face right now.

To open the explanations about the skills, Deus thinks that the way to it is to follow the steps that he takes before. Focusing on the name of the skills that he want and will for explanations.

Storage Dimension God Type MAX LV

A dimensional storage that have a limit near infinity. Is there anything that you want to bring with you, this skill can be said to be the ultimate form of dimensional storage. You can keep anything you want into this dimensional storage except for the living being.

Cheating Prodigy MAX LV

The experience that you get will be time 10 for everything that you do, making you able to gain more experience and reaching a threshold to level up faster than other people. Every times leveling up toward the higher level, 10 skill points will be given for every level up.

Moonlight Sculpture MAX LV

The ability that was derive from the moon elf lineage from the race of Maniae. This ability give the user to use the ‘Moonlight Sculpture’ form that can only be access on the night of the full moons.

Maniae Race Skills No LV

The race of Maniae had a give of intelligent and wisdom coming from the harmonious combination of three blood lineage. This skills add +400, 000 to intelligence and +500,000 to wisdom.


Game Visual MAX LV

Allowing the user to have a game view allowing for a quick maneuver for that person.

Altro Language LV 3

Altro language is the language that has been use as the common language in most human countries. At this level it allow the user to understand the words spoken by the others party.

Seeing the kind of skills that was given to me really make felt an undescribed happiness filling his body. To thinks such kind of ability was given to him, really make him look forward to the future.

In all of the skill that he look, really make him a little sad as there no ability that can be put into offensive categories that he can used right now.

No matter how much cheat he is right now, if he cannot used it after this. It can be categorized as a useless skills. Thinking about the action that he take make him really terrified on the type of things that he need to do right now.

As Deus contemplating on the action that he want to take right now, unaware of it. One by one the leaf close to him tremble roughly. Because Deus on deep thought he do not look toward the front on what is coming.

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