《Deus Ex Alice Madness》Chapter 1


Chapter 1 Who

“Yo, You dead”


“Like I said, you already died”


“Look like you brain got must hit hard. It is not functioning already”

“Of course it function, I mean what the hell are you talking about? Who has died? Me?”

“Yes, you”

“What? Me! I died. I am still alive. Look my heart is still beating!!”

[I do know what he mean by saying that I am already dead. Right now I am talking with him and he said I already dead. There is no way that I died, look my heart still beating. Hahaha… there no way I am…..]


“What! Why did go silent suddenly a cat got your tongue. Hehehe”

[Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. There no way that this happen. There no way. No. No. No. This stupid situation, it not happening. Please tell me what I feel right now is false]

“My heart. It. It. It… not beating”

“Of course it not beating. Dead people do not have any heart beat to begin with. Why, did you think you are alive right now”

The little boy in front of me right now, answering the question that I posed without even think about it. It like he know what I will said. This boy even mock me with that laugh.

“Look like you are not satisfied with me aren’t you. For your knowledge, I am not lying when I said that you already dead”

[What! No way. Did he read my mind just now. Impossible. That is impossible. There no way that can be happening. I think right now that this is all, all of this is only a dream.]

“This is not a dream you know. Just accept the fact that you are already dead”

“There no way I can accept that easily. Dead. How can I accept it like that?”

“Well, you had to accept it. It already happen”

“Huh. No way, I can accept it suddenly like that. Hah… look like I really need to accept it”

“Hmn… like that. You need to accept that you already dead”

While the boy answering the question, he jump around in circle with a step by step around. Then at that time, the thing that should be realize earlier had been realized.

“This place, what is this place? And where is this place located?”


Seeing the surrounding place that was filled with all kind of star that was known and unknown, it make him feel that this place really inconceivable. This is the kind of place that you see in a planetarium. The difference between this place and the planetarium was that the atmosphere in the planetarium is dark making the vision very limited to see the person beside but this place show a difference.

This difference came from the matter that the sight that cover him right now. Upper side, Lower side, left side, right side, infront and at the back, the vision of his can cover all of this place. Everything that appear on his surrounding right now, he can see everything clearly without any shade or thing that prevent his sight to look clearly at the surrounding.

“This place. How to say so that you can understand. Hmn… Aha. This place was created by me so that I can welcome you. I make all of this star as a decoration so that it will be given more calming effect to you. It will be a problem if you panic suddenly because it will be quite a hassle”

[Damn, is this really a joke. This kind of thing is it really possible]

“No, this is not a joke. For me it possible”

“You want to tell me that you are a god. There is no way that a kid like you were a god”

“Hahaha... Yeah, I am a god. Well, of course you will say that, human is like they will try to question everything”

Answering the question that was posed by that person, the kid that call himself god laugh when he know what that man thinking about.

“For you information, you can say that I am one true god. The only real god in other word. The body that you see right now I make it so I can communicate with me”

“You are a god aren’t you. You make it like you cannot talk directly to me. Why the need to make a human body to begin with? “

“It not that I cannot communicate with you directly, I can. But I cannot do that because the moment you even caught a gleam of my presence, you existence will be wipe out. I make you and let you born on earth, to make you again was easier as you already exist before”


“So, you mean that I will not able to even stand you present”

“Yes, you will not be able to”

Hearing the answer given by the boy that called himself god. The man think that really too much. As the presence of the god already that powerful.

“Then why did you not make me be able to withstand your aura?”

“If I did that, you will not became human again. It will divert from what I want you to do. Making you be able to withstand my presence and meet with me, it will have an effect in the future even though I turn you into human again”

“Is that the reason. Then you must be really popular and a lot of people worship you for you to be that strong”

“Nope, you are wrong about that. No matter how much people worship me my strength will not increase or reduce. It not that I the living to live, it is that the living need me. It just many people had wrong impression and worshipped something other than me although that thing cannot give him anything”

When the boy answering the man question, the boy show a melancholy expression. He then said with whatever expression.

“Well, nothing much can be done about it”

“So, why did you call me here? Is this the trial to go to heaven?”

“Nope, this is not the trial to go to heaven. For you to go to heaven, the world need to end. There will be a long, long, long time before that happen. When it happen you will be revive and count on your deed”

[This means that I need to make a lot of good deed so that I can go to heaven. Did this meant that I need to make a lot of good deed because it too low?]

While the man catching up in what he thinking about, he do not realized that the boy show a smile. This smile seem like it want to show he can read what the man thinking about not only that the boy seem amuse with that man think. Sometime he also nod because it seem like what this man thinking about is approve by him. The close reference for what happen was that when a person given a script and the performance that he show revealed what the script want to show. The script writer will then give a good appraisal because it follow what he want.

“So, how my deed? Can I go to heaven?”

“That… is…. a…. secret”

“What! Can you tell me how much I need to go to heaven? You brought me here so that I can make up for the good deed that not enough to ascend to heaven isn’t it!”

“Sorry to tell you this. Whether it enough or not is a secret. I will not tell you. Hehehe”


Seeing that the boy do not want to tell him how much he need, he then shout at the boy. To show that he not satisfied with that answer.

“Even if you wanna to probe me into action, it will not work. I already know everything that you tried to do. For the start I will correct that mentality of you. I call you here not make up you good deed”

“What! If it not to make up for my not enough good deed then for what reason I had been called here?”

“Hmn… The reason I called you here because I was bored so I make a new route, making a good time wasting for me. Then that deed of your from past life, even if you become the most generous people in the world after this. That deed of you will not increase or decrease, it will stay the same. You can be said as a person that was remove from this game, like a joker card or wild card if you want to call it”

The boy then caress the nonexistent beard of him and then he tell the man a little about the situation. Hearing what the boy told him, the reaction of the man is one. He is speechless. He do not how to say it, the reason that he was called here because the other want to waste some time. It really mind blowing to him.

“Oh… before I forgot there one more thing”

“What is that?”

“Your memory, I remove some of it. When the condition has been fulfilled it will be returned back to you. About the memory we will stop here”

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