《Mistaken Land: A Gamer's life in an another world》Falling from cloud 9 and facing the Real truth


I was sitting in window. Alec enters the room. I see a maid in yard. I call Alec to check it out with me.

“A Maid? What are you thinking? Don’t tell me those dirty thoughts of yours.”


She looks like interacting with someone in black cloths. She almost spotted us. I push Alec back and hide behind the wall myself.

“What was that for?”

“Shh! I think I found my ghost.”

“Huh? Wait, I’ll explain later. First, we go talk with Myst.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

We went to Myst room. His room was bigger than our and better.

“Come sit here.” Myst said.

We go and sit on the chairs.

“So, what you want to know?”

“Everything. Like what this country is and much more.”

“Hmm. Do you know about the Holy-Demonic War?”

“cut that crap out. I hate history as subject. More interested in politics , economics and other stuff. But first I want to know, how his country functions.”

Myst looks at me awkwardly and says, “This is why I asked.. But anyway, no worries. I’ll tell you exactly what you want.”

“Sounds good.”

“This is the country of ‘Galaheim’. Galahaeim is ruled by the King Maele Von Ruanaid.”

“Maele..what?” I said.

“That’s weird name. All I know is that, A King rules this nation. And I haven’t even been to the Capital city yet. Somehow, I don’t remember much. I remember running from Angels who were after me and then I woke up in a cave. From the cave, I travelled and found that empty house. And I made my stay their. I wrote ‘EVERYTHING WORK!’ and I had some people for little works sometimes a week. Other than that, I would find Vegetables given to me by some farm nearby. Usually they would give me most of jobs and I just used money to buy things from them.” Alec explained.

“I don't understand. I didn’t saw any other farm near your house. This is weird. Alec. You don’t make much sense, you said you wanted to kill Angels but you can’t attack people. Something is out of place...”

A purple mark shows on his neck. Alec holds in head and says, “I Don’t know.” His voice changed.

“Alec, you alright?”

“My head is aching.” And Alec, fainted.

“ALEC?!” I take him to his room. A maid comes and checks on him. She says, “He’s Alright. Maybe tired.”

“I see. Let him rest.” Me and Myst went back to his room. “It’s fine. Don’t worry. Anyways, Myst. Please continue telling us more about this world.”

“Okay, you got about our country? There’s more to that. We have private Guilds and union Guilds too. If you don’t like joining a private Guild, you can just stay like that and join union Guild. In Guilds, you can find different – different quests and take them up according to your rank.”

“I see. Got that much.” I said.

“Our king have discarded the discrimination between other races and factions. But some are who don’t like it that way and try to cause chaos. Like in the Underworld, I’m not talking about hell. I am talking about the Human Underworld. Where you can find every nasty thing.”

“And you joined that for the power?”

“In a long run yes. But, I wanted to protect my village. I got a news one time that ‘Delbrus', one of the under world god. Who also happen to be a Vampire, was going to attack the village. It was probably rumour. So, I got that dragon's power potion.”


“I assume, you sold that Demon child for that?”

“Yes, I had to. They demanded a demon women. We were going to take his sister but he sacrificed himself for that.”

“Where's his sister?”

“She is an Adventurer now. Working in One of top Guilds of Galahaeim. I don’t know which one to be exact. But, probably its one of top 5.”

“I see. Anyways, I have nothing to do with her.” I notice some standing and hearing our talk. I said, “Who’s their?”

Mei walks in room and says.

“I am Sorry. I just couldn't resist myself from listening to you guys.”

“I couldn’t care less brat. Ask your father if he wants you to listen or not.”

“its fine, come sit Mei.” Myst said.

“What else you know? Do you know about some people being saying that 'I came from a different world?’ or things like that.”

“Only you for now seji. Probably, capital might be much better place to ask that.”

“Yea right. And are you going to bring that women's child?”

“I sent my msg to the person I sent. Most likely the reply will come by tommorow.”

“I see. Can you show me map and tell me about directions?” I asked.

“Well, Surely I might have a map laying around. And the title villagers have given you is quite awesome I believe.” Myst said while looking for a map in his drawer.

“You know a fun fact. Villagers are calling you from a title now.” Myst said while still looking for map.

“Seriously? What’s the title?” I asked with a surprised face.

“Sacred Devil.”

“Yea sure. Ironic to me.” I said while poking my nose. My happiness went away.

“Uh! Disgusting. You are disgusting.” Mei said.

“What? You don’t have nose? Or your nose have filter?”

“You are absolutely disgusting. It’s bad manner to do it in public and also it’s disgusting to put finger in nose.”

“I’m cleaning my nose, that’s all.”

“Anyways. Father have supplied many things for villagers and have lifted heavy taxes.” Mei said.

“Well. I wouldn’t have cared a single bit if Alec hadn’t made the promise you know. But, now he done it. So let's make sure it is fulfilled too.” I said.

“You are a kind guy..” Mei said.

“Sure. If you ignore I was the death god who came to kill you.”

“Past is past.” Mei said.

“You guys sure know how to move on.”

“Oh yea! I found the map.” Myst said and brought a map. He opens the map and puts on the table and continues by saying, “This is our Country Galahaeim. Our currency is Rugen. But gold coins work in every city. 1 gold = 1k rugen.”

“I understand currency mechanism but, What language is this!?” I asked in a shock.

“The language of Lulauluille. Also known as ‘Sitrictious'.”

“Yea, looks like a gibberish version of English to me. These letters don't completely resemble Alphabets from English, But Alright. Will be easy to learn, since spoken is same.”

“Engli...Never mind. Maybe..” Myst said.

“Are you sure you can learn that? It’s quite tough.” Mei asked.

“Just tell me which word sounds which word. I will be fine then.”

“Alright. I’ll teach you After this then.” Mei said with a happy face.

“Seems like a deal to me.” I said.

“So anyways, About directions. According to info, Your hut is at North east from the village. And capital is North west from village. It means capital is wes-"


“Don't confuse me! My brain is steamed out right now. Just give me a compass. A country map and don't if their are boards on road. NEXT INFO!!” I said while my eyes were rolling from all those directions.


“I understood.” Mei replied.

“Fine. I am the dumb one here. Next part.”

“What you plan to do, though?” Myst asked me.

“I don’t know. I found myself in this world when I started to love my life in another world. I had hated my life for putting someone precious to me through hardships... but when I started to love it, I found myself here. I need to find someone for a proper explanation.” I said with a sad face.

“My advice would be that you head to the capital city and ask union guild if they have seen anyone else has a story like you.”

“Father, You don’t believe his story do you?”

“I can’t believe it, but I can’t deny the possibility either. After all, Demons angels and all other races came from other world.”

“But Father, They have their own realm. No humans come from other world.” She said with a doubtful look.

“Suit yourself brat. Believe me or not. It’s up to you. Believe or not, it doesn’t concern me. But I would say, I hate lies.” I said while looking out of window.

“Fine. I’ll believe you for now.”

“Anyways, I think that’s all for now. You will get more info from guilds and other things. But, I have to say your magic was quite amusing. And the way you used it was great too. But, Regardless, there are many people who can beat you out there. Your power was stronger than me because I never controlled my magic properly.”

“I see. That means I am weak like hell.” I replied.

“In short yes and May I check your magic?” Myst asked.

“Alec checked already. But, sure go ahead.” I said and went to Myst and he puts hand on my chest again. I feel loud heartbeat again and he says, “This is weird. I am not quite sure which elements are strongest. Feels like Water to me.”

“Alec said dark and flame though? Are you guys sure that you checking mine and not your?”

“I am sure.”

“Then its weird. Is their anybody who posses all the Elements as strong hold?”

“Not many are there, but some are indeed. Magic attribute comes from blood lines. Like a Vampire posse many different bloodlines but the strongest ones are Blood control and time stop.”

“ I see.”

“Just like that Dragons have fierce attack types. While Humans can posses Special types. Demons and Angels are at their own level. Demons possess strong dark power. While Angels possess strong Light power. Fairies, Elves, Ghosts are posses different kinds too but I don’t know much about them.”

“You sure know pretty much a lot. Especially about Vampires.” I said.

“That’s because my mom was half-vampire,” Mei said.

“Wait… what?” I replied in a shock.

“She’s indeed right. My wife was a half-vampire. But, I’m not sure if Mei adopted some vampire characteristics from my wife.”

“It is surprising. What kind of magic you use, Mei?” I asked

“Ice type. Which I also inherited from my mother.”

“I see.”

Her mother was probably more dominant than Myst. But then why she doesn’t have proper vampire magic.

“What type of Vampire your mother was?” I asked.

“A Blood Control vampire.” Mei replied.

“I see.” I replied.

“Anyways, that’s all. Head to capital city for more info tomorrow. I’ll handle things in village.”

“Yea. We will but I have more things to talk.” I said.

“like what?”

“Why did you recruited orip?”

“Uh! I didn’t. They begged me and said they wanted to be have a strong background. But, I would asks them to run errands. I doubt they can even kill a goblin.”

“They are that weak?”

“Yeah. They never practised Magic before.”

“No wonder I beat them easily. But I’m still confused about Alec.”

“And why is that?”

“That purple thing right now and his story? That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Maybe. I don’t know.”

“Yeah. Anyways, one more thing. I saw a maid before going to meet up with a shady person in black robes.”

“Which one was that?”

“They all wear same cloths. Don’t know for sure. If I see face I can tell.”

“Now you are doubting our maids?”

“I’m not doubting. Its truth.”

“Well, we can deal with that tomorrow.”

“Are you sure about that?” I asked.

“Yea it’s nothing to worry about right.”

“If you say so.” I said.

“Good night. Rest well.” Myst said.

“Good night father. Take care.” Mei said to Myst and went into room.

“Night" I said and went to Mei’s room as she said she will teach me language. And she was ready with a board and a chalk in her hand.

“Oh, come in. Here I made alphabet chat. There are 45 alphabet-“

“just tell me sounds of the alphabets.” I said.

She starts telling me which alphabet sounds like which. I grabbed some and others not.

“ Sigh* I am done for now. Night."

“Good night!”

After that I went in my room.

I was laying in my room thinking about Reina. If she is also in this world, then how is she, is she even eating. And if she’s alright, how will I know it’s Rei... My hair colour changed in this world. But it’s same as game one. Uh, She had black hair in game too. I remember her face correctly. “Duhhhh!! I’m just talking in my brain!” I said to myself. “ I should sleep. Need to head to capital tomorrow” I said and went to sleep. And then I stared thinking about Alec. Should I trust him? Something is off about his story. Never mind, maybe I am over thinking. And no curse was placed on me somehow. Is he really a demon? He didn't even knew about country and the discrimination ended according to Myst. Just what the heck is going on. I probably need to look at past. I’ll ask myst tommorow.

About an hour later. I hear someone opening door. I turn back to see who is there. I see no one so I again try to sleep. But I can’t sleep. So I lay flat on my back and see something on ceiling. The glowwing white eyes are only visible. That thing tries to attack me by jumping on me. I roll over the bed and stand up. But, it managed to scratch my hand.

“Tch! Who are you?”

“We are the watchers from the underworld.” He said while storing drops of my blood in a bottle.

I hear a scream from Myst’s room.

“huh?! What was that?!”

“Looks like the work is done. You are dumber than expected, Sacred Devil.”

“No, you aren't going away that easily. I will visualize strongest black flames. ‘HELL FLAME! BURN OUT.’ “

The flames hit right on his shoulder. I turn on the light. He's the same guy the maid met and he’s in black robes covering his face too.

“These flames are fine. They hurt a little. If I wasn’t ordered to bring a mere sample, I would have killed you by now. It would be easier to take you rather than your blood but since your too weak, it will be a problem to store you and run experiment by boss.”

“What kind of experiment?”

“We want to see if you are compatible or not. This blood will be copied into a human for tests. Taking blood from the sleepy beauty demon was easier than you.”

“Compatible with what and why? And you took his blood too?”

“You will find out soon. The purple light of your friend will take everything from you soon. Get strong.”

“What is that purple light?”

“ A Seal.”

“What seal?”

“You will find out soon.”

“You were watching everything? And you aren't going to talk either?”

“Why should I reveal my plan to you? Not like revealing it will be any difference but still. A waste of time. And I already told enough. Don’t you think?”

“If you not going to talk. Then what I am waiting for. ‘Dark spear!’” I summon a dark spear and attack him but he easily bends the way out of window.

“How?!” I’m shocked.

“I told you. You are weak. These aren't true demon spells. Guess, you never learnt them.” He said.

That hit me hard. I got frightened for a second. My overpowered days didn't last too much. Or I wasn't over powered in first place...

“Then what you want from a weakling like me and what are true demon spells?”

“Just want to see your compatibility for the sake of my master.”

“And who’s your master?”

“One of The underworld Gods. U already heard his name. Bye, sacred devil.”

That person just disappeared into thin air after that.

‘What was that?’ I think to mmyself.Could he mean Delbrus. The name Myst mentioned. And then I hear another scream, “FATHER!!”

I rush to myst's room. He’s been stabbed by knife. I can see Mei crying.

Alec irwin came rushing. Some maids were with them.

Seeing Alec's face it reminded me of that assassin saying, “The purple light and black mana of yours will take everything from you?”

“Alec, you feeling better?” I asked.

“Yea but worry about me later. I hear the scream and woke up.” Alec replied.

I look at my hands and wonder what that guy meant. But I can’t be lost right now. This needs to make sense later on.

“Let us take a look at him.” Maids said

“Irwin. Give him potion and got get doctor fast! Alec, use healing spells you know with maids.”

“Its fine... let me die... they will come after me.. the maid... Dimnia...she’s possessed. Check on her fast..” Myst closes his eyes.

“Father, don’t speak! Rest only. Irwin will get doctor.”

“*Cough-cough* looks like the knife had some kind of poison...” Myst said.

“Irwin is coming. I go check on the maid. I think I know who Dimnia is.” I said.

I go down stairs and start looking. She’s not here. I check in bathroom, kitchen but she was sitting on dinning table all knocked out. I pick her up and take to Myst’s room. Irwin was already there with doctor. Doctor said, “Its critical. He might not make it.”

“Father, no.. You promised me to stay... Don’t die..” Mei said while crying.

“Doctor, check this maid. She’s possessed by someone.”

Doctor checks and breaks the spell.

“I’m sorry, mei... I couldn’t keep my promise... Allow me to meet with your mom now...”

Mei starts crying loudly.

“Sejiyoi, i have a request for you..” Myst asks.

“What is it?”

“Protect my daughter for me...”

“But, I’m weak...” I said with a sorrow face. I realized my over-confidence was nothing more than a sick illusion formed by beating a bunch of weaklings.

“You are strong... Thank...yo...” Myst passed out. Right in front of Mei’s eyes. He died. Mei was crying loudly...

“I’m not...”

I sit down near, Mei. I put my hand on her back...

“I don’t know what advice to give. But, you know, in my world I had a father too. I miss him a lot sometimes. He was best i could ask for. I cried too when I came here. But, then”

“Th...en..?” Mei asked.

“Then, I found a friend. He was ready to believe me in a world where no one knows me. He believed me and I’m here with him now. He shares the pain of losing someone precious too.”

I said that but in truth I was shocked from what just happened, what he meant. And who was Alec actually.

“Yes, it is true...”

“Your father gave me the responsibility to help you right? I will for sure. Now I promise that.”

Mei hugged me and started crying.

Alec hugged me and Mei.

“hehe.. You guys remind me of my best friends in my other world. We would always hug each other after meeting so long. They were like my brothers.”

“Really? Glad to hear that.” Alec said. I look at his face and again I see.

‘The purple light of your friend will take everything from you..’

I’m afraid. But, why... I’m not showing them but I’m afraid. I never expected a different world would turn out to be this much.. I sighed.

Maids take the body of Myst away.

I pat Mei and said, “Let me stand up now you two.”

They stop hugging and stood up. I stand up too.

“Doctor, Maids and everyone, I don’t want villagers to know that Myst was assassinated. Tell them he sacrificed himself to atone for his deeds.”

“Yes, Sir.” They replied.

“But, Seji... You will be lord of village now?” irwin asked

“No, irwin. You will. I trust you.”

“But why?”

“If I became lord I wont get anywhere.”

“Well sleep for now. night.” I said and as I was passing near from irwin i said in his ear, “Meet me in my room.” And I went into my room.

“Well I got to go now.” Doctor said and he went home.

“So do I. Take care young lady.” Irwin said.

“I’m going to my room.” Alec said.

Maids are gone too. Mei starts crying on the bed of her father by herself.

Irwin comes in my room as I told him.

“You called me? Sir seji?”

“Drop the sir. Just call me seji.”

“Yes, Si*- I mean Seji.”

“Anyways, i wanted to talk about village. You become the village chief. Take care of village. Now you can go.”

“Wait what?! You aren’t even trying to hear my opinion?”

“Well, I didn’t say you have a choice either. I’ll leave village tomorrow. You can let villager crumble or you can fix this village.”

“Alright. If you say so.”

“Yea and take care of that brat. They will come after me too.”

“They who?”

I told irwin what did i saw exactly and how i met the guy in black robes in my room too.

“I see. I’ll try to take care of her.”

“uh, fine. Go to your room I’m going to sleep. And wait listen. Get me some potions, money, compass and map. And other stuff in a bag tomorrow morning. And also, do you think the guild masters of top guilds can teach me? I’ll need to learn quite alot.”

“Alright sir. And I’m not sure, you will have to ask them yourself. Good night.”


I shut down the door, turn off the light and lay on bed.

I started talking to myself in my brain.

Nobody noticed my injury on hand. Probably, they were on trauma of Myst's death.

I don’t know what to visualize for healing spell..

I hope this gets well by tommorow. But what’s more is, I’m so weak... and what is a seal...

What he meant by that... and my blood, why... something is wrong... I never saw a farm near Alec's house. And his voice changed when seal started emitting light. I need to head to capital and find more about this seal without telling Alec. Pretty sure the word about his past triggered it.

Sigh* I am a walking destruction. Under world king ‘Delbrus'.

He's key to the lock of mysteries.

Far away in Delbrus's palace

A person sitting on a chair reading a book. His face is in shadow because of the pillar beside him. he’s wearing white cloths. The Black robe assassin arrives at palace.

“Master, I brought you the blood of the human and the half demon boy.”

“Is it from the black mana human? And you sure you saw seal on his neck?”

“Of course, My lord. I can’t be mistaken. The seal isn't undone completely though. But the purple pattern light formed on his neck was a complete hint.”

“Good job. Give them to me."

The Assassin hands blood collected from Alec and Seji.

“Here. But , Lord may I ask a question?”

“What is it?”

“Why didn’t you order to bring the human itself?”

“It would’ve been trouble for me. If he had seen Princess here. And if that half demon and half angel boy had came along with him, he would be a bigger problem. It’s been centuries since he was sealed away and now he’s awake even though the seal isn't broken for now. The mana he have with seal is still a lot.”

“I see. But, I could kill them both alone.”

“Maybe for now. But, You are mistaken, Kiriyo. They are stronger just don't know how to use that magic power . I gave you my vampire blood. That’s only reason you are this strong.”

“My Lord, I am always indebted with you.”

“It’s fine. I wanted to experiment. And you survived, that makes it great don’t you think so?”

“Indeed... Lord..”

“Did you saw your mother?” he asks with a grin.

“Yes, I did. She was doing fine.”

“Good for you then. Now dismiss.”

“Yes, Lord Delbrus. But one more question.”


“Our work is done. Why not kill him?”

“He Makes up for a perfect slave. If I kill him now, i wont be able to see the power of the Void. The Black mana which can posses every element. And that half demon's powers are at different level. Now dismiss.”

“I understand.”

The assassin disappeared..

A Women in blue yukata with flowers walks towards Delbrus.

“I’m going to sleep. Please don't try anything funny, Lord.” Women said.

“How long are you going to reject me? Just accept me and I’ll release you from this castle then.”

She turn around and replied.

“Not even in a thousand lives, Lord Alfonzo.” She grins

“Up to you, My little Princess Reina.”

“I’m not your Princess. I rather die. Anything else?”

“Keep waiting for a man who will never come.”

“That’s none of your business. Lord.” She went away in a room.

To be continued...

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