《Trinity Online (The Official Rewrite)》Prologue: Sojourner
A young man stood among a starscape, looking around in awe. The kids in school hadn't been kidding, this place was incredible, and supremely realistic. How he got here was still a bit fuzzy to him, he hadn't been doing well with school, he was picked on by a bully, and it had put a great strain on him. Somehow his mother found out, and things only got confusing from there. His mother was friends with an unknown person, who had purchased him the Virtual Pod, a high end homeschooling curriculum which used the pods, and a lifetime account to Trinity Online, the world's most popular Virtual Reality Multiplayer Role-playing Game. Brad didn't know what it meant, but the short hand for this type of game was V.R.M.M.O.R.P.G., and it was incredibly detailed.
“Welcome to Trinity Online,” he heard, and turned to find a beautiful woman standing there. “I will be helping you to setup your sojourner, the body with which you will be travelling the lands of the world of Aegis in. How may I address you?”
“My name is Brad, Brad Fulton,” he responded.
“Okay Brad, what would you like your sojourner to be called? If you cannot decide now, you may choose to wait until you have created your sojourner to name them, or randomize the name based on racial naming variables. As with the option of waiting, this will take place later in the process, but in this case will be completed after you have chosen a race. What do you wish to do?”
“I'll go with Andaros,” Brad said, indicating a character from a story his mother had read often to him when he was younger.
“The name Andaros has been chosen by two hundred and nine individuals prior to this, your character will be known as Andaros#210 for identification purposes, such as sending mail or private conversations, but you will simply be known as Andaros aside from this. As for a surname, you can decide this later in the process, depending on the race you choose. Is this acceptable?”
“Um, sure, what do you mean about the surname?”
“Depending on the race chosen, the naming conventions are different, some races will determine your surname based on your clan name, while others will determine it by other means. There are also those in which you may have your surname chosen for you based on your actions, and various other naming conventions. In fact, a majority of races do not allow you to choose your surname or middle name for yourself. If you were to choose a surname at this stage, it would limit your racial choices. Therefore, a surname will be chosen at a later time, as for a middle name, these are chosen by your family or clan within the world of Aegis, or if you choose a surname you may choose it yourself. Do you wish to choose a middle name and surname now, or wait until later?”
“I'll wait,” Brad replied, not entirely sure of his choice, but thinking it might be better based on what she said.
“Alright, then let's continue with choosing your race,” the woman told him. “You may choose from five random races, and the virtual pod purchased has an additional random racial choice. All lifetime accounts also come with the Angaellis race as an additional choice.”
Please choose a race.
Racial Choices:
Huma (Common)
Draevem (Uncommon)
Aelan (Uncommon)
Centirim (Rare)
Quava (Ultra Rare)
Angaellis (Exclusive)
Huma: The huma are the Human Race of Aegis. While not particularly gifted in any specific field, the huma are capable of becoming almost any class of sojourner. Specialties: [Trait: Adaptability]
Draevem: The draevem are one of the Dwarves of Aegis. Gifted with the forge, the Draevem are known for their feats in weapon and armor craft. Long centuries of concentrated forging have given the race a high endurance. Specialties: +2 Strength, +3 Endurance [Trait: Blessed Forge]
Aelan: The aelan are the common elven race of Aegis. Guardians of the great world trees, the race are gifted with the bow, and potion making. Specialties: +3 Perception, +10% speed in forests [Trait: Woodland Protector]
Centirim: The centirim are Aegis's version of centaurs. They are mighty fighters in warfare, endowed with powerful strength, swift upon the plains, and in the woodlands. Their race are gifted runners, able to run long distances without tiring. Specialties: +5 Strength, +10 Endurance, +25% speed in woodlands or on plain. [Trait: Horse & Man] [Ability: Wild Charge]
Quava: An enigmatic race hunted for their females' dedication to their first mate, this race's strength dynamic is reversed from that of other races. Much is unknown about the race, well hidden within royal libraries. Their females are prized concubines of the royalty of the world. Specialties: +5 reason, +5 Intuition, +30% Strength Quotient of Females, -30% Strength Quotient of Males [Trait: Lord of Creatures(Rare)] [Trait: Perfect Mate(female only)] [Trait: Speedster(Male Only)]
Angaellis: The exclusive Angaellis race are only available to those who purchase a lifetime account to Trinity Online. This impressive race is known for it's ability to employ tonchern energy to produce psion armor, weapons, and even wings. Looking like normal humans, the Angaellis are considered messengers of the Great Creator, and those who reveal themselves will generally gain a great deal of favor with the royal courts of the kingdoms of Aegis. Starting in the Veil of Avelinn, the angaellis have no choice on where to begin their journey. Numerous forms of the angaellis wings have been witnessed over the course of history, and it is known that these wings have some meaning among the members of the race. Specialties: +5 to all S.P.I.R.E. system base stats, +5% to all stats, +50% Tonchern Reservoir size, +20 tonchern energy regeneration per second [Trait: Great Creator's Blessing] [Trait: Blessing of the Guardians] [Trait: Natural Psion] [Ability: Psi-Sword/Psi-Weapon] [Ability: Psi-Armor] [Ability: Wings of Angaellis(type randomized upon character creation)] [Social Status: Wing] [Class Specialty: Psion] [Class Specialty: Blessed]
“Um, what's this strength quotient,” Brad asked.
“Strength quotient affects the way that strength is applied to a race, or sojourner. If one has a high strength quotient, they will have higher usable strength than a sojourner with a lower strength quotient. For example, someone with a high strength quotient can lift more than a person with a lower strength quotient of the same strength rating.”
“So, basically like men and women,” Brad responded, “men are designed to lift more, so it is easier for them to lift heavier loads than a female.”
“In a manner of speaking,” the woman responded in a kindly manner, then went on to explain, “Actually, using your example isn't entirely correct. In your world, men and women would have the same strength, but that strength would be designed to a specific purpose. Your example is correct in that men have a higher ability to lift things in your world, but it is wrong in that women are engineered toward child birth, and thus their strength is designed for bearing, and birthing children, rather than lifting heavy loads. That strength can still be used for heavy loads in emergency situations, but it it not designed for it. In this case, however, you are correct that it changes the ability to lift heavy loads, but there are other effects as well.”
“Oh,” was all the response Brad could think of.
“Have you decided upon a race?”
“Um, What's this trait the Quava have, [Lord of Creatures]?”
“A rare trait is a trait that does not occur in all members of the race, however, when the trait does appear, it allows the sojourner or native the benefits of the [Creature Caller] class, without possessing it. Those with the trait gain access to the [Tame Creature], [Creature Contract], and [Creature Summon] skills. They can tame and call creatures, regardless of whether their class can actually do so.”
“Uh, what's a creature?”
“Creatures are animals, and some beasts that are not monstrous, or serpentine in nature,” the woman patiently explained.
“Not monstrous?”
“Humanoids such as goblins, who have a rudimentary ability to reason, but are, none-the-less, not sentient. They are intelligent, but lacking in reason, or wisdom, as it is better known.”
“Oh. Um... I'll take the Angaellis Race,” Brad told her, “I'd love to be able to do all that stuff with creatures, but that strength hit is too troublesome.”
“Angaellis it is,” the woman replied, “Would you like to setup your class now, or wait to gain a class in the world of Aegis?”
“Is there a reason to wait?”
“It depends, most rare classes are only available from quests in the game, and can only be gained by one without a class. There is a lifetime account rare class available to you only at this time. The class is randomized, so it's a bit of a toss-up as to whether it is best to wait, or choose a class now. However, the randomization does take into account your racial characteristics, so it may be useful to take.”
“Um, can I see the class, and choose to not take one if it doesn't seem good?”
“An unusual request, but I'll allow it,” the woman replied.
Psiber-knight: A class specialized in operating psion based power-armor, the psiber-knights are known for their iconic armor, and dedication to the protection of the innocent. Based in the Queendom of Avelinn, the Order of Psiber-knights are pledged to protect the citizens of the queendom, and the queen herself. Starter Skills: [Skill: Small Psiber-Armor Operation] [Passive Skill: Tonchern Boost] [(One melee or ranged weapon skill of choice)] Beginning Items: [Small Psiber-Armor Suit {Perfect Fit}{Repair(Rare)}{Growth(Rare)}] [(One random weapon matching weapon skill chosen)] [Beginner Item Pack]
“Um, what's this {Perfect Fit} on the small psiber-armor suit?”
“{Perfect Fit} allows the armor to adjust to perfectly fit the wearer. As it is an over-armor, it can be used with standard armor, although only leather or cloth armor can be used under psiber-armors. As for {Growth} it is a rare affix with these beginner suits, but you can have it added by a phonestetician. The one added by sojourners and native phonesteticians typically has a level limit, after which one would need to replace either the armor, or upgrade the {Growth} affix of the suit with the help of a sufficiently skillful phonestetician.”
“What's a phonestetician?”
“A class that specializes in using will and words to produce effects. They further specialize in an element, or adding affixes to items. Currently, they are the only available class that can do so, but some of the later specializations of some classes can also add affixes, although they do so through different methods.”
“Specializations are known in other games as advanced classes. For the psiber-knight class, these are a bit different from others. Psiber-knights stay psiber-kinghts, but their class gains a prefix upon specialization of the class. One such example is the previously unlocked Medic Psiber-knight specialization. “Medic” is the specialization, while they are still psiber-knights, on the other hand, a Magi becomes a Magus, or a number of other classes that are separate from their original class as a specialization class,” the woman explained, he wondered if he was being a bother to her. The woman smiled, you are not being a bother, my purpose is to help you understand your character. There are rules about what information I can give you, but what I can I will. I may be unable to give you too much information, especially on things such as hidden or currently locked specializations, but I can give you information so long as I do not reveal such things.”
Brad felt a bit of a chill at hearing her answer his unspoken words.
“Do not be too concerned, I can hear your surface thoughts at this time, but you privacy will be kept, and the system does not allow us to do so outside this space. Did you wish to take the psiber-knight class?”
That was a load off Brad's mind. Moving on, he quietly considered for a moment whether he wanted to take the class. “I'll take the psiber-knight,” he responded after a bit of thought.
“Understood, setting psiber-knight as your sojourner class, your crafting class will be determined while inside the world of Aegis, and you will have to find, and pay the fee to train for, and acquire that class. As you are a Mythril Tier Virtual Pod owner, I will run a randomization for class specialization.”
Randomization of Class Specialization in progress...
Congratulations, specialization, Paladin specialization acquired. You may acquire a second specialization during game-play. Thank you for your purchase of a Mythril Tier Virtual Pod.
“Eh? Why did you do that?”
“Gold and mythril tier virtual pods come with the ability to have an immediate specialization, while mythril tier pods gift the ability to acquire a second specialization. It is our company's special thanks to those willing to spend so much on a more advanced pod, and further fund research to advance the systems in all our pods,” the woman explained in a kindly manner. “Mythril pods further come with the Caelestial-born modifier for a sojourner's race.”
“What's a caelestial-born,” Brad couldn't help asking.
“Caelestial-borns are those gifted with a caelestial-born modification, this modification gifts them with powers based on a specific caelestial creation, but also causes changes to their appearance based on this caelestial creation's form,” the woman explained, then said, “Think of it as a kind of transformation that is permanent, and may give you a special ability, or two, or three.”
“Oh, do we choose this?”
“No, the modification will be applied at random, and the features gained will also be at random, features gained will determine special abilities gained, if any, but all caelestial-born of a certain type will gain bonuses based on that caelestial creation.”
“Oh, so I may, or may not, get abilities, but it comes with bonuses?”
“Yes,” the woman replied.
“How much did this pod cost,” Brad wondered aloud.
“Mythril tier virtual pods cost several million dollars,” the woman told him, then went on to add, “and lifetime accounts to Trinity Online cost nearly three times their cost.”
“Why would that person my mother knows spend so much on a pod and account for me,” he said, after a moment of thought, he shook his head, “It does no good wondering, I'll have to ask if I can meet her, and thank her later,” he said.
He didn't notice, but the woman smiled at his words.
“Right, so,” Brad began after few minutes of thought, “Do we choose my appearance now?”
“As the angaellis race are human in appearance, your current appearance will be used, you can choose to modify your appearance, but the changes must be within 5% modification from your real appearance. The maker did not intend this world as an escape from reality, but as a whole other world in which you could become something different through your own efforts. That being said, there is some leeway for those who are too obese to move, have missing limbs, or have other issues that negatively affect their appearance, but these must be okay-ed by an administrator. As you have no such problems, you will only be allowed the 5% modification. While this is the case, there is no need to worry you will be stuck with the body you have if your body changes in real life. If, say, you were to become thinner, or more muscular in your normal life, the changes will be reflected in the game, although such changes in your normal life will not fully affect your sojourner.”
“Then, can I change my hair to silver, and my pupils to gun-metal grey?”
“That is within the 5% modification range, so yes,” the woman responded. “A special exception is made for hair colors. This is the one area the maker of Trinity Online decided could be changed, and would not be considered a modification percentage increase.”
“Then, I'll do that. Um, is modification of the man's part allowed?”
“This is only available to those above the age of consent,” the woman narrowed her eyes and spoke. “Such modifications are also generally frowned upon. The Professor strives for realism after all, and he's a Christian”
“Oh, okay, I was just curious,” Brad told her, looking down. It had been a bit of curiosity, nothing more, but he felt a bit ashamed he had come up with such a question.
The woman smiled at his reaction, and subsequent thoughts, it was a common thing for young men to think that way, but those who were so innocent, or ashamed of their questions were becoming fewer and fewer. Trinity Online did not allow rape, while consensual was allowed due to societal pressures, however, coerced sex was absolutely not allowed, and the admins would heavily punish sojourners who tried to coerce others into sex. It was even punishable in court. Of course, in such cases the company behind Trinity Online, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, was responsible for the burden of proof. The limitations on reading thoughts didn't help here, but it was usually possible to provide such proof through other evidence. Many had tried to get past Trinity's protections, but thusfar none had been able to do so, besides the first case that caused the troubles. Trinity Online strove for realism, and originally such systems did not exist, but after a rape ring was discovered in the game major changes were put into play that protected both residents of the world, and the sojourners of Brad's world. Brad might not be thinking of such things, but it was always best to circumvent such possible issues whenever possible. Still, inalienable rights were strictly upheld, and freedom of will was one of these, so she couldn't coerce or force him away from the course if he decided to modify his male parts. It was good that he didn't seem to continue thinking of such things. Still, she was floored by what he asked next.
“Um, can I increase the size of my... balls?”
She considered for a moment before responding, “What is you intent, with narrowed eyes.”
The woman was relieved when his thoughts didn't go into the gutter, and instead a silly memory popped into his head where one of the kids in his class bragged about having “big balls”, and she noticed the competitive thoughts in regard to that, which Brad soon admitted.
“I, I just wanted to be able to flaunt having bigger balls than one of the guys from school, if I ever meet them,” he told her.
The woman giggled, “Such a silly boy,” she responded, “Do you not realize the issue with having larger testes? If you do decide to us the rest of the modification available for enlarging your testes, there would be quite a bit of discomfort involved in just walking. While you could brag, you wouldn't have a very comfortable time with them otherwise.”
“Oh,” Brad responded, he really hadn't thought of that. Still, he was rather interested in the idea still. It wouldn't take as much modification to do, and would still allow him to somewhat get back at that guy for what he had done to him. She was right though, but he wondered if there was a way to get around the discomfort.
The woman let out a sigh, and said, “If you're dead set on doing this, there is a possibility of having underwear with a space affix, in order to allow room for them, and reduce discomfort. I'm not certain, but it may be possible. I cannot guarantee anything though, so it's best if you don't do this. An Admin would have to be asked about it, and depending upon the admin, you might get flagged.”
Brad considered it for a while, before sighing, “Can you ask an admin if such a thing is available?”
“Alright, I'll do so,” the woman replied, and sent an admin request. She was nervous they'd get the lady who was Norton's right-hand, but when an elderly gentleman appeared, she relaxed.
“What can I do for you,” he asked.
“This young man wanted to have “bigger balls”,” she informed him, “I told him it would be uncomfortable, but he seems set on it. It seems there's a bully involved. Brad Fulton, let me introduce you to Norton Coolidge, the owner of Trinity Online.”
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance. What can I do for you, young man,” Norton asked.
“Um, is it possible to have underwear with space affix for the testicles, where it can be turned on or off,” Brad asked. “When on it will look like now when I have clothes on, but when off it will show the size of my sojourner's balls?”
“That's a rather strange request, and troublesome if I do approve it,” the old man answered thoughtfully, “It would involve having to have pants which could also stretch to accommodate the increased size, and such an affix would be troublesome to find, or expensive.”
“Doesn't the {Perfect Fit} affix already do that?”
“Not at the speed necessary to adjust to such a sudden change,” Norton informed him. “You see, switching off the affix would be rather abrupt, and that would over-stress the {Perfect Fit} function. It is, after all, designed for adjusting while someone is dressing, and most people do not dress in an instant.”
“Can you delay the activation and deactivation so that it is slower than usual?”
“An interesting idea, give me a few minutes to think,” the old man decided, and then disappeared.
“The Professor is considering your idea, but I don't think it's a good one,” the woman told him, “Especially if it's just a request due to pride, or seeking revenge.”
“I, guess you're right, but...”
The woman let out a sigh. It was good the boy wasn't thinking of it for use against women, but it would still cause problems for women if he became involved with them. A 5% modification might not seem like much, but if it was concentrated in such parts it would be troublesome. Enlarged testes came with greater production of sperm, which would mean trouble for any girls he was involved in on Aegis. Assuming he did sexual things with them, and most adolescents could not resist doing such things, even if their society was was geared toward waiting until marriage. It was the reason shotgun weddings were quite popular in times past. On Aegis, men were killed for breaking the rules in regards to marriage, and destroying the woman's virginity against the father's will, but it was not possible to do so with sojourners, who would just respawn. This caused quite a bit of trouble for the authorities of Aegis, and while the consent system might help prevent rape, it would not help with the worries of those who wished to protect their daughters from lads only intent on having their way with a woman without taking the responsibility for it. Their patriarchs of the clans of Aegis were responsible for ensuring the safety of their women. While some might use their women and daughters to trade for good relations, the protection of their women was the key factor in their actions, and she understood this more than many of the fools who fashioned themselves as feminists. All she could do was console herself in the fact that the young man intended to never do such things, and the fact that he considered this, without her prompting.
After a long fifteen minutes, Norton reappeared once more, “Alright, I'll allow it, since you have given me an idea for how to modify to weapon affixes, and provided damage over time effects in a realistic manner, I'll allow your request, and even add in a special ability of your choice for your sojourner.”
“Are you sure, Professor? Pam won't be happy with this,” the woman responded.
“It's fine, it's fine,” he responded, “Just make a note so you don't get in trouble.”
“Okay,” the woman responded, then turned to Brad, “I just want to remind you to not use this for anything bad.”
“I, I won't,” he responded, blushing a deep red. Only now did he realize her worries, and he had to admit they were valid for many teenage boys. “I promise.”
“Good, good, now, what skill would you like as a personal ability,” Norton asked him happily.
“I, I don't know... Are there any healing abilities?”
“Plenty, let's see, how about [Lay-on-Hands],” Norton asked. “It's a skill of the Paladin class that can heal the target of the ability to full heal, but requires the user of the skill to touch them in order to do so. It can also restore to life those who have been killed, and fully heal them if used within 5 minutes of their death.”
“Uh, sure, can it also give a buff that shields, and continues to heal them for a time after the activation,” Brad asked. It sounded like a great ability, but he thought that if the idea was good enough, maybe this man would grant it.
“Hmmm, alright, I'll use it to create a new skill for the Paladin class, [Advanced Lay-on-Hands]. Let's see, for your personal ability, we'll call it [Heaven's Touch]. It will provide a two minute shield effect against all death effects, five minute shield buff, and a five per second health and stamina regeneration buff for thirty seconds. You will have to have skin to skin contact with your hands, so it won't be that applicable for combat in most situations, but depending on the use it will be helpful,” Norton informed him.
“The most likely use would be for battlefield triage,” the woman stated in a rather matter-of-fact way.
“Indeed, hmm, let's also add fur contact, in case he ever gains a battle pet,” Norton said. “Set daily uses to three to keep it from being over used, and reset timer to one minute. You'll have to pay attention to time, and choose appropriately who to heal, my boy. I'll be going, have fund in our world.”
“Hmph, who's he kidding, Paladins only have one use of Lay-on-hands a day unless they get that title, and that bumps it up to three per day. If you ever get that title... Oh well, not my problem,” the woman said, then a pair of underwear appeared in her hands, and she looked at it ruefully before handing it to him. A screen appeared, and she said, “Go put this on under your beginner clothes.”
Brad did as she instructed, and went behind the screen, where he quickly changed, then came back out.
“Let me have the old ones,” she told him, and he handed them to her. A moment later they disappeared, and she looked back to him, “Activate the underwear in your equipment menu, and then I'll make the changes. To get to the equipment menu, think Equipment Menu.”
Brad did as told, and a menu showed up displaying his boy in the center, with various equipment shown in boxes around it for various equipment slots. Each hand had four ring slots next to them. He found the underwear, and touched them in the menu, where a sub-menu appeared, and he pressed the activate effect option.
“It's active,” he told her, and then felt a change. It felt strange, like he was heavier down there, he could see what she meant about it causing problems, without this underwear it probably would also likely cause other types of discomfort, like pressure. “Feels weird,” he commented.
“If you don't find some pants that will stretch enough before deactivating those underwear, it won't just feel weird,” she told him, “so make sure you don't deactivate them until you do find pants with materials that will do so, or a good affix. The basic clothing you received won't have that {Perfect Fit}, and are not designed for those. They will be melded for your resulting body after the caelestial-born modification, but you don't want your clothes designed for those things, it'll look weird when the underwear are active.”
“Uh, got it. So, what's next?”
Congratulations! You have been gifted the personal ability [Heaven's Touch], this ability is similar to the Advanced Lay-on-Hands ability that will go active with the next update to Trinity Online.
“Well, that was fast,” the woman said, “Give me a moment, to make a note, and I'll activate the randomization for your Caelestial-born transformation. Once that's done, we'll do your weapon skill, and have the system grant you the associated weapons.”
Randomly choosing Celestial-born Modification, please wait...
Caelestial Qillin chosen, randomizing features...
Congratulations! You have gained, [Trait: Lord of Creatures]
Congratulations! You have gained, [Trait: Nine-tails]
Congratulations! You have gained, [Trait: Thunderfoot Step]
Congratulations! You have gained, [Trait: Caelestian Eyes]
Congratulations! You have gained, [Trait: Deflecting Scales]
Caelestial-born Modification Complete, have a blessed day!
“Well, that's unusual. Then again, the Caelestial Qillin is a rather unusual caelestial creation,” the woman stated. “Let's see, it's listed as a legendary caelestial creation, no wonder it has so many traits connected to it. Well, it seems you're quite blessed, you got all five of the possible features with abilities connected. Now, let's decide your weapon type.”
Please choose your weapon type:
Brad looked through the list of weapon skills, and finally found one called Spirit-guns that seemed interesting. Brad knew how to use a fire-arm, and was a decent enough shot, so he thought it was good to stick with something he knew. The weapons might be a bit different, but this way he's be able to adjust more quickly. He wished he could also choose a sword skill, but he doubted it was available. He was surprised when he heard a ding, and an information window popped up.
Congratulations! Due you your natural ambidexterity, and you gained, [Trait: Ambidextrous]
Congratulations! Due to [Trait: Ambidextrous] you have gained [Twin-linked Spirit-guns{Auto-Repair][Growth]] as your beginner weapon.
Congratulations! You have received [Paladin Psiber-knight's Small Psiber-armor Suit {Perfect Fit}{Auto-Repair}{Growth}]
“Eh? Should it have {Auto-Repair} and {Growth},” Brad asked.
“It's unusual, but the weapons are randomized, and I've seen it before,” the woman replied, “I'm more surprised your psiber-armor has the {Auto-Repair} and {Growth} affixes, that is much more unusual. For some reason, finding three affixes on any item is much rarer than the two affixes your spirit-guns have.”
“Anyway, you were more than simply blessed with your traits, make sure you use them not just for yourself, but the benefit of those less fortunate than yourself,” the woman told him, “Enjoy your time in Trinity Online, Andaros.”
With those words, Brad disappeared from the area.
“I wonder how he'll like those changes I added,” she stated, looking off into the starscape. No matter how many times she viewed it, she was awe-struck by the splendor. Below her was an equally awe-inspiring sight, a planet 12 times larger than Brad's home world, with numerous continents that were still unexplored. The gigantic super-planet, with the same one gravity of his home world, Aegis, the first planet of Trinity Online.
- In Serial6 Chapters
Adventure of a system supported gamer
When a person reads too many novels they sometimes hallucinate or they might have weird dreams.That is what happened to our normal central student anqi.He is who you might call an otaku and reads manga/novels for fun until that night When he accidentally fell asleep while reading a light novel he was asked to participate in a survey managed by a cute but cold girl and got to choose a reward in the form of a system but due to him complimenting the manager.The once cold beauty started to fall for him and gave him a pleasant surprise of which is multiple systems combined.This is a story of how the systems changed his life and the adventures of a not so normal central student.
8 58 - In Serial24 Chapters
Ninomiya Hotaru, the wealthiest person's son in the world. A spoiled brat, who has a feeling for others and respect for the community around him. Despite being that rich, he skipped grades to study with his friends. One day his attention is grabbed by a transfer student named Akame. On that day, an assassination attempt of Akame was committed by an assassin from the future. While saving her, he got shot right in the place where the bullet shouldn't hit. The device that was ever stuck in his chest shattered, releasing powers he was unknown to. His future is now in this web of power struggles between a past that didn't exist and a future that is blind in front of him. One past, one present, multiple futures. In between, lies a dazzled Ninomiya. The world needs his powers, yet he is so unknown where the source is. A power that can destroy entire planets to just nothing. The universe was at the stake of his palm. A mere human was he?Or something else? Welcome to Code Break! Season 1: Hajimeru Sekai Ka! [HSK] Season 2: Isekai No Seikatsu! [INS] Season 3: Restart! [RST] Season 4: Rewrite The Restart! [RWT THE RST] Season 5: Gateway Of Heaven [GOH] Season 6: END! [END] I will be shortening these seasons into a mere 200-300 chapters, so please hold your horses.Each season will be a volume. It will be difficult to read since I am not a professional in this field but I am trying my best to keep it 100% Grammarly accurate. Author: Takabe Kageshi Kayeshi Editor: Gerome Special thanks to Takafumi Hoshino, Haruka Tomatsu and Kirisaki Nonoa for helping me come up with this story.
8 157 - In Serial29 Chapters
No Control
"It's funny that you think the choice is up to you babydoll." Delrick's icy tone sends chills through my core. All I can do is back up in an attempt to escape, seemingly running into a wall. Though as rough hands circle their way around my waist I knew it was Dominic that was holding me. "When in reality you have no control at all." My head snaps to the voice belonging to the youngest of the Valentine brothers, Dalton, as he makes his way towards me. Dominic's hand wraps around my throat possessively making me arch my back into him. This gives Delrick clear access to my lips as I look up at him, in which he wastes no time. His lips meet my own hungrily. "Who do you belong to Annalise." Dalton gathers my blonde hair into his hand, tugging making me break my kiss. "Daddies."***Cover made by @brookecastellan10***
8 186 - In Serial12 Chapters
Hardcore OP-ness
Most people pray for good health, a loving family, and to win the lottery. I asked “Can you send me to a game-like fantasy-style world? It can't be too unrealistic, but also, it would be nice if I was immortal to some degree. Oh yea, no rape or slavery either, cause then I'll have to spend the whole time trying to create a perfect society, and I'd rather not have to deal with all that nonsense. No other players either, cause that always creates a ton of annoying drama, and I just want to have a fun, relaxing, and enjoyable time.â€Three years later, after I had completely forgotten about all that… well, better late than never I suppose. The moral of this story, is to be careful what you wish for; also, cuteness is justice, so don't complain if adorable bunnies beat you to death and devour your corpse.(Warning: This story includes profanity, numbers, humanity, nudity, uncomfortable realism in a fantasy-world, awkward but mild sexual-content, descriptive violence and gore, nekomimi, necrophilia, bizarre and disturbing sexual-content, offensive language, plus all of the other things that disclaimers usually have to tell you about. Do not read this if you dislike transportation, virtual reality, fantasy, or other similar genres… or me, because I'm the author.)I'm only posting a few chapters on this site, but there are over 100 on my wordpress. https://mike777ac.wordpress.com/hardcore-op-ness/
8 129 - In Serial28 Chapters
Work Song ✩ Ivar The Boneless
𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑰 𝒅𝒊𝒅...#1 Ragnar. VIKINGS. CASHMERE SHEEP © 2019
8 175 - In Serial7 Chapters
Bootcamp Profile Guide
Learn what it means to be a Bootcamp mentor and mentee. Get to know who's manning the battle stations. Discover Wattpad profiles that offer challenges and opportunities for writers. Rummage through links to helpful online resources. Read tips on platform etiquette so you don't embarrass yourself.DISCLAIMER: THE WATTYS BOOTCAMP MENTORSHIP IS INDEPENDENTLY RUN BY WATTPAD MEMBERS. PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY INCREASE YOUR CHANCES TO WIN A WATTY.
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