《Red Overpowered》Rank up


Hello, we are officially moving to one chapter per week. Sometimes maybe two a chapter every Monday

For this week there will be an extra free chapter on my Patreon already available. Also join the discord to be kept informed of updates and to discuss.



I followed Marie and we entered the basement of the guild. From there I saw an arena, there were people in the stands. And people were probably fighting their examiner.

"You have been given a number, so all you have to do is wait. I will come see your fight." (Marie)

"Why do you want to see my

fight?" (Logan)

"You intrigue me." (Marie)

Across the bleachers Logan was being watched.

"Hey guys, have you ever seen this guy?" (???)

"Yes, he's a new guy who joined the guild a few days ago." (???)

"And he's already passing the test for up in ranks!" (???)

"What if we went to visit him?" He said with a smile. (???)

The three men stood up and then approached him.

"Hey, are you the new registrant?" (???)

While I was quietly looking at the arena, 3 men had come towards me.

"I introduce myself, I am Alfred adventurers of rank D soon to be rank C if I pass the test. These are my companions Reinard and Lewis of D rank as well."

I looked at them and out of politeness introduced myself.

"I am Logan adventurers of F rank soon to be E rank."

"How long has it been since you registered? " (Alfred)

"I finalized my registration just today." (Logan)

"That's impressive you'll be the fastest adventurer to move up in rank. " (Alfred)

"Apparently." I said casually.

"Tell me, would you like to join our group?" (Alfred)

"No thanks." (Logan)

"Look our leader is making you a good proposal, advice accept."( Reinard)


"I'll do better on my own."(Logan)

"I see your little climb up is getting to your head." Said Lewis as he moved closer to Logan's face.

"So I answer you politely but since you don't like my answer. You are looking down on me. Get out of my sight now, that's also an advice." I said looking them straight in the eyes.

"You just became an adventurer and you are so arrogant." Added Reinard then who approached Logan too.

"I will not repeat it out of my sight!" He said as he stood up and the ground began to crack beneath him. (Logan)

"Hey calm down guys he is right your reaction is wrong. I beg you to excuse my companions they are just a nervous wreck." Said Alfred while putting the hand on his two comrades.

Then they finally left, one returning to their seats.

"What annoying people." I thought as I watched them leave and a voice rang out:

"Number 15 Alfred !" (Examiner)

I watched the man as he walked into the arena and the fight began. He was doing very well, he mastered 3 elements: fire, earth and water. He fought with a sword and so did his examiner. As he crossed swords in multiple exchanges. Both had medium sized swords that were easy to handle. While the fight seemed to be balanced Alfred ignited his sword. This turned the fight to his advantage for a while but the examiner replied to his attacks.

His speed of movement increased as he shot bullets of air. And all this while he was running. Alfred parried each attack with his flaming sword. He now seemed to be cornered by the examiner who maintained his barrage of attacks.

But he retaliated and launched a gigantic fire attack on the examiner who dodged. But while he was moving quickly and the attack had not touched him he stopped.


"Um very clever idea." (Logan)

Alfred had combined the element earth and water and created mud that he then hardened to trap him for a few seconds. Then his sword was found under the throat of his opponent ending this fight.

"Alfred you officially move up to C rank congratulations." (Examiner)

Alfred came out of the arena and looked at me. I didn't like the look in his eyes, he was hiding something. But I didn't have time to care because my name rang out.

"Number 16 Logan." (Examiner)

I walked into the arena and stood in front of whoever was to be my examiner. He was different from the one Alfred had faced so the examiners differed depending on the level of the competitor.

"I am Cirfe, your E-rank examiner, and I will assess whether you are fit to pass E-rank yourself. Lethal attacks are forbidden, you may use any weapon or magic. If you are injured, a healer is standing by." (Examiner)

I got into position and before the game started I saw Marie waving at me from the stands.

"Have you picked a weapon yet?"(Examiner)

"I don't need one." (Logan)

"All right then, are you ready?" (Examiner)

"Yes." (Logan)

My examiner had a cane so he must have been a mage. The game started and he threw a fireball at me. However, I didn't see the point in moving.

"He's not moving?" Thought the examiner.

The fireball hit me, but it was futile.

"What the hell! It didn't take any damage, how is that possible!" (Marie)

"Well let's get this over quickly." (Logan)

My speed increased and I headed towards him. He threw multiple fireballs at me. But I went through like nothing happened, he didn't have time to react. And I was now holding him by the neck lifting him off the ground.

"It looks to me like I've won." (Logan)

I let go of him and he fell to the ground, he looked shocked and the fight was over as quickly as it started.

"Chief?" (Lewis)

"Yes he seems to have some interesting abilities." (Alfred)

I walked back up quietly as Marie watched me.

"You are a monster after all." (Marie)

"Not at all." (Logan)

I finally received my updated guild card with my new rank.

"Congratulations on your rise in rank. All quests are posted here if you want to take any. Small precision you can only take quests one rank above yours." She says while pointing to a quests board. (Marie)

"Very well, thank you." (Logan)

I had also received the money from my previous hunt. I had been able to collect 750 copper coins. But it wasn't that late so I took a Noras extermination quest. The Noras are bat-like monsters. They were seen this morning and had attacked a convoy of goods. Normally they are only active at night, hence the request to exterminate them. I walked towards the place and I saw the watches flying more than thirty. I used analysis they were between level 10 and 15. I will be able to gain 3 or 5 levels.

"Well, since they are so close it shouldn't be hard to hit them." (Logan)

I shot 30 rocks at them and they all hit.

"Ah, I won a new title." (Logan)

New title: Pigeon shooting

I returned to the guild and pocketed the 1 silver coin reward. And I finally headed to my Inn after a busy day.

Name : Logan

Race : Human

Age : 18 years old

Profession : Avenger- ???


206 102

76 72 60

75 65 212 82


Analysis level 1/ Dissimulation level1>



Vector control, ultra fast learning, Encyclopedia.

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