《All In One》Wait, A kiss?


Kira's whole body from around his eyes to the leg was covered with golden colour strips, with only leaving some parts for the skin. That strips were shiny as gold.

Kira “This power... Is so painful" said in a frustrated way.

Nazo was really shocked. “How... But how can you be worthy of that power... You are a disposable human... And I am a God, Then why I am not worthy of that". Said fearfully.

“How should I know about that". Kira was still in pain from that cosmic power.

Kira slowly-slowly stands up and says “I... I can't even control this much power".

Nazo thinking “Its even a wonder that you are worthy of that power". Then Nazo says -

“You still don't know how to use that power, So let's finish this match right now," he said with a smile.

But, An teleportation circle opens and someone came out of it and says -

“I will train him". It was a female voice.

Nazo looks at her and said -

“What do you mean by that Kurisu".

She had black (medium length) hair with twin tails, Red and black mix colour outfit. That teleportation circle just opened 5 meters behind Kira. She came near Kira almost 2 meters, Smiled and said -

“So you are the 2nd user of the cosmic eye".

Kira thinking “Why she is so close..."

And on the next second, she puts her foot on Kira's foot and kisses him on lips, Sure was a deep kiss :-).

Kuro and others “What!!!" Said shockingly.

Kira thinking “Why can't I move"

She took her foot off Kira's foot and releases Kira and she smiles and says -

“I am choosing you for the upcoming Cosmic Tournament".

Kira takes a step back, Then blushed and shouted “Hey... Wait that's not a valid reason and you can't kiss any random person you want".


Kazuto “Damn dude... I think it was probably her's and your first kiss"

Kira shouted, “Who are you even calling dude and how the heck are you even awake in a moment".

Then another teleportation circle appears and someone came out of it -

Nazo “And Riyu you are here too".

He was also around 15-16, Red t-shirt and white pants. (Also with black hair)

Kira “If someone else wants to come here now is the time".

Riyu “Is this guy for real?"

Kazuto was healed with Kira's new power and Mitsu too. Mitsu superspeed towards Kira and stands beside him.

Mitsu “Shall we start this party".Said with a smile. His both eyes were awakened at that time.

Kurisu “I told you already that I am taking you for The Cosmic Tournament".

Kira “Like the hell, I would listen to you guys".

Kira tries to flow his right eyes power in his right hand but it wasn't happening, But then Kira saw Kurisu's right hand and Kira was shocked, His lightning power was there in Kurisu's right hand -

“What the... How?" Said shockingly. Mitsu and Kuro were also surprised.

Nazo “I think you should listen to us first then decided your actions"

Kira sighed and said, “Ok... Go ahead".

Kurisu “So are you gonna come with us for the cosmic tournament or not?"

“What is this Cosmic Tournament anyway?"

“This tournament is held in every 2 Billion years..." She just said that and

Kira “Are you kidding me?"

Mitsu “I am not sure what are you talking about?"

Kuro from around 200 meters away “What are they even talking?"

Kurisu “Yeah I forget to tell you that you are immortal until you have that cosmic power".

Kira took a step back and “Wait... What!!!" Said shockingly.


Mitsu “Plots only looks good in the manga".

Kuro “Should it be safe for me to go near them?" He still has no idea what's going on.

But suddenly from Kira's body that strips slowly-slowly started to disappearing and Kira felt dizzy “My head..." Said dizzily. And Kira was going to fall on the ground but Riyu teleported behind him and grab his t-shirt's collar and “So what now?".

Kurisu “We shall go to that town and clean all the mess Kazuto and Nazo made".

Kazuto and Nazo in a shameful way -

“Yeah...". That Fight Kira had with those two were almost 1 and a half hours.

(8 hours later)

It was evening time at around 6:00 pm. Kira woke up in a bed when he took a look around the room it was Kira's room in the mage academy. Kira's head was still spinning and he still felt little dizzy. He slowly wakes up and sits properly on the bed.

“Ahh... My head... And why I am here I was there on the battlefield. Then Kira remembers about that Kiss and that ‘Cosmic Tournament'.

“Ohh... How could I forget that thing".

Then he stood up and goes near the door and opens it but he saw no one there -

He saw left and right, “Wait... Where is everybody". Said dizzily.

Then “Wait... Did those four people k..." Said shockingly.

He was checking every single room shouting -

“Kuro... Mitsu... Mira... Ken".

He checked every room, But he found no one. And then he came near the exit which leads towards the training then he saw... Every single person from Elibasta town was present there and those four too.

When they saw Kira then they bowed down a little and -

“Please accept our apology".

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