《Matters of the Heart》Chapter 3


The star-strewn sky seemed to stretch on forever, much like the hill Terra was climbing. The long, lush grass parted around her, making soft rustling noises. Aside from that, there was dead silence. At the top of the hill Terra knew she would find her destination, but as her feet carried her forward step by step, she never seemed to grow any closer.

Terra had changed. She was older, a capable adult by all appearances. Her long hair that she had always worn down was now tied back in a ponytail. She wore dark, formfitting leather with a red cloak clasped around her shoulders. She was well armed too, having two daggers strapped to her hip, another hidden inside her knee-high boots, and a long black blade hung at her side. She was a competent warrior now, though she had never really been too gifted in the way of magic, despite her being a Fae.

As she reached the peak of the hill, she paused to catch her breath. Then she caught sight of a glimmer of light. She smiled suddenly. She'd arrived.

The sacred pool lay before her, catching the light of the moon beautifully. The surface was so calm and flat that it looked like ice. Terra approached it, dipping her fingers into the water. She watched the ripples spread, mesmerized by the motion. She kneeled down by the edge of the pool, closing her eyes and taking a couple deep breaths. She remembered the words she needed to say. She ran over them a couple times in her head before uttering them aloud. Then she waited.

A sudden shudder gripped her body and she waited for it to pass. As it began to fade, she felt a presence. Instinctively she opened her eyes and looked around. No one was there.


And yet someone was there. The master.

Terra smiled. Her dream had been achieved. She was a protector now.

An unexpected beam of light descended on her from above, drawing her full attention to it. She looked up and gasped in wonder. Stars. They were falling like snow all around her. She lifted her cupped hands and caught one. It spilled over her fingers like liquid light.

No, she thought, They aren't stars.

It was magic that was falling all around her. Pure energy, descending on her like some sort of blessing. Terra wasn't entirely sure if she was hallucinating it or not. If she was, she didn't care.It was the most beautiful hallucination she had ever witnessed.

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