

After finishing the important talk, everyone in the study room came out. Jake and sam were standing behind their master and in front there was elder liam and his wife. Both of them were prominent figure in their world. Elder liam and master knew each other from a very long time. Elder liam was the most loyal servant of master. His wife was the daughter of previous elder of a clan. Both were in love from a very young age as they were childhood friends. To master and his subordinates elder liam was respectful. But for others ,he was an elder who never gives any face to anyone. As the elder of one of the most powerful clan,he have to be arrogant and prideful. On contrary his wife is sweet and respectful to everyone but has poisonous tongue and ruthless attitude for the ones whome she regard as enemy.

Elder liam kneeled in front of master and said " Master your subordinate will do as you wish. "

Master replied "hmmm"

After their important talk seth wanted to rush towards elliza. He thought she will be waiting for her but as he got out of the door ,there was no sign for her. His mood was getting darker and darker.

"Master,elder liam,madam the food is served. Please come to the dinning area." Sam said bowing his head.

Elder liam smiled and said " master shall we?"

Master replied "hmmm"

As they were moving towards the dinning area,they heard noises . Master's brows furrowed. Sam and jake looked at each other and thought ' who is seeking death now. Master doesnt like noises.' Elder liam and madam also knew that master never liked noises and if someone shouts or anything then that person is immediately killed. There is a rule in this house that nobody should shout,make noises or make the place dirty or the punishments are severe . The punishment is obviously death. As many of the servants working here are from their world they never try to go against the rule. As they were getting close to the dining area,the noises were getting louder and louder. It was comming from the stairs. The area around master was getting filled with oppressive air. Master liam and madam glanced at each other. They were ready for the upcoming splatter of blood.


As they reached the stair from where noises were comming ,they were already ready to witness a death before dinner. But what they saw was beyond their thinkings.

On the stair a tiny boy's ear was being holded by hands of a beautiful woman. She seems to be scolding the little guy. The little guy seems to be trying to refuse the scolding but still wasnt able to. As soon as elder liam and madam saw the pair of boy and girl,their hearts jumped out of the body. Their son is being scolded by a little girl and more than that she is touching him too. They suddenly rembered master attitude towards the people who make noises in his houses. Their eyes was filled with fear for their son.

On the other side elliza didnt noticed seth staring at her. She was busy teasing and scolding this little one. " you still dare to refuse to apologize and be arrogant,today you are really going to become mincemeat." Eliza teased the little one.

The little ones eyes was filled with fear as he didnt know how much this lady will embarass him. She not only dared to scold him but is also touching his hairs and ears. More than that ,he isnt able to fight. He said " You are a devil. Leave me.."

Eliza laughed and said " leave you... hehe.. little one i will teach you today how to respect then i will sure leave you..."After saying this she started rubbing his hairs.

As they were doing this ,both of them suddenly noticed someone staring at them. So both of them at the same time lokked down. As they looked down they saw two people kneeling in front of master. They were pleading " He is a kid and he doesnt know the rule. We apologize for his rudness."

When elliza saw seth staring at her ,she smiled. All the oppressive air around seth suddenly vanished. Elder liam and madam glanced at master. " rise" master said.

Elder liam and madam immediately rose and looked towards his son and the young lady. They thought atleast the son will be spared but that lady is long gone. But what they saw next made their jaw dropped to the ground. The young lady held the little ones little palm and started walking towards seth smiling.


Then she said "seth your meeting is over ?"

As everyone heard the lady calling their master by name they were shocked but the next scene shocked them more. Seth smiled gently and said " Yes milady, lets have some food."

Elliza didnt said anything but started dragging the little one to the dinning area. The little one was staring at his mom and dad. But none spoke anything. They just silently followed the lady dragging the little one in front. Elliza has keen nose so she immediately understood where dining area is. As they reached the dining area,seth didnt spoke anything but told elliza to sit there.

The dinning area was huge with a long dining table in middle. The most important thing was the chair that belongs to seth was given to elliza. Usually the most prominent person will be sitting at the leaders seat but here this young lady was sitting there and their master himself gave her that chair. Beside elliza ,seth was sitting and infront of him was the little one ,who was also sitting beside elliza. He didnt spoke anything as he was trying to grasp the situation.

Eliza smiled at little one Nd asked " Hey little one.. whats your name? I forgot to ask you."

The little boy stared at her and said " Its alec."

Eliza looked at him and said " you are being decent now. Looks like my lesson was enough for you."

The little onr stared at her and said "I was decent you were like devil from the begining."

Elliza replied " little one being arrogant isnt good."

Both were fighting even at the table. The servant and everyone except the both lady and little one were shocked. Their master was looking at this noisy pair lovingly. He didnt killed them and moreover he is tolerating them.

Madam liam was seeing her son interacting with someone for the first time. Usually people are afraid to reach her as his coldness is on another level. Then how this lady is able to survive. More than that why master is being nice to her. He didnt kill but gave his seat to her. Whats the identity of this lady. Everyone were thinking the same think except sam and jake. For them this has become normal. They werent shock atall as they have witnessed their master cooking for her and even inviting them to eat because this elliza said so.They were sitting silently and enjoying their meal.

Seth was looking at her lovingly. He wanted to hug this naughty one but he cant. He said gently " Milady do you like the food ?"

Elliza who was in middle of teasing smiled and said " Its good but you are more better in cooking. Really where did you learnt cooking. I became a fan of your cooking the first time i ate it."

These sentences were like bomb exploding to everyone. Their master cooked....


Seth replied " Then i will cook something good tonight. Buy the ingrediants on the way ."

After hearing him elliza gave a warm smile and said " okay."

After the long and confusing dinner ,everyone was now in the main hall. On the main seat their master was seating and rest were sitting in the other sofa. Elliza and alec was sitting on the stairs. Actually alec was grabbed by her. To make the awkward scene a little comfortable,madam liam said gently " master this lady is?"

Seth said gently " Elliza"

madam liam was taken back by the gentleness in the answer. Then she smiled and walked towards elliza and said " Hello miss elliza. I am mary liam. "

After hearing her elliza stood and politely replied " its a pleasure to meet you madam liam. I am elliza."

" i am this little ones mother. If he offend you in any way please forgive him. He was like this from the begining." Madam liam said in a gentle tone. She was shocked today but was hally to see his son acting normal once. She was interested in this lady who made his son act a little normal today. Morover their master is gentle to this lady which piqued madam liams curosity.

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